This is a fan concept created by a tenno known as Daemonstar in March of 2016 and was first featured on Prime Time 111 back when they showed fan concepts on the stream. About a year went by and once again on Prime Time 150 she was being lived sculpted by lead character artist Ray, which is when I first saw this concept. Needless to say I and possibly many other who remember this fell in love with the design, but alas nothing has been heard from on this warframe in over 2 years. I just want to remind and bring awareness to this warframe who at one point appeared as though she was in development. Probably the only thing I would change from her 2016 concept is take out her enemy possesion ability as having AI on your side isnt really valuable. If Geoff ends up seeing this somehow hopefully he doesn't get too annoyed as I have gone up and humbly asked him the last 3 tennocons about her. Hopefully she gets taken out of the digital filing cabinet one day <3.
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