over 4 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link

Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.5

Avionics Drop Chance Increase + Dirac Resource Drop Change:

Dirac is one-size-fits-all resource for Railjack upgrading - from Grid to Avionics. Wreckage can be scrapped for it, Avionics can be scrapped for it, and it can be found virtually everywhere in Railjack missions. Avionics are an important part of your Railjack customization and power experience, and are only found in a few places.

For this round of changes, we are doing the following:


  • Removed Dirac from Grineer Fighter Drop Tables. This now means everywhere else (mission complete, scrapping, point of interest, etc) are the best sources for Dirac. Having Grineer Fighters be the best source for everything was overkill - they now are Avionics and Resource focused. 
  • Increased Avionics Drop Chance from 10% to 15% from Grineer Fighters. This means you will come across Avionics more frequently, thus - more chances at ones you don’t have, and more Dirac chances from your duplicates. 
  • Increased the Wreckage Dirac Scrap Values across the board by 3x.
    MK I Wreckage increased from 25 to 75 Dirac.
    MK II Wreckage increased from 50 to 150 Dirac.
    MK III Wreckage increased from 75 to 225 Dirac.
    This also fixed an issue with Clan Engines not all scaling correctly. 

Next up on our list is Resources overall, universal Loot Pickup sharing, and more!


Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Crewships now have their own unique enemy marker to differentiate them from all other fighters around!
  • Removed (for real this time) Credit Caches from the Railjack rewards, as the ‘bonus rewards’ still included Credits. 
  • Elite Kosma Flaks will now only use their shield ability if facing their target.
  • Removed Resource collection sound for all items except: Carbides, Copernics, Cubic Diodes and Pustrels due to a constant stream of that specific sound because it happens for every single pickup. Sound is now reserved for important Forging Resources!
  • Fixed an exploit where Turret encounters would infinitely respawn despite not being intended to (nor Grineer having the means to generate infinite turrets, yet).
  • Fixed inability to complete a Railjack mission with a Pulse Turbine objective if a Host migration occurred, due to vulnerable radiators respawning and breaking the objective.
  • Fixes towards Clients taking a longer time than normal to load back into a Railjack mission after a Host migration has occurred. Clients will typically take longer than the Host to load back in, but hopefully this cuts down the load time a bit.
  • Fixed Armament Wreckage not showing their innate bonuses before and after Repair. The before Repair stats can be seen by selecting the Armament Wreckage and pressing TAB.
  • Fixed unequipping and equipping Railjack Components resulting in their upgrades stacking. 
  • Fixed a potential script error with the Missile Platforms in Railjack missions. 
  • Fixed a script error when using the Railjack Particle Ram.


  • Fixed Octavia using the default songs for Clients.
  • Fixed Kubrow animations popping/jittering when returning to the Incubator after the menu is opened.
  • Fixes towards Syandana’s clipping through Excalibur Zato Skins body.
  • Fixed a script error when the Eidolon Teralyst screams.
  • Fixed a script error when casting numerous Archwing abilities.
  • Fixed a script error when casting numerous Warframe abilities.