almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
2 minutes ago, Rhundis said:

So what I'm understanding from this is it basically affects users who use a monster at a higher resolution than what they game at? 

For myself I've always played Warframe full screen 1080p, as I only have one monitor and my native resolution is the same as the games. Does that mean I'll be unaffected by this issue? My understanding of computers goes as far as how to build them and that's it. You lose me with the code magic.

If Windows is set to 100% scale none of this should matter.

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
5 minutes ago, Rhundis said:

By scale do you mean the over scale function? I haven't played with that since I re installed my os but on my old build I had it upscaled due to black bars around the edge of my old monitor which gave it a letterbox feel. Thanks for the reply though.

Windows 7:


Windows 10:


almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
Just now, NightmareT12 said:

A great insight, unfortunately I am unsure I can grasp it all. Anyways, I have a question: If we use options such as DSR or Downsampling, what should we expect to happen or how does it usually behave? (say, I have a 1920x1080 monitor, enable DSR on Nvidia CP because I got a good card, select 4K. Would I be affected?)

Also, does stuff like this:

Lend a hand at all?

Thanks for your time Glen.

Anything you make the driver do after we hand off the frame-buffer is out of my control -- I don't know what it'll do.