7 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

24s wake up ten you are need it is time
30s [Music]
37s it is
38s [Music]
50s time something's
54s [Music]
59s happening
63s [Music]
83s up find the power ourself in
89s time
94s [Music]
97s hey dreams we are up and ready
103s to there just is no holding you are
111s back hey
113s dreams check your and keep the gas tank
119s full
126s keep your heads down anday clear of
130s [Music]
149s off
153s [Music]
172s dream
176s [Music]
179s dream
182s [Music]
196s [Music]
212s [Music]
221s there is
224s no you
227s are are you
230s [Music]
231s late it is
234s [Music]
239s time it is
246s time it is
265s [Music]
269s time
272s [Music]
276s Believers listen don't try to tell me
279s that the power of belief is broken just
282s look at what the void is done in my life
285s don't say that you expected more return
288s from your investment you simply didn't
290s have the faith it required don't try to
293s say I'm just another dealer of
295s redemption I've got the only kind of
298s Faith you can buy it doesn't matter what
301s the circumstance of your belief is just
304s giv me credit you feel it'll be all
307s [Music]
323s rightest partic believers lovers of
327s prophet devout followers of the Void
330s listen do you crave Redemption the void
334s be the word and the word be propit do
337s you want what I have received do you
341s want it for yourself then let your
345s credit be the seed of your Prosperity
348s the void be the word and the word be
351s profit I used to be AED groom and
354s working for my credits until I learned
356s what life was really about but now I'm
360s living on the seeds of your donations
362s because my face is strong enough to turn
364s it around don't try to tell me about the
368s vagaries of growth and Profit the void
370s has given us a simple
372s design you put together all the earnings
376s you've been saving up and you call me up
378s so we can kiss every one of them
381s [Music]
385s goodbye
387s Aver comes
390s it's Illuminating the void is waiting so
393s give us all your savings receive the
397s void this spend the is
402s bless to
411s [Music]
418s the
421s [Music]
424s Scoundrels Heretics Believers slovers of
428s prophet devout followers of the Void
431s listen do you crave Redemption the void
436s be the word and the word be Prophet do
439s you want what I have received do you
443s want it for yourself and let your credit
447s be the seed of your prosperity the void
450s be the word and the word be profit have
453s you given your offering
461s [Music]
473s [Music]
478s today
483s hello everybody good afternoon good
485s morning good night hope you're doing
487s well on this lovely Thursday it's Prime
489s Time episode
490s 383 and we are just so thrilled to be
493s with you today on such a round number
495s 383 it's good mouth feel yeah 383 it's
499s all just swoops swoops some missing
502s swoops missings one complete Schoop mhm
504s we got swoops today hope you got swoops
507s as well hope we got some drinks some
509s snacks cuz here for the next few hours
510s as we play Warframe give out prizes do
513s some fan art we got dojo we got it all
515s tonight and we're very happy you're here
516s before we start let's do a couple
517s introductions my name is Megan I'm your
519s community director on Warframe and to my
522s left is Taylor I'm the community live
525s ops manager that's right that's right
528s and in the cold pot tonight we have
531s JY I'm sorry you probably wanted to do
533s the oh no microphone good I got it
537s interrupted and on the streaming PC is
539s the the one the only room hello hello
542s all right let's get into a bit of
543s housekeeping before we jump into gam
545s play today first and foremost for if you
548s don't mind going to Fan Art uh as we
550s mentioned devstream 178 already
552s announced March 22nd we will be having
556s our next devstream it feels like we just
558s had devstream 177 and we're back at it
560s with 178 and it's going to be at PA East
565s in Boston mosus on March 22nd and it's
569s live from the main stage so if you are
571s physically going to be at PAX East you
573s can come and hang out watch it live
576s hopefully we can come and chat and say
577s hi afterwards or before we'll be
579s lingering around of course uh but we
581s will be doing the dev stream live from
583s Pax on the main stage we'll be uh co-
586s streaming it as well to the Warframe
587s Channel um you can also watch it on the
589s pack Channel if you so want to uh and
591s then of course we're doing our tenno VIP
594s part what are we going to ask Community
597s questions sorry I was just so ex we will
598s have a Q&A segment so if you want to ask
600s us to Nerf Trinity and then propose to
602s your girlfriend could be good to do that
605s all in one go it could be the place it
607s could be the place uh yeah as a part of
610s the dev stream kind of a classic PX you
612s know paneles we will have a a Q&A
615s segment at the end it's going to be uh
617s on the stage uh Reb Jeff and myself as
620s well as uh we're bringing Ben star on uh
624s during the stream as well to talk about
625s 1999 and Arthur so we got a lot of
627s really exciting things planned for that
629s Dev stream so I hope we can watch I hope
631s if you're there you'll come and and hang
633s out maybe get your questions no your
635s answers to your questions from us we can
637s hang on afterwards and then there is the
638s Ten VIP event that is happening that
641s same day later on uh it is a soldout
643s event currently but there is a wait list
645s uh you know in case tickets do come up
647s if people cancel their tickets you could
649s come to tenno VIP no ticket needed other
651s than a px east ticket to come to the
653s devstream if you want to come to ten VAP
656s uh you will need a ticket for that and
657s like I said currently sold out but a
658s wait list doesn't
660s exist moving right along couple
664s announcements for Tenon 2024 we did
666s announce that the tickets for coming to
669s the event the physical tickets to for
671s coming to Tenon 2024 and the digital
674s packs are going to be released on March
676s 28th at 11:00 a.m. eastern time and on
680s the next Dev stream at packs we are
682s going to show you for the first time
684s what the digital items look like and I
687s don't think you're ready for it you're
688s not I really don't
690s so good I don't think you're ready for
691s it but I'm very excited to show you uh
693s so those will be going live March 28th
695s so set your calendars set your alerts as
697s well for tennocon we are going to be
699s doing the cosplay contest and
700s submissions are open if you want to
702s secure your spot for the cosplay contest
704s that can be both competitive or just the
706s for fun you want to show off your really
708s cool cosplay uh live on stage with us uh
710s the submissions are open you can do
712s exclamation point cosplay secure your
714s spot uh and then share with us you know
716s your work in progresses along the way
717s and we'll see you at Tenon and then as
720s well another uh open for submissions are
723s the Community Showcase submissions are
724s open uh this is um if you're familiar at
728s tenacon we had a tenacon museum where we
730s had a whole bunch of fan art props
732s replicas uh we're making it a much
734s bigger space this year uh on the main
736s floor and we want to uh get your stuff
739s so we want would love if you would love
740s to submit to the Community Showcase uh
743s and we'll get your stuff showcased at
746s Tenon exclamation point showcase for
748s that one a link to submission
750s and yeah just really excited for tenac
751s conin 24 obviously as we get closer to
754s the date and just in general we'll share
756s more uh but the launch of the tickets
759s and the digital packs will be kind of
761s the next
763s big big things just thanks it's gonna be
766s incredible it's gonna be so
768s fun it's it's coming up uh anyways uh on
773s to iOS just a quick reminder we've
775s launched on iOS the entire Warframe game
778s is on your iOS device if you so choose
780s to download it uh thank you so much to
783s everyone who has already downloaded it
785s and has been helping us with uh logs
788s reports crashes You Know audio this
791s performance that uh really really
793s Monumental for our team to be getting
795s those reports and I know coron Community
797s has been working really hard to talk to
799s you guys one-on-one and figure out your
801s issues and get them resolved uh I
803s believe we are still working on another
804s hot fix uh before we kind of go into the
807s Dante Unbound develop Vel M pipeline
810s heads down kind of thing so uh if you
812s are a iOS user you might see a hot fix
815s uh hopefully this week before the
817s weekend approaches so stay tuned for
818s that uh we'll obviously let you know and
820s and Corey will be posting the notes as
823s he does in the forums when that does
825s happen and then not Warframe but again
830s our sweet baby Soul frame uh they just
832s did a update to their uh s Soul frame
835s preludes which is kind of like their
837s Alpha you know some some fun uh new
841s things got added to the build as well
843s they sent out over
846s 10,000 Soul frame preludes keys to
850s people who have reserved their Envoy
852s title uh so if perhaps you want to check
854s your email check your spam account check
857s your draft no not your drafts I don't
860s know check your email could be you uh
862s you could have gotten a soul frame uh
864s invite to preludes and you can check out
866s Soul frame preludes kind of 1.1 they
868s added this really cool new bow to the
870s game and just some really awesome stuff
872s Sarah has been uh Sarah from the
873s community team has been keeping the uh
877s Soul frame Discord up and running with
879s all of the additions and talking to you
881s guys over there and also you know we've
883s been doing hot fixes on Soul frame for
885s Prelude so uh just really exciting over
887s there so definitely check your email if
889s perhaps uh you have a uh Envoy title and
893s it could be you given a key what else
896s Tay oh man there is so much uh tagur our
902s beautiful little baby guy uh he
905s officially is getting his own plushy via
907s makeship so we've done hubac we've done
909s Bird 3 but I have seen so many comments
912s about people wanting to give tag for a
914s hug and now this is your chance you
916s don't have to well I mean it'll probably
918s come before it'll probably come after
920s Dante B so you can hug them in game yeah
924s but like then you can hug him in life
925s yeah oh he's so cute he's perfect anyway
928s uh you can use x Point tag for if you
930s want to get in on this limited campaign
932s if you don't know anything about
933s makeship the items are around for 21
935s days and then once they've been funded
938s they're gone I believe so you have 15
940s days if you really want your own little
941s tag for he has been fully funded because
943s of course he has been he's the best uh
946s but yeah exclamation point tag for in
949s chat if you want to grab your own oh
950s scar boy says can I eat it you can
952s physically yes uh I don't suggest you do
956s but maybe you have the owls of a God I
960s don't know but I'm going to suggest you
963s don't anyways Taylor what else you he
966s just live in his best grandle life you
967s know what I appreciate that but I I'm
969s not here to judge I'm not here to judge
971s we also have I guess I don't have an
972s asset about this uh but we have some
974s wonderful new Warframe content creators
976s who have joined the Creator program so
978s Zach sent us this lovely list and I'm
980s going to go through them uh so we have
982s Zed coichi on Twitch uh who's a
984s Portuguese streamer we have Eve captura
986s on Twitter who's a capture artist
989s Rebecca wus on Twitter who's a fan
990s artist well played ninjas on YouTube
993s sers on Twitter who's also a fan artist
996s cyber antagonist on Twitter another fan
998s artist so much fan art uh just old Prime
1001s on Twitch Dera art on Twitter a fan
1006s artist Vera 73 on Twitter who's a fan
1008s artist anava ivy on Twitter another fan
1011s artist and a beautiful black natto 7 974
1015s on Twitch who's French oh my God these
1018s like some of these names names I've just
1020s been they like old friends that's what I
1022s mean like seeing D on that you can go
1024s back to Prime Time episode 7 and see
1027s dkar like that just like makes me so
1029s happy and like there's so many names on
1030s that list that I recognized yes like
1033s welcome welcome to the Creator team yes
1036s everyone on that list so happy to have
1038s you uh and to be a part of creators
1041s amazing uh Ellen twitch drops I've seen
1044s a lot of people talking about twitch
1046s what about about it I think I can I got
1049s you oh you're an angel uh so for those
1052s watching you have kind of a tenai themed
1054s campaign today so you can get one of
1057s three of the common tenai mods Master's
1060s Edge opportunities reach yes and
1063s conditions Perfection so you get one of
1064s those it's random whatever varia chooses
1067s for you and then the second drop after
1069s 90 minutes is the exus Warframe weapon
1072s exess weapon adapter and then drop three
1074s is just a A Relic back just for fun as a
1077s a fun bonus so so it is a 2-hour drop
1080s campaign it's designed with the
1082s intention of also watching Warframe
1083s International but because we started a
1085s little early maybe if you got here right
1088s on time we might be able to squeeze it
1090s in for you so yeah we might go a couple
1091s minutes over I linger you know say and
1095s then also I've seen some comments from
1097s folks about not seeing twitch drops
1099s campaigns on iOS so as a reminder
1101s because Warframe is now on iOS we are
1103s beholden to another policy on twitch's
1105s end where unfortunately those watching
1107s on the iOS Twitch app doesn't matter
1109s what game you play like what platform
1110s you play war from one just what you
1111s watch Twitch on if you're watching on
1113s your phone or your iPad your iPhone or
1115s your iPad um unfortunately you're not
1116s going to be able to claim campaigns via
1119s that app anymore you are going to be
1120s able to still earn progress and then uh
1123s you can go to a browser on your phone
1125s like Safari or on your computer and
1127s you're just going to be able to claim it
1129s there so it's a little bit of extra work
1131s but it still mostly works so the you
1134s still get the drop is the point you just
1136s have to claim it somewhere else you
1137s still get the drop on iOS might look a
1140s little funky you just got to claim it
1141s somewhere else that's it but you should
1143s still be able to just chill if you're
1144s hanging on your iPhone on the toilet for
1146s like two hours two hours you're going to
1149s get a hernia Taylor oh my God I'm not
1152s judging but Megan is anyway uh yeah I am
1156s cuz you you must have the world's
1159s comfiest toilet cuz my feet would be
1161s asleep that's very true five
1164s minutes maybe I have bad blood flow
1166s anyways anyway anyways you can continue
1169s whatever habits you do you'll just have
1171s to claim it a little differently may you
1173s want to sit on the toilet over the
1174s weekend you could get these drops Taylor
1178s exactly for only an hour for only 30
1181s minutes which is honestly better
1182s probably for your hernia oh my God so
1186s tomorrow uh Friday March 8th from 6:00
1189s a.m. to 7:00 a.m. ET so we'll see you in
1191s like 12 hours uh our wonderful Japanese
1193s streamer Kalan 75 is going to be giving
1196s you a display glyph for 30 minutes and
1199s then on Saturday March 9th from 900 p.m.
1203s to sorry 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. uh
1204s Pocket Ninja will be giving you the chap
1207s domestic drone oh chappy chappy chappy
1209s chap CH so uh watch those all the
1212s details are in our forarm thread um that
1214s you can find it in game news I'm sure we
1216s tweet about it as well so yeah lots of
1218s drops lots of toilet watching and as we
1221s mentioned Charlie is here doing top 10
1223s comments during the stream she's in the
1224s cold pots she's also in the prime time
1227s Discord we have an open com are they
1229s putting animal pictures in there Charlie
1231s no they're talking about Ric cabbages
1233s right now cabbages what about them good
1235s or bad good good okay and how all the
1238s EXs adapters are tomatoes right tomatoes
1242s mhm the red one the Warframe ones cuz
1244s they're red oh I could see that I could
1246s see that you know what else I could also
1248s see what 1,000 Platinum to someone on
1251s Twitch lucky twitch viewer wow look at
1254s that who's it going to be 1,000 Platinum
1256s going to Acky twitch viewer by the name
1257s of Taylor who is is it dude cool 388 oh
1261s my God almost the number of Prime Times
1263s uh congratulations SWS he's got so many
1266s swoops that's why he's so
1268s cool anyway message us on the warfame
1271s channel you're watching on with your
1272s Warf musicame the platform you play on
1273s we'll get your plot you can have it Mr
1276s swoops Mr swoops all righty let's go to
1280s game play today our goal is twofold
1283s threefold actually CU you're also
1285s joining the fold uh we're going to do
1287s some just classic cavia bounties get our
1290s standing up prepping for Dante on bound
1292s maybe there's new things to buy with
1294s standing I don't know uh let's just get
1296s into it and as well Taylor and I both
1299s have uh some ribons that we want to
1301s crack I'm going are you going full melee
1303s as well or no I can't cuz it's a pistol
1305s ribon oh it's a pistol ribbon okay it's
1307s fine uh I'm going full melee anaros why
1310s you may ask because I am doing a kill 72
1313s enemies with finishers in one day and my
1317s desiccation will allow me to do just
1319s that with mayos soon to be reworked with
1322s Dante Unbound very exciting for him and
1325s you're doing a similar one as well right
1327s uh it's like what is my challenge I
1329s think guess i' just have to kill like 50
1331s people without dying just murder just
1333s murder just murder Reckless murder
1335s murder all right if you'd like to join
1337s us today for some cavia bounties for
1340s some Riven unlocking would love if you
1342s whispered me in game de Megan this is me
1345s on any platform if you would like to
1347s play uh andm what do I want to
1349s know what do I want to know what anime
1353s are you watching right now I knew I knew
1355s it no you didn't I did you're going to
1357s ask about jjk but close enough close
1359s enough what anim are you watching the
1361s answer is none why why is the answer
1365s not I don't last air bender that counts
1368s kind of hold on let me get that iron
1371s blooded orphans just is that good rof
1374s it's Gundam
1376s oh I many Gundam spin-offs so many a lot
1381s uh just finished jjk love it all right
1383s all right you said you said the right
1385s word get in here
1387s lunar uh oh wait no oh that was lunar oh
1390s I'm so sorry I oh oh I see I see what
1393s happened dungeon meshy with my wait is
1395s that the one where they're trying
1396s they're cooking monster stuff
1401s anyone
1403s cooking yeah okay all right Tam resc
1406s you're in I just want to know what
1407s everyone else is watching Venture uh I
1409s don't watch anime but I want to watch
1411s flcl boy Coe how do you know what that
1415s is flcl is like like '90s early 2000s
1419s animey
1421s Coy all right Venture because you as so
1424s Polly in all caps we'll get you next
1427s round with a
1429s heart yeah it also has a Rockin
1432s soundtrack oh they really want you to
1433s look at clear all right fine fine I'll
1435s look oh it's kind of sentient
1439s yeah giving sentient Vibes terrifying
1442s given I've SK enemies alive and I wear
1448s it yeah what are you watching Free Run
1452s oh [ __ ] oh my God it's so good it made
1455s me I cry every
1458s episode no lie this is just Megan
1462s responding to the the stream no I'm not
1466s it's so funny this is in my hour okay we
1468s have lunartic CP and Tamarisk ready to
1472s go let's head on over to the
1476s San let's go s JoJo is better I'm not
1482s I'm not tearing any
1484s anime all anime is great M I'm just
1487s saying I'm watching some right now and
1489s it's blowing my
1490s brain like frein fre
1494s fre you have a sakuna tattoo Neo Senai
1498s I'm I'm going to need a pick I'm going
1499s need a pick okay this is a little wild
1502s but okay never mind no okay wild I was
1506s thinking about okay I really want to get
1508s my hands tattooed I know I know I do too
1511s they same they'd be amazing oh my God
1513s everyone here we need one um but I want
1515s to get like Palms hands just covered I
1519s want to cover them all and I had and I
1521s want like a full design I don't want you
1523s know words like I just want to go um and
1526s I was like ooh maybe I could do Aon a
1528s finger anyways anyways we don't need to
1531s go there uh bounties what do you want to
1534s do we got Alchemy we got survival we got
1536s mirror we got asassination we got
1538s extermin exterminate is probably going
1540s to be easiest yes for what you want to
1542s do so I would say that hey I can take a
1545s challenge to okay I'm kidding we can do
1548s we can do whatever you want we can do
1549s all five yeah there we go perfect we
1551s don't need to to be shy about it bleach
1555s top bleach best top three uh I didn't
1558s really get into bleach I'm not I'm sorry
1561s I'm sorry I was more into like
1564s inasa okay I was going to say if you
1566s want a hand tattoo are you going to get
1567s the moroku oh I'd have to rewatch and
1571s see if it still hits the way it did he
1573s also was a creep so you probably don't
1576s want to be maroku but it's still badass
1578s it's still badass it's still badass I
1580s think he redeemed himself I don't
1581s remember it's been so long that's what I
1583s mean like I completely forget the plot I
1585s remember trying to watch it a while back
1587s and I got wholeheartedly judged by the
1589s person I live with and I was like you
1591s know what I'm just going to go watch
1592s this Up in My Room by myself okay like
1594s episode but episode one of in Asha is
1596s wild so many things happen in episode
1598s one like there's deaths and I was just
1601s like it was a lot of character
1603s development MH very quickly they just
1606s yell that you TR other the time I know
1607s that's the kind of romance I
1609s want okay I'm I'm going to need I'm
1612s going I'm going need people to let me
1615s kill things oh yeah that's true no
1618s they're here to get the best let take of
1619s a
1623s slow oh my God oh my God everything's
1626s just dying I don't have a I don't have a
1629s chance who put this desk
1632s here a worst place desk I've ever seen
1636s pocket sand too strong honestly Anar
1639s doesn't need a rework you know what I'm
1640s saying just
1641s kidding it's too late take it back it's
1644s too late we're doing
1645s it I don't know if I can finish it a
1647s little laggies I don't know tough to say
1651s I can you for sure Noe someone's asking
1654s how the giveaways work you just got to
1655s be in chat logged in and then if the
1657s twitch picker God picks your name then
1660s it's that's all I might need to like
1663s deviate from the group here I know M's
1666s going to go off on her
1668s own um please
1671s die where's my dad
1676s I yeah
1680s such a stupid anime oh here we go so
1683s good all right one out of 72 baby we're
1686s on a roll hell yeah can I get a hell
1689s yeah hell yeah thank you thank you thank
1694s you see it's funny enough the
1697s inconsistency on the stealth finishers
1700s is being fixed in his rework cuz
1703s desiccation little inconsistent with the
1706s stabbing in the back so that
1708s that'll be tweaked the Dante but I think
1711s there are certain murmur enemies that
1712s don't even have finishes hooked up so we
1715s maybe pick the rolling Mission type but
1716s that's okay it's a more it's more
1718s challenge that's yeah like I don't think
1720s actually roog Culver can be finish so I
1723s need dogs sorry boogey to
1727s lookt your eyes I don't think I can
1730s finish her the limbs I don't think think
1734s it's dog stay stay sit down
1739s dog I need a
1741s dog
1743s dog where's the dogs John Wick is on his
1746s way
1748s stop
1750s stop can't bring John Wick into this
1752s Megan's just asking can I pet that dog
1754s can I pet that dog can IET that dog can
1757s I betet that
1758s dog yeah this is a oh dogs yes
1763s yes yes I can't see who's what hello
1769s wait leave the
1770s dog yeah oh we need the murmur S I was
1774s not paying attention oh someone got to
1775s find it someone got it oh we didn't do
1777s it okay no that's not me I'm looking for
1780s dogs to murder dog
1784s dog stay stay dog down dog sit boy Sit
1790s Boy the last sh you'll ever do oh man
1795s okay I got to rewatch new a now thank
1797s you y that was like the never mind the
1801s final season is wild I never finished it
1803s I never finished it either my parents
1805s would I would have to beg my parents to
1806s let me stay up till 11: 11:00 p.m. to
1809s watch it every night if you want to
1811s borrow the DVDs we have all of them oh
1813s my
1814s God that's really old school it'll be
1817s great sorry R it's probably not even
1820s Blu-rays I know it's okay what even
1823s plays non Blu-ray am I a boomer I maybe
1827s an
1828s Xbox okay maybe an Xbox down dog down
1832s down dog wait down no ah Sand's too
1836s strong I'm too
1839s powerful I need to be weak you're just
1841s beating up dogs I really am and I feel
1844s bad about it you're not a dog I don't
1845s want you oh I need one more one more one
1847s more one
1849s more okay perfect oh did you unlock
1851s yours I did I'm so excited what do you
1853s think it's going to be it's for pistols
1855s what if it's for a new court you
1858s oh chat what do we what do we think uh
1860s T's pistol Riven you're probably going
1862s to be the
1865s cestra why you say that so disdaining
1868s the don't like the I think it's going to
1877s be it's not a kick gun one is it nope oh
1881s okay let's go I'm going to go with the
1883s classic Lex I love the Lex are we going
1886s to extract or what are we doing sure
1888s we're waiting on you well not a lot of
1890s dogs not a lot of dogs not a lot of dogs
1893s okay we can do an endless one like Aly
1895s okay that's good idea let's do a harder
1897s on this one so my sand isn't uh one
1899s shotting
1900s dogs all right what's it going to be I'm
1902s going with
1904s Lex survey says survey
1912s says thinking about it oh go to her yeah
1915s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the
1918s plink that's pretty good nice so good oh
1923s even that roll is not too bad there's no
1925s negative
1926s but I'm here for it damn she's plinked
1928s up
1930s she plinked up on a
1933s Thursday all right I'm going to put my
1936s other you can watch me dream girlly says
1939s that's a good one congrats there you go
1941s plink it up
1942s baby uh let's do should we do a
1945s survival yes
1949s let's do all right we'll do a survival
1951s with this round and then we'll resquad
1953s up get some fresh faces in here and
1956s we'll keep going cuz I need
1958s dogs I need
1963s dogs why does twitch do give me
1965s notifications for you guys maybe we're
1967s Shadow band
1970s no just kidding Megan
1975s mr31 you're so funny it's almost like
1978s you play the unreleased version of the
1980s game more than it's true if the if we
1982s did the math on how much test build XP
1986s we have yeah shees sheesh we'd be
1988s legendary rank 34
1992s damn oh Auto breach baby all right save
1995s the dogs for
1997s me let me murder we point all the dogs
1999s there's dogs here
2001s where oh I'm coming I'm on me way just
2006s touching them just
2009s dog oh
2012s yeah more dog oh dog wait we're just
2016s going to watch it's not a dog a damn it
2019s the dog
2020s died dog ah no
2024s dogs idiots
2027s fools I need
2030s dogs
2033s onlys
2035s dos oh do dog come on oh another dog oh
2040s it's shocked it's interrupted come on
2043s come on oh
2046s God there's another
2052s dog
2055s link wait wasn't that last we doing our
2058s best link impression oh my god oh oh
2063s whoa sir what the hell that man jumped
2067s where'd he go dog oh is that someone
2070s else's dog I swear I saw a dog there was
2072s a there's a Hound here
2075s so that might be the confusion all right
2078s I'm just going
2079s to I think my favorite link sound I did
2083s it last week but it's wo
2087s woo it's so cute just iconic woo woo and
2091s then you can just make him do it
2092s repeatedly wo woo wo woo wo woo
2096s do
2098s the dog died all right y'all are too
2101s strong stop being strong I need dogs
2105s dogs M oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah dog
2110s oh another dog Double Dogs oh
2113s yeah 8 out of 72 baby we are making our
2118s way what it's my finisher oh it's the
2122s camera dog chose Dro oh thought that was
2125s a dog that was a person my eyesight's
2128s still poor you know we got to make sure
2130s you have ample time after this stream to
2132s get your dog murdering out of the way
2135s whoa whoo wo so you just don't go home
2136s and T you're
2138s like I would never of course not never
2142s sweet angel
2145s dog oh hell yeah oh hell look at that
2149s camera Tozer dog
2153s let's this is good this is good oh dog
2156s oh my
2158s dog do you have heat damage are you
2159s making hot dogs oh now that's a question
2164s and no actually I have toxin what does
2167s that mean uh it's the hot dog that's
2170s encased in epoxy oh oh delicious yummy
2174s yummy Homer
2177s Simpsons oh what the hell EXC what is
2180s happening oh I'm devouring no no don't
2183s eat the dog no stop it stop snack time
2187s stop it I know get out of it
2189s stop no I don't want to devour oh
2193s God
2195s no we don't eat the
2198s dogs don't eat the
2202s dogs
2205s sorry hey
2209s nice things
2211s are nice it's real
2215s nice the game just knows that you don't
2218s actually want to witness dog murder so
2220s it's it's yeah it's like wouldn't you
2222s like to just look at this tile exact
2224s look at how beautiful it Isle GI
2226s lighting yeah exactly have you seen the
2229s GI Lighting in this stle oh we have 60
2231s seconds oh we're
2236s okay I'm obsessed with the little
2238s blubbery be I want to hear all of Neil's
2241s takes
2244s for ma'am
2250s man' mhm uhhuh uh-huh that's nice look
2254s at those St oh there's so many dogs this
2256s is my
2258s moment this is my moment where's my
2265s dad all
2266s [Music]
2268s alone
2271s anyways unbelievable oh my God this
2273s camera is
2275s wild waa Jesus Taylor put that thing
2279s away oh you here sorry sunny in
2282s here oh no that's the other that's the
2284s other whis we have double two whis oh my
2287s God you invited two
2289s wisps one is enough I know
2295s truly where's the dogs come on instead
2299s you can't see anything on my screen it's
2302s fine listen war cry whsp is so much fun
2305s oh just speed just
2308s speed on top of the speed moat too yeah
2311s exactly is so man please let me let me
2315s stab come on yes oh I
2320s please 20 out of 72 we are on our way
2323s you're it's in one day right so does it
2326s reset at 7 uh it'll be fine oh it
2329s actually
2331s might oh no we got a Time on go we got
2336s to go oh maybe we should go somewhere
2339s where it's so not just dogs
2342s you oh no uh oh no no no let me stab you
2348s I have a time limit
2352s sir sir Oh my
2355s Jesus no don't die don't die don't die
2357s on me boy I can't see it's too much wo
2361s hello nope NOP can we get a fall over
2364s emote it's all about do I mean just let
2367s cuz I'm going to knock you over it's
2368s just punch me yeah trly beep oh that's a
2372s DI W Slinky I don't want you Slinky
2377s 25 what is that what I'm at Oh I thought
2381s 25 minutes I have less than 25 minutes
2383s wait do I you got 20 21 guys I I'm
2388s concerned I I'm there are so many necrs
2391s but I don't want any of them get out of
2393s my face get out of my face I'm here for
2396s dogs give me the dogs oh my
2400s God what are these
2404s visuals they are too
2407s strong no pressure ladies thank you I've
2410s already done
2412s mine tor's
2415s chilling I am concerned you'll be fine
2419s we can we canot do Cavo we
2421s can do like a real we can go bully some
2424s like Earth grineer you know I think once
2426s we get to like 10 minutes and I clearly
2428s haven't finished it oh my god um we
2431s might need to Pivot for the sake of my
2434s ribbon mhm makan his Bloom set to Turbo
2438s what can I say the PC is good uhhuh if
2441s it supports it I will crank it sir I
2444s don't have time for you I need Ducks oh
2448s no I found
2452s extraction dogs you're not a
2455s dog oh no oh no I'm just wasting time
2459s okay I think we got to go okay oh wait
2461s do you want no we got to go we got to go
2465s we got to get out of here I'm
2469s sweating man thank God time didn't
2472s change we lose an hour this weekend
2474s folks hate to say it hate to say it you
2478s also if you prioritize um eximus then
2482s you can mercy kill them regardless so
2484s like you can kill that Rogue cin
2488s it be
2490s nice it would be nice got
2493s it got it oh there another dog oh my God
2495s it's dog
2496s City dog heaven dog
2500s oh that's a sad
2502s movie come on give me sorry he's almost
2506s dead I didn't mean to you oh my god the
2508s Sabbath
2510s sash but if you go against the eamus
2512s you'll be able to mercy kill them
2514s regardless when they hit the threshold
2516s I'm assuming that's just so much work
2518s okay all right I take it back I'm sorry
2519s look how easy this dog kill
2523s is cut like I'm very excited for people
2526s to take that that quote out of context
2529s for the rest of your life nah n they
2532s wouldn't do that they're fighting girls
2536s they're
2538s fighting sorry I said I'm On Fire by
2540s accident that's okay oh oh [ __ ] that was
2544s brutal okay let's all right let's get
2546s out of here
2549s dog it's not dog but she sending them
2552s there oh no the dogs show up I will just
2555s have to a nice Farm up state or
2559s whatever yeah ah sh all right all right
2563s Travis is already cracking their fingers
2565s yeah mhm
2568s fact all right let good point another
2570s th000 Platinum perfect perfect perfect
2572s shall we absolutely
2575s absolutely
2577s 31 out of 72 and I have not a lot of
2580s time you got it you got it all right
2583s thank you so much to lunar TCP and Tam
2585s risk I hope you're enjoying free run a
2587s great pick uh I'm going to leave the
2589s sanctum atomica we're going to regroup
2592s okay we're going to go to a mission
2593s where I can stab people more easily what
2596s pla who's it going to T dredge Dred and
2599s Momo amazing congratulations you won
2601s 1,000 Platinum please message the
2603s Warframe Channel you're watching on with
2604s your Warframe username the platform you
2605s play on Dre Momo dang isn't that like
2608s that
2609s creepy woman thing that was like a meme
2612s for a while you lost me don't worry
2615s about it creepy woman wasn't it Momo oh
2619s I know exactly you get like a phone call
2621s from her or something you die yes don't
2623s do that oh my God it wasn't real oh my
2625s God it was fake all right
2628s Venture she oh God it wasn't real it
2632s wasn't real uh should we just I don't
2633s know void it up I don't yeah survival
2636s void Annie do in Annie we trust you can
2640s do it with Ash I can do it with anything
2642s I choose to do it this way mhm I choose
2646s we got Adventure in here and we got
2649s fanster
2651s Fister almost like
2654s Hamer the dogs are fictional of course
2656s these dogs are not real these dogs are
2658s not real it's all the dogs can't hurt
2661s that's true I could be like a bar I
2663s could be helping you but I feel like you
2664s have to this is your challenge to master
2666s your own I got
2667s what 17
2670s minutes oh you're per it'll be fine okay
2673s but everyone else has to sit on their
2674s hands yeah yeah yeah let me let me get
2676s some
2677s kills let me get some
2680s kills just let me in yeah we're just
2682s here to press the big old buttons oh
2687s Jesus oh god oh jeez oh my God they're
2690s I'm too strong no we're fine we're
2694s fine oh everybody's going to
2697s everybody's gonna die oh
2700s boy this is good the Octavia who's just
2703s over here oh God wait here here here
2706s there you go oh yeah I didn't do
2708s anything they're dying it was me they're
2710s too
2711s weak I need stronger
2714s foes don't die on me not to concern you
2717s but you have 15
2718s minutes what am I at 36 oh my God oh my
2723s God they're too
2724s weak we're too strong WR guys we got to
2728s go I don't think we can do it we got to
2730s go you got it you got it you got it you
2731s got it you got it they're just
2732s melting too strong we too strong we youo
2737s strong there you go there you go that
2739s was one Taylor that was one if you do
2742s one oh my God he just
2744s exploded they're too strong wa there's a
2748s will there's a way oh my God the scarabs
2751s the sand is too strong steel path I
2753s should have you're right I'm a fool of a
2756s two guys come on guys help help me get
2761s that cat out of here whose cat is that
2764s no they are absolutely killing them for
2768s you I swear I'm not here I'm just whose
2772s cat is this oh my God cor and I are just
2775s or sorry no octav and I are just
2777s teabagging in the corner it's fineone
2779s get away from me go somewhere else no SC
2783s is
2784s this get it out of here
2787s oh my God oh my goodness I'm actually
2789s profusely sweating finestra I love you
2793s I'mma need you to I need you to I think
2795s they're uh they might be sabotaging you
2798s but that's okay I will cry you don't
2800s want to see a grown woman cry true it's
2802s not good are you sure about that I don't
2804s know maybe they do D that cat is way too
2807s strong I know I'm just hanging out with
2809s Octavia all right and we're just
2811s chilling I can't hear the beat so we're
2813s just improperly squatting it's fine
2816s improperly you're going to hurt your
2817s back that's
2820s true
2822s okay you're being trolled by this I will
2826s leave they keep they keep casting storm
2828s of uko on you I know they're following
2830s me oh my God it's the last time I ever
2832s this is why I should have used l i could
2834s have just decoyed away sir you're mine
2837s damn it no God I'm too
2841s strong oh oh my God I am
2845s sweating
2847s touch I
2854s now get him make you can do it so
2857s focused right now trying not going
2859s quickly go ban this other account I'm
2860s joking it's a joke we're not we're not
2862s going to do it but Meg's got Meg's got
2864s to get it don't see what Tay is doing
2867s here did you die wasn't looking at my
2869s screen what do you
2872s expect oh my God where are the
2874s enemies come to me
2877s oh D come
2879s here come here no stop it stop it no
2883s stop
2884s it yes yes oh my God how much time I got
2888s left for listen all the inot ha listen
2892s he's getting a rework Let Him Live his
2895s best life while he can yeah this is his
2897s final hours I know this poor man before
2900s he gets his glow up he good he's just
2902s too strong that's the
2904s problem the Sand's too strong wrong it's
2907s okay we're on we're on a roll now look
2908s at this
2910s roll oh baby oh God slicing thighs like
2914s I was born to do it oh God it's
2917s beautiful all right everyone they're not
2918s even dogs everyone get away from me come
2920s on let me have this let me have this
2922s this is my moment yes help yes oh my God
2926s you're the best oops he died oh yes this
2929s is my moment this is it this is the
2931s corridor this is all we
2933s need yes yes oh this is it this is it
2938s we're slicing and dicing
2941s baby stop that you have 2 minutes no I
2945s don't no I'm just messing oh my God my
2947s God R can't do that to me okay I'm I'm
2950s I'm literally so close we have to make
2952s sure we extract though oh sorry M I'm in
2955s your corner I didn't realize where it
2957s was I'm getting I'm go my
2959s corner oh yes yes how do you like them
2964s apples baby oh my God jeez Jesus
2967s Jesus guys I'm so close don't do this to
2970s me don't do this to me I need this
2973s no yes
2977s yes come on let me have it let me have
2981s it oh sir oh my God come
2986s on oh yes yes
2990s yes yes yes this is it we're so close ow
2995s ow
2997s whoops too strong yes okay okay I'm like
3002s two away three away three three 69
3006s that's not a fat that's a person oh
3010s we're making it
3012s baby I know the issue is that I put down
3014s some whism so now you're electrifying
3017s them you Ru around over there you w
3019s there you were in your
3021s Corridor don't blame me Taylor I can't
3024s do this now someone k
3027s someone kill me right now you got uh a
3030s lot the vo no it's all my fault Taylor
3035s it is it's not you watched him do it why
3039s you placing them because that's where
3042s what people do when they play whisp do
3043s you just press walk this is a very
3045s unique Mission Taylor okay oh my her
3048s goals are not aligned oh my God I keep
3050s walking you keep walking oh my God I
3052s know they're on the map
3054s okay oh my God wa wait wait wait I am I
3057s am I am I'm recasting I'm so I despawn
3059s over there
3060s maybe I'm just going to keep recasting
3063s okay okay two away two away don't die
3066s don't die don't die stay alive stay
3067s alive Stay
3070s [Music]
3072s Alive come on two more don't do this to
3075s me whoa I'm
3077s invisible why is it not Des spotting
3080s them over there whatever oh come on two
3083s more where are they
3086s feel the music feel the music I know
3088s it's it's keeping I have 10 minutes to
3091s get two why where are they hello oh
3094s they're all with me that's why Taylor
3096s what am I supposed to do I'm just
3098s standing not these are the two okay okay
3101s okay okay yeah all right now let's leave
3105s let's get out of
3108s here let's get out this better be the
3110s best damn ribbon I have ever received no
3113s just it's going to be for the D or
3116s something who D I'll be nice C lasera
3121s Oher Siti Lera my dreams would be great
3125s or War broken War I'd take that oh yes
3128s yes yes all right chat melee Riven
3130s what's it going to be glaive ribon I'd
3133s take a glaive ribon would be great the
3136s Fang
3140s Prova Nana Nana that I could put her on
3145s the new deck coming with the anniversary
3147s stuff mhm Venture get your butt over
3150s here thank you all right here we go look
3152s at these Moes the
3155s sabot two of them double oh my God I can
3159s craft so many things War sun and moon if
3161s I got for the Sun and Moon that'd be
3163s sick sick
3165s tatso the
3167s sheave I'm the best damn sheave ever all
3170s right chat here we go Lady
3174s Luck
3180s okay oh my got crit and Status okay okay
3183s okay I could make a little crit
3186s machine okay not bad not
3190s bad all right that was uh that was a lot
3192s of work but it was worth it it was worth
3195s it I think we could still do some cavia
3197s stuff though I agree Discord is calling
3199s rigged for what
3202s rib for what what could possibly be
3205s rigged the stats are really good uh but
3208s on both of your weapons just for you
3210s I'll roll
3212s it just for you I'll roll
3215s it how do you like that
3217s that's should I yeah let's do
3220s it all right what's it going to
3226s be n oh no God no let's do it again lady
3234s look
3236s nah Beach come
3238s on come on give me something make a real
3243s one for Rolling
3245s gas
3247s gas not too bad that's status
3251s though that
3254s Krypto that Krypto I think you might be
3256s right left might be better a little bit
3259s my honest opinion gas is pretty gas
3261s though it's pretty gas gas is pretty gas
3264s chat you you can pick left or right
3267s should I pick the OG or should I go
3271s gas I'm looking at you you want the
3275s gas you want the status
3279s who all right that's a lot much left
3282s that's a lot of left all right all right
3285s I'll do it one more
3286s [Laughter]
3291s time if only you had that for your
3293s finisher day
3298s I still think I'm going
3301s left still think I'm going
3306s left
3310s yeah right I don't
3313s know I think I yeah I think we got to
3315s say I one more
3317s time I love rolling
3319s Riven I mean
3322s with oh attack speed that hurts there
3327s nothing like a slow melee if you use it
3330s with like bous or something that's so Co
3333s I see you're saying war cry could help
3336s mhm I mean the critical chance is the
3339s same oh oh wait this one's better it's
3343s the only benefit is damage to Corpus cuz
3346s this is status chance that's status
3348s chance right yeah left I mean yeah left
3351s is still all right one more
3353s time last time last time last time sorry
3356s sorry oh Jesus that's not too bad that's
3361s kind of wild then
3363s mhm that's kind of
3367s wild that's kind of wild chat all right
3371s this is your choice chat right with
3374s range an additional combo count chance
3377s or left with crit chance for sliding
3380s though keep in mind it's Slide Attack oh
3383s we're getting lefts now oh wait we
3384s already have
3387s it's pretty mixed mhm I'm seeing a lot
3390s of left left beef left
3394s beef left beef all right fine we'll do
3397s left one more
3400s time you can't stop oh oh status
3404s duration
3405s though but okay what are the mods for
3407s the veras wouldn't you like to know I
3410s would like to know that's why I asked
3412s could tell uh if you build for CR
3417s pretty I think I got to do this one you
3420s want the negative for sure right right
3422s yeah okay Chad is yell yeah right beef
3424s baby right beef right beef all right got
3427s it see we got there eventually we made
3429s it better we made it better
3433s anyways what were we doing you want to
3436s do cave band let's do a couple more cave
3438s bands Cav back to the S tomama we go
3442s actually wait sorry what other ribbons
3444s do I have I know I found one did you
3446s what you got four head shot in one day
3448s so if we wait four
3450s minutes then I can do it oh really or I
3453s mean like we can try to speed R it in
3454s three minutes which would be funny but
3455s find two caches without taking
3458s damage I need to activate that complet a
3461s defense Mission with level 30 or higher
3462s enemies with catch four fish four fish
3466s let's just see let's just let's just
3468s play around what we got get 14 kills in
3471s a row while wall dashing or while
3473s latching without touching the floor
3475s that's not too
3477s bad no we go again absolutely not a not
3482s the fish one I ain't got time for
3484s fishing right now there's no fishing in
3486s cavia oh yeah baby kill three enemies
3489s with head shot done um let's just
3495s for let's just for Giggles let's just
3498s put that I'm just put my normal stuff on
3501s yab I'm surprised no one said anything
3504s about your fashion today
3505s it looks great honestly when I get no
3507s insults that means it's good you know
3510s you know what I'm saying I love your
3511s usual color it's because he is less
3514s green than usual it is very less green
3517s and even less blue it's really more so
3519s just white and pink mhm but hints
3522s there's hints yeah it's little taste
3524s little
3525s tasteful some might
3528s say the Laurel is also I I don't have
3531s anything wrong with fishing it's just
3532s not on the itun what we're doing right
3534s now it's not on the it
3535s there's no fishing in cavia unless you
3538s fish for Fibonacci which is rude do you
3542s think it would
3544s work we can hug why can't we fish can
3547s you take out your fishing no you can't
3549s what happens if I take you out of water
3551s baby I wonder what kind of bait he would
3553s go for nor he's a or bait he's a or fish
3557s we already got the bait yeah uh you're
3560s doing head shot or what are you doing I
3561s also have the exact same thing as you
3563s but I have to do it within a day so
3565s and do you need to wait for the reset
3567s though I don't care you do wait how many
3570s four oh you can do it in two minutes I
3572s know that's what I'm saying I think
3573s will'll be good unless it like I think I
3575s think you're good because it will unveil
3577s in the mission it's like Midway so I
3580s think you'll be fine we'll be fine not
3582s two missions head shots let's just do a
3585s mirror
3586s defense let's go to Mo
3590s [Music]
3591s defense moons they don't have customized
3593s option well rank five where's my orb
3596s thank you could be done could be done
3599s needs Head Shots go to murmur Mission
3601s they got heads they don't look like
3603s heads but they got heads believe it or
3606s not believe it or not pretty sure I
3610s didn't pick the wallat one did I no I
3612s just oh yeah just three okay the wallat
3614s one is good with like the
3616s Brama the I thought you said the drama
3619s the drama with the drama of it all it's
3622s also true all right I'm going to find a
3624s nice little perch but I'm going to do
3631s this oh I don't have my
3634s commands where is your head tough to say
3638s don't lose your head I don't think they
3640s have heads to be honest is that a head
3644s no these guys have oh Jesus healing them
3648s oh Jesus the squad's too
3652s strong I need to
3658s deviate a little bit here I need a dog
3661s oh I got one God him too
3664s zoomed Omega
3667s fighting oh that's so
3670s funny the dogs again just the [ __ ] end
3673s of the stick on these
3675s levels sorry about it I need one more
3678s dog that's a
3679s cat dog oh sorry buddy Boop did I do it
3686s yeah baby thanks dogs really just the
3691s better
3694s animal I'm done yay not b not more dog
3698s killing it's just three I won't kill
3700s another dog again for the rest of my
3703s days for the rest of your days all right
3705s all right never another dog ever not
3709s even a CO bro Y newon is in the game yes
3714s he is The Voice of Fibonacci Fibonacci
3717s is Mr Neil
3719s new I feel like if you have seen
3721s Fibonacci you would absolutely PL the
3724s voice but maybe you haven't gotten to
3726s the cavea yet or you haven't played
3730s B3 well I mean if they know who Neil is
3732s is what I me
3734s yeah fish or not he didn't he didn't
3739s quite blend in like it sounds like him
3740s in a good way got whereas like I found
3742s out just the other day that Matt Mercer
3743s is uh
3746s uh the guy the bald guy what's his name
3748s oh my God Minsk which I didn't know so
3752s any who he's Minsk in what balers gate
3756s oh like warfame yeah I don't remember
3759s that yeah Matt moer ever voed anything
3762s iname I would lose my mind pretty sure I
3765s would have known that I would lose my
3767s mind pretty sure I wouldn't
3769s know step step hamster guy exactly oh
3772s he's a hamster he has a hamster oh he is
3776s Boo the hamster's name is Boo yep he's a
3780s evil space hamster or something
3784s [Music]
3786s evil m Mercer is everyone it's insane
3788s he's also Ganon which is I know
3792s bananas freak you know how many
3794s screenshots I have of gon on my switch
3797s I'm sure you
3800s do it's all Ganon and all um Seymour
3804s from Final Fantasy 10 m sorry about it
3809s sorry about it and Lulu and
3812s Lulu belts the dress the dress the
3817s drama who is an evil boost Lil that's
3820s true I'm sorry I
3821s misspoke I misspoke misspoke oh he
3824s misspoke there
3826s go love the belt dress it's iconic Lulu
3830s is Iconic in so many ways I haven't
3833s finished Final Fantasy 10 oh so good um
3837s okay wait tell me I'll tell you where I
3839s am and you tell me if I'm even at all
3842s close okay cuz I feel like I've been
3843s playing it for a 100 years um I'm
3846s fighting a like dragon in the
3849s sky and I'm on a ship that like takes a
3852s turn to bomb it
3855s you're uh you're almost in the latish
3858s zone but the last zone is Beefy oh yeah
3863s cuz I've died a lot of times that dragon
3865s is it's not an easy fight it's so hard I
3867s know I understand it's like you really
3869s got to do the timing right and get like
3871s the ship bombing things and like don't
3872s get hit by the
3874s toxic dam is hard the last fight is
3878s actually super difficult oh God bro I'm
3881s just there for the cut scenes I know
3883s again my screenshots on my
3885s switch every time prepare prepare for
3888s the tears I'm ready see I know I don't
3892s so I don't really know the story but I
3894s do know like the reason why I wanted to
3896s play Final Fantasy 10 is because in the
3899s age of YouTube's first introduction I
3902s was introduced to both bangers from
3905s Final Fantasy 102 of a thousand words
3909s and emotions oh so good right so I know
3913s that and I've seen the cutcenes for that
3916s but I don't know what the hell going onm
3919s so I'm about to find out but
3921s still Lulu and then Lulu's not even in
3923s Final Fantasy 8 T to is it uh who's the
3927s new girl P pain yeah yeah yeah
3932s anyways that's my life right now it's
3934s trying to beat that damn
3935s Dragon it's killed me too many times and
3938s I will never play Blitz ball I'm so
3940s sorry it's too hard and there's no
3944s anime I need the anime cut scenes it
3947s fuels me it's all I need Final Fantasy
3950s 102 immediately yeah that's the plan
3952s immediately after into Final Fantasy 10
3954s 2 does it start with emotions I think so
3957s yeah I think it does oh I'm so excited
3961s anyways
3963s anyways Taylor what are you playing are
3965s you still playing Ballers game
3968s oh uh oh no uh I am trying to convince
3973s myself to oh wait I'm not I'm not
3975s staying to convince myself to play Final
3977s Fantasy 16 in the sense that I need to
3979s be ready to dive into a game but
3981s honestly I've just been playing Warframe
3983s Fair which is that's a good game is free
3985s it's a great yeah have you guys heard of
3987s it it's free it's
3990s great all right uh who wants to go
3993s first uh you okay me oh yeah cuz you're
3996s it's already ons all right melee Riven
3999s again what is it going to be chat
4002s another melee Riven I'm going to guess
4005s it's
4007s the dark dagger oo Cronin gram War ghoul
4014s saw that'd be
4015s sick GLA
4019s sheave honestly I would love a sheave
4021s ribbon that just makes it redonkulous
4024s how hilarious would that be dark split
4026s sword okay I'm here for it du Fang all
4029s right here we
4034s go let's go I will take a hesar ribbon
4038s baby I still need the final piece oh
4040s shees all right Taylor your turn okay my
4043s turn what's yours again
4045s pistol H oh a negative critical damage
4051s hurt so bad
4054s Yik you going to roll it absolutely but
4057s not right now because I know we will
4059s never
4060s stop all right thank you to venture and
4063s pister even though you might have been
4065s trolling me talk to say it's okay N I
4069s love you thank you so much for joining a
4071s thank you venture that's so nice I was
4073s killing the dogs in peace yes it was all
4075s fine uh thank you so much for joining uh
4078s our Squad we're going to lead the squa
4079s I'm going to go back to the
4081s Orbiter not playing Blitz ball is a
4083s crime well then put me in jail baby cuz
4086s I O what will I
4089s take I'll take some neurons neurons
4092s someone said your wisp fashion is on
4094s point Thank You On Point wisp delusion
4097s skin so good tan Jen we love it I just
4101s want to I just want to see I just want
4102s to see mhm mhm true oh I just want to
4107s see I just want to see just a couple one
4109s a couple just just just a couple she
4110s needs just a fix just one okay okay okay
4115s oh uh n side attack is not a good yeah
4120s that was
4121s better Ox up let's go
4125s yeah left or right chat
4128s electricity I'm feeling left
4131s but could be convinced to go right I
4133s don't think no no no no you don't want
4135s the Slide Attack Slide Attack isn't a
4136s strong o so much left so much left
4139s you're right Charlie so much left we go
4141s again just a couple chats just a
4145s [Music]
4150s couple that's better you think it's
4152s better initial combo is unreal I guess
4155s it's critical damage sorry yeah I
4157s thought it was
4158s critical left or right chat left or
4161s right left beef left going to stop with
4165s zero KOA yeah that's okay I got a lot of
4167s KOA we could be here all night baby look
4168s at
4169s that I mean it's not a lot but I could
4172s go I could go
4173s along I don't have a problem I
4176s just after to right a lot of lefts right
4179s I mean lot of
4182s lefts holy a lot of CA can I have some
4186s no I need it clearly
4192s mhm combo duration
4199s that's now now hear me out it could be
4201s offsetted with drifting contact
4204s [Music]
4206s right the toxin's
4208s nice damage to gr stay left uhoh stay
4214s left go
4216s right I think right but you think right
4219s mhm it's worse in all capital letters in
4222s king T list damn you got yell at me like
4225s that okay okay I mean it depends on how
4228s you mod it you know it's true faction
4230s damage is key I don't know o tough it is
4235s tough isn't
4237s it that's less crit yeah but but there's
4241s more
4242s T all right we're going to stay left
4244s we're going do one more okay okay okay
4246s okay fine one more one more one more one
4249s more one more one
4251s more oh come on oh what the hell mhm not
4254s the slash what the what the hell oh
4257s gross okay all right you can look at
4258s mine now oh sorry I know it's okay oh
4260s you were doing it too I was you said you
4262s weren't going to do it what do I do I'm
4264s just going to sit here with my hands no
4265s I'm going to play this slot machine oh
4267s do I make it a
4271s status but that's negative combo
4273s duration again but you can offset
4276s that start sound like
4279s me's
4280s a there's a will there's a way that's
4283s true what is the what are the stats for
4285s the weapon is
4287s it build for status that's what I'm
4289s saying I could make a status machine I
4291s thought a 2.4 never mind
4295s um chat left or right and then we'll
4298s we'll we'll we'll stop my negative combo
4300s is so bad it's only three seconds though
4303s this one I'm going to take right left
4304s left beef left fall for the Gamba I love
4307s a Gamba keep rolling right left oo
4313s middle I can't I can't there is no
4317s metal oh there's a lot of Rights
4320s definitely left beef right up down I'm
4323s working I'm working we on what oh is he
4326s doing a pole I am oh only one minute
4330s though that's good only one minute more
4332s than that all right 99% of gamblers stop
4335s before they hit big stop all right left
4338s or right the pole is live which Riven
4340s left we have a critical chance heavy
4342s attacks electricity oh or status chance
4345s status duration but sad combo duration
4348s left or right left for the melee
4354s influence that's a good point why not
4357s both if it only worked that way that's
4359s true choose am I stat duration is pretty
4364s massive no cuz that melee Arcane though
4367s that they mentioned melee influence M
4369s procs off of electricity D I don't have
4371s it yet so that kind of makes me sad but
4373s I feel you what who's winning 84% left
4378s 84% left left beef all right left it is
4381s all right go to Taylor okay one one okay
4386s planks okay minus 42% magazine capacity
4390s but plus 53% reload speed and then it
4393s already has a a times three for critical
4395s chance for critical
4397s multiplier
4398s right or left but right right left I
4403s don't know I'm curious will the alt fire
4405s on the tenant clink still fire with
4407s negative magazine capacity
4410s interesting see I don't have the tenant
4412s PL so I don't even know what that
4414s mechanic is no I don't
4419s know tenant points right right right
4423s okay I'm doing right I don't care I
4425s don't care I chat your opinion doesn't
4426s matter no okay we're going to do one
4427s more though yeah you are yeah you are
4430s yeah you are a nice round five oh boring
4433s okay
4435s okay one more yeah one more one what's
4438s the point of like rrolling if you're not
4439s even at
4440s [Music]
4442s oh ew stinky gross goodbye ew poo poo
4446s poo poo one more one
4450s more oh I don't even like the grineer
4452s it's fine the grineer I don't even like
4454s the
4455s grineer whoa what they ever did to you
4459s disgusting a lot you a lot of things
4462s actually
4465s critical chance status chance I mean was
4467s the other one say I just use it against
4469s the
4470s Corpus why would you do that because
4473s it's what do you mean because it's
4476s better against the group so it'll do
4477s only 60% damage versus grenade oh I see
4480s what you're saying I see you're saying
4481s the multiplayer we'll do right we'll do
4482s right we'll do right oh wow okay will
4484s you roll again of course I will okay
4486s okay one more one more one one more one
4491s more will you do one more a go
4495s we only have like 14 all right time
4497s later we roll some more all right let's
4500s do other things uh before we jump into
4503s some fan art and not gameplay fan art
4505s and capture and dojo and all that stuff
4507s we do have a lovely video uh and this is
4510s something a little bit different uh but
4513s if you are familiar with the capture
4516s artist reckons uh they do incredible
4519s capturas their edits are just Chef kiss
4522s top quality
4524s I love to learn from them and we thought
4526s wouldn't it be nice to show you one of
4527s their capture edits and to see kind of
4529s the work that goes behind these crazy
4531s capture edits that they do so let's take
4533s a little sneak peek at rickens capture
4535s edit time
4537s [Music]
4552s lapse
4582s oh
4589s [Music]
4601s okay okay rickens we see you we see you
4604s working uh the full thing is obviously
4606s uh available to you uh on their YouTube
4609s channel if you want to search rickens
4610s but it will be linked in the YouTube
4612s description for this prime time time if
4614s you want to access it that way but it is
4616s just a lovely watch we're watching it
4619s and I'm like what is that doing I know
4622s someone said it's not sped up by the way
4623s just he's so fast yeah that's just how
4625s fast they work you know what I'm saying
4627s no uh you can check out the whole time
4629s lops and uh maybe get some knowledge for
4631s yourself maybe up your editing capture
4634s game the world is your oyster M all
4637s right shall we do some fan art and
4638s capture to the video room yeah I felt I
4642s feel you you KN I
4644s I have my Spidey senses they were
4647s tingling tingling tingling all right who
4651s wants to go first you very
4653s well I'm not prepared it's okay all
4657s right wow look at those drops uh we're
4659s going to start with captura tonight
4661s first we have from Deuce Warframe this
4665s is proa and I enjoyed the caption to it
4669s was my it sure is hot out here isz it's
4671s giving like steamy yeah she she with
4675s somewhere she gives like um pinup doll
4679s you know what I mean like where they're
4680s like she's salting to the soldiers yeah
4682s MH oh boy it's sure hot out what is that
4685s pose like what is that animation tough
4688s to say damn it's great
4691s smash this is not a smash your past CH
4694s do not I mean a k i mean I
4698s mean get hot in
4701s here I mean
4704s oh no all
4707s right moving right
4710s along we have from
4712s mnor this is a dark fairy Firefly oh my
4716s go of our girl Ember I love her Ember
4719s ult helmet like not a lot of people use
4721s it but it is so gorgeous it's so edgy
4724s cuz I always think the like chin piece
4727s or whatever is like a piercing I'm like
4729s yeah yeah that's right show those
4731s piercings anyway I love how dark it was
4734s and I really had to to Really stare at
4736s it and take it in Mard you're just great
4739s amazing you love to see it next up we
4741s have from the one the only Auto
4744s fire to which they said Revenant
4747s midnight ride just taking a Gallop
4749s through the rain and the plains of
4751s idolon with his cool energy beard I know
4754s that horse is pretty cool it's got the
4756s horse ephemera what do we call those
4758s things again Coronas Coronas no Coronet
4762s Coronet I was like we're not call it the
4764s the
4765s be that sounds right let's go with that
4768s any lovely
4771s piece chat is being chat is being chat
4773s stop that stop that chat uh next up we
4776s have from video game caps this is
4780s grineer alchemy unit Lavos obviously
4784s with the twin gratas so good look so
4788s badass look at those kneecaps and it's
4790s almost like he's trying to like cosplay
4792s like a Kua HOA grineer mhm he's like
4795s jokes on you fools absolutely like
4797s they're really good with tubes really
4798s good with tub he's got the tubes that's
4800s what I'm saying smash it's great next up
4804s we have
4806s from Freddy caps this is Anubis of nope
4812s oh I messed it up oh I missed one oh
4815s what huh oh sorry no I skipped myself
4818s this is Kawai Warframe PS4 this is their
4821s mag heirloom oh I love her she's so
4826s Cosmic just the beautifulin they have
4829s what is it the Lunar New Year EA too
4832s yeah you see in the back bright she is
4834s bright that would be the if you had
4835s Bloom on high you would see her you
4838s would see her uh next up we H oh we have
4844s from
4845s via Sev on Discord and they just said
4848s Callos doing cat
4850s things Chad I don't want to see it I
4853s don't want to see it but true right like
4855s cats just putting your their butts in
4857s your face AB I mean dogs too it's
4859s terrible my my dog will just put his
4861s butt right in my face and then turn
4863s around and look at me and he's like huh
4864s are you going to pet it or what you're
4866s going to scratch that or what we're
4868s wasting time here like all right bro
4871s whatever whatever you want C Mo's doing
4873s cat things yeah just waiting for the
4875s scritch okay waiting for the
4877s scritch and next up oh this is a bit
4880s curse so I did not think there was a
4882s more cursed oh uh Drifter or operator
4886s look than um tactical potatoes tactical
4891s potatoes uh raw McDonald's cursed energy
4894s whatever the hell uh until I saw this
4897s which is from Captain fashion operator
4900s and they said Drifter punch I love this
4902s we got a one punch man this is so good
4905s what do you mean oh my God good we need
4907s this recreated with the uh whose Child
4910s is This me with like the little kid in
4912s the background I need I need a
4914s recreation of that like we this is proof
4916s that we need a full bald option for
4917s Drifter though cuz he's he's got like
4920s the stubble or whatever it is but right
4922s we need we need the shiny Dome yeah we
4924s need we need that Dome we do not have
4926s baled yet I don't think so Alo we're so
4929s like hyped up about hair technology
4931s we're like what about no hair technology
4934s what about the lack of hair technology
4936s listen I want Arthur's hair on my
4938s Drifter facts you're not wrong uh next
4941s up we have from from bro sign this is
4945s their Ash and I just saw this and I went
4948s cuz he just looks perfect he's chisel
4952s Taylor what Taylor I mean you're not
4955s wrong but Taylor damn please
4958s please he looks fantastic he's looking
4961s like a statue like he could cosplay as
4964s one of those people in New York time or
4966s New York uh oh yeah he looks like he's a
4969s lion cuz he's got like kind of a a man
4972s and he's got like the little
4973s ears statued so cute yeah I love the B
4977s who helmet with the skin mhm it is good
4981s it is good uh and then we have
4985s from F Fen fushen oh yeah yeah yeah this
4989s is the
4990s plains damn and I was just like saying
4993s fall is my favorite season so this is
4996s right up my alley holy cow love a long
4998s vertical piece yeah oh my god oh so this
5001s is um DUI actually du not PL du because
5004s you can see the old guy giv the hello in
5007s the background yeah you can see b or no
5011s Dax dad kid oh child yeah his name thex
5017s Dominus thex Dominus Drax child it's
5019s been a long time whose child is that
5021s this is this is it this is the setup
5023s whose child is
5025s that there he is right there there it is
5028s I know CH shut up okay we're good we're
5031s good we're good we're good uh and last
5032s but not least rof you can actually come
5034s to my screen uh I forgot to add it into
5038s the uh how we operate fan art and this
5041s is Freddy caps Anubis of the Sands my
5043s apologies look at all the little scaries
5046s look at them oh my gosh he's sleeping
5049s he's having a nap we're just chilling on
5050s the beach chilling on the beach with his
5052s little buggies look at him he's perfect
5055s this so cute an RS prime a nus of the
5057s Sands and that's all the cture that we
5059s have this
5060s week you phenomenal all right T I'm
5062s ready oh let's go first off I mean we
5067s have the Mesa statue so now we have to
5070s have a Mesa flu I I didn't break it it's
5071s not broken oh my God please watch your
5073s eyes I have glasses on it doesn't I have
5076s safety goggles it's she'll get around it
5079s that's true if anyone could it would be
5080s her uh this is by of course the
5082s wonderful dast Creations who is just
5084s known for their
5086s flastic beautiful beautiful pieces um
5088s and then next up we have a sketch of a
5092s of the man in the wall by uh black
5094s suppository on Tumblr we're not going to
5096s say the rest of the name but uh I just
5098s thought it was really cool I thought I
5101s just I love the nose there's something
5102s about the nose that I'm a big fan of but
5105s I also just love when people draw their
5107s man in the wall and there's a tiny
5108s little person in his hand I know who is
5111s that whose child is that whose child is
5113s that whose children are these they're
5115s everywhere uhhuh and then we have this
5119s beautiful piece from zide art uh so for
5122s this week's experiments I may have taken
5124s inspiration from a certain mag from a
5126s certain Royal Pratt so this is Royal
5129s Pratt mag iconic zides beautiful style
5133s the red cape oh so good ten tenen is
5137s just so good all the time phenomenal um
5140s next up we have the warden by Piva AB
5144s NOA so sorry for the pronunciation but
5147s uh I just I love the the art style I
5150s love the way that they've approached
5152s this seems like it would be in a really
5154s cool indie game where it's like story
5156s driven I would play the [ __ ] out of that
5158s so good we love it and then from asop
5163s yolan on Twitter we have Ace Attorney oh
5166s my God and of course a little form of
5168s pin got to keep the form all of the
5171s details are just phenomenal and like how
5173s like the hairstyle is kind of like the
5174s little Crest in his his head cuz you's
5177s got like the Excalibur anyway beautiful
5180s stunning Perfection like always uh and
5182s then from elixis draws we have fishing
5185s in Warframe is wild and I love it so we
5187s have the plains where you just have
5189s different you know sharpness of Spears
5190s for different fish and then or Bas of
5193s course you shock them to death and
5194s thenos they
5196s fly and then iniri you are the all and I
5200s love the Angry Eyebrows that they added
5202s it's very he's so cute
5205s ah so phenomenal um and
5209s then this is I think we actually
5211s featured a piece that was kind of like
5213s this from or from the same artist last
5215s week but uh this is from cheru Ax on
5218s Twitter and this is their animal control
5220s unit so these are the people or the
5222s Corpus A specialized teror unit in the
5225s orb Valas that roams around capturing
5227s animals for potential profit oh so I'm
5229s they my head Cannon and I don't know if
5231s it's theirs but like they look out for
5233s like the super rare vering so they can
5235s sell it off to like Rich oh my God
5238s Corpus people to have Fancy Pets right
5241s like the people who have like monkeys as
5242s pets yeah got it yeah I can see it I
5245s love how they all have little
5246s personalities I know and like they're
5248s little boots that are made for like
5250s walking in the snow they got little on
5252s those grippers they're so cute I love it
5256s um and then from altered silicone on
5260s Tumblr we have our comedian otac so
5262s maybe it's just the parts of the
5263s internet that I've been on but I've been
5265s seeing a lot of people trying to
5267s conceptualize what a humanized otac
5269s would look like because you know we'
5270s have seen what ly looks like so this is
5272s just one of them I think it's so cute oh
5275s look at the hair I know I love of course
5277s he would just like keep fiddling with it
5278s and keep adding stuff to it I fine
5280s little jewels and just put it in his
5282s hair yeah he's so cool I know and then
5286s um sorry oh no I didn't I duplicated it
5291s but I'll fix this later for you uh
5293s Charlie but uh this is from Rita
5296s Sanderson who I think started the
5299s conversation about our comedian EK where
5301s I've seen a lot pieces from them about
5303s it yeah so why we hands there are many
5305s reasons to Pat otac to cherish otac to
5308s hold otac and of course to forfeit all
5310s Mortal possessions to otac make sure to
5313s visit otac today and give him all of
5316s your minerals because we love him
5319s everything I own you can have my
5321s mortgage you can have my
5324s debt so debt times two yes yes I mean
5329s why not it's great yeah okay um and then
5332s you know completely changing uh themes
5336s this is the indifference by sure why not
5338s art on Deviant Art and I am just
5342s obsessed William defo up in I know it's
5345s so good it's just oh I'm so excited I so
5351s excited I can't say anything else I just
5353s love it um and
5355s then this is from Ash on our Discord oh
5361s God uh you may never you may also never
5365s form a continent again but at least you
5366s will not be dead I'm not quite sure
5368s where they said that but you know you
5369s can have a Wario chocolatey mineral
5371s dense termite droppings E I did not read
5375s that part that's from oris's new
5378s joke and then if you look at the actual
5381s Oreo itself it has war in there it's
5384s great the tanel pack three times 100 I
5387s did bring Oreos from my secret pocket
5390s you've had Oreos in there this whole
5391s time you better believe it I've been
5393s trying not to move so that I wouldn't
5396s wrinkle and then is it like dripped into
5399s like Kua like are you dipping it into
5401s Kua so gross I love it great
5405s job okay okay we'll this will be better
5407s for you this is from grow on Discord as
5410s well and this is their Drifter as a
5411s manga character oh yes obsessed I will
5415s take manga characters all it is so good
5418s and then to finish it off we have this
5420s beautiful piece by piscus on Twitter oh
5423s hello nidus nidus with as many arms as
5426s humanly possible as many attachments as
5428s possible yeah I saw this I was like is
5430s this worth like this looks like a boss
5432s in another game you know what I mean
5434s like he's got he is a boss that's very
5436s true but he has the most he's got the
5439s tentacles he's got the arms he's got the
5442s nigh Hunter Sana he's got the um siga
5447s he's got the extra arms he's got the
5449s jelly arms yeah I think he must have
5451s like the seraphim say or something
5453s because he's got like the extra anyway
5455s so many arms how many arms is too many
5458s arms never too many that's right Charlie
5461s that's right that's correct and that's
5463s all I got
5466s yay all so good who's ready for some
5469s Dojo
5471s Dojo wow that's a
5475s video CH you didn't tell me if you'd
5477s smash or not I'm joking
5480s Taylor Taylor
5482s all right we have a a lovely tour that
5486s we are going to all go on together the
5488s lovely Ronnie has pre-recorded a tour of
5490s the Xbox
5492s stormclan I don't know how to pronounce
5493s this
5494s vosa vosa let's go with that all right
5498s take us away wow this is Asgard and the
5501s dark elves oh hell yeah I love an Asgard
5505s I love the bridge oh
5508s dear that's spy that's frightening mhm
5511s that is
5513s oh
5515s asard Thor where are you n I'm a Loki
5519s girl I'm a lowkey girl that's what I
5522s want to see
5523s oh all right and this is Viking Village
5527s bless you bless you bless
5530s you IED it so hard to hold it
5537s back bless
5541s you to Vikings
5545s apparently am fine oh they're cooking
5549s meat soup delicious oh fish babii that's
5553s so cute and cl this is titled Labs I
5556s think damn some hot Labs oh what's
5559s behind that is that a oh my God it's
5560s like a octopus baby oh God what kind of
5563s lab is this je shape of water huh shape
5566s of water that's romantic is it I don't
5569s know okay I think this is Turtle Cove
5571s it's a giant
5572s he's got a flame FL for mouth a gun wow
5576s got in the little turtles that have like
5577s little mines on their back this is
5579s amazing that's a wild turt I would play
5581s the [ __ ] out of this like in a it's giv
5583s like Bayonetta boss like all crazy
5586s mechanic or like a
5588s spirro what the a dragonz he's got his
5591s coins and stff he's got his smog smog
5595s smog
5597s oh I didn't do it what's a puppy it's a
5601s werewolf
5603s dog hold
5605s back let me bear oh my God bear oh it's
5609s so cute he's electrified yeah a he's
5612s cute yay I that as the Xbox store and
5615s Clan am B Joseph I do believe is their
5618s name all right and we are going to go
5621s would you like to do the tour or would
5622s you like me to do the tour to uh you can
5624s go ahead I'm going to steal some Clinic
5626s from Charlie if you don't mind Charlie
5627s so sorry apparently my allergies are
5630s just coming you're allergic
5632s to smash allergic to really good dojos
5636s which unfortunate all right we're going
5638s to go to the Future Dojo starart on PC
5641s here we're going to circle guards baby
5643s PC Shadow Clan in we go to Circle
5649s guards I like the werewolf I do like the
5651s werewolf too werewolf or
5656s bear I like the bear but I'm a houseon
5659s stand so you are the houseon stand
5661s that's
5662s right that's right all right we have
5665s landed in a crazy oh oh my God that
5669s werewolf someone is recognizing the
5671s railw from last Thursday which is true
5673s but that's because we announced them the
5674s winners we showcased a little then you
5676s just got a tour of the winner got little
5678s little little little angel oh my gosh oh
5682s a trading post oh who's selling stuff no
5685s one okay uh this is the main hall that
5688s we spawn in oh the seal must be
5690s maintained until the cunning megga Tusk
5692s starves to death uh I don't want to be
5696s megga Tusk it's so close to my name I
5699s know that's so scary yeah this is a
5702s crazy room that's unreal it's giving the
5705s Unum mhm it's giving Unum uh all right
5709s how do I get out of here oh I think I
5711s have to go over here oh this is his
5712s transporter oh Jesus okay we're going to
5715s go
5716s to art room
5720s 53 oh my God look at all the
5723s rooms Jesus H all right we're going to
5727s Ascension
5728s one oh God the bird fights 1919 the bird
5733s hello oh God oh God the bird fights his
5736s way out of the egg the eggs of the world
5738s who would be born first Must Destroy a
5740s world the bird flies to God the God's
5743s name is
5747s aaxis oh thought it was going to be a
5749s jump scare o oh
5753s what who who are you look at who got
5757s hair always got a hat on his head he's
5759s so cute got a little hobo can I go
5762s through here oh are you sure you oh oh
5766s my god I've entered the boss battle
5769s uhhuh ooh how many guns do you have on
5772s your back Sir that's a lot of guns wait
5776s which way are you
5777s facing yeah oh is he facing the sun is
5781s he oh my God he's trapped oh no this is
5783s his rear I think I don't think where's
5787s the
5789s rear big important question it looks
5791s like he's facing that way it looks like
5793s he's like yeah looks like he's about to
5797s thrust the
5799s sun
5801s yeah we were looking at the whole time
5803s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
5806s egg Jim Carrie are you in here are you
5809s in here Jim oh oh oh oh he's battling
5813s this thing oh very cool oh I remember
5817s seeing this in the winners the wings yes
5820s yes it's all making sense okay crazy
5823s boss battle room first of all that's
5826s that's
5827s Wilding whoa Jesus all right all right
5830s Flex okay uh we're going to then dip
5835s to oh I went ahead of myself didn't i r
5838s yeah very well we're going to go
5839s backwards a little bit to the entrance
5841s of the art room please set this options
5843s for proper viewing experience character
5846s shadows disabled you got it say less fam
5850s there you go say less all right is that
5854s all I had to do character shadows
5856s disabled you got
5858s it very well oh my God I'm kind of
5861s scared you'll be fine each room has its
5864s own name and story if they are AC in a
5867s room with the same name a has a note B
5869s to CF exhibits oh hello
5872s hello thank you carefully oh my God is
5874s he writing oh my God he's writing a
5877s little I don't know what he's a cooperon
5879s oh my gosh oh he's riding one
5882s yeah
5884s uh oh my God okay look at this little
5887s guy also kuon once again you'd better
5889s use a teleporter damn don't threaten me
5891s with a good
5893s time I know that I think that the um
5897s asterisk is like another language maybe
5899s but I just imagine that they're swearing
5901s SAR
5902s yeah look far and look wide enjoy your
5905s trip May the joy be with you oh oh my
5910s God holy wow hi bro oh God like how do
5915s you make that animated that's crazy use
5919s teleporter so it's like a journey an
5921s arch journey I see okay that was cool uh
5925s we want to go to Ying Yang
5930s Garden
5933s who to what5 oh5 oh there it is there's
5936s so many rooms I know this yinyang Garden
5939s has a one-way path that can go up and
5941s down find the gate find the red pillar
5943s the red pillar up oh oh it's upside down
5948s uh oh my
5953s vertigo
5955s wow now that's cool wait was that the
5959s red pillar did I find it yeah I think
5962s they meant like the gate ah very well
5964s hello
5966s sir I'm
5968s amazing I'm a gamer oh I see it's hidden
5971s a say very well okay all right next room
5975s we'll go to
5977s is we're going to the end of the story
5982s 2f
5984s epilogue
5985s epilog I want to tell you oh
5989s God this is the last this is the last
5994s room I'm kind of
5998s scared oh my
6002s God it was a long trip right sit here
6004s take a rest that's all the trip is over
6006s so how was your trip fun if you're
6007s watching this I just want to tell you
6009s this thank you for watching goodbye I
6010s hope you're
6011s happy oh my god I've never been happier
6014s oh my gosh I
6017s sit oh sit oh look at us do you have
6021s snacks is that was that a remote oh my
6026s goding got all of his little oh aom is
6030s um a a YouTuber who makes so many dojo
6034s and that's their glyph there so I wonder
6035s if the bear is meant to be a tribute to
6037s them yeah well I think Circle guard is
6039s actually the dojo that they're in if I I
6042s don't want to missp but I'm pretty sure
6044s I wouldn't doubt it cuz this is a wild
6046s do pyra's in here hi pyro hi pyra wow
6049s wow oh no more fries
6053s oh no oh no my friends oh what a great
6056s Dojo amazing it's so sweet that's a py
6059s Shadow Clan Circle CS Circle card yeah
6064s yeah okay how many platinum prizes have
6066s we
6067s done two very well let's do another one
6071s let's do another one and I think we got
6074s like 10 minutes today 10 we got 20
6077s minutes I mean we've still got top 10 oh
6080s that's true you know what I'm saying M
6082s so I feel like we could do
6084s some stuff ribbon rolling for
6088s 10es I didn't want to say it I could
6092s have probably unlocked another ribbon
6093s who won who won who won uhuh thousand
6096s Platinum Galaxy wide galaxy wide
6099s congratulations you 1,000 Platinum
6101s please whisper the Warframe twitch
6102s Channel you're watching right now in
6103s game Millions platform play Warframe on
6105s we need both of those informations and
6107s we'll get you your 1,000 Platinum
6109s Galaxy why
6112s got all right what kind of ribbons I got
6115s crackalacking here um um
6120s um um oh these ones aren't um
6126s um three caches without using
6129s energy oh that those are the ones I've
6131s already seen I don't really want to do a
6132s z one oh we're not
6135s fishing we could be fishing I could be
6138s fishing but I don't want to be fishing
6141s let's just uh wait where was hello oh
6146s here they
6147s are I'm okay I'll survive what are you
6150s allergic to you
6154s oh oh uh no I just have General allergy
6157s I think it's because the vents turned on
6159s and I'm allergic to dust oh it up that
6161s dust I'm such a strong willed healthy
6165s individual it's okay strongest Warriors
6169s get the best true God gives his
6172s strongest wor the hardest killing blow
6174s on five sentience
6177s nav wait where did
6179s that where am I where am I there we
6183s go what's this one oh not the Tusk I
6187s don't want the Tusk ones I hate those I
6189s don't want the Tusk
6191s ones a man a man all the ones I got that
6197s were
6198s veiled um okay okay okay okay oh a shot
6202s do I do a fishing room I got so many I
6205s guess we could we don't have no we could
6206s we could you're right you're right you
6209s right hold on where was that Mele rib
6211s catch one fish mine one what no they're
6214s they're saying like we should do it
6216s together but that rivon says no no oh
6219s solo yeah you're right that's true I
6222s don't know why I don't feel like a z
6223s well I guess this is a I don't feel like
6225s a z i don't feel like it I don't want to
6228s I don't want to do it all right complete
6230s a surv survival Mission with level 30 or
6232s higher enemies without killing anyone oh
6235s yeah that's not too
6238s bad could we do that how long would that
6241s take though I'm trying I'm trying to
6242s think 5 minutes yeah it only takes you
6244s five minutes cuz it's a survival Mission
6246s I also have one for melee that's I can't
6247s use energy consumables but that's fine I
6250s guess all right all all right all right
6253s all right all give me my Loki huh give
6255s me my
6257s iara key where are you invisible
6262s there he be whoops he's definitely not
6264s invisible wait hey he's green green like
6268s myr plas anyway I'm just going to put on
6270s a different
6272s shotgun let's put on the ailla prime
6274s shall
6275s we why did that ailla Prime you Charlie
6277s I was like I'm just going to put it here
6279s and to help you um no pets because they
6282s will kill things oh my god I didn't even
6284s have one on pudding you got to go this
6287s is actually not a good fashion frame
6288s don't look don't look
6292s okay so where do I have the I have the
6295s so chunkies oh God perfect PR sure have
6298s good ones oh God oh God why are they all
6303s so bad why are they all so bad
6306s development chat what's going on oh God
6308s oh God hold
6311s on it's too much it's too much no Megan
6316s this bad this very bad get out of here
6319s it's too much who are you what have you
6321s done with
6322s mega was in a different was in a
6325s different era of my life or something oh
6328s God it's too
6330s much oh I don't even know what to
6333s do okay it's better okay hold on chat
6337s we'll get there hold on let's go for the
6340s tried and true I think it starts with an
6344s [Music]
6346s S it's the one that looks like it's got
6348s swords and stuff oh still dark that's
6350s what that's that's what I thought yeah
6352s baby yeah classic okay hold on we got
6357s helmets on helmets you know let's go
6359s Verve oh yeah yeah yeah
6362s oh my pink is wrong yeah that's better
6365s that's better anyways sorry I don't know
6368s why I'm doing
6369s this okay good enough he's going to be
6371s invisible what the heck am I doing
6373s anyways right let's get let's get tame
6374s here let's get some Taylor in here
6377s Fernanda hola Fernand hola Sorita
6382s okay Tay Let's Party no murder no murder
6387s what was it level 30 so you can do void
6390s it's probably the easiest any are you
6392s okay nope it it had be M the one on
6396s sedna or the one on
6400s Pluto sure we'll be fine you and me fine
6405s you and me where's my
6408s dad Chad you're mean Lok has the looks
6411s for
6414s radio dang wow why does your Loki looks
6418s like a Dixie cup
6422s dang Megan bro you didn't even change
6424s your
6426s fashion
6428s did did hey no killing no killing okay
6431s okay okay okay okay I no kill I pass it
6434s whoa
6435s sorry my bad you can see me haha
6439s bye see
6443s fa you can't see
6448s me oh oh God oh God oh God the most
6453s compellent gameplay where you just stand
6455s still yeah chat how's your day I'll just
6458s walk around
6460s shn when great Prime there's a lot going
6464s on you know in Warframe kind of wasn't
6466s there like a there's the Corpus weekend
6469s alerts
6471s oh no no you mother you stop that stop
6475s that wait wait is this happening no
6477s we're good we're good we're
6480s good everything's fine right no one died
6483s they didn't what happens if a trap kills
6486s an enemy it doesn't count it doesn't
6488s count I don't think so don't put it into
6490s the Universe I know well these two guys
6492s just killed each other
6494s uh my prob wor off
6498s okay look chat you can barely see
6501s hello I get I get she's so beautiful I
6504s love avara Prime get out of here what a
6506s gorgeous Queen she is probably the best
6509s all you just stand here and you suck all
6511s the all of the you scoop all the good um
6516s resources out of them true you are stop
6520s it she's scooping I'm scooping it she is
6524s scooping everyone get away from me
6526s pickpocket the life support that's
6528s exactly
6529s it
6532s look for loot boxes all right I'll loot
6534s it up I'll loot loot good the loot
6538s please call prime one uh probably never
6541s oh my
6542s God sorry there was something oh I was
6548s short Li where where' you where' you go
6551s go
6553s me are you following me no are you
6556s following you're so fast I can't I'm
6558s just standing in position back the
6560s beginning look at those beautiful farite
6563s pieces delicious pick pocket level 100
6566s achieve oh no they're going to D me oops
6570s no shut up where'd you go
6574s haha
6576s idiot idiot he's like where is
6579s she you're so dumb oh
6583s wow Taylor with the you're so
6587s dumb you serious I'm
6589s sorry
6591s a give me your loot
6596s please tenos SC
6599s huh they're so
6609s dumb so stupid now what happens if
6612s corrupted VOR
6614s sponds what about him you'll be fine
6616s just ignore him or stalker stalker is
6619s fine
6621s I'm not trying to something existence
6623s here but you are not at all feel like
6625s you're really tossing it to the universe
6627s right now I don't know how I feel about
6630s it he's signaling to the I don't like
6633s press this
6638s Spa you pickpocketing over there oh you
6641s better believe it she's rich as hell
6644s give me all those credits except I don't
6645s have vacuum so I'm just it's very funny
6648s to see these lasers clearly have killed
6650s enemies
6651s get away from me we hope so we hope what
6654s if I can like get them to walk into the
6657s laser stay there stay there
6659s yeah you're killing
6662s them that's that's a
6664s strat that is a strat and you just got
6666s to oh wait he hope that does like that
6669s doesn't count for murder right no do I
6672s have the I don't know if I have the
6673s ribbon attached but that's okay this is
6675s what Taylor you know what I never I was
6679s distracted the riveting gameplay uh can
6682s we leave oh not yet soon soon soon soon
6685s soon soon soon oh I found a juicy oh no
6689s I didn't never
6693s mind where's the loot oh I found extract
6696s very nice was thing out here way pointed
6699s okay nice riveting gameplay don't you
6702s know it riveting game playay oh is that
6705s what they said oh sorry you're right
6707s you're right you're right you're right
6709s it is riveting
6711s ring
6713s uhuh nobody get in the way of my
6717s swing oh yeah baby this is the room you
6721s want yeah give me some argon really make
6724s it worth my while
6726s ooh show me sweet
6730s potato com close I know oh my
6733s God don't look at me don't look at me
6735s don't look at me don't look at
6737s me probably shouldn't be swinging you
6739s know bra
6740s thank
6742s you thank you so much out of here it's
6745s too it's too hairy oh we can go sorry
6748s I'm coming we're good we're good did we
6751s Prosper what will the ribbon be did it
6755s count count okay okay okay okay okay
6757s okay okay
6759s okay
6761s yeah all right who goes first uh I'll go
6763s first very well is there's
6766s melee probably yes yes yes Riven is a
6770s chat I'm going to go
6773s with wolf Sledge oh my God I hope so me
6777s too I hope so I'm going to go with
6781s the
6784s machete the
6788s machetta oh my God that's actually fire
6792s that is actually
6793s incredible no I'm just kidding
6795s incredible rib that's so funny you're
6797s going to have the best machette machette
6799s ever universe that's so funny all right
6802s what's my melee
6803s ribbon the
6805s a it was not a melee ribbon was it oh my
6808s God a shotgun rib love that's great
6811s that's right it needs it needs it needs
6815s work it needs some Gamba let's do one
6818s Gamba only one Gamba one and a bit wait
6824s where'd it
6825s go uh it won't show up there cuz it's
6828s you just got to look up for a still
6831s it was a
6832s who AA a call her
6836s a all
6838s right you only need 11 minutes oh
6846s oh what is it
6849s 16 multi though the multi shot though is
6852s pretty the projectile speed is great for
6854s that affect the alt fire o I think it's
6857s better than this one so I might keep
6859s this one in
6863s it's just a little longer we are
6865s streaming for a little bit
6868s longer no and no and no roll for like 12
6871s more minutes still got top 10 don't
6873s worry and
6875s no no and one more are you rolling at
6878s all oh maybe couple rolls M oh okay all
6884s right all right on to Taylor me you
6886s think you can get a better machette
6887s ribbon than that that's a pretty
6890s is a pretty good machet I don't think
6892s there's a better machet I've ever
6896s seen ex
6898s plenus oh Jesus that's a lot of damage
6902s that's a lot of damage big damage number
6905s T tons of damage tons of
6908s damage but is it oh my God that was so
6914s aggressive wait go back to go back to
6916s the left one go back to the left one uh
6919s does it have good
6921s crit as a as a weapon what's no it's
6924s like only
6928s 20% I kind of think the right is better
6932s like I'm not going to be finish or
6933s damaging with
6935s a do yeah chat says right all right Chad
6938s is always right a couple more thought a
6941s couple
6942s more oh attack
6945s speed I'm going to do it whatever God
6950s this is why I never have good ribbons
6951s because I'm like see there's more
6955s numbers n boom ooh that negative yeah
6958s that netive isur if it was slide like if
6962s the slide in the critical J it would
6963s have been better cuz I just nope no
6967s attack speed would be cool
6969s but don't love the attack speed you
6973s going again yes I one more one more one
6974s one more one more one more one more one
6976s more one more one more oh you got it do
6980s it yeah okay okay all right all right
6984s all right who's ready for Top 10 com Str
6986s stream there you
6988s go
6990s FR we have a wild mix today
6994s [Laughter]
6997s oh do you hear that
7000s oh oh D say veruna rapidly approaching
7006s sorry I'm
7008s sorry mother veruna please forgive me
7012s for my sins it had to be done it's not
7016s my fault we're fixing it in Dante
7018s Unbound I will be able to finish her Rog
7020s culverin I'm sorry it was the only
7022s option I had it's our fault I'm
7026s sorry and then from Snus we have Ducks
7029s don't go to go to heaven they go to
7035s the that is terrifying brutal oh
7042s damn Charlie you went deep went for the
7046s Deep Cuts I think I got hungry because I
7049s saw this they thought yeah from scorpion
7054s if you use cold you get chili dogs
7056s that's true that's right what else you
7058s could get chili dogs with
7062s El you definitely get gas especially if
7065s it's like a tofu dog you get real gas
7068s extra spicy that's a lot of guests yeah
7071s heat spicy dog hot dogs hot dogss
7075s corrosive I don't know trash dog TRG
7078s electricity how is that said extra spicy
7082s yeah could be a little Zip Zap Zip Zap
7084s in the mouth
7086s mhm next here from cronis gear Megan
7089s should take a sales job at a Knife
7091s Company with all that slicing and dicing
7094s H yeah I mean didn't everyone in London
7097s Ontario get approached to sell knives
7099s when they were
7100s is that what it
7102s was there was some weird company trying
7105s to make kids sell knives back in the
7107s day it might still be around I don't
7110s know yeah I might own a knife from them
7113s probably I was like I hope you own a
7115s knife this a no knife house H cut it
7119s with a fork you
7123s weenie and then next I don't my brain
7126s can't remember what we were talking
7128s about why why are we sitting on a toilet
7130s for 2 hours but winter color says on the
7133s toilet for 2 hours because they ate the
7135s attack for yes that's what I'm saying
7139s that's what I'm
7140s saying that's why you're on the toilet
7142s for two hours cuz you ate it don't ever
7146s eaten a stuffed animal uh yeah I call
7149s them tear toys because I buy them
7151s knowing he's going to tear have
7154s you never
7158s mind that's what picturing they're doing
7160s to themselves the stuffing just won't
7163s quite come out oh no have
7167s you I won't admit to it on the internet
7170s God oh Lord I hope that was before you
7174s started getting nails yeah you can wear
7177s gloves no matter what anyway fair
7180s fair the next comment gave you a
7182s flashback from beir Kenne saying not
7186s recommended not as good as a pool
7188s nood
7190s we were all children we
7193s all thought things were food that were
7196s not food and you just take a bite out of
7198s a pool noodle they absolutely have teeth
7201s marks in them for a reason ex because
7203s they look delicious they look like a
7204s noodle and they have a good mouth feel
7208s that is not my fault it's not my fault
7211s that is America
7214s yeah conglomerates yeah blame the
7218s conglomerates okay they did this to us
7220s yeah speaking of Addicting things to eat
7223s and just things enjy Bean says 90% of
7228s Riven re rollers stop before they hit
7232s big couldn't be me couldn't be me one
7236s second no I'm just
7238s kidding I I mean I you see what we're
7240s doing on our on our screens right now so
7242s I definitely have some ribbons that I've
7244s just like gotten and ignored let me see
7247s let me see oh we got a Dex dakra I've
7251s got a vermis I got two vermis
7253s splicers I do have a war Riven I kind of
7256s forgot about it uh I got a catch moon
7259s what is the the most you've ever rolled
7261s in a uh my tenant arap plasmor
7264s is hold on let's see where did it pent
7267s 13 opticore not tenant but it's ARCA
7271s flux rifle yeah I think it's my arip
7274s plasmar
7275s one tonor 11 I don't 16 20 arip plasm
7280s more okay okay wait you have an arip
7282s plasmar one too oh you better believe it
7284s oh my God 22 for my catch Moon back in
7287s the day oh 30 for my nail I don't even
7290s use the
7292s nail why did I do that Sorry Charlie we
7296s got distracted oh I got a rattle guts o
7299s okay okay next one next one continue
7302s sorry snail space says this is what the
7304s twin Queens do with all their KO that's
7306s what we're saying the worm Queen is so
7309s mean to you because she's like come on I
7312s she she they own the casino she does
7314s yeah the ribbon Casino the queen she
7317s knows she's only one roll away from
7319s she's basically the mafia yeah
7323s no no just saying oh next up we have
7328s from digressive to be fair Kua keeps a
7330s long time if you store it right which
7332s makes me think is it cold you store it
7335s warm is it like coffee where it's like
7337s you can have it both ways cold or I'm
7341s going to go with cold cuz when you store
7344s blood that's true you got to keep her
7347s cold unless you're a vampire a vampire
7351s then you like it room temperature body
7353s temperature fresh from the body you're
7355s right so warm mhm
7357s 36° C I only know the fenhe is that the
7360s temperature of blood that's the
7361s temperature of you as a person as a
7363s person yeah it's 98.6 F so that's 36° C
7368s I think so it's pretty close yeah oh my
7370s God I hope so that's what I go off of
7372s when I check temperatures if I have a
7376s fever maybe I'm dying CH it's fine and
7380s finally we have from tra take a drink
7382s every time Megan says
7384s dog I
7388s know that is not a healthy drinking un
7391s this is water then you're very hydrated
7394s yeah so if you want a good weekend um
7397s rewatch The V and make a game matter
7400s yeah hi YouTube bod hello my you're
7405s enjoying most watched YouTube V for some
7408s reason yeah became a drinking game
7410s thanks Char comments are incoherent
7412s though let me
7415s tell let's give away a ghost Prime
7418s access shall we and then we'll roll a
7421s couple more
7423s rivons someone says take a drink there's
7426s my two hours in the bathroom oh my God
7428s that's why you're in the the
7430s bathroom gal Prime access has gone to
7433s Chris
7435s Monada 50 Chrisman Chrisman 50
7439s congratulations you won a guess access
7441s please whisper the Warframe twitch
7442s Channel you're watching right now in
7443s game alas platform play Warframe on and
7445s we'll get you your G Prime access Chris
7448s Manda 50 congrats amazing what ribon
7451s should I roll War D no but I I love my
7455s War ribbon oh okay well if it's good
7457s then then sorry I've rolled it I rolled
7459s it plenty 12 12 plenty let's do
7466s a let's do the Kua
7468s chakar shall we
7471s although critical damage
7475s although I just I just give let's just
7478s give it a go uh nope nope
7482s nope we go
7484s again Lady
7487s Luck oh no
7490s all right one more time one more time
7490s one more time one more time one more
7491s time and then we'll get out of here what
7492s are you doing J I'm just looking
7495s respectfully
7498s no really impact though n unless hmer
7502s but no all right you rolling no okay
7505s okay okay all right we are not rolling
7508s but we are
7510s raiding widescreen John is going to be
7513s continuing the fun over on their channel
7515s do you think all their TVs are
7516s widescreen definitely not no small
7520s screens either that or they have like
7522s the black bars on top of
7524s everything imagine they see that way
7526s imagine if you saw in like
7528s cinematic you know anyways why is
7530s everything 24
7532s frames all right we are sending a love
7535s over to widescreen da chat thank you so
7537s much for being here appreciate you for
7539s hanging out with us for a little over
7541s two hours uh as you entertained us as we
7545s got our rivons and did our Riven rolling
7547s for a little bit uh reminder the next
7550s Dev stream has been announced de stream
7552s 178 live from PAX East on March 22nd so
7557s we will either see you there or see you
7559s online very excited either way to see
7561s you in person or see you in chat typing
7564s up with Clems in the maybe in the Pax
7566s West Chat you know maybe throwing some
7569s Clems in there tough to sayh all right
7572s have a wonderful night Tay thanks for
7573s being here thank you Charlie thanks for
7575s being here thank you and rud thanks for
7578s being here than you hey no problem and
7580s Chad thank you for being here have a
7582s wonderful night stay safe be kind to
7584s yourself and we will see you next time
7603s byebye