Greetings Tenno!
Nidus Prime Access brings the master of mutation to the Origin System. Riven Mods are of a similar sort - constantly mutating and evolving - and this Prime Access is no different.
The Sisters of Parvos update introduced many new powerful weapons, the Tenet series, which caused a period of volatility in usage stats. We are still evaluating the strength of these weapons, but have done our best to add power where it seemed appropriate.
We’ve also taken this opportunity to slightly change how we calculate Riven values internally, in terms of the tools we use. This change, combined with shifting trends, means that this disposition update adjusts more numbers than usual (but nothing too extreme!)
Without further ado, here’s what to expect in the update:
Amprex: 0.75->0.8
Battacor: 1.05->1.1
Boltor: 1.25->1.3
Telos Boltor: 1.15->1.2
Boltor Prime: 1.15->1.2
Tenet Flux Rifle: 0.5->0.7
Fulmin: 0.65->0.7
Gaze (primary): 1->1.05
Komorex: 1.1->1.15
Lanka: 1->1.05
Kuva Ogris: 0.9->0.85
Opticor: 1.1->1.15
Opticor Vandal: 1->1.05
Panthera Prime: 1.15->1.2
Proboscis Cernos: 0.55->0.6
Rubico: 0.9->0.95
Soma: 1.1->1.15
Soma Prime: 1->1.05
Sporothrix: 1.1->1.2
Stahlta: 0.85->0.9
Supra: 1.05->1.1
Supra Vandal: 0.95->1
Sybaris: 1.25->1.3
Dex Sybaris: 1.2->1.25
Sybaris Prime: 1.15->1.2
Tenora Prime: 0.5->0.8
Tenet Tetra: 0.5->0.7
Tiberon Prime: 0.9->0.95
Tombfinger (primary): 0.85->0.9
Trumna: 0.75->0.8
Vectis: 1.05->1.1
Kuva Zarr: 0.5->0.6
Arca Plasmor: 0.7->0.8
Astilla: 1.2->1.25
Astilla Prime: 0.5->0.8
Cedo: 0.6->0.65
Corinth: 1.1->1.15
Kuva Hek: 0.5->0.7
Tigris: 1.1->1.15
Sancti Tigris: 0.95->1
Tigris Prime: 0.85->0.9
Akbolto Prime: 1.15->1.2
Akjagara Prime: 0.9->0.95
Aklex Prime: 0.85->0.9
Akstiletto Prime: 0.65->0.7
Atomos: 0.9->0.95
Kuva Brakk: 0.9->0.85
Catabolyst: 1->1.1
Tenet Cycron: 0.5->0.65
Mara Detron: 1->1.1
Tenet Detron: 0.5->0.65
Epitaph: 0.5->0.55
Euphona Prime: 0.8->0.85
Kompressa: 0.5->0.75
Kuva Twin Stubba: 0.9->0.85
Pandero: 1.1->1.15
Pandero Prime: 0.75->0.85
Kuva Seer: 0.95->1
Sepulcrum: 0.95->1
Tenet Diplos: 0.5->0.55
Tenet Spirex: 0.5->0.6
Twin Grakatas: 1.15->1.2
Velox: 1.15->1.2
Zakti Prime: 0.9->0.95
Zymos: 1.05->1.1
Ankyros: 1.45->1.5
Arum Spinosa: 1.05->1.1
Atterax: 1.05->1.1
Galatine Prime: 0.8->0.85
Galvacord: 1.3->1.35
Glaive Prime: 0.9->0.8
Halikar Wraith: 0.75->0.85
Kreska: 1.3->1.35
Kronen Prime: 0.65->0.6
Mios: 1.25->1.3
Nami Skyla Prime: 1->0.95
Ohma: 1.15->1.2
Orthos Prime: 0.65->0.7
Pulmonars: 1.05->1.1
Secura Lecta: 1.1->1.15
Tatsu: 0.95->1
Tenet Agendus: 0.5->0.55
Tenet Exec: 0.5->0.6
Tenet Grigori: 0.5->0.65
Tenet Livia: 0.5->0.6
Vastilok: 0.5->0.7
Venka: 1.05->1.1
Vitrica: 0.85->0.9
Volnus Prime: 0.5->0.8
War: 1->1.05
Zenistar: 1.1->1.15
Prisma Dual Decurion: 1.05->1.1
Grattler: 1->1.05
Kuva Grattler: 0.5->0.6
Imperator: 1.05->1.1
Imperator Vandal: 0.85->0.9
Larkspur: 0.85->0.9
Morgha: 0.85->0.9
Thanks everyone!