over 5 years
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The Jovian Concord: Hotfix 25.0.2
Simaris has added the Odonata Blueprint to his Offerings!
- Imperator and Veritux are in the works to also be added
Disruption Changes & Fixes:
- Doubled the amount of Hexenon reward drop from Disruption.
- Removed the Disruption 'Conduit Shields' buff as it doesn't do anything to protect the conduits after the design change which added Demolysts.
- Disruption Conduit Nullifier bubbles now grow over 6 seconds when they spawn, instead of immediately spawning in at full size when the Conduit is activated.
- Fixes towards not receiving Disruption rewards after a Host migration.
- Fixed individual extraction not being available for the first 3 Disruption Operation: Hostile Mergers missions.
- Fixed see unlocalized text/wrong node name when looking at "online status" or receiving game invitation from friends who are playing the Disruption Operation: Hostile Mergers missions that you haven't unlocked yet.
- Nezha’s Warding Halo projector uses Secondary Energy colors now.
- Upgraded Domestik Drone logic to prevent attempting to go through clearly locked doors in the Orbiter and provided extra encouragement to explore more.
- Made adjustments to the ziplines and platforms in the end area of the Ropalolyst fight.
Fixed various problems caused by Windows High-DPI scaling; for gory details please see https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1095607-high-dpi-issues/
- Added Window Scaling Mode option to Display Settings to allow you to bypass Windows High-DPI scaling (NOTE: on some computers, particularly laptops with 4K displays, this may cause severe performance problems!)
- Fixed issues with the mouse cursor going missing after a full-screen toggle.
- May have fixed issues when toggling to full-screen and issues where the mouse won't go across the full window when full-screen.
- Made graphics suggested settings default to native window resolution if Windows App Scaling is 130% or less.
- Fixed the Kogake Weapon missing from progression for a lot of Tenno. Mastery has been restored and peace brought back to the universe!
- Fixed Kogake Rivens appearing as ‘Croniton’.
- Fixed Wisp’s Will-o-Wisp ability stacking invulnerability duration instead of restarting it.
- Fixed Beam type weapons unable to destroy Isolator Bursa mines.
- Fixed numerous unintentional work-arounds to get secret gains in the new Gas City tileset. I hope that was vague enough for you.
- Fixed wonky Pistol firing animations for Wisp.
- Fixed the Zenith sometimes Alt Firing/Reloading at the same time.
- Fixed some weapons (Cyanex, Nagantaka) Fire Rates on their Burst mode showing as 0.
- Fixed Alad V’s Portrait from pre-Infested to post-Infested for audio Lore Fragments in Gas City.
- Fixed missing spawn/teleport volumes in some Gas City Captura Scenes.
- Fixed Hexenon missing from the Codex.
- Fixed the Energy color persisting as default on the Nekros Irkalla Skin.
- Fixed the Vetala Shoulder Plates Energy color persisting as their default color.
- Fixed the Pakal Armor Energy color persisting as their default color.
- Fixed Octavia's Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Trinity’s Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Nekros’ Charon Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Jat Kusar Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Nova Stinger and Nova Visage Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the emissive colors on the Helminth Charger Metus Skin appearing all blue.
- Fixed the Tethra Quantum Badge Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Scapulis Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Sidereal Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Frost’s Snowglobe FX range not scaling properly.
- Fixed Frost’s Snowglobe clipping through camera angles.
- Fixed Liset Energy color not applying to the Skin.
- Fixed Liset emissive color options appearing before you’ve gone into the Customization screen.
- Fixed the ‘This Is What You Are’ soundtrack playing in the Orbiter if your Domestik Drone went into the back room.
- Fixed a crash if you Wall Latched or Wall Hopped in the Orbiter after equipping a Mod from the Proton Set.
- Fixed a rare crash when transition from a Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus.
- Fixed a script error when getting an Ayatan Sculpture as a defense reward.
- Fixed several script error when accessing the Syndicate screen.
- Fixed a script error when transitioning between Zones in Sanctuary Onslaught.
- Fixed some ice appearing red on Europa tilesets.
- Fixed the Extract/Battle screen not properly displaying player names that are longer than average.
- Fixed overlapping FX when backing out of a Relay vendor (Syndicate) diorama.
- Fixed repeating ‘tank breaking’ sound in the Gas City tileset.
- Fixed missing audio for a Alad V transmission in the Gas City tileset.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to Contribute to Dojo Research.
The Jovian Concord: Hotfix
- Fixed a crash related to the Domestik Drone.
- Fixed Nyx’s Absorb being affected by teammate damage when using the Assimilate Augment Mod.
- Fixed the Aero Agility Mod appearing as ‘Beyond Legendary’. It now displays the correct 11.54% drop chance in the public drop tables.
Fixed a level hole in the Gas City tileset.
added Hotfix