over 1 year ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Lua’s Prey: Baruuk Prime: Hotfix 32.2.7



  • Fixed the Necramech Essential Mod Bundle missing the Necramech Intensify mod. 

    • For those who purchased the Bundle, a script will be run to deliver the missing Necramech Intensify Mod. We will update the thread here once it has begun. 

  • Fixed Titania’s Tribute not transforming enemies into beacons and applying buffs. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1333706-titania-bug/?ct=1670350493

  • Fixed Baruuk not gaining Energy from Energy Restores while Serene Storm is active. 

  • Fixed offset issues with the Embolist Leg Growths Armor and Galvanik Leg Plates when equipped on Baruuk Prime. 

  • Fixed Baruuk’s Elude deactivate sound FX not always playing. 

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when extracting from a mission. 

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when removing Friends in bulk or declining friend requests. 

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when removing players from your Clan.

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur while trading. 

over 1 year ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link


Hi Tenno! It seems to be just a visual issue, looking at your logs you received your mission rewards just fine. We are investigating and working on a fix. 

over 1 year ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

The script for the missing Necramech Intensify Mod from the Necramech Essential Mod Bundle has been run and completed on Xbox! If you purchased the bundle, you will receive an inbox message with the Necramech Intensify Mod upon opening/re-opening the game.