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i HOPE this goes through but also i didn't know how to tag this post

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about 1 month ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by IronWrench

I mean, great, but was this officially confirmed in any way? That twitter page is not officially related to DE in any way (right?).



That twitter account is not related to DE in any way, shape or form.

Here's the context for our actual intentions in regards to craft timers: https://youtu.be/KGOmZw3_zfA?t=570 (time stamp at 9:30)

Here's what Rebecca said in case you can't watch the video:

So, we experimented with Koumei having a 24h buildtime and that was just to experiment as any good science goes. There is a conservative push to figure out how that look more broadly applied, for just starters or or or. Nothing final but it's very much a horse in the race, a Kaithe on the track.

These are our official accounts on bird and butterfly app:
