about 2 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Reb Ford is here uh with a caval cade of
3s folks uh how's it going Reb great we're
6s I'm really happy to be here grateful to
8s be on the show with some very very very
10s wonderful people absolutely yeah we're
12s glad you're here great to see you again
14s you're also returning Champion uh but
17s who are all these people so um yeah
19s there's a lot I brought a lot of friends
21s um so there's a good reason though so if
23s you don't know uh we are part of the
25s Warframe crew for Warframe 1999 I'm
27s going to intro everyone one by one if
29s you're watching um these are people who
31s lend their voices to Warframe I'm sure
32s you'll talk about it more cuz I'm
34s actually sitting in a spot for someone
36s that was late I'm not going to say who
38s but um so it would be too embarrassing
40s too embarrassing nothing could be worse
42s than being late yeah maybe wearing a
45s yeah if you came dress like an [ __ ]
46s maybe yeah but um if you don't know so I
50s work on Warframe and I work with these
52s lovely folks who have lend their voice
53s to the 1999 update so beside me is
55s Melissa hello Melissa voices um lety AKA
59s Trinity in our coming update and then we
61s have teve hi teve hey hey uh T is Quincy
64s and then we have Alpha who you may have
66s seen at our Tokyo game show stream uh
69s and then we have Kevin who does air and
71s then we have Elsie who does a villainous
74s lady so we can learn more about her and
76s then Amelia as well joining us for
78s another one of our warframes so that's
80s these are all amazing actors who I have
82s loved for a long time and they all
83s joined the join the yeah yeah I me just
85s before before you go uh what was it like
87s assembling the crew like assembling the
89s the The Avengers here it was the
92s luckiest year of my life so I he yeah
95s was just it was really cool and I hope
96s people have fun and get to meet these
98s amazing talented folks and learn more
100s about their stories in the industry and
101s where else they've you know lent their
104s talents and acting and stuff yeah I get
105s the sense you don't get a crew like this
106s together unless you're kind of a fan
107s right yeah so I was yeah yeah so all all
109s is well that's fantastic but I actually
111s am taking up a seat for two people so I
113s I think they are I think they're here so
115s if you want to yeah don't do anything I
117s wouldn't do on this interview
120s good everyone but I guess I'll get out
122s of the way for more people to come on in
125s all right come on in fellas okay okay
130s okay yeah you guys have to get
134s nice and then this is Ben and Neil have
137s fun Ben and Neil from
140s work thanks for joining us good old
143s colleagues and Pals hello hello how
146s would you all describe Neil it's your
149s book aesthetic right he looks he's
150s taking his yearbook photo yeah yeah
153s fabulous NE Neil looks like uh valid
156s dictorian sort of like top of the class
159s and I just like look like cool guy you
161s know just like cool guy thanks you're
162s very cool yes you're the cool guy behind
164s the 7-Eleven called Dr midnight yeah
167s yeah that's right this quite this is a
169s flamable type of tracksuit yeah yeah
170s yeah yeah yeah I will go up in flames on
172s the edge yeah yeah yeah don't open
174s flames and a nogo for me and then how
176s would we describe Ben fabulous as well
178s right fabulous like a like human slurpie
182s for
183s real
186s frh there is nothing fral Regal about
189s that can I say can I say before before
193s anyone in the Stream is like oh Ben I
195s did not ask to be put in this I was put
197s in this I arrived in normal clothes you
200s have security forcing you in that yeah
201s yeah they were like you've got we need
202s to get someone in the tracksuit and I
204s was like I'll go in the track
205s suit that's the opposite of what you
207s just
209s said you can't box me they didn't ask
213s anybody else there were all different
214s colors of tracksuits as
216s well this is this is the best color
218s though come on
220s absolutely thank you all for being here
222s this is excellent I'm glad we can make
223s this happen uh I I kind of okay the vibe
226s I get is that you all become friends
228s when you do a job like this is that is
230s that real or is you just have to say
231s that for the marketing yeah I mean I
233s hadn't met most of these people before
236s today so yeah most of the time we record
239s solo right that's what I'm wondering is
241s it like you're kind of offing your own
242s thing doing your job and then so when
244s you guys do get together I'm sure
245s there's War Stories you can share things
246s like that and that's fun yeah it's it's
248s really refreshing to actually get to
250s share the thing that we've been working
252s on secretly for so long we don't usually
254s get to do stuff like this so this is
256s amazing yeah um so are you guys are
259s going to go all go out tonight and get
260s the same tattoo like on your ankles and
262s stuff is that the
263s plan on yes definitely yeah fantastic U
267s so uh what was it like working on the
269s game T you have uh like any uh stories
271s to share uh it was it was a great
274s experience you know um I was in the
277s studio I wasn't working from home love
279s working with the
281s team um but yeah no it was just in a in
284s a quiet room shouting a lot of stuff you
287s know at the top of my lungs destroying
289s my voice at times uh but it was no it
292s was good fun especially uh yeah bringing
294s Quincy to life uh the Arrogant confident
299s Uber outfit
301s you know mercenary so uh yeah it was
303s just good fun how about you um it was
306s fantastic I I got to work from home um
309s and uh that was always fun I didn't have
311s to stretch too far let is kind of just
312s like a um I don't know a a stoic
316s somebody who is absolutely no [ __ ]
318s can I say that yeah you can say worse
320s than that yeah okay great yeah
321s absolutely no [ __ ] this is
324s on us so I can curse as much as I want
328s right okay great well the SW you know
330s so many
333s how favorite one no but um I I loved it
337s I I got to speak in English and Spanish
339s and NAD and and a bunch of other things
341s and uh uh it it meant a lot to me to be
344s able to bring that forward so yeah it
346s was great was great plus I get to be
348s mean to people and who doesn't like that
349s yeah and get paid to yeah exactly
351s absolutely we got
353s paid we got
355s paid all I got was this suit yeah that's
358s the payment yeah absolutely um so uh I
362s guess you guys have stories of like what
363s led you to sort of this this job were
365s you guys always wanting to be voice
366s actors is that something that you kind
368s of fell into how do you get this job in
369s the first place I went to
373s lunch I mean who doesn't yeah no um I I
377s really really fell into voice acting
379s because um so my friend Yoshi who is
382s still my studio partner he's
384s awesome I was going to lunch with him
387s and he is was signed with one of the top
389s agencies in LA and he was back in the
392s day you couldn't audition from home you
394s had to go into Studio at your agency and
396s then send out your audition so archaic
398s yes so oh he was going to audition I was
400s like oh cool can I come like I've never
403s done anything and then he was
404s auditioning for something Japanese so I
406s was like oh cool can I read also um and
409s then he talked to his agent on the spot
411s and I got signed it's amaz yes and that
414s was Abrams um and since then I've been
417s around oh that's amazing and like from
419s that point for it's like a lot easier to
421s get it I I guess it was easy in the
422s first place it sounds like yeah no I
424s just got very lucky and I mean I was in
426s musical theater so you know you was used
428s to using my voice and vocals but um just
431s for this one G for this game in
433s particular I didn't have to yell or
435s shout like he did and I also wasn't mean
438s to anyone like she was um I was I think
441s like the um the word that would describe
443s a character would be like merciful you
446s know that's like really comes to my mind
447s but it's a lot of fun yeah
450s um how about Kevin how about you I mean
454s I'm I'm a big nerd I have like thousands
457s of hours in my steam library and I play
461s World of Warcraft to nauseating limits
465s um so I sort of just decided I'm just
467s going to dedicate every fiber of my
470s being to this little tiny world and I
473s got insanely lucky at 16 points um and
479s somehow I'm like sitting in front of
480s cameras right now I'm really not sure
482s what happened me Nei I play a real weird
485s competitive game of pretend yeah fake it
488s do you make it right yeah yeah I mean I
490s mean even just in the job I mean I sit
491s in a in a in a box and yell into a
494s microphone it's like a magic world that
496s I get to be a part of it's wild I think
498s there's something quite unique about I'm
500s getting serious now
504s um no I'm talking about the business um
507s it is is really unique about digital
508s extremes about how they have celebrated
511s us and allowed us to put us forward for
513s all of this stuff it really isn't I mean
516s obviously i' I've we I've done this a
518s few times but really this this but this
520s is the first time you've done it on
520s behalf of a game though like you came on
522s your own and he just showed
525s up yeah yeah I had to disguise myself to
528s get in this time um that's why you're
530s wearing yeah it is no one saw me was he
532s dressed like that last he changes
534s disguises every time chimy sweep last
536s time yeah but they have they have this
538s is this is an incredible company who put
539s so much faith in us and are platforming
542s us which is so cool because you know I I
545s don't I think actors in video games
547s sometimes get not sidelined but you know
550s the game is the star and that is rightly
552s so cuz people you would say that you
554s don't buy video games for the actors but
557s there has just been this beautiful thing
558s of including us in the cycle of
560s promotion and hype and saying get
562s excited about us as people and get
564s excited about us as characters because
566s that's what this update is it's can you
569s get invested in the hex group can you
571s get invested in these people who you now
573s can romance let's get invested in these
575s people because they they support us and
578s it's been the most amazing experience to
579s work with Reb and the rest of the team
581s and I I can't say enough good things
585s about digital extremes and the way they
587s treat the their actors and also their
589s staff it's incredible do you get the
591s sense that that like they think you're
593s valuable to what they're doing right
595s like and that's that helps that
597s something you feel good about yeah it's
599s it's supposed to be experience anyway um
601s and again like like Ben said you the
603s game is the star but then if you're
605s putting actors in The the starring roles
607s of the game um it just adds to the
610s entire experience the imers of
611s experience but so people get invested
613s and connect that can't happen unless you
615s are collaborating unless you're having
617s fun because it's supposed to be a
619s creative play you know um yeah yeah and
622s then uh like you say collaborative but
624s it's also collaborative with the player
625s right cuz the player like when they like
627s a character they like everything about
629s the charactera including the person
631s doing the role right and they they want
632s to have they want to think about that
634s person as much as they want to think
635s about the character or in some cases
637s they do right is that something you've
639s experienced uh yeah I mean I'm new to
641s this world actually um you know I come
644s from theater and in the screen so I
647s guess so um you know when you when you
649s see online there's a lot of uh there's
652s some good lot people have very intense
657s opinion they're spending hundreds of
660s and you it's not just about you the
663s character it's about what that period in
666s time meant to them what the issues that
668s that character goes through means to
670s them personally so the the connections
672s are very strong and very visceral it's
674s it's fascinating kind you want you want
677s to lean into that as well you want to do
679s them real
682s service can get it can get weird gu I've
685s seen the fan art
689s I but that is the value right people
691s build real real relationship
693s relationships with these characters and
694s then yeah you lean into it uh is that
698s something you think uh you know a
699s company like digital extremes is showing
701s hey people you we'll put them front and
702s center people care about this is this
704s something like a roadmap for other
706s Studios going forward you guys want to
707s do more of this yeah hell yeah yes yeah
710s because it's like a level of trust in us
713s as people and especially the casting
715s that's happened is it feels quite
717s authentic and it values what we bring to
719s those roles rather than just going do a
721s silly voice do it now say the words it's
724s um it's valuing us and what we bring to
726s the table and we all get to play
728s together now rather than separately yeah
731s and uh when you guys are are taking on
735s roles in the future uh do do you feel
737s like okay I got to be thinking about
739s building my personal brand as well
741s alongside of the work I'm doing is that
743s something unless you thinking we have a
744s choice and what we
747s get it's very sweet of you uh I like I
750s think I think often like we know we
751s audition we still audition of course and
753s I think all of us irrespective of
755s success that you get which is amazing
757s you're still a working actor and I think
759s it's important that people understand we
760s don't get to always cherry pick what we
762s want to do for our careers and things um
765s if we're lucky we get offered the
767s opportunity to audition for interesting
770s exciting projects very occasionally we
772s might even be offered straight because
773s people want to work with us on a
775s particular project particular role they
777s have you in mind yeah yeah but on the
778s whole you know we're all audition man
780s you know it's good I it's great because
781s we we get a lot of opportunities which
783s is good yeah I think it's like if you
785s find out your stories so like very
786s famous people like they still have to
788s take calls from people they find
789s annoying and things like that there's no
790s level of like actually getting past all
792s that stuff unless you're very tippy top
793s right it's always it's always really
794s refreshing when you see an actor on a
795s red carpet and they go why' you take the
797s role and they go the
801s money what Drew you to the role the
803s amount of money you were going to give
804s me is what drew me to the role because
806s ultimately that's what it is you know
807s it's it's a it's a profession but it's
809s one that we're very very lucky to be
811s very passionate about and actually it's
813s it's very very very cool it's it's a
816s very cool job but it is a job and um I
819s think that people seem to think that we
821s have this luxury of just being like I'm
823s going to waltz into this role and do
824s that it really isn't sometimes it is
826s just blind luck that you get something I
829s mean this I mean my
832s my me being a part of Warframe is so
835s lucky in the same way that like me being
837s a part of Final Fantasy is so lucky
838s everything is right place right time
840s obviously the preparation is incredibly
842s important and being right for the part
844s but like the chance meeting of Reb the
846s chance discussions that we had they like
848s talking about the things that we liked
850s and then turning that into the
851s opportunity to audition for the part
853s that was so many different steps that
855s could have just gone either way I could
856s have been busy I could have just not
858s spoken to Reb I could have we could have
860s never even met and then I wouldn't be
862s here in this incredible suit talking to
865s you now and and it's and it's being
868s aware of those opportunities those kind
870s of um fluctuation points where you just
873s go okay this is where my life can change
874s and it's being able to recognize those
876s things and seize them when they're there
878s the crazy thing is like everything you
880s said absolutely but I've now climatized
882s to the suit and you were completely
886s serious have been going forward I can
889s see the screen I can see on the screen
890s my glasses are way too small for my face
893s actually kind of like it's uncanny value
895s weird that wide bent face yeah that's a
897s problem uh when uh
901s pancake of a
903s man um like you said like it's a job
905s stuff it's like all of it's a job right
907s because it's like even when you're not
909s like working as a as a voice actor on a
911s specific role like you like you've been
914s you're still out there like uh a
915s promoting yourself in other way I mean
916s promoting yourself like building a brand
918s doing stuff online that you enjoy but
920s that seems to feed into it right it's
921s all part of the job in a lot of ways
923s right I mean it's it's how long you got
926s when you're talking about like the the
928s idea of
930s creating yourself because people get
932s obsessed with characters people come to
934s us because they like our characters but
936s in this industry that's what they like
938s and it's about figuring out ways in
940s which you can utilize the platform that
942s you have to humanize yourself and make
944s people invested in you as a person and
946s that is something that I have tried
947s really hard to do because actually I'm
950s going like I am not this particular
952s character I am this person who I would
954s like you to invest in so that if there
956s are other games you can come to that and
958s it's a very difficult thing to do
960s because people want to quite rightly
962s associate you solely with a particular
964s character I'm not saying I would ever
966s shun the amazing roles that I am I have
969s been associated with that's really
971s [ __ ] cool but also knowing that I
974s want to not build the brand but let
976s people know who I am because it's it's
979s quite hard to do well it requires being
982s brave right and honest about who you are
984s and doing a lot of self analysis and
985s going okay this is the stuff that I'm
987s going to let you see about me and course
989s that bits just for me mhm and knowing
992s where to draw those lines I think is
993s really important yeah um how long have
996s all of you like who's been doing voice
998s acting and video games for like more
999s than pizza
1002s delivery pizza you're late what it's
1004s free right no [ __ ] Beno okay yeah I got
1008s you right now okay cheese pizza here
1010s plates for the beautiful beautiful
1012s beautiful oh you're doing an Italian
1014s accent
1016s okay you know each other yeah that's
1019s real pizza real
1024s pizza
1027s at Chef
1029s Jan sometimes you just got to let other
1031s people
1032s D wow oh man they cut everything look at
1035s that oh that smells so good yeah that's
1038s actually good stuff wow all
1040s right here I'm going to lift up the box
1043s and let you guys sure thank you
1046s everybody I'm actually okay
1049s okay would you like I'm just going to
1051s have it to hold it it's just I'm going
1054s to CH down on this after there you go
1056s okay don't drop it on tree all right
1058s this is incredible
1061s content all right these when people eat
1064s food and people just watch meat mukbang
1066s mukbang mukbang Welcome to our mukbang
1067s stream
1070s everybody ASR
1073s toen that is free but that will be on
1075s the as well later
1078s so so okay who's been doing this for
1080s more than like 10 years uh
1082s 1986 I started Bo okay fantastic so what
1086s are your most okay not embarrassing but
1088s what if like an obscure role that like
1089s people would be surprised an obscure
1091s role or just like a weird one I can tell
1093s you an audition I didn't get I love this
1095s singing
1096s STD who wait you were going to play a
1098s singing STD well apparently
1101s not I've never been so glad to
1105s garar Gar let me
1108s go that part out okay that would have
1111s been fantastic okay that would like for
1113s a PSA or whatever who knows at this
1116s point this is a long time I gu I mean
1117s you got the important parts you singing
1119s I think it was some sort of like at
1121s school teaching kids that things can
1125s happen how about you who would like an
1127s obscure one that you did a long time ago
1129s or even recently yeah no like one of the
1131s first ones I ever did I tried to make um
1133s I think I convinced them to do it it was
1135s like Lego Minifigures game which doesn't
1136s exist anymore they just I'm Prett sure
1138s they can pretty evaporated the end I
1140s play a brm caveman from bur in England
1144s okay so yeah very specific so the
1146s caveman was just happened to be from
1148s Birmingham yeah okay cuz it was all I
1149s can think of in the SP of the moment
1151s yeah fair enough no it's
1152s perfect it may have killed the game
1155s single-handedly probably but let's not
1157s point fingers here yeah all right how's
1159s the pizza it's pretty good I'll find out
1163s I'm
1165s hiding I do have it though it looks
1167s amazing yeah um okay so uh Warframe 99
1172s uh you okay so you play uh Angry Alpha
1175s you play mean girl Ben you play I play a
1178s nice just a nice boy uh he's just a nice
1181s guy nice guy just a nice boy Everyone
1184s likes him has a katana AK47 who ni
1187s himself he's called um he's called nice
1190s boy he's a little sad sometimes he's
1191s sometimes sad but mostly nice um no I
1193s play Arthur who is the head of the hex
1195s group and he uh he's an ex-military man
1198s um hard as Nails um hard to crack but
1201s when you do always that center soft
1205s inside so yeah it's fun it's a cool guy
1209s how about you uh I play I play Victor
1211s who is not very nice inside um he's very
1215s cold clinical um we I don't know if I
1218s can talk about this actually man like
1220s Reb and I came on upon a thing as we
1222s were doing a lot of the evil monologuing
1225s um that we worked something out about
1226s him I'm not entirely sure where's re cuz
1228s I need a thumbs up with
1229s C well whatever there's something
1232s about something about the character um
1234s which is the idea was that we thought he
1236s might be a really [ __ ] poet oh I love
1239s that so there's [ __ ] poetry in it that's
1241s fantastic did you did she like write it
1243s for you guys work together on it kind of
1245s a bit of no mainly written but it was
1247s kind of we discovered it together did
1249s you write some poetry and then they go
1251s this is maybe
1253s sh I do have an awful lot of [ __ ]
1258s poetry I just didn't bring it in yeah so
1260s but he's an interesting character he's
1262s very like he's very um he's one of those
1264s people that is so is so rigid and so
1267s tense and so absolutely must be this way
1270s that he's very brittle as well so it's
1271s kind of a fun character play that sounds
1273s like the fun part of the job to me been
1274s like riffing on ideas and coming up with
1276s somebody like let's try that and no now
1278s it's in the game is does that happen
1280s frequently in terms of what like just
1282s like being able like on the spot say hey
1284s we discovered this about the character
1285s now we're going to depends on the
1286s situation I think I mean obviously uh
1289s depends on the writing as well and the
1290s relationship with the director and etc
1292s etc sometimes yes sometimes it's not
1295s always that malleable depending on what
1297s the what you need to be doing do you
1299s know what I mean so like some jobs yes
1301s you have a lot of freedom to explore and
1302s they want you to discover other times
1304s it's so critical that you can't do a
1306s huge amount of exploration depending
1308s really on what you're doing so it's a
1309s real mixed bag depending on who on what
1311s you're doing and who you're working with
1312s I would say yeah there is usually a bit
1314s of room for sure how about your
1316s character uh eleno is
1319s Arthur's sister we are siblings you are
1322s unprepared for this year level of
1323s sibling [ __ ] that we'll be in this
1325s game excellent um they've got a really
1328s kind of close but slightly combative in
1331s that kind of sibling poking each other
1333s way but but she looks after him and
1335s tries to keep him on the straight and
1337s narrow um she she might be ever so
1340s slightly more infected than other people
1342s in the group um and she has a big
1345s prehensile tongue uh that sometimes gets
1349s her into trouble she can't talk so she
1351s projects her we'll see in the fan art
1353s for
1354s sure
1356s yeah that's art um but yeah she's scop
1360s so she can get into people's minds she
1362s can move things around that way and uh
1365s hear people's thoughts which some people
1367s very much enjoy in this group and some
1369s people don't
1373s yes this guy flirty as hell mhm this one
1377s hates it
1379s she's just waiting for me to
1381s turn Shier yeah how about you yeah very
1385s villainous uh I love doing all that kind
1387s of stuff but there's more layers to her
1389s um which is nice it's always nice to
1391s have a a villain that has layers to them
1393s but doing the the bombastic villain
1395s stuff is so awesome it's so fun I'm a
1398s huge fan of you know Disney villains and
1399s I've Loved all that stuff my whole life
1401s so any opportunity to play a character
1403s like this is absolutely amazing and I
1404s hope that people like her I mean she has
1406s a claw for her hand for goodness sake
1409s just red she's awesome and she smokes
1411s out of her gas mask like can't get any
1413s cooler than that I mean they're all
1415s cool yeah it's it's it's just been so
1418s amazingly fun um but yeah there is some
1420s depth here as well which has been very
1421s fun to explore yeah uh amir's a nerd I
1425s didn't have to ask too
1428s hardd World of Warcraft yeah I mean that
1432s universe's version basically I
1434s mean he's a sweetheart he's not really
1437s cut out for the apocalypse that he's
1439s going through he's not quite like the
1442s rest of them he's not built for the end
1444s game he's built different but your
1447s parentheses built different um and he's
1451s you know he's he's silly and he uses
1453s that kind of to deflect and but there is
1455s a vulnerability there um and he lets it
1457s through when he starts to become
1459s comfortable with you know whoever he may
1461s be and uh he's a very interesting
1464s character because there's something so
1469s uh exciting about like when the goober
1472s like gets serious or when the goober
1474s kind of like breaks that facade and
1477s there's a little bit of those real
1478s feelings that that shine through and I
1480s think that's what makes Amir such a fun
1483s character is that he's he seems on the
1485s surface like a caricature right like a
1487s golden retriever but he's not quite that
1490s that's sort of just the face that's a
1492s protective layer yeah yeah it's it's
1494s it's to to protect him from that and you
1497s can even hear even in the the pre he he
1499s lets that go when he thinks that nobody
1501s is is watching and and and asks for the
1504s for the hug and and it's it's he's a
1506s very sweet character and he's a big old
1509s nerd and that's fun Alpha amir's growing
1513s on me right now yeah and you know I have
1516s a lot of lines with Amir and you know
1519s you have given me Insight on his
1521s character thank you not just all
1523s arguments about pizza no no um so OE um
1528s is uh
1529s Arthur's right-hand woman uh sidekick
1533s yes um and she's the type of a character
1536s who is happy she is like bubbly she is
1539s jumping on her feet and loves music
1542s loves 90 music yes um love singing
1545s online songs and I actually do listen to
1548s the online music
1550s sound I was so happy to get that it is
1554s so good um and just this really eternal
1558s Optimist but it doesn't always work well
1561s for her because you know those gas mask
1563s signs where it says on the airplane says
1565s you know make sure you put on your gas
1567s mask gas mask no your oxygen
1573s mask you put it on your mask before you
1576s put it on somebody else but she would do
1578s the opposite she would actually put this
1580s on somebody else she would feed the
1582s prisoners before eating herself so that
1586s seems to be some of the reasons why they
1588s broke up yeah we used to be together
1591s [Applause]
1593s oh I'm sure we won't find anything else
1595s about that and that's the end of the
1597s story yeah we mention briefly and then
1599s just move yeah and then we just move on
1601s no it's yeah it's it's it's a very it's
1602s a very cool relationship and actually
1603s Alfa and I have been uh together since
1605s the beginning of this you know yours
1607s yours was the first voice that I heard
1609s when we did the the demo that's in
1611s Whispers of the wall a couple years yeah
1614s it's been really really cool and it's
1615s just been amazing to see how this team
1617s of Misfits has kind of been buil over
1619s that time and we've known about these
1621s characters and it's amazing just to hear
1622s them one by one come in and go God
1624s that's exactly how I imagine they'd
1625s sound and I remember the thrill of
1627s seeing the tenoc con demo and being like
1629s yeah there's that moment where they all
1630s line up um and they're ready to go and
1632s you know it's like we're going on the
1633s bikes and there's that you know they go
1635s down um go down the road and then you've
1637s got like air running beside it's just
1639s it's just cool and it's just cool
1641s because these are these are warframes
1642s everyone knows they they've been there
1644s for for 12 years now that oh oh well
1649s down okay yeah
1651s oh not the N64 12 years
1656s now he wants you to hold it down sorry
1659s so sorry um they've been together for um
1662s 12 years now and um 12 years now um 12
1667s we got that 12 years um and it's and
1671s it's just cool that we put we've put
1673s like a like faces to these characters
1674s that people know and love and it's it's
1676s a huge responsibility for us to do it
1678s it's quite nerous racking that people
1679s are letting us do it but hopefully we
1682s can bring some life to these these
1685s warframes that people know and love and
1686s have known them for 12 years
1689s now um well okay speaking of 12 years
1692s now um when you uh are all doing these
1695s roles video games take a long time uh
1697s you guys probably work on these things
1699s and then do you just not hear anything
1701s about it for years you you can book
1703s something and it could be like 2 years
1705s before sometimes we don't even know what
1706s it is until it comes out so it's yeah
1708s can what's that like it's it's it's not
1711s fun when it comes out it's cool if it
1713s even gets made sometimes it doesn't even
1716s get made which is which sucks but you
1718s know when yeah it happens quite more
1719s often than people think actually like
1721s that's the most frustrating part is that
1722s you know we kind of like want to talk
1723s about what we've done so bad and then it
1724s doesn't come out and then it's like I'm
1726s working I swear so yeah it all just
1727s turns into like a whole thing but yeah
1729s no it's a very interesting industry but
1732s it's amazing and that's why we love it
1735s it would be different for film and
1736s television where like maybe it's a
1737s little bit shorter
1739s yeah there's so much more Tech that goes
1742s into a video game because especially
1743s when you get branching narratives
1745s different hot paths like there's a lot
1747s of tech that goes into that and things
1749s change as well this is a thing like I've
1751s done stuff where they come back and
1752s they're like oh we've Rewritten it all
1754s and it's like oh okay yeah it's very
1756s very I mean the end of the story's got
1758s to serve the game right so they a lot of
1760s times have to end up changing things U
1762s you know you mentioned that uh you and
1764s rev came up with that idea is that
1765s common word that cuz she's game director
1767s now is that who's you usually with you
1769s all when you are recording lines for a
1770s video game the director of the game or
1772s is there like a step down where it's
1774s like oh no it's the the dialect director
1776s I don't know like what's it what's it
1777s like normally is it normally someone
1778s like Reb from the game often like in on
1781s the volume or in the booth you're going
1783s to have a performance director um
1785s sometimes you might have the game
1786s director or narrative lead narrative
1788s director alongside you may have them on
1790s call they may just be listening in
1791s silently just offering in every now and
1793s again it really depends depends on the
1794s team depends on how people historically
1796s want to create that makeup and also
1798s what's best for the actual session often
1800s these days which is great you have
1802s people that are dedicated performance
1803s directors right um because obviously
1805s there's a certain language working with
1807s an actor how to get the best of them how
1809s to transmit ideas and how to translate
1812s ideas uh to them and back from them etc
1814s etc so um I got to work with Reb I got
1816s to work with a guy called cam last time
1818s on with Fibonacci he was great um but
1820s Reb and I worked on on this one together
1822s I think most of you guys worked together
1824s with yeah it was really fun and
1826s obviously Reb knows the game so timately
1829s um and is you know in such a key
1831s position of the game that it was really
1833s nice to be able to have somebody
1835s instantly tapped into it like that it
1837s was really nice as well to have writers
1839s in the sessions I don't know because
1841s that way you have so much more freedom
1843s to go you know what that line is not
1845s quite flowing can I rephrase it or can I
1847s can I just try swearing at him like this
1850s and see how it goes like we got to mess
1852s around with things and really find the
1855s heart I had a really end up
1860s rewriting too especially for me as well
1862s cuz Quincy's from London so and he
1865s speaks in Em which is Multicultural
1868s English um so he has he uses slang and
1872s pwa Jamaican pwa sure as well um so it's
1876s a team effort but sometimes you know
1878s your experience can only inform what you
1880s say um so yeah so grateful that there
1884s was that freedom to kind of put your
1886s spin on it and make it really specific
1889s to your experience it makes them so much
1891s more unique right yeah I love getting to
1894s do that as well with Ley also uh
1896s throwing in some some Spanish slang that
1899s only I grew up with in South Texas and
1901s stuff like that that that people from
1903s there are going to go that I know
1905s exactly where that comes from and uh
1906s they made me happy too and I got to kind
1908s of evolve Ley as well from the mean girl
1911s into someone who I think like she's the
1913s medic uh she's someone who despite
1915s having claw like actually genuinely
1917s cares and I got to kind of bring that
1919s forward um in in my recording for her as
1922s well show her softer side and and
1925s actually was kind of fun tackling going
1927s from the mean girl to a romanceable
1930s character to someone who lets their
1932s guard down um and that was a lot of fun
1935s yeah I'm I'm sure it's a a situation
1937s where uh when you do get to collaborate
1939s like that it's fantastic but if it's
1940s like no you're going to do what the
1941s lines that's that's written like you're
1942s there to serve them right so like you're
1944s going to do the job but you know it is
1946s fun to stretch your legs creatively I'm
1947s sure yeah MH you end up with a better
1949s end product yeah because then you're all
1952s playing together it's not just a writer
1954s doing that thing and giving you the
1956s script and you do that and then go away
1958s it's everybody gets to make something
1959s that's greater than the sum of its parts
1961s right and it's like I mean you are
1963s putting your voice in the character it
1964s helps if you get to put something more
1965s in there right people are trying to buy
1967s into the performance I'm sure yeah yeah
1969s sure yeah cuz video games aren't very
1970s malleable as people think for a lot of
1972s them so being able to actually have some
1974s freedom is is pretty amazing yeah right
1977s that goes back to the tech being taking
1978s so long being so expensive so rigid like
1981s sometimes it's as lered as like oh we
1983s need we need this emotion with this
1986s intonation and it needs to be 4 seconds
1989s exactly
1994s exactly yeah I'll tone that I'll do all
1997s of those things let do a back flip
1999s sounds like trying to get a golf swing
2001s exactly like there's 50 things happening
2002s you got to do it perfect every time and
2004s it needs to be this exact length nail
2006s the timing yeah um how like you
2008s mentioned the volume that's performance
2010s capture right that's like uh that's not
2012s what happened here right this was Booth
2014s this is voice work Voice work okay yeah
2016s um what is the performance capture like
2018s these days is that is that like a
2019s constantly changing medium or is it film
2023s it okay every technolog is different
2026s like everyone's got different stuff so I
2028s will say it's getting smaller and less
2029s clunky than it used to be the things
2031s you're wearing the moap yeah the map
2033s suits you have your helmet I think
2035s you've seen things with the big arm that
2037s comes forward and got the facial faal
2039s facial c yeah a lot of that now can
2042s either be eliminated or moved aside and
2044s then you've got smaller lav mics so
2046s everything is just getting smaller and
2048s less intrusive which is pretty awesome
2051s because then you can do a lot more
2052s things with groups at the same time as
2054s well for Moab yeah it's great I think I
2056s saw the video of that from like Resident
2057s Evil uh where they all the the cast
2059s together working around each other and
2061s that was really amazing to see it's like
2062s is that how it is for everything doesn't
2063s seem like it but yeah um but so
2067s performance capture uh it it is
2070s capturing like all the little details
2071s and they just filter that into the
2072s character is that how that works kind of
2075s yeah it's of like voice Booth voice film
2078s face and Stage body so that you can
2081s communicate effectively what you're
2083s going through I guess at a range of
2085s different distances and close-ups and
2087s stuff but it's it's always really
2090s interesting to see which actors can do
2092s that if they come from a like a film
2095s background you've taken a bunch of their
2096s toys away like they haven't their own
2098s face or a costume on and they're in a
2100s very unflattering most of the time skin
2103s tight suit like the room tell who's
2106s going to freeze up and who's going to
2108s feel incredibly free like coming from a
2110s mainly voice background from my side of
2113s things like it's it's incredibly freeing
2115s to get your body bag yeah how is it like
2117s how do you get like uh used to it
2118s accustomed to it how you like sort of
2119s settle down and just start going I
2121s didn't need to yeah I was just like oh
2123s my God I'm about arm this is great
2125s that's fantastic um all right so game
2128s Awards tomorrow night uh like any
2130s favorites to win any favorite games you
2132s played this year from a couple years ago
2133s you guys have some favorites out there
2136s uh metaphor refund to see because I'm in
2138s it and I'm biased so I'm No it's it's
2141s it's amazing to just actually be there
2143s to be honest because I watch it every
2144s year and the fact that we've got this
2146s opportunity to actually be present at
2147s the show is is so incredible so I'm
2150s super excited Y and Pa
2153s SK again I think it's got a chance yeah
2156s again
2158s Yeah Boy everyone really loves metaphor
2160s though yeah it's uh really kind of
2162s that's great yeah for sure um yeah I uh
2165s any like uh uh astrobot batro anything
2169s like that you guys you play that yeah
2172s you play I really believe that Ben was
2174s the voice of astrobot I know he won't
2176s admit it right but I did a stupid video
2179s where I said I was the voice of astrobot
2181s I'm not the voice of astrobot but
2184s someone tweeted me saying this is really
2185s irresponsible when
2188s gets a roll he always makes a sex joke
2189s about it and I'm going I didn't I'm not
2191s the
2193s voice the stuff he's saying in this
2195s video is absolute
2197s filth's no way it's low hanging fruit
2199s and I'm going to pick it up I'm going to
2201s get it no I was going to congratulate
2203s you yesterday and then I actually
2204s rewatched the tweet and then notic that
2207s I actually
2208s as but you'll do it at parties right
2211s you'll do the I'll do I'll give you
2212s astrobot
2213s parties I don't want to ask do I open
2216s for those who don't know I open with the
2217s line hi I'm astrobot short for astrobot
2221s him but you can just call me
2224s ass sounds it's just quality
2228s [Laughter]
2232s content probably do this on the next one
2233s what's the details on Warframe 1999
2235s when's it coming out when not allowed to
2237s say please tune in to the game awards
2240s tomorrow that was sneaky that was
2245s sneak sometimes I get him almost got me
2249s I'm not very smart I fully believe I was
2253s like yeah I'll tell you this is where
2254s we're supposed to do that you said it so
2256s quickly so
2258s quick listen I don't know your guys's
2260s plans I'm like I'll just ask him a
2261s question about it um so are you all
2264s going to be up on the stage tomorrow or
2266s would no not know I don't know I'm the
2271s one telling you guess what's going up
2273s right no what's that I
2276s think yeah yes I got a thumbs up
2279s yes like come up here like she's not
2283s listening she can't hear this she she's
2285s terrible right Reb come on a
2287s nightmare yeah yeah Ben's been beaten
2290s down you can tell absolutely I hate her
2293s um she also was we had a little press
2294s event today um she plays the bass so
2302s well commercials of like the most
2303s interesting man in the world is she the
2305s most interesting person in video games
2308s yes at this point infuriatingly
2312s talented in what environment was she
2314s playing the bass did she just went up
2315s and started
2316s R in the Warframe band did the speech
2319s and just went and started playing the
2320s bass I have to go play the bass now and
2322s then she did and it was Flawless amazing
2324s I feel like she could beat up anyone at
2325s this party out of I wanted to make a
2328s joke about it but like it it was real
2330s and I don't want it to be misconstrued
2332s because it actually
2334s happened what kind of music were they
2336s playing just a
2339s soundtra Warframe 1999 Matt chmer and
2343s the Warframe band were playing five
2344s songs from the soundtrack um and the
2346s crazy thing about Matt who's uh the
2348s composer he obviously composed all of
2351s the music which is all the grunge stuff
2353s and he also compose all the online boy
2355s band stuff it's insane the range of that
2358s man that's incred
2359s catchingly catchy and it kind of like it
2362s really encapsulates the different you
2364s know the different styles that were
2365s there in 1999 you know there two
2367s different and he' you know get you a guy
2369s who can do both incredible absolutely
2372s yeah um all right I think that is going
2374s to do it for this panel thank you all so
2377s much it was excellent to talk to you
2379s looking forward to Warframe 1999 hope
2381s you guys all have a good game awards
2382s good rest of your week here in La uh
2384s we're going to be right back after this
2385s few more panels left tonight on the
2387s couch here at GB at Night Live with me
2389s see y'all soon
2406s [Music]
2411s I
2413s to bre
2428s [Music]