over 4 years
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10 minutes ago, MutantMiner300 said:is the 45 basic Tink fish requirement for the necramech weapon pod intentional?
No, and this will be fixed. Thank you!
10 minutes ago, MutantMiner300 said:is the 45 basic Tink fish requirement for the necramech weapon pod intentional?
No, and this will be fixed. Thank you!
We have been reading the feedback on the Bonewidow and wanted to give you a heads up that we are looking to make the following changes in a coming hotfix:
Bonewidow Changes:
Please note that these example numbers are expected to ship, but as with all things involving development, there may be some tweaks before the final hotfix is deployed. This gives you a general idea of our intention and plans for changes to Bonewidow, however.
Thank you everyone for your feedback, and keep it coming!