almost 6 years
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Don’t miss your chance to get Akjagara Prime, Redeemer Prime, and more
The golden gunslinger is getting holstered, but you still have time to get Mesa Prime Access!
Mesa Prime Access includes:
- Mesa Prime: Cast a long shadow with this lethal enforcer.
- Mesa Prime Glyphs: Embody Mesa Prime with these Prime Glyphs.
- Akjagara Prime: Precision machined mirrored pistols. Primed and ready.
- Redeemer Prime: Deal out double-barreled death with this primed gunblade.
- Anten Prime Operator Earpiece
- Respa Prime Operator Mask
- Erlang Prime Operator Diadem
Prime Items Entering the Vault! When Mesa Prime Access ends on April 2, the following items and Relics will be entering the Prime Vault and won’t be available to earn in-game.
- Oberon Prime
- Silva & Aegis prime
- Sybaris Prime
Get Mesa Prime and her Prime Weapons before it’s too late, Tenno!