over 2 years ago - [DE]Dudley - Direct link


Tune into twitch.tv/warframe on Thursday, November 10th for Prime Time #326! With more hijinks, community highlights, and showcases than we know what to do with, you do not want to miss this. The action begins at 6 p.m. ET and you can earn this week’s drop by watching for 45 minutes. We are offering 75x Nora’s Mix Vol. 2 Cred. You can also claim this week’s drop by tuning into Warframe International’s stream on Wednesday, November 9th at 3 p.m. ET.

Nora's Mix Vol 2 Cred Drop.png
** This Twitch Drop has a Claim Limit of 3 by watching Warframe International (for 45 minutes) and Prime Time (for an hour and 30 minutes) should you wish to get the maximum limit.

Featured Creator of the Week
This week we are featuring Aungelecette (twitch.tv/aungelecette) and you can join Aungelecette’s stream on Thursday, November 10th at 8 p.m. ET for some fun gameplay and prizes.

We hope to see you there, Tenno!