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I never saw the point of this, and it's such a pain for some frames to have to recast everything, or in Gara's case have to completely restock her 2's damage.

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11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Grunslik

It's especially annoying when the map registers you as having fallen off the map, when all you've really done is gone up some stairs. Thanks, glitched OOB markers in Albrecht's Labs tiles. :P


Those weird reset volumes are due to tile overlap, kinda like these things: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ew8urv/found_this_strange_object_in_the_void_any_clue/

If you encounter one on PC, could you please take an F6 screenshot and send it to support and tag me in the message?

F6 screenshots include meta-data that helps us identify where map generation went wrong, allowing us to fix it. (send to support as images uploaded to hosting sites often remove this important meta-data)


11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Intillex

Would you like these screenshots from tile sets outside of the new labs? There's one specific location in the Void Cascade tileset (the large open room with the Parallax ships parked all over) that's done it 100% of the time as long as I can remember.

It's a well enough known issue in the Void Cascade community that when that tile set is encountered, most teams opt to just reset in the hope that we don't get that set again.

I'll be beyond stoked if that particular one got fixed, because otherwise I love the tileset and love the game mode!

Yeah, sure! If you see something that doesn't seem right, feel free to report!

11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Alex3627ca

Hey, so I've made a habit out of F6ing whenever glitchy shit happens, map layouts or otherwise, and have several years of these screenshots. Is there anywhere I could just dump them all for you guys to take a look at whenever, without erasing the metadata in the process?

I fear a lot of those screenshots may be outdated by now. Ideally you'd only send in recent issues.

If you have more than a couple of screenshots for a current issue, you can put them into a .zip folder and upload that.
