about 6 years
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Become the fastest gun in the system with Mesa Prime. This legendary gunslinger comes with the Akjagara Prime dual pistols, the long-awaited Redeemer Prime gunblade and more!
MESA PRIME ACCESSORIES Operator Prime Accessories
Don one, two, or all three fashionable Prime accessories and give your Operator a golden visage!
Also included in the Mesa Prime Accessories are:
Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime and Redeemer Prime Blueprints can also be earned in-game through Relics!
- Mesa Prime: Cast a long shadow with this lethal enforcer.
- Mesa Prime Glyphs: Embody Mesa Prime with these Prime Glyphs.
- Akjagara Prime: Precision machined mirrored pistols. Primed and ready.
- Redeemer Prime: Deal out double-barreled death with this primed gunblade.
MESA PRIME ACCESSORIES Operator Prime Accessories
- Anten Prime Operator Earpiece
- Respa Prime Operator Mask
- Erlang Prime Operator Oculus
Don one, two, or all three fashionable Prime accessories and give your Operator a golden visage!
Also included in the Mesa Prime Accessories are:
- Cholla Prime Sugatra
- Mesa Prime Montesa Helmet
- 90 Day Credit Booster
- 90 Day Affinity Booster
Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime and Redeemer Prime Blueprints can also be earned in-game through Relics!