over 4 years
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Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.1
In an attempt to keep these notes spoiler free you may notice some less-descriptive language than usual - thank you for your diligent reporting!
Removed the 2 Entrati Character Token sacrifice required to earn the first Entrati Rank up as there were issues with accessibility as commented on here (SPOILERS): https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1216513-son-token-is-impossible-to-get/?tab=comments#comment-11787522
- If you have made this Entrati Rank up sacrifice please contact support.warframe.com to get your Tokens back.
- Removed the Helminth ‘Interact’ context action until you have installed the Helminth Segment. But is it a cat or dog person?! Did you find out?!
- Cambion Drift is now always shown in the Star Chart if you have not completed the Heart of Deimos Quest. Upon hover it will be locked with the tooltip to complete Heart of Deimos to gain access.
- Reduced overall sounds of the Necramech, including very loud death sounds.
- Sound tweaks to the platform ascent/descent moment during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Slight tweaks towards crafting sounds in the Necralisk.
- Potential fix for a tunnel door not opening during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed a script error when opening the Star Chart with the Once Awake Quest active resulting in broken Navigation.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during one of the cinematics in the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed a progression stop in the New Player Experience (Awakening) if an enemy gets stuck outside the first room.
- Fixed dying in a Necramech resulting in your Operator being invisible and invincible.
- Fixed dying in mission 3 of the Heart of Deimos Quest causing a progression stop.
- Fixed missing temporary invulnerability when Transferring into a Necramech.
- Fixed wrong waypoint being given when following someone back to the Necralisk during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed a script crash during the ‘be stealthy’ part of the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed a case of Fishing not working for Clients in Cambion Drift.
- Fixed Cambion Drift being unlocked when playing Steel Path without having finished the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed Entrati Weapon Syndicate member missing the Trumna Stock Blueprint.
- Fixed ability to start a Bounty from Mother during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed Necramech Fury and Necramech Pressure Point Mods not functioning for either Host or Client.
- Fixed objective markers not updating during the Heart of Deimos Quest while in Operator mode.
- Fixed ability to launch Cambion Drift in Steel Path mode if you clicked Necralisk from the Star Chart and then went into Cambion Drift.
- Fixed staying in a squad when playing the Awakening tutorial.
- Fixed low image quality on new TennoGen Prex cards.
- Fixed some missing Conservation Transmissions.
- Fixed inability to turn in 1 Syndicate Medallion when at your Daily cap.
- Fixed visual hair discrepancies with the Conservation Entrati Syndicate member.
- Fixed a slight flash of UI when loading into the Heart of Deimos Quest opening cutscene.
- Fixed Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda playing the wrong Rank Up VO.
- Fixed misspelling of ‘Warframe’ in a certain characters dialogue during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed harmless Fishing script error when going to the Necralisk from Cambion Drift.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you were Scanning something as you were leaving a Free Roam landscape.
- Fixed a script crash that could be caused by Conservation targets in certain places on the Cambion Drift.
- Fixed a script error related to Loid hovering.
- Fixed a script error related to Infested Pods spawning.
- Fixed a script error related to the Deimos Jugulus attacking you.
- Fixed a script error occurring when a Moa Companion uses Shockwave Actuators.
- Fixed a script error in the Railjack Navigation screen.
- Fixed a script error when casting Xaku’s Grasp of Lohk ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Protea’s Blaze Artillery ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Mag’s Magnetize ability.
Fixed a script error when previewing a Mod Link.