Thank you Tenno, we are investigating now!

We have a fix coming in our next update, Monday at the earliest! Thank you for your patience Tenno! More info here: 


This has been resolved with Sep 16's Hotfix 8 ! 


On 2024-09-14 at 11:02 AM, Shanks005 said:

Will there be some kind of compensation? My Exp, Drop and Ressources boosters are running, can't complete the nightwave missions, can't complete mission for the corruption mod

Hi Shanks, if you write to support, they can reboost / top up any boosters you had, so long as they can confirm there were boosters running on your account during that window. 

Contacting Warframe support

  • Visit Warframe Support
  • Log in using your Primary Warframe Account
  • Select “Submit a request” in the top right of the web page