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The New War has ravaged the home system, the planets irrevocably scarred by the battle against the sentients. Ballas has finally been defeated for good. For once, you can allow yourself a brief respite from the constant fight against imbalance.

You're at home on Earth, lazing by the fire, the sounds of earth, air, and water washing over you. For once in your long, long, long life, you have the luxury of rest, of peace. Or.. do you?

In the background, the radio crackles to life. Nora's words drift across the clearing - her voice carries an urgency you've never heard before.

"Dreamers! It's been a long, long winter. We've starved, we've struggled, we've fought, and we've sacrificed. But in the end, we proved to all that we are the subjects of nobody and no-one. The sun is comin' out, the days are gettin' warmer, and things are finally lookin' up for the little guy.

But there's always another wolf out there, thinkin' that there's weak to prey on, thinkin' he can walk in and take what's ours. It's been a long, long, cold winter, dreamers. And as this winter is comin' to an end, I can hear the wolves out there, howlin'. And dreamer, this winter, the wolves are gettin' close. The wolves... they're hungry."

For literally years, since they've been available from Nora, I've sunk the majority of my NightWave credits into wolf beacons. Now, finally, I have 100 of them. For the next 100 days, once per day, I'll be springing the Wolf unannounced on some random group of unfortunate victim lucky teammates.

It's true that instead of beacons, I could've bought a wealth of other useful things, like 66 potatoes, or 250 auras, or even 1666 nitain. Here's the thing, though - I don't need any of those. I have plenty of platinum, a pile of crafted potatoes, and more nitain than I'll need in the next 3 years. Instead, I invested in that untradable, unbuyable, priceless commodity: the utter chaos of 100 random teams scrambling in fear.

"So, watch out, dreamers. Next time you're on wave 9 of a steel path defense, or minute 26 of a kuva fortress survival, or you've just started that third console of a mobile defense fissure, pray you don't hear the sound of wolves in the distance. Because those wolves are hungry and looking for the next easy meal. I just hope it isn't you."


Edit: I'm on PC, sorry to all of my console brethren out there

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about 3 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

That ending reads like a scary story best told around a campfire and I love it. Enjoy your 100 dates with the Wolf you chaotic chap