about 1 month
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The stars are shining bright this season, as the annual Star Days event returns! Visit Ticker in Fortuna and get smitten with new and nostalgic items starting February 6 at 11 a.m. ET.
Treat yourself to something new like the one-of-a-kind Glyphs that will hex you in love, or fall in love again with returning items like the Dual Swords Stavika Skin, Fabled Gene-Masking Kit, the magnificent Eros Wings Ephemera, Neon Eros Wings and many more!
Treat yourself to something new like the one-of-a-kind Glyphs that will hex you in love, or fall in love again with returning items like the Dual Swords Stavika Skin, Fabled Gene-Masking Kit, the magnificent Eros Wings Ephemera, Neon Eros Wings and many more!