about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


The sailors of old knew that nothing could capture the wonder of the open sea like music and poetry - a sea shanty! Launching our Railjacks, we now seek to capture the wonder of open space. Show us by writing a space shanty that you and your Empyrean crew would be proud to sing.

How to enter: Write original lyrics to a shanty fit for you and your Empyrean crew! Maximum 250 words

Need an example?


Start engines and prepare for the long haul!
The stars they will answer,
The stars they will guide us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Armaments ready we stand fast and tall.
Grineer they will answer,
Grineer they will find us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Learn well from those lost and fight for us all.
The past she will answer,
The past she will mind us,
Follow the Void’s call!

The cold heart of deep space surrounds our souls.
Our courage will answer,
Our courage will push us
Beyond what we know.

Sentient malice bleeds, strikes, and divides.
All Tenno will answer,
All Tenno stand by us,
The Void is on our side.

Dream of that which unites us all!
With blood we will answer,
Our Warframes will bind us,
Follow the Void’s call!


  • Only 1 submission per person
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Submission must be your original work
  • Submission must not exceed 250 words
  • Do not reserve posts in this thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified.


  • 1st place – Ivara Prime Access!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!

Winners will be determined based on the quality of the lyrics themselves. No extra points will be awarded for recording your shanty, but none will be taken away if you do either (so please feel free!)

The contest is on now and ends Thursday, January 30 at 1:00 PM ET.


about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, (XB1)UmbranAssassin said:

Does the 250 word limit apply to a small description of what we based the shanty on. With how may shanties there are out there and different ways they're sung. I just figured we should be able to at least add in a short description of which shanty we based ours on so everyone knows exactly what tune we're going for.

The 250 word limit only applies to the shanty itself! Please feel free to dive into details about what inspired your shanty 😄

8 minutes ago, DisguisedKoala said:

Do they need to be based on existing shanty’s?

is it just lyrics? No notes or something like that to know how it goes with tones and such?

Submissions shouldn't be based on existing shanties. Original lyrics only, please! Let that creativity flow

about 5 years ago - [DE]Marcus - Direct link

Let the solar winds sail
Orokin Compass to guide your path
while I tell you a tale
of a Grineer soldiers path

He was green and misshapen
eyes like scarabs of gold
cloned and conditioned
had no memories of home

The solider was not unlike you or me
dreamed of a place simply to be
at peace and alone, away from the screams
far off in the reaches of the vast galaxy

This solider only new war
a sliver of hope, aye, but a glean
of one day becoming
something unseen

but this ill fated lad, equipped with only a dream
had to serve his masters, lived to obey the queens
ready and willing, he took to the skies
piloted an outrider craft, fated to die

with a Tenno ship, far off in the distance
this final hour, He knew in this instance
there was no other way
onward he pushed, seldom chance of glory that day

In a blaze he went down
Tenno gunner triumphant
The Grinner slipped from this life
finally taken away from his strife

His last thoughts fading, light in his eyes all but ceased
Never good nor the best, not above the rest
finally, peace. Tenno, lay me to rest

about 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link
1 hour ago, [DE]Marcus said:

Let the solar winds sail
Orokin Compass to guide your path
while I tell you a tale
of a Grineer soldiers path

He was green and misshapen
eyes like scarabs of gold
cloned and conditioned
had no memories of home

The solider was not unlike you or me
dreamed of a place simply to be
at peace and alone, away from the screams
far off in the reaches of the vast galaxy

This solider only new war
a sliver of hope, aye, but a glean
of one day becoming
something unseen

but this ill fated lad, equipped with only a dream
had to serve his masters, lived to obey the queens
ready and willing, he took to the skies
piloted an outrider craft, fated to die

with a Tenno ship, far off in the distance
this final hour, He knew in this instance
there was no other way
onward he pushed, seldom chance of glory that day

In a blaze he went down
Tenno gunner triumphant
The Grinner slipped from this life
finally taken away from his strife

His last thoughts fading, light in his eyes all but ceased
Never good nor the best, not above the rest
finally, peace. Tenno, lay me to rest


about 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
2 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:



Get em bois