over 4 years
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The Deadlock Protocol: Hotfix 28.0.2
- Granum Void enemies during the final mission of The Deadlock Protocol Quest will now drop Ammo and Energy.
- Removed the ability to skip transition cinematic in the Jackal Arena fight due to resulting in many broken states.
- Slightly increased the radius range of Corpus Security Cameras in the Corpus Ship as many cameras are now too far away from doors to actually affect them.
- Fixed the Jackal getting stuck in midair while doing its ‘UFO’ attack, resulting in an inability to progress in the fight. If you still see this, let us know.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to skip the Jackal 2nd phase cut scene after a Host migration had occurred.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when quickly selecting and previewing Companions while not having any Companions previously roaming the ship.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during a Bounty.
- Fixed entering the Granum Void with upwards velocity resulting in flying through the sky into a void-out zone that sends you back to the Corpus Ship.
- Fixed ability to sell the Stropha Components for Ducats.
- Fixed some Fish Bait not properly floating in the water.
- Fixed the Moa "Drimper Bracket" using the same model as the new "Hona Bracket" when viewed in Legs’ Shop.
- Fixed Condor Dropships in Orb Vallis not moving at all.
- Fixed Helstrum missing from the Codex and an inability to Chat link it.
- Fixed for Phantasma secondary fire explosion not making sound.
- Fixed the Velox jittering at the end of its reload animation.
- Fixed Protea Ability sounds not ducking when a Transmission is playing.
- Fixed some broken lighting in certain Corpus Ship tileset rooms.
- Fixed electric sparks audio in Jackal arena not ending when the FX expires.
- Fixed Fortuna Heist Room music sometimes cutting out when getting briefed.
- Fixed sleigh bell audio for the Festive Orbiter Decorations playing while viewing the Codex, which could overlap with Quest dioramas.
- Fixed Pets appearing with Default colours at first.
- Fixed a container in the Corpus Ship tileset that was missing it’s blocking volumes, which allowed you to pass through the object.
- Fixed some breakable Grates in the Corpus Ship tileset appearing as non-breakable.
- Fixes towards incorrect fog rendering when viewing skyboxes from your Railjack.
- Fixed a script error the could occur when interacting with a Golden Hand Shrine.
- Fixed a script error when trying to claim a Pet after previewing other Pets in the Arsenal.
- Fixed a script error when receiving a buff from Chroma’s Vex Armor.
- Fixed a script error in the ‘Provide Fish’ screen with Fisher Hai-Luk.
- Fixed numerous HUD script errors that could occur when playing an Interception mission.
- Fixed a few script errors that could occur when deactivating Titania’s Razorwing Ability.
- Fixed a script error when entering into the Granum Void.
- Fixed a script error when making a choice in the Weave.
Fixed frame rate limiter in cases where the system was able to render at more than 1000 FPS.