about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link


Thanks for tuning in!



Platinum Winners:





Ivara Prime Access Winners:







Winter 2020 Featured Dojo Contest Winners:



First Place Winners:

PC - First Place

PS4 - First Place

XB1 - First Place

Switch - First Place


Second Place Winners:

PC - Second Place:

PS4 - Second Place:

XB1 - Second Place:

Switch - Second Place:


Third Place Winners:

PC - Third Place

PS4 - Third Place

XB1 - Third Place

Switch - Third Place:




Fan Art Recap:




Nidus Phryke

For Your Blessing We Pray

Titania Empress

Se Popuy! You found me!

Ultra Mega Giga Wisp


Nidus Humanized

Someone's Hungry

Build a Mom




See you next week!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
11 hours ago, (PS4)Daystroyerkun said:

For the Dojo Winter Contest Winners, I noticed the sheet for the prizes included being starred on the Star Chart, it displayed all winners 1st, 2nd and 3rd being starred. Does that mean the UI on the dojo icon is going to extend? or was that just a copy/paste mistake? Also when do we get our trophies? My clan got 2nd place on playstation 4 (New Bunny Order).

Hey Daystroyerkun,

Really good question - happy to clarify!

For this round of the contest, we didn't receive enough console Moon Clan submissions to fill the Star Chart with a Moon Clan each month, but we received a really high number of spectacular Shadow and Ghost Clan submissions. We decided to use our open Moon Clan Featured Dojo spots to feature more Shadow and Ghost Clans!

We'll continue to use open spots this way in future rounds of the contest. The Clan size each spot is reserved for will always prioritize those Clan sizes, but if we end up with an open spot, one of the Clan sizes with a higher number of submissions will take it.

I'll make sure to explain this change in the contest thread as well!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
7 minutes ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

@[DE]Helen any clue when the star chart will get updated with the current winners?

You will see the first 5 Winter 2020 Featured Dojo Contest winners on the Star Chart later today!