about 4 years ago - [DE]Connor - Direct link

Greetings Tenno!

Yesterday, we released the Nights of Naberus update across all console platforms. Unfortunately, this update accidentally featured some Riven disposition changes that were scheduled to be released with Nezha Prime Access. We sincerely apologize for the unexpected tricks and treats!

These changes have since been removed from all consoles, but in the interest of transparency, we wanted to share the exact changes you can expect when this update returns to all platforms. All of the trends explained in our last Riven workshop still hold true - there are fewer gun reductions than ever, and melees are still in a state of flux. Archgun Rivens are also being added to the mix from this point forward!

Without further ado, numbers are as follows:



Acceltra: 0.65->0.6

Arca Plasmor: 0.65->0.7

Amprex: 0.7->0.75

Catchmoon (primary): 0.75->0.9

Corinth: 1.05->1.1

Gaze (primary): 0.65->0.85

Kuva Bramma: 0.65->0.6

Kuva Drakgoon: 1.05->1.1

Panthera Prime: 0.5->0.85

Rattleguts (primary): 0.6->0.8

Shedu: 0.85->0.8

Stahlta: 0.7->0.8

Tigris: 1->1.1
Sancti Tigris: 0.85->0.9

Tombfinger (primary): 0.6->0.75

Trumna: 0.5->0.55



Akbolto: 1.2->1.25
Telos Akbolto: 1.15->1.2
Akbolto Prime: 1.05->1.1

Akjagara: 0.95->1

Akstilletto: 0.8->0.9

Kuva Nukor: 0.65->0.5

Pyrana: 0.8->0.9

Sepulcrum: 0.5->0.75

Staticor: 0.53->0.6

Velox: 0.8->1

Zymos: 0.5->0.75



Ack & Brunt: 1.25->1.35

Arca Titron: 1.2->1.25

Atterax: 0.9->0.95

Boltace: 1.2->1.25
Telos Boltace: 1->1.05

Broken Scepter: 1.35->1.4

Broken War: 1.05->1.1

Cassowar: 1.25->1.3

Cobra & Crane: 1.25->1.3

Dark Dagger: 0.9->1.1
Rakta Dark Dagger: 0.8->0.95

Dehtat: 1.15->1.2

Dex Dakra: 1.3->1.35

Dragon Nikana: 1.2->1.15

Dual Kamas: 1.15->1.25
Dual Kamas Prime: 1.05->1.15

Dual Keres: 1.2->1.1

Endura: 1.3->1.4

Falcor: 1.25->1.3

Fragor: 1.15->1.2

Galatine: 0.85->0.95
Galatine Prime: 0.65->0.7

Galvacord: 1.25->1.3

Gram Prime: 1.05->0.9

Gunsen: 1.25->1.3

Hate: 1.2->1.1

Heliocor: 1.25->1.3
Synoid Heliocor: 1.2->1.25

Hirudo: 0.95->1.05

Jat Kittag: 1.15->1.25

Karyst Prime: 0.5->0.75

Keratinos: 0.5->0.7

Korrudo: 1.25->1.3

Kreska: 1.25->1.3

Kronen Prime: 1.05->0.85

Kronsh: 1.25->1.3

Ceti Lacera: 1.05->1.1

Lecta: 1->1.15
Secura Lecta: 0.9->1

Lesion: 0.65->0.7

Magistar: 1.3->1.35
Sancti Magistar: 1.2->1.25

Masseter: 1.15->1.2

Nikana: 0.8->0.9
Nikana Prime: 0.5->0.6

Prisma Obex: 1.2->1.25

Ooltha: 1.15->1.2

Orthos: 0.85->0.95

Orvius: 1.3->1.35

Paracesis: 0.7->0.6

Pathocyst: 1.25->1.3

Plague Kripath: 0.65->0.6

Pupacyst: 1.25->1.3

Quassus: 0.5->0.75

Rabvee: 1.2->1.25

Reaper Prime: 1->0.85

Redeemer: 1.17->1
Redeemer Prime: 0.8->0.65

Scindo: 1.3->1.35

Sepfahn: 0.75->0.7

Sydon: 1.15->1.25
Vaykor Sydon: 1.1->1.2

Twin Krohkur: 1.25->1.2

Venka: 0.9->1

War: 0.9->0.95

Wolf Sledge: 1.2->1.25

Xoris: 0.5->0.65

Zenistar: 0.95->1.05



Cortege: 0.5->0.7

Corvas: 1.05->1.1

Dual Decurion: 1.25->1.3

Fluctus: 0.9->1

Grattler: 0.95->1

Imperator: 0.85->1

Larkspur: 0.8->0.85

Phaedra: 1.15->1.2

Velocitus: 1.05->1.1

Thanks everyone - expect these changes to go live on all platforms when Nezha Prime arrives in the near future!