about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Rising Tide: Hotfix 26.1.3


  • Added a new slider for Orbiter ‘Wear & Tear ’in the Equipment > Orbiter > Orbiter Appearance menu! This new ‘Wear & Tear’ section allows you to choose how much internal amount of nicks and scratches you want the Arsenal section of your Orbiter to reflect AND what color those markings are.
    • Eventually these markings will apply to sections of the Orbiter outside of the Arsenal area once they have been given their updated looks!

Melee Phase 2 Changes:

  • Added Lifted status to Ooltha Heavy Slam radial attack when used with a one handed Zaw.
  • Added Lifted status to Rabvee Heavy Slam radial attack when used with a two handed Zaw.
  • Added Lifted status to the Paracesis on a Heavy Ground Slam attack.


  • Fixed ability to prematurely launch your Railjack into a never ending vortex. These babies aren’t ready to fly yet! 
  • Fixed Nightwave progress being reset for existing challenges that you didn't make progress towards during the mission that just ended. This was fixed live Monday night!
  • Fixed Kuva Larvling spawns automatically setting off the alarms.
  • Fixed a crash when using Baruuk’s Desert Wind's Heavy Attack.
  • Fixed several ways Warframe could crash while trying to gracefully handle systems running out of memory.
  • Fixed the Dojo tool tip for new Railjack Resources indicating the wrong planet location due to the planet swap in yesterday’s Hotfix 26.1.2.
  • Fixed teleport volumes to catch players going wildly out of bounds in The Sacrifice quest not doing exactly that. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/e1jxm6/i_dont_think_this_is_intentional_but/
  • Fixed overzealous ceiling teleporters to make the ceiling less invasive, allowing you to jump higher in the Grineer Settlement tileset
  • Fixed inability to pick up Domestik Drones once they’ve been placed in Decorator Mode.
  • Fixed a script error in the Syndicates screen when shutting down to load into mission.
  • Fixed a script error related to Companions losing their original pathing instructions once you’ve left a zone (Onslaught, Vallis, Plains, etc).
  • Fixed hole in the Railjack that allowed you to fall out.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Octavia’s Resonator ability.
  • Fixes towards weird camera collision in the Orbiter. 
  • Fixed poor lighting in areas of the Orbiter.
  • Fixed a crash when in Archwing mode.
  • Fixed Dry Dock Repair Railjack Panel text extending outside the box when viewed in a localized language. 
  • Fixed Acceltra sounds being heard from other players.
  • Fixed missing sounds when using the Syachid Skin with Zaws.