Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Hotfix 27.4.3
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
Your Pet Companions will now teleport alongside you when transitioning between different regions in a Railjack mission (ie Omni Recall, Archwing Slingshot, boarding a Crewship via Archwing, etc).
- This addresses feedback that Pet Companions could take many seconds to catch up, or if it's bleeding out, won't catch up at all, thus dying frequently. This also fixes Pet Companions sometimes dying on an exploding Crewship that you’ve already departed from.
- A lingering issue we’re chasing is the Join Warp feature not bringing your Pet Companion with you.
- Fixed a functionality loss when Recalling back to the Railjack while performing a finisher.
- Fixed Cruising Speed Avionic not applying its 80% increase for Railjack speed when more than 3000m away from any enemy ships.
- Fixed base of the Railjack Wing Turret appearing to float in front of the Client player when mounting said Wing Turret.
- Stance Forma is now eligible to be installed on Garuda’s Talons due to the Talons using standard Stance Mods instead of an Exalted Stance.
- Fixed Hold cast/charge abilities becoming nonfunctional if interrupted by a Parazon finisher.
- Fixed Torid Toxin grenades dealing self-damage.
- Fixed inability to approach Orb Vallis Coildrives to initiate a hack due to the Coildrive constantly shocking and knocking you back.
- Fixed Grattler projectiles sometimes immediately exploding when fired which sometimes resulted in a crash.
- Fixed a misleading spike in the launcher download speed indicator when a lot of updates are aborted at once.
Fixed a script error in Rell's Condemn ability.