8 months
ago -
[DE] Juice
Direct link
Topics which are found to be off-topic, insulting towards individuals or groups of individuals, or breaking any of Steam's Rules are being removed.
Discussions which stay topical to Warframe and respectful to others are generally being left alone, or having the few unacceptable comments present pruned.
Additionally when pruning, a message which quotes a removed message is also removed to remove all references to the original message.
I hope that clarifies both the why and the how.
EDIT: Here is a link to the Rules & Guidelines for these Forums:
Discussions which stay topical to Warframe and respectful to others are generally being left alone, or having the few unacceptable comments present pruned.
Additionally when pruning, a message which quotes a removed message is also removed to remove all references to the original message.
I hope that clarifies both the why and the how.
EDIT: Here is a link to the Rules & Guidelines for these Forums:
- Warframe Steam Discussion Forums: https://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/0/4627984302694116519/
- Warframe Forums Guidelines (including Steam Discussion Forums): https://forums.warframe.com/guidelines/
- Steam's Rules & Guildelines: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/6862-8119-C23E-EA7B