4 months
ago -
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Hello Tenno! We wanted to get out some important fixes before the team takes off on a Canadian holiday long weekend. Take care!
- Made improvements to the objective marker pathing and visibility in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed the Okina Evolution 3 Incarnon Challenge not progressing.
- Fixed Caliban’s Summulyst not summoning Choralysts in Exterminate missions.
- Fixed Koumei’s Kumihimo strings not spawning correctly when cast in Frost’s Snowglobe.
- Fixed Arcanes unequipping after exiting the Arcane selection screen in the Loadout Navigation UI.
- Fixed Kalymos slip sliding around in The Lotus Eaters Quest.
- Fixed Loid being incorrectly lit in sections of the Whispers in the Walls Quest.
- More fixes towards a t-posing clone appearing on full-body FX — notably, the Temporal Prime Ephemera.
- Fixed shading issues on some parts of the Lumis Liset Skin.
- Fixed being unable to search unowned Mods in the Codex based on their description.
- Fixed the end of mission UI showing that Beast Claws gained Affinity when they are already max rank.
Fixed a rare bug that allowed Helminth to add Eclipse, Roar or Xata's Whispers onto Chroma, Mirage, Rhino, Octavia and Xaku in addition to their own damage boosting abilities.
- It is intended that the aforementioned abilities can only replace those Warframes' respective damage-boosting abilities (ex: Roar can only replace Vex Armor). Accounts with affected Warframes have had these listed abilities reverted.
- Fixed crash caused by searching Captura Scenes in the Arsenal.
- Fixed script error caused by Nova’s Wormhole.
For list of known issues for Koumei & the Five Fates that require future code changes and cannot be addressed in a Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1414761-known-issues-koumei-the-five-fates/