Deep in the bitter heart of the Orb Vallis lies a hidden mystery.
Band together to complete the first community event of 2019 and work to bring a secret to light in Operation: Buried Debts. Take control of Hildryn and her devastating Abilities as you unearth clues with your fellow Tenno and strike down enemies with the revamped Melee system. Act quickly, time is short.
Operation: Buried Debts
Thermia fractures are cracking open the surface of Venus, a consequence of Nef Anyo’s unrelenting greed. He’s willing to do whatever it takes for a quick profit, including putting the whole Orb Vallis at risk. Over the next several weeks, work alongside the community and Solaris United to locate, uncover, and solve a multi-part Operation and the mystery lurking below the surface.
You’ll earn unique items throughout the Operation like an Emblem and Sigil, Amalgam Mods, and the Opticor Vandal, but you’ll need to take down a tremendous foe to unlock your final reward. The Orb Vallis has everything you need to begin.
New Warframe: Hildryn
The best defense is a good offense. Hildryn draws from her Shields to fuel her Abilities, while Energy works to recharge them. Take to the skies and rain down destruction with Hildryn, the newest Warframe.
Charge and launch devastating bolts of fire.
Shield Pillage
Pillage a percentage of Shields and Armor of nearby enemies to replenish Hildryn’s own Shields and Overshields.
Create a Shield aura around allies. Enemies that approach Shielded allies will take damage.
Aegis Storm
Take to the skies and rain Balefire rockets down on the enemy. Nearby enemies are blasted into the air where they will create an Energy Orb every few seconds. When Shields run out, the enemies are smashed into the ground.
Melee Changes: Phase 1
A new spark of action has arrived with Phase 1 of the much-anticipated Melee revamp! With these changes, you’ll experience more fluid combat, and a smoother, faster, bolder system to harness as you slash your way through the Origin System. This first phase includes:
Uninterrupted Combat
Immediately engage in all things Melee, without needing to lock yourself into Melee mode. This means seamless combat and combos -- no more interruptions between firearm and Melee!
Combo Resume
When interrupting a combo with gunfire, dodging, bullet jumping, or any parkour your next Melee attack will begin exactly where the combo left off!
Aimed Ground Slams
Have more control of your Ground Slams. Use your aerial advantage to aim, and then target your Ground Slam for increased tactical precision.
Visual Fx Redone
Experience a beautifully redone FX pass with a refreshed style.
Keybinding Changes
Blocking is now automatic and is no longer keybound! The 'F' button exclusively swaps between Primary and Secondary weapons with a tap. Your mouse is now all gunplay; the left is gunfire, and the right is aim. Worry not Tenno, if you used your mouse to melee attack, there's a toggle option for you.
These changes are just the beginning as we iterate and improve on our Melee system. You can find everything you need to know about Melee: Phase 1 in our Dev Workshop.
Special Warframe FX: Ephemera
Introducing a new way to customize your Warframe: Ephemera! These effects can only be earned and crafted by the brave through a variety of ways including Arbitrations, the Stalker, and Elite Sanctuary Onslaughts. Once crafted, they'll appear in your Arsenal under ‘Attachments’!
Enhance Your Arsenal
Expand your personal armory with these new Weapons and Customizations:
From death blooms the Larkspur. A unique and menacing Arch-gun with a wild initial attack that locks onto a target then chains other targets close to the first. It also sports an explosive projectile mode. In Hildryn's grip the Larkspur carries more reserve ammo.
Surator Syandana
A Syandana with kick, as robust as Hildryn herself.
Hildryn Asuron Helmet
The battle-visage of a formidable warrior. Inscrutable as a monolith, implacable as a hammer-blow.
K-Drive Modular Parts
The Vent Kids have been hard at work, Glinty! They’ve scavenged some new modular K-Drive parts to customize your ride with. Since a recent Hotfix, we’ve increased the Standing you earn from competing in K-Drive Races -- so you can unlock these parts even faster.
Limina Limbo Deluxe Skin
War-garb for the liminal; a new form for the in-between.
Tarock Thrown Blades Skin
New rule: with this one-of-a-kind the house always loses.
Sidereal Syandana
A Syandana that dances upon the eddies of battle and void-currents alike.
Interga Sugatra
This Sugatra has been seen adorning the weapons of myths and monsters alike, its provenance unknown.
Fearsome and noble, the elegant two-handed nikana is the pride of any arsenal.
Curly Operator Hairstyles
Three new curly-haired Operator Hairstyles are now available! Choose from a bun, braid, or ponytail. In addition, a fix has been applied to Operator hair to show less scalp.
Quaro Syandana
Extol the virtues of Profit with this Corpus-styled Syandana.
Additional Update Notes
- Solaris Mining Laser Upgrades: Upgrade your Solaris Mining Laser for increased Range to mine from afar or upgrade for silence if you want to take the sneakier approach.
- Survival Extraction: You can now extract individually from Survival, Excavation and Defection Missions. This means that if one player decides to leave at 10 minutes, the rest of the squad can soldier on!
- Weapon Swapping: Weapon Swapping is more responsive than ever! Client-side weapon swapping means that you should experience less lag when switching between weapons.
- Collect Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon: Tents have been placed throughout the Plains containing a console that allows you to contact Konzu himself and acquire new Bounties!
We also have lots of QOL coming, including:
Plains of Eidolon Changes:
Bounties are now available out in the Plains of Eidolon! Certain tents placed throughout the Plains contain a console that encompasses the power to contact Konzu himself (when he’s not on his early lunch).
With Bounties now available out in the Plains, Incursions have been removed. These were meant to give players something optional to do as they spend their time in the Plains, but since Bounties can be activated on command, they no longer serve a purpose.
Orb Heist: Profit Taker Changes:
All non-Orb enemies can no longer trigger knockback in players during this fight. If you are being tossed around by Moas/etc moving forward in the context of the Orb Heist Profit Taker fight, please let us know.
Individual Extraction: Non-Wave Endless!
You are now able to extract from Survival, Excavation, and Defection missions independent of your squad.
Once the 'mission complete' interval is met, players can head to extraction any time they choose (i.e 5 minutes for Survival).
Any player at extraction triggers a countdown timer.
If all players leave the extraction zone, the countdown timer is cancelled.
When the timer is up, the extraction ship arrives and any players in the extraction zone leave.
Anyone still playing can extract later any time they choose.
Client-Authoritative Changes:
We have made some much requested changes to the responsiveness of two things in Warframe: Weapon swapping and automatic doors. Right now in Warframe, if you are connected as a client you may have experienced delays in responsiveness of either of these essential things! The changes should result in a much smoother experience:
Swapping weapons as a Client will now feel more responsive because we've made it Client-Authoritative.
Automatic Doors have been made Client-Authoritative. Previously there were cases of door not opening in tandem with the Host if any latency was experienced
Operation: Buried Debts will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in future updates!