about 3 years ago - [DE]Zach - Direct link
EDIT: Prime Resurgence - Accessories Price Adjustments Response

We have made a change to some Regal Aya item prices - our original intentions were to base prices on the best Regal Aya value per dollar but players have correctly pointed out things should match the Prime Vault Accessories as closely as possible within the new event structure when it comes to the Cosmetics involved. That feedback went into the following changes:

Prime Accessories that were previously valued at 3 Regal Aya have been changed to 2 Regal Aya. This includes:
  • Prime Armor Sets
  • Prime Operator Accessories and the Saita Prime Suit
  • Kavasa Kubrow Prime Set

And for added transparency on specific Regal Aya values per item:
  • Prime Syandanas = 2 Regal Aya
  • Prime Sugatras = 1 Regal Aya
  • Prime Sigils = 1 Regal Aya
  • Prime Sentinel Accessories = 1 Regal Aya
  • Prime Liset Skin & Decoration = 1 Regal Aya
  • Prime Extractors & Blueprints = 1 Regal Aya

We do want to make a point of saying that not all accessories combinations will equal the exact pricing of a traditional Prime Vault Accessories Pack. Item combination is at player discretion since every Prime Vault item will be available for individual selection. The accompanying Warframes in rotations have varying accessory types and amounts. The Nekros Prime accessories, for example, has the Uru Prime Syandana (2 Regal Aya) and the Acanthus Prime Armor Set (2 Regal Aya) for a total of 4 Regal Aya if purchased together through Prime Resurgence. While others, such as the Nova Prime pack with the Edo Prime Armor Set (2 Regal Aya) and the Verlorum Prime Sigil (1 Regal Aya), maintain the 3 Regal Aya to one Prime Accessories Pack value.

We would be remiss if we were unaware of the reasons for the popularity of Prime Accessories Packs, the biggest being the inclusion of bonus Platinum. To quote from the Workshop; “We simply cannot justify or reason with having players pay for one premium currency to purchase another.” But we understand that Platinum increases the value of the packs for players. While those differences in value vary between Prime Vault Packs and Prime Resurgence rotations, our intent is to establish a happy medium by offering all of the scheduled primed Accessories over several months (with the freedom to purchase individual items). Individual Primed Accessories give players more choice - a new and far more flexible approach to Prime Accessories access. Instead of waiting for a Primed Accessory to become available through a single Prime Vault rotation, you now have the option to hand-pick your favorites from several.

With the decrease of 3 to 2 Regal Aya for a handful of Accessories, that freedom of choice is increased that much more for players to determine that value where they see fit! The full schedule of rotations (and the Prime Accessories for those rotations) is available in the Workshop FAQ above, so that you can plan your future Regal Aya purchases if you choose to do so!

As stated in the Workshop, we will be intently watching for feedback during and after the event has run and will be reviewing data for future decision making (in the event that we choose to continue with Prime Resurgence.)

Thank you, Tenno!

SECOND EDIT: The Upcoming Corrections with Regal Aya: Next Steps

We have posted a PSA regarding changes being made to Regal Aya. You can read it here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/0/3194736442551947640/