almost 6 years
ago -
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Three Gift of the Lotus Alerts are here to spice up your Fashion Frames!
From now until May 15, 2 p.m. ET, log in and complete the Gift of the Lotus Alerts to earn the Paris Abra Skin, the Glaxion Polar Skin and the brand-new Rhino Palatine Sigil. Don’t delay -- if you don’t claim them, these rewards will be cast back into the Void from where they came.
Alert #1: Defense
- Enemy: Grineer
- Enemy Level: 10-15
- 10 Waves
- Eurasia (Earth)
- Reward: Paris Abra Skin & 10K Credits
Alert #2: Survival
- Enemy: Grineer
- Enemy Level: 15-25
- 15 Minute Duration
- Draco (Ceres)
- Reward: Glaxion Polar Skin & 10K Credits
Alert #3: Hive
- Enemy: Infestation
- Enemy Level: 20-40
- Brugia (Eris)
- Reward: Rhino Palatine Sigil & 10K Credits
Log in and get those rewards, Tenno!