about 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link


Nightwave has arrived - are you listening, Dreamer?

Introducing Nora Night - a rogue interplanetary Radio host who has tales from the Origin System for your ears only.  

Participate in each Nightwave Series for unique stories, exclusive rewards, and access to Nora's wares.

Introducing Nightwave Series 1, Episode 1: The Wolf of Saturn Six.
Login now to begin discovering what Nora Night has to say - and oh yeah, she has incentives.

Nora is in the business of storytelling - and The Wolf of Saturn Six is just her first story to tell. After many weeks, she'll liven the airwaves with a new story... check back soon, Tenno.

- The arrival of Nightwave is simultaneous on ALL Warframe Platforms (PC, PS4, XB1, and Nintendo Switch). We all lift together!
- This is release has resulted in the removal of Alerts - read this thread for more information:


- Simply login, listen, and begin. Whether you want to set off on the Daily/Weekly/Elite Weekly challenges across your normal play, or focus, the choice is yours.
- Learn about the Wolf of Saturn Six through Nora's first Episode.
- Observe timers and more to plan your progress and set goals for the content you want.
- Progress through the Reward Tiers of the Series by completing Daily/Weekly/Elite Weekly challenges.
- If and when you progress through all 30 Reward Tiers, you can Prestige them to earn more Wolf Cred.

TL;DR with Nightwave's arrival, some existing things are being replaced:

- Random Alerts are going away and have been replaced with a Rotation of rewards within Nora's Cred Offerings. This allows players to plan, prioritize and access content for free that previously relied on 'right time, right place' often within a 60 minute window.
- Old mission XP challenges from within single missions are going away - replaced with Nora's challenges that persist throughout multiple missions and have more substantial reward. Old mission XP challenges rewarded one thing: Affinity in a mission. Now by completing Nora's broader challenges, called Acts, you can unlock different rewards by simply playing the game with these new challenges in mind.

Each Platform has their own notes here:
Xbox One: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1064595-xb1-nightwave/

Nintendo Switch: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1064590-fortuna-the-profit-taker-nightwave/

But please us this thread for discussion!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link
8 minutes ago, KettleTicket said:

Previous thread says "Full Nightwave Details are here", but this thread provides almost no info on the rewards list or what they will cost.

This additional news post has a map and more: https://www.warframe.com/news/nightwave-series-1-the-wolf-of-saturn-six

4 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Only the Wolf Credits but not the Arcanes, Umbral Forma, and whatever other rarity rewards are listed, correct? If so it looks nice to get more rewards from the old alert system without turning it into a Powercreep farm.

Only Wolf Creds.

Just now, Rawbeard said:

the replacement of those xp rewards is probably the best thing about Nightwave

Honestly it's pretty great.

about 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link
12 minutes ago, Nephalgar said:

still no abitration shows off and i didnt do the last one



We are unable to repro this - by chance did you complete the weekly Ayatan/Clem mission?

about 5 years ago - [DE]Bear - Direct link
30 minutes ago, AvatarX76 said:

Why not within an alliance as well? It would help the smaller ghost clans (inc. solo clans) that a part of larger alliances.


We have a multitude of players, and Warframe is fundamentally a co-op game. While a majority of these events can be completed in a solo setting, we wanted to be able to reward those who also spend time playing this game with friends and allies. We are going to be looking at feedback with many eyes as this new system is rolled out, so keep your thoughts coming. For everyone who has these concerns, what else would you like to see? Feedback is important, but keep it constructive, please.

about 5 years ago - [DE]Bear - Direct link
2 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

yeah, I intended to lowkey throw shade, but didn't want to be mean before actually playing it. seeing as there are no actual missions, just "play whatever, get your weekly", I must say the removal of alerts was a bad move, probably. will see how it plays out.
there has to be more, right? something? anything? there was supposed to be story. but... right now all I feel that shutting down Nora for knowing too much would be the most sensible course of action

For sure. Give it some play and tell us what you think. This is the first event of its type, so it is expected there will be some course-correction as we tread new ground. 

about 5 years ago - [DE]Bear - Direct link
2 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

I can already give you first feedback: making it look like a syndicate standing grind, but it not being listed as a syndicate is both confusing and opens a lot of questions that a player might need to know without accidentally wasting weekly standing missions.

a) when I reach the cap, is overflow carried to next rank? or do I have to puzzle out exactly how to get all my standing?

b) when I reach the cap, do I have to manually level it up, stopping any other activity that might finish another weekly mission, or does it just jump to the next rank?

c) did it have to be "fill Ayatans" on the day I filled the Ayatans I collected over the last few months? seriously. 😛

d) could missions of appropriate type to challanges get a marker on their node to more easily find them? one thing nice about alerts was "click the tab, start the mission", now there are way more steps that also reward far, far less. so some quality of life would be really a nice trade back for us

e) eh, I'll probably forgotten something already.

A) Yep - Overflow carried on into next rank.

B) Nope - Rank up is automatic.

C) RIP - No, seriously we have seen some comments on this. Again, this is the kind of feedback we are reviewing for future events.

D) Will add to notes - QoL suggestions are always welcome. Again, nothing like this is a quick fix, but certainly worth some review.

E) I feel you - Coffee is good (or tea -- whatever's clever).

about 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link
1 minute ago, umadgurl said:

Am I the only one for whom the Alert tab is compeltely gone since the update? How am I supposed to enter Arbitration missions now? I even restarted game and did file validation 😞

And yes I know I have to complete all nodes and stuff, dont be like all those XYZ who tried treating me like a moron and even called me a liar when I said my alert tab is gone...

We found the cause of this bug, will be fixed soon.