I'm going to be a bit long-winded here, so that it might help DE staff see exactly what I'm talking about. Apologies.
Approaching two years ago, I made a post detailing how a lighting fix had ruined the previously-flawless metallics on Prime sigils. This is a before and after pic.
It was crossposted by another user to the official forums, where Rebecca commented on it, saying;
"This should get fixed up for a future deploy!"
It's been nearly two years since then, and the sigils still kind of look like ass -which is a bit of a shame as the people who own them had to pay good money for them. I was hoping that if they'd planned on releasing another Prime sigil, they'd have fixed what they did to them first. Sadly, no luck yet.
A small album displaying Prime sigils.
I went through several maps with the most recent Prime sigil on, just to get a feel for how lighting affects it.
The most flattering has been Mars, but only sometimes, and only in sunlit areas, as shown here
There we go, hopefully these images might prove useful to someone wondering about whether or not to get the Accessories pack, and useful to DE so they can see what exactly they need to improve.
The sigils used to be flawless in all lighting, so unless their new lighting has somehow f*cked something royally up, then it should be fixable.
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