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Second time this happened, two different missions. Each time I was just walking or shooting and then got teleported outside. Does anyone know what this could be??

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11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link


If you are playing on PC, could you send your logs to support in case this happens again? (ideally mention [DE]Purzzle in the ticket, so I see it faster)

Support: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us

How to get logs: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200182250-What-information-should-I-give-when-submitting-a-ticket

With issues like this, the source of the problem may not be obvious and logs often contain hints towards what exactly is going wrong.


11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by FewRecommendation404

I am playing on Xbox not pc which sucks idk if there's a way there or not

Sadly not at the moment but if you do have an idea what may be causing it, please do share your findings.

11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by FewRecommendation404

It might have been when I fell and it faded to black and reset me then once I got kicked out of the necromech that's where it spawned me maybe? Or just the game didn't know where to spawn my back "safely" and so it just kicked me out. I have no idea, this seemed to be a problem that start right after WITW from some of the comments

I tried a few variations of that but it never resulted in your issue.