almost 6 years
ago -
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Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.4.4
Kitgun Changes:
Changed the following when Thunderdrum Loader is used with Catchmoon Chamber:
- Critical Chance increased from 13% to 17%
- Status Chance decreased from 35% to 28%
- Reduced the Affinity gained from killing Coolant Raknoids from 1500 to 300.
- Refined the end of mission screen for Thermia Fracture progress to show you what you received in that single mission vs. a cumulative total, which could be misleading.
- Hildryn can now use Shields for Melee Channeling!
- Selecting the Foundry notification in the UI will now take you to the appropriate Foundry screen to claim.
- Updated the Neutron Star Augment description to match updated behaviour.
Orb Vallis Assassinate Bounty Fixes:
- Fixed Assassinate targets being immortal due to enemy enhancements stacking/applying to them.
- Fixed Assassinate targets spawning very far away from their Base area.
Fixes towards Assassinate Bounty areas not spawning the enemy types requested in the ‘Kill All’ phase.
- As all reported here:
- Fixed a crash when viewing Warframe Ability videos in the Arsenal.
- Fixed an issue where some Arbitration Shield Drones would not work.
- Fixed a crash when playing The Index.
- Fixed "melee with fire weapon input" causing Revenant’s Danse Macabre to be unboostable when a Melee weapon is equipped.
- Fixed Plains of Eidolon sometimes looking desaturated at times.
- Fixed unequipping Balefire in Aegis Storm would cause issues for Hildryn.
- Fixed incorrect Energy colors on the Pox when the Tarock Thrown Blade Skin is equipped.
- Fixed an issue where Mining would cause a loss of functionality.
- Fixed incorrect scaling on the Larkspur FX when used in Submersible missions.
- Fixed the Gram using Galatines elemental FX.
- Fixed the Redeemer Prime firing FX.
- Fixed missing Critical Melee hit FX.
- Fixed Cave minimaps appearing incorrectly.
- Fixed incorrect positioning of the ‘Active Events’ UI element when in the Star Chart screen.
- Fixed a UI overlap when attempting to Trade in the Dojo while browsing your Inventory.
- Fixed the Hydrolyst lightning strike all striking at the same angle/rotation.
- Fixing sometimes seeing black squares when casting Nyx's Chaos ability.
- Fixed incorrect Impact sounds of Kronsh Zaws.
- Fixed script error when casting Hildryn’s Shield Pillage and Balefire ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Titania’s Lantern ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Garuda’s Blood Altar ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ash’s Blade Storm ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ember’s Fire Blast ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Revenant’s Mesmer Skin ability.
- Fixed an issue with Melee Phase 1 breaking aspects of Frame Fighter.
Buried Debts: Hotfix
- Fixed a crash that could occur when deploying your Archwing.
- Fix Magus Repair reviving downed Allies and applying to Operators as reported here:
Fixed missing UI icon when crafting an Amp with Little Duck.