9 months ago - [DE]Ronnie - Direct link


Five Platforms, One Star Chartcross save dojoMSHOWCASE (1).png

Showcase Your Dojo: A New Era Begins!

Welcome to the Cross Save Dojo Showcase! We're excited to announce a fresh start for this beloved event, with streamlined submissions and categories. Here's your chance to earn a place of honor on the Star Chart and share your Clan's creations with the entire Warframe community.

What Are Showcased Dojos?
Every quarter, a new set of four to five exceptional Dojos will be featured on the Star Chart, accessible to all Tenno. Selected by the Warframe team and a special guest judge*, these Dojos will showcase the best in design and creativity. Share your Dojo with us, and it could be the next on the Star Chart!

*Submissions will be reviewed by DE for this first round of Cross Save Dojo Showcases

***Since we are starting fresh, there will be a single category for this contest; Star Chart Ascendant. Every Dojo, regardless of past participation, Clan tier, or platform has an equal chance to be featured.

***Four to Five Winners Total per month: Selected from all platforms combined (PC, PS, XB, Switch, Mobile), regardless of Clan tier.

**Note: In future contests, we may reintroduce categories and distinctions, but for now, it’s a clean slate for everyone

Star Chart Ascendant
The original category, based on the Featured Dojo Contest of the past three years. In this category, Dojos that have never been showcased on the Star Chart are given priority. Whether you’re a small Ghost Clan or a massive Moon Clan, this is your chance to debut your Dojo to the world!

***There will be three winners selected per platform: 

  • PC: any clan tier x 3
  • PS: any clan tier x 3
  • XB: any clan tier x 3
  • Switch:  any clan tier x 3
  • Mobile: any clan tier x 3

Instead of awarding the top spots month by month (1st place in Month 1, 2nd place in Month 2, and so on), we’re changing it up. Each month, we’ll randomly select dojos from all placements, making the Star Chart thrilling and unpredictable all season long.

How to Enter
Take us on a tour of your Dojo by posting in the this official contest thread

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Submission Guidelines

  • One submission per Clan
  • Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
  • Must list your your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
  • Must not exceed 10 images. Show us your Dojo’s best! We recommend uploading images to a host website like Imgur and sharing the link.
  • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes. We recommend uploading video to a host website like YouTube and sharing the link.
  • If more than 10 photos, only the first 10 images will be considered
  • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Write your submission in whatever language is most comfortable to you! Make sure, however, it is posted in the official English contest thread. Submissions posted elsewhere won’t be seen.
  • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
  • Many dojos have inside jokes and hidden rooms--please share with [de]ronnie on the forums if you would like to leave instructions on how to access such rooms on stream
  • Please keep in mind that, if your Dojo is selected, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo while it is on the Star Chart!

Star Chart Ascendant Winners: Receive the bronze, silver, or gold contest trophy, and a massive stockpile of resources tailored to Clan size. Prizes will be delivered to the Clan’s Dojo Decoration Menu.

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Rules for Featured Dojos
Given the number of players who will visit, we have a different standard for content in Dojos showcased on the Star Chart than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask selected Clans to make small changes to their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:

  • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
  • Star Chart Ascendants can only increase their Clan Tier while being featured on the Star Chart.
  • Clans who disregard these rules while their Dojo is on the Star Chart will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart. If deemed necessary, increased disciplinary action will also be taken

This round’s selected Dojos will be featured from July 2024 to the end of September 2024. Star Chart Ascendant Dojos will be showcased for one month each.

Winners will be announced in June during our community live stream at twitch.tv/warframe
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This contest starts now until Sunday June 16th @ 1:00PM ET

All players from PC, XBOX, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile can participate!



We’re excited to share with you the full details of the Cross Platform Save Dojo Showcase! We heard your feedback, and we’re adding details to our showcase structure to make it more inclusive and engaging for everyone. Our goal is to ensure this showcase is accessible to both new dojo creators and seasoned decorators alike.

Here are the full details of the Cross Save Dojo Showcase

The following will be live for our 1st showcase round happening July 2024:

True Cross-Play Submission Pool: Submissions will be open to all platforms and judged together. Don’t worry, we know going up against a veteran clan might be daunting.  That's why we’re introducing a category that prioritizes dojos that haven’t been represented on the Star Chart yet. Read on!

New Submission Slots: Each month, we’ll feature 7-8 Dojos on the Star Chart:

  • 5 Ascendants: Dojos that have been featured on the Starchart before
  • 1 All Star: A Dojo that has been featured as an Ascendant before
  • 1-2 Emergents (New Category): Dojos that are submitting to the contest for the first time or come from platforms that haven’t been represented in the current Ascendant selection. Clans can only secure the Emergent title once and then will join the Ascendent pool

Seasonal Breakdown: Over the course of each season, we will have:

  • 3 All Stars (1 per month).
  • 3-6 Emergents (1-2 per month)
  • 15 Ascendents (5 per month)

Prizes: Prizes will remain the same for Ascendant and All Star Dojos. Emergent Dojos will receive a Clan Tier Decoration and the equivalent of the 1st place resource bundle according to their Clan Tier.
clan tier.jpg

When submitting your dojo, please also indicate the category you are entering:

All Star: For those who have previously been featured as an Ascendant.
The original category for decorators.
Emergent: For first-time participants in the dojo contest.

Example post: 

  • Clan Name: Hungry Ninjas
  • Clan Tier: Moon
  • Clan Platform: PC
  • Clan Role: Founding Warlord/ Architect
  • Submission:  All Star/ Ascendent/ Emergent

Our original post mentioned a fresh slate. To encourage new decorators, we will maintain previous notes of past Star Chart features.



9 months ago - [DE]Ronnie - Direct link


We’re excited to share with you the full details of the Cross Platform Save Dojo Showcase! We heard your feedback, and we’re adding details to our showcase structure to make it more inclusive and engaging for everyone. Our goal is to ensure this showcase is accessible to both new dojo creators and seasoned decorators alike.

Here are the full details of the Cross Save Dojo Showcase

The following will be live for our 1st showcase round happening July 2024:

True Cross-Play Submission Pool: Submissions will be open to all platforms and judged together. Don’t worry, we know going up against a veteran clan might be daunting.  That's why we’re introducing a category that prioritizes dojos that haven’t been represented on the Star Chart yet. Read on!

New Submission Slots: Each month, we’ll feature 7-8 Dojos on the Star Chart:

  • 5 Ascendants: Dojos that have been featured on the Starchart before
  • 1 All Star: A Dojo that has been featured as an Ascendant before
  • 1-2 Emergents (New Category): Dojos that are submitting to the contest for the first time or come from platforms that haven’t been represented in the current Ascendant selection. Clans can only secure the Emergent title once and then will join the Ascendent pool

Seasonal Breakdown: Over the course of each season, we will have:

  • 3 All Stars (1 per month).
  • 3-6 Emergents (1-2 per month)
  • 15 Ascendents (5 per month)

Prizes: Prizes will remain the same for Ascendant and All Star Dojos. Emergent Dojos will receive a Clan Tier Decoration and the equivalent of the 1st place resource bundle according to their Clan Tier.

When submitting your dojo, please also indicate the category you are entering:

  • All Star: For those who have previously been featured as an Ascendant.
  • Ascendant: The original category for decorators.
  • Emergent: For first-time participants in the dojo contest.

Example post: 

Clan Name: Hungry Ninjas
Clan Tier: Moon
Clan Platform: PC
Clan Role: Founding Warlord/ Architect
Submission:  All Star/ Ascendent/ Emergent

Our original post mentioned a fresh slate. To encourage new decorators, we will maintain previous notes of past Star Chart features.