over 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

The Steel Path: Update 28.2.0


We’ve included everything from PC Update 28.0.6 - (and cherry picked fixes and changes beyond). The total download size for this update is ~ 760 MB. 


Controller Changes & Fixes:  

  • Removed the ability to open up the main menu with a controller when using Navigation or browsing Ayatan Treasures (could result in a loss of functionality).
  • Fixed Pets using the wrong skeleton and appearing mutated when swapping to a loadout of a different Pet (Kubrow vs Kavat) before claiming your Incubated Pet when using a controller.
  • Fixed the Avionics screen showing the incorrect callout for "remove" with a controller. 


It is time to take on a new challenge. The Origin System is ever-changing. Our enemies grow more powerful - only the Tenno with true mastery of their Arsenal will overcome what awaits us. Once you have found yourself with a completed Star Chart, you may choose to arm yourself for a higher tier of enemies in Warframe. With this Update, we are introducing ‘The Steel Path’, a way to replay the Star Chart with all regions receiving +100 enemy levels. You will earn exclusive Emotes and Trophies by completing each region. Team up or go alone - good luck! 

If you are not ready for this challenge, fear not, it’s not going anywhere. One day you may be prepared to take The Steel Path. 

Your weapons make music, and the enemy calls for a song. Visit Teshin to learn more, if you’re ready. The Relay ‘CONCLAVE’ Fast Travel option has also been changed to say ‘TESHIN’ as this option now serves a new role with The Steel Path. This will also now place you in front of the Conclave station instead of in the Conclave screen.

A completed Star Chart (access to Arbitrations) is required for The Steel Path. Teshin will invite you to seek him out in any Relay once you’ve met the criteria. 

  • Hot tip: If you’re unsure of what Nodes remain for you to unlock, visit the Arbiters of Hexis enclave in the Relays and speak to the Arbitration representative located to the immediate left of the door. 

What you need to know about The Steel Path:
Since launching our weekend Public Test Cluster project, we have made some changes to The Steel Path for launch. These changes will be indicated below (but this is not an exhaustive list). 

  • You can toggle on/off The Steel Path in the Star Chart, which will automatically change the Star Chart to reflect which path you wish to play.
    • The Steel Path toggle will also pulse to draw attention for those who question how to access The Steel Path after talking to Teshin. Completing 1 Steel Path mission will disable the pulse. 
  • Mastery can be earned by completing each mission on The Steel Path (similar to normal Star Chart, Mastery is earned once per node).
  • Enemies on The Steel Path are +100 Levels higher than their normal mission counterparts, and have enhanced defenses. Their enhanced defenses are not quite as high as Sortie modifiers, but enemies do have a *150% bonus to Health + Armor + Shields. This decision was made based on Public Test Cluster feedback. 
    • The original Test Cluster Feedback change brought a 175% bonus that we then reduced to 150% bonus after further testing. We also realized some inconsistencies with what we stated and what was truly live on the Test build leading up to now. To clarify what this equates to:
      • Enemy Health/Shield/Armor: 1+1.5 = 2.50 (250%)
  • The Steel Path has Custom Gear Rules: 1 Minute Cooldown on Restores.
  • Open Worlds (Orb Vallis and Plains of Eidolon) have a special Steel Path Bounty you must complete to progress. It is the 6th tier Bounty only accessible on The Steel Path!  
  • The Steel Path Eidolon levels will increase respective of their difficulty for Tenno who seek a challenge, and also drop 1 Steel Essence on death:
    • Teralyst: Level 110
    • Gantulyst: Level 120
    • Hydrolyst: Level 130
  • Junction Specters must be fought at their new 100+ level to proceed in the Star Chart. 
    • You’ll notice that the ‘Junction Tasks’ popup on hover will not appear in The Steel Path as those items are not required nor rewarded for completing the Junction.
  • Eximus enemies have a chance at dropping Riven Slivers and a new currency: Steel Essence. 
  • Archwing Missions within The Steel Path will contain enemies with a 50+ level increase instead of 100+, and the 150% bonus Health + Armor + Shield multiplier will not be applied. This decision was made based on Test Cluster feedback.
  • Note: Railjack is not a part of The Steel Path.

Progression Rewards
As you progress through The Steel Path Star Chart, Teshin will award you for each Region completed with its respective Planet Decoration and Planet Emote, as well as 2x Steel Essence per Region (which can also be earned simply by playing Steel Path missions)!

The Steel Path Honors & Steel Essence
In addition to those Rewards, Teshin now has The Steel Path Honors: a store only accessible when The Steel Path is unlocked. Similar to the Arbitration Honors store, The Steel Path Honors takes Steel Essence as currency. Steel Essence can be found as a Resource drop from Eximus enemies within The Steel Path. 

By accessing the Steel Path Honors, you can exchange your Steel Essence for the following rewards:

  • THE BISHAMO ARMOR SET: Uphold the elite warrior tradition of Teshin and the Dax in the Bishamo Armor Set. This Orokin-designed collection includes a Helmet, Cuirass, Pauldrons, Greaves, and apparel. Earn the Blueprints by trading Steel Essence from The Steel Path Honors.
  • Kuva x 10,000
  • Random Relic Pack (3 Random Relics) 
  • Stance Forma Blueprint - this Forma type was introduced in Operation: Scarlet Spear. In the interest of having it more widely available, we are adding it to the Steel Path! This Forma allows for an added touch of flexibility in Melee weapons for those who seek it out! 
  • The Trio Orbit Ephemera and Crania Ephemera
    • These new Ephemeras are available for a Steel Essence price respective to their prestige. The Crania Ephemera is for the truly worthy and those who have shown no fear on the Steel Path. Ephems.mp4

The Steel Path Feedback Megathread:



Khora Urushu Skin
Personify the avenging spirit of the forest in armor flowering with deadly blooms. Buying the Urushu skin unlocks the Maculatia Skin only for your Venari. Includes Maculatia Venari Skin, Khora Urushu Agile and Noble animation sets! 

  • Khora’s Whipclaw whip also use the Khora Urushu whip design!

Maculatia Venari Skin
Venari becomes the dark and dangerous woods in this deluxe Pet Skin.    

Khora Urushu Collection
Embody the galaxy’s most dangerous flora with the Urushu Collection. Includes the Khora Urushu Skin, the Pulchranopsis Syandana, the Veratria Blade and Whip Skin, and the Maculatia Skin for Venari or your favourite Kavat. Includes Khora Urushu Agile and Noble animation sets! 


Pulchranopsis Syandana
The beauty of the orchid paired with the elegance of Tenno design. A signature Syandana for Khora. 

Veratria Blade and Whip Skin
Tangle your target in a thorny vine with this deceptively floral weapon Skin.

Maculatia Kavat Skin 
Nature at its most brutal comes alive in this deluxe skin for your Kavat.

Accessibility & Visibility Improvements:

Color Blind Compensation
Under the Display Options tab, you’ll find a ‘Color Blind Compensation’ option that modifies game and interface colors to increase visibility for common forms of color blindness. There is also a strength slider to the Color Blind Compensation filters. 

This setting will allow you to pick between the following options:

  • Protanopia: A setting for people with Protanopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to red lights.
  • Deuteranopia: A setting for people with Deuteranopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to green lights.
  • Tritanopia: A setting for people with Tritanopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to blue lights.

It’s worth noting here that our Color Blind Compensation approach is far from perfect and feedback will vary accordingly. We will continue to investigate larger scope accessibility issues! Please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have:

Xoris Interaction Changes:
Certain Warframe Abilities and Exalted weapons will now reset the Melee Combo Counter only if the Xoris is being used. The overwhelming Damage output of certain Warframe Abilities was not our intention with an infinite Melee Combo weapon, and the conversation of ‘Xoris or you’re doing it wrong’ is greatly restrictive in terms of player choice.

Warframe Abilities / Exalted Warframe weapons affected by this are:

  • Ash Bladestorm
  • Atlas Landslide
  • Baruuk Serene Storm
  • Excalibur Exalted Blade
  • Gara Shattered Lash
  • Khora Whipclaw
  • Valkyr Talons
  • Wukong Iron Staff

The full breakdown can be read here.

Granum Void Changes & Fixes:
!!Contains Spoilers for The Deadlock Protol Quest!!

  • Golden Hand Shrines will no longer be accessible in Invasion missions if you don’t side with the Corpus.
    • This also fixes Golden Hand Shrines consuming a Granum Crown but not opening the Granum Void if you were sided with a Faction other than Corpus.
  • NPC’s spawned within or brought into Granum Void (Beacon summoned Assassins, Rescue Targets, etc) will now be teleported back to the Corpus Ship alongside you when the timer expires.
    • This also fixes NPCs spawned in Granum Void resulting in a teleportation ping-pong between the Corpus Ship and Granum Void upon the Granum Void timer running out.
  • A Revive Tower will now be spawned beside the Golden Hand Shrine if a player goes down within the Granum Void in a Corpus Ship Arbitration mission.
    • This fixes missing Revive Towers upon exiting the Granum Void and Resurgence Tokens still spawning, resulting in imposing the stacking Resurgence Burden debuff for the rest of the mission unless the "lost" player leaves.
  • More Lotus VO has been added to the Granum Void upon intro, success, partial/fail.
  • A waypoint marker will now dynamically appear for the nearest Golden Hand Shrine when the Granum Void opens to help players find them.
  • Fixed ‘Abilities In Use’ persisting after entering the portal to the Granum Void. 
  • Fixed Xoris charges not depleting for Clients in Granum Void if the Host is absent.
  • Fixed ability to go over the Void Traces cap from Granum Void rewards.

Stropha Changes & Fixes:

  • Increased Stropha projectile lifetime from .12 to .14.
  • Fixed Stropha Heavy Attack not increasing in Damage from Melee Combo stacks.
  • Fixed the Stropha shot not gaining Combo hits against a ragdolling enemy.
  • Fixed Condition Overload not affecting its shots.

Corpus Ship Changes & Fixes:

  • Removed numerous door Lasers within the Corpus Ship tileset. Only connecting tile doors will have Lasers.
  • Fixed some Corpus Ship doors not opening until you’re practically at the door, resulting in faceplanting. They’ll now open when you’re a few meters away.
  • Fixes towards an inability to get through side doors in the Corpus Ship Spy tileset if you’re going back through the alternate direction of where you came in.
  • Fixed Rescue/Spy Vault door lasers not matching the intensity of doors throughout the Corpus Ship.
  • Fixed enemies in the Corpus Ship Defense tileset sometimes getting stuck on door frames.
  • Fixed a rare case of having no objective during an Invasion Rescue mission in the Corpus Ship tileset.
  • Fixed the Golden Hand Shrine sometimes not spawning in the Jackal and Razorback boss missions. 
  • Fixed Solaris prisoners being invisible, but still freeable, if you aligned with Grineer on an Invasion mission that generates a Corpus Ship tile.
  • Fixed a lack of emissives when Lockers are open.
  • Fixed Locker emissive turning green instead of teal when a Locker is opened with the Thief's Wit Mod.
  • Fixed Treasurers dropping a ‘Granum Crown Cache’ when killed inside of Limbo’s Cataclysm, instead of the intended Granum Crown.
  • Fixed broken Defense objectives in Corpus Ship missions after a Treasurer spawns and the squad migrates.
  • Numerous fixes towards missing collision throughout the Corpus Ship tileset.
  • Numerous fixes towards poor lighting and AI pathfinding in the Corpus Ship tileset.

Jackal Changes & Fixes:

  • Pets & Sentinels no longer take damage from Jackal's Grid Wall attack. 
  • Fixed Clients sometimes being left in the first stage Jackal arena if you died/Revived before the second stage.
  • Fixes towards spamming the Parazon Finisher for the Jackal as a Client breaking the Finisher animation.
  • Visibility improvements towards the Jackal’s stomp ability FX.

General Changes:

  • Shield Gating now applies to Companions the same way it does to Warframes!
    • Blocks 100% of Damage for 1000ms on first break, reduced to 300ms if Shields break again without fully recharging.
  • Protea’s Blueprint has been added to Simaris’ Offerings for players who have completed The Deadlock Protocol Quest and unintentionally sold Protea.
    • Let it be known that the Xoris Blueprint/Parts are also available here for players who have completed The Deadlock Protocol Quest and unintentionally sold the Xoris.
  • The Friend ‘Batch Remove’ feature minimum has been changed to ‘1 week’ to allow for more list purging.
  • Doubled the Decoration Capacity for the "Open Space" Dojo room, from 800 to 1600 (for comparison the Inspiration Hall is 1400).
  • Updated a few occurrences of "Resist a Damage effect" to the more accurate “Resist a Status effect" for some descriptions of Arcanes.
  • Platinum bonuses given from Referral links are now non tradable/non giftable, similar to Platinum that you don’t purchase (win on a Livestream, etc).   
  • To help prevent accidental Kuva Lich generation from quick tapping the Mercy action, you must now Hold to perform a Mercy on a Kuva Larvling.
  • Beacons are now disabled in Junctions.
    • This is a solo fight to show off those skills! 
  • The Star Chart Quest FX indicator will now still appear when you are zoomed out. 
  • Disarming abilities no longer affect pilotable Dargyns to prevent accidental disarm usage that removes weapon capability. 
  • Increased the size of the Shedu explosion FX to better visually represent its radius.

Protea Fixes: 

  • Fixed Protea losing her Temporal Anchor actions during rewind if during the ability she walked through Volt’s Electric Shield. 
  • Fixed Protea's Blaze Artillery not targeting enemies in Mag's Magnetize bubble if Mag is Modded to have a high Power Strength.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if a Protea died or left the squad with a Grenade Fan active on an ally. 
  • Fixed Helminth Cyst being on the wrong side of Protea’s neck. 
  • Fixed a case of Protea’s Blaze Artillery not damaging ragdolled enemies.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Protea’s Grenade Fan. 
  • Fixed Protea’s Passive HUD FX becoming invisible after Transferring into Operator and out as a Client.
  • Fixed Protea’s Passive HUD FX not applying chosen Energy color as a Client.

Nightwave Fixes:

  • Fixed cases of Cephalite Fissures not spawning in numerous eligible missions.
    • This was most commonly seen in Plains/Vallis or key-required missions, but was possible elsewhere as well.
  • Fixed Cephalite Resonance not being shared between squadmates in Railjack if the player who collected the Resonance was at the 20 cap.
  • Fixes towards an ability to multiply Nightwave Standing gained by repeatedly going in and out of Fortuna. 
  • Fixed the Explorer Nightwave Act text not updating progress by always saying ‘Complete 3 Railjack Missions’.
  • Fixed not receiving progress for the ‘Ascendant’ Nightwave Act upon completing the Agility Test on Lua.
  • Fixed not being able to complete ‘Just Visiting’ Nightwave Act by visiting a Featured Dojo higher than Ghost. 
  • Fixed some small typos in the Nightwave Episode 3 crime scene. 

Railjack Fixes:

  • Fixed Maxima and Hull Weave Avionics missing from respective Earth Proxima and Veil Proxima enemies.
  • Fixed the Archwing Slingshot breaking after the first use if it was used to board a Crewship.
  • Fixed spawning thousands of meters away from your Railjack if you Transfer back into your Warframe after launching a Railjack mission as the Operator.
  • Fixed getting stuck in Orbiter/Railjack walls when entering the Arsenal as the Operator.
  • Fixed viewing Railjack Components/Armaments and switching tabs after making a selection not properly deselecting the selected item, resulting in the Valence Fusion and Scrap buttons disappearing.

Ropalolyst Fixes:

  • Fixed Clients becoming stuck riding the Ropalolyst if two Client players attempt to ride it simultaneously.
  • Potential fix towards the Host being able to interrupt a Client mounting the Ropalolyst, resulting in a crash.
  • Fixed players not animating properly when landing on the central platform after crashing the Ropalolyst into one of the towers.
  • Fixed the Ropalolyst cutscene intro not playing for Clients.
  • Fixed Client players teleporting forward in the Ropalolyst cutscene.
  • Fixes towards misaligned mounting animations when rolling before mounting the Ropalolyst. 
  • Fixed a script error that resulted in infinitely falling/respawning when falling into a teleport volume as the Operator during the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed potential script errors caused by using the central laser in the Ropaloylst fight.


  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to the script system.
  • Made several micro-optimizations to the log subsystem.
  • Made systemic optimizations to game startup time.
  • Made a micro-optimization to in-game stats rendering.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to rendering performance.
  • Made a micro-optimization to a core math routine.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to rendering performance.


  • Fixed not retaining Kuva Lich mission progress if you Parazon stabbed your Lich during a connection loss. 
  • Fixed many Junction Specters having Health/Shield/Armour overrides, which gave them dramatically lower Health (eg: This changes Mag Specter's base Health from 75->1800). They should now match the listed values in the Codex.
  • Fixed Heavy Weapons not having correct animations when sliding and firing.
  • Fixed Panthera Prime and Karyst Prime not having proper setup for unique Riven disposition. Both arsenal UI and in-game stats will now reflect intended disposition of 0.5.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause broken Hijack HUD elements when joining a mission in progress on a slow network.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause broken Fomorian Assault HUD elements when joining a mission in progress on a slow network.
  • Fixed hearing Client Wukong Iron Staff FX sounds when the Wukong is far enough that you shouldn't hear it.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur for the new Host of an Archwing mission due to prior Host migration if they had the Dark Split-Sword equipped.
  • Fixed up numerous crashes that could occur when joining a Hive mission in progress.
  • Fixed Shield-Gating not functioning properly after Reviving when becoming downed.
  • Fixed ability to keep your Melee Combo for Gunblade Heavy Attacks by timing a Transference activation at the right time. Gunblade Heavy Attacks will now expel Melee Combo as intended.
  • Fixed Arsenal not listing Gunblades stats for their projectile behavior. 
  • Fixed Condition Overload not affecting the damage of a thrown Glaive.
  • Fixed Saryn’s Contagion Clouds becoming hostile to players if you die and Revive.
  • Fixed Pets using the wrong skeleton and appearing mutated when swapping to a loadout of a different Pet (Kubrow vs Kavat) before claiming your Incubated Pet.
  • Fixed Vasca Kavat babies having broken textures when previewing in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Pets spazzing out for one frame when swapping Companions in Arsenal.
  • Fixed the camera needlessly moving back and forth between Sentinel/Pet positions when swapping Companions in Arsenal.
  • Fixed receiving a weird error when attempting to equip a Pet while another one is being Imprinted.
  • You’ll now receive a less confusing error message indicating “Cannot switch to a new Pet while imprinting”.
  • Fixed Arcane Bodyguard not healing Venari.
  • Fixed Precision Strike buff granting buffs to explosive Secondary weapons (Kuva Seer, Tombfinger Secondary, etc).
  • Fixed Dizzying Rounds leaving an enemy open to Melee Finishers forever (now closed to Finishers after the Finisher is performed).
  • Fixed Atlas ‘Rubble Heap’ Augment for Client players insisting that you needed energy to cast Landslide even though it was free.
  • Fixed your Moa Companion not gaining weapon Affinity if Hard Engage was the last thing the moa activated before extracting from the mission.
  • Fixed Djinn automatically Reviving after exiting Titania's Razorwing if Reawaken is equipped.
  • Fixed the Xoris infinite Combo Counter UI not reflecting when there is -100% Combo Duration equipped.
  • The Combo Counter UI will now display ‘0’ when appropriate - otherwise it will say infinite. 
  • Fixed selecting Dojo when in the Liset from the Railjack Star Chart not functioning. 
  • Fixed an issue in the Grineer's genetic code where dying while frozen resulted in their face floating a meter away from their head.
  • Fixed Mag's "Magnetize" ability displaying the chosen Energy primary/secondary colors differently depending on what rank Magnetize is.
  • Fixed Status Effects on the Melee weapons of Mirage's Hall of Mirrors clones not disappearing when you stare through her body, as they are supposed to.
  • Fixed saving the default Mandachord song to your customization causing it to reset back to what it was previously the next time you return to the Orbiter.
  • Fixed Octavia's Mallet ability causing many audio issues for Clients.
  • More fixes towards various missing audio/visual effects for the Javlok's throw attack explosions.
  • Fixed the ‘Bloom’ setting slider not being available when enabling the setting.
  • Fixed the Shi Shoulder Plate not appearing on Mag Prime when equipped on the left shoulder.
  • Fixed Corrosive having no tooltip on hover in the Arsenal. 
  • Fixed switching from 'Incomplete' tab to 'Riven' tab in the Foundry resulting in non-existent Mods showing at the end of your Riven list. 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing the ‘Incomplete’ tab of the Mod Station, and then attempting to change the Sorting method.
  • Fixed "waiting for other players 1/1" message displaying in Solo mode Transferring in/out of Operator mode when at the mission objective.
  • Fixed opening any kind of Chat link while on the Railjack Configure screen causing UI overlaps. 
  • Fixed Prisma Veritux being hidden within your Profile Equipment list until at least 1 XP is gained. 
  • Fixed Lotus VO indicating an ‘Assassination Target’ when a Lynx is spawned in a Grineer Galleon Spy mission.
  • Fixed incorrect Corinth Prime reload sounds if the Solstice Skin is equipped.  
  • Fixed Eidolon Bush Decoration description using ‘bare’ instead of ‘bear’.
  • Fixed a crash upon viewing Vay Hek’s Codex entry. Did you really believe it would be this easy?!
  • Fixed some rare Host migration issues where you would sometimes after migration join a session you didn't expect (hosted by someone who used to be connected to your host, but has left long time ago... mostly possible in Open Zone missions).
  • Fixed Vomvalysts appearing to move slower than usual.
  • Fixed Ivara’s Artemis Bow sometimes firing the previously selected Quiver type instead of the one currently selected.  
  • Fixed Octavia’s Resonator spamming 0 Damage numbers in between doing charm Damage.
  • Fixed Enemies that are converted by Revenant's Enthrall energy pillar not appearing to have the Enthralled visuals around their head despite being friendly/affected.
  • Fixed a few more cases where Titania could clip through the floor in Razorwing.
  • Fixed the ‘Relentless Combination’ Mod not building Melee Combo from Slash Status Effects.
  • Fixed Pax Seeker and Pax Bolt being able to be activated by weapons/abilities other than the Kitgun it's installed on (sometimes resulting in a script error).
  • Fixed Kuva Guardians remaining vulnerable and not firing their Twin Roggas after picking up their Kesheg.
  • Fixed Fishing Bait not functioning in some Orb Vallis caves.
  • Fixed Pets facing backwards when interacting with the Incubator.
  • Fixed being able to interact with Pets that haven't yet been named/claimed which could cause a functionality loss.
  • Fixed flickering/invisible issues with Pets when accessing an Arsenal outside the Orbiter (Cetus, Captura, etc).
  • Fixed Incubated/unnamed Pets showing up in your Inventory as an unnamed level 0 Kubrow.
  • Fixed Excavation Rewards not displaying in the ‘Mission Progress’ screen.
  • Fixed enemies sometimes not responding properly due to a visual block by pickups.
  • Fixed flinging yourself halfway across an Open Zone (Plains/Vallis) by using a Melee Heavy Slam Attack on an elevated surface.
  • Fixed cases of using a Grustrag Three Beacon to escape a mission prematurely and it counting towards Star Chart progression.
  • Fixed ability to teleport to old Operator positions when exiting Transference and using the /unstuck command.
  • Fixed the 30 second warning Transmission from the Lotus not playing in Arbitration Survival missions.
  • Fixed Orbiter ‘Scene’ Decorations reverting after closing the game and coming back in.
  • Fixed not being able to see unowned Bundle-only fur patterns for Kubrows/Kavats in the Arsenal item grid when selecting a pattern.
  • Fixed the Star Chart UI breaking when selecting an Invasion mission from the WSW with the Railjack Star Chart open.
  • Fixed setting the ‘Master Volume’ slider between 1-4 resulting in no volume.
  • Fixed the Prisma Lotus Sigil not having its two-toned style.
  • Fixed the Vetala Armor not attaching properly to the Trinity Strega Skin.
  • Fixed Platinum Coupon UI text overlapping.
  • Fixed Valkyr's Bastet Helmet to make certain metal areas the proper untintable dark that matches the rest of the Helmet. It still won't be tintable but it should now match the correct color channel. 
  • Fixed the Decoration Mode ‘AIM TO MOVE’ text string not being properly localized in the German game client.
  • Fixed movement sound looping for Titania Prime.
  • Fixed some audio timing issues with Liset fly-in cinematics.
  • Fixed seeing "previous kick still in progress" for Clan or Alliance Chat moderation.
  • Fixed a soft lock that could occur if you tried to ban someone from Alliance Chat.
  • Fixed missing message for certain types of kick/ban.
  • Fixed Mag's Greedy Pull not pulling pick-ups long enough to bring ones that are far away.
  • Fixed missing dangles on Khora’s Delphi Helmet.
  • Fixed a script error if your Djinn's Reawaken Precept activated while you were in Operator mode.
  • Fixed a script error when accessing the Arsenal while standing near the Helminth Infirmary.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Chroma’s Effigy ability.
  • Fixed a script error when your Sentinel attempts to Revive you. 
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if a Kuva Guardian leapt at a target that died (or toggled back to Warframe) while in mid-air.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Saryn’s Toxic Lash ability.
  • Fixed a script error related to hacking an Eidolon Lure.
  • Fixed a script error when Vay Hek attempts to zap you.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur when logging into a very decorated Orbiter.
  • Fixed Host migration script error that could occur in Archwing missions.
  • Fixed a script error related to Domestic Drones.
  • Fixed a script error when spawning a Specter.
  • Fixed script errors when joining-in-progress on a Hive Sabotage mission.


over 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Hot off the press!!

Get the exclusive Synkra Syandana by completing your Warframe Account with a verified email address. Learn more here.


over 4 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
1 hour ago, (XB1)Curse of Doom said:

I don't see a place to put my email either.

49 minutes ago, (XB1)xllakumallx said:

it's not working 😂

Hey guys! Just here to clarify, currently adding your email via warframe.com is not enabled at this time. In order to claim the Synkra Syandana follow these steps IN-GAME:

1. Go to Options > Account (new tab on the far right) > Add Email
2. Check your email for a confirmation link from Warframe. 
3. Confirm your email and you'll find the Synkra Syandana in your inventory the next time you log in! 


over 4 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
20 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey guys! Just here to clarify, currently adding your email via warframe.com is not enabled at this time. In order to claim the Synkra Syandana follow these steps IN-GAME:

1. Go to Options > Account (new tab on the far right) > Add Email
2. Check your email for a confirmation link from Warframe. 
3. Confirm your email and you'll find the Synkra Syandana in your inventory the next time you log in! 


Follow up to the above^

We ran into some snags along the way since last night, but have resolved the issue! 

For those of you who added your e-mail through warframe.com and have not received a confirmation email, on login you should have the "Resend Verification Email" button in your Options > "Account" tab.

Image from iOS (1).png

Then proceed with the following steps to receive the Synkra Syandana in your inventory: 

1. Select the "Resend Verification Email" button 
2. Close the game
3. Check your email for the confirmation email* 
4. Hit "confirm" in the email*
5. Re-open the game and the Synkra Syandana will be in your inventory

*Note: For those of you who added your e-mail through warframe.com and follow the above steps, the email that will be send will be in English exclusively. This is due to us needing to submit localized content through Cert first. We didn't want to hold back access to the Synkra Syandana any longer, so we decided that that was an issue we could live with for the time being to get that delivered to you! This is not the case for those who have initially gone through the in-game steps. 

Thank you for your patience as we got this sorted out! Enjoy your Synkra Syandana 🙂