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I lost an anasa yesterday because i'm doing sortie in my lich planet, after I killed him today it not on my list of recovered item. Just a head up for other game testers.

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over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

What’s your account name? A lot of these cases are turning out to be UI related, with a lot of stolen stuff just auto-returning under hood but missed in UI.

over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by Bedbaker

(ID:VelvetBW) thank you for taking time with my post. I hope sortie and requiem relic being stolen is not intended and will be fixed in the next update.


It's just a UI bug, you got it back with everything else! I can see it in your mission logs.

Honestly, not sure what we're going to do about making exceptions yet to stealing. The Requiem Relic thing is a High IQ play by the Lich but it feels different than anything else, for sure.