From the aesthetics, to the story, to the protoframes (and their voicework), to the protoframes being available as skins, to the tilesets, the atomicycle... Even the relationship KIM messenger stuff is really well done and is so in character for each of the people. How Amir types lightning fast, and the era accurate ways people talk online.
It just feels like they went all out on this expansion. It oozes character and quality.
The tilesets especially are so detailed and incredible.
It just feels like they said "if you have any worries about us slowing down after a decade, you can put them to bed."
Any of the money I've spent on the game feels very well spent. I got into the game just before tennocon last year and my first purchase was the tennocon digital ticket with the Hikou skin and the backpack syandana because I liked the look and thought "if this is the aesthetic 1999 will have, this is going to be awesome". And I worked through the whole story since then (and then some) and I have just been blown away this past year.
Just wanted to put that out in the void.
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