Original Post — Direct link
over 2 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

Hey if you or anyone else comes across this again, we can locate the location with an F6 screenshot! If you send that in a Support ticket or in a post on the Forums, it'll give us the location on that exact tile so we can adjust the spawn location.

Unless someone's already done this in which case send me that sauce (either ticket # or Forum post link)

over 2 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeroUnderscoreOu

Sorry for late reply. I assume what you need is this:

/Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipCapture/QuBINJQshAuUASMlSnkRIYEaAqCC.lp Z: /Lotus/Levels/InfestedCorpus/InfestedSpawnBridge P: -56, 3.7, 184 H:159 Log: 973.771

This is me standing on the spot closest to where Ayatan was in the video. But it's done in a different mission.

Also, if you could, please pass along a request to make the screenshot key rebindable.

That's exactly what we need! I will send this along, thanks u/ZeroUnderscoreOu