6 months
ago -
Intrepid FishToot!
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As the summer starts to cool down, deals on Warframe packs are heating up this September! Save on packs like the Sanctum Collection, Initiate Power Pack and more for a limited time.After this sale ends, the Sanctum Collection and Initiate Power Pack will be removed from storefronts, so don't wait, Tenno!
September 2 at 10 a.m. PT - September 9 at 10 a.m. PT
Sanctum Collection A gilded collection worthy of the Entrati family.
This pack features:
Warframe: Initiate Power Pack Kickstart your Tenno journey. The Initiate Power Pack amps up your Arsenal with formidable Max Rank Warframes, Weapons and Mods!
Initiate Power Pack features:
Warframe: Starter Weapon Pack Outfit your Arsenal with the powerful Aeolak Primary Weapon, Max Rank Serration Mod and 100 Platinum!This pack may only be purchased once per account.
Warframe: Dante Chronicles Pack This pack features:
September 2 at 10 a.m. PT - September 9 at 10 a.m. PT
Sanctum Collection A gilded collection worthy of the Entrati family.
This pack features:
- 350 Platinum- Ekhein Hammer
- Kalymos Fur Pattern
- Kalymos Kavat Gene-Masking Kit
- Envine Signa
- Necramite
- Albrecht Entrati Portrait
- Grimoire Altar
- Albrecht’s Treasures Glyph
- Sanctum Color Picker
- Too Late Emote
- Vasca Kavat
Warframe: Initiate Power Pack Kickstart your Tenno journey. The Initiate Power Pack amps up your Arsenal with formidable Max Rank Warframes, Weapons and Mods!
Initiate Power Pack features:
- 475 Platinum
- Rhino Warframe
- Nova Warframe
- Soma Assault Rifle
- Plinx Battery-Powered Laser Pistol
- Fragor Hammer Melee Weapon
- Sobek Automatic Shotgun
- Akstiletto Dual Machine Pistols
- Lacera Blade and Whip Melee Weapon
- 3 Aura Mods at Max Rank
- Aura Mods at Max Rank: Steel Charge
- Energy Siphon, Rejuvenation
- 9 Warframe Mods at Max Rank
- 8 Warframe Augment Mods at Max Rank
- 10 Rifle Mods at Max Rank
- 10 Shotgun Mods at Max Rank
- 10 Secondary Weapon Mods at Max Rank
- 13 Melee Mods at Max Rank
Warframe: Starter Weapon Pack Outfit your Arsenal with the powerful Aeolak Primary Weapon, Max Rank Serration Mod and 100 Platinum!This pack may only be purchased once per account.
Warframe: Dante Chronicles Pack This pack features:
- Dante Warframe
- Ruvox Melee Weapon
- Rencowl Syandana
- Oranist Armor
- Dante Cantist Helmet
- Dante’s Delight Glyph
- Dante’s Noctua Sigil
- Observant Vitreum Decoration
- 125 Platinum