about 1 month ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

18s we're
20s online online we're
25s online stepp to the night where all the
29s stars are bright we're back again to do
32s this and we're going to do it right
35s something wild in the
37s air I just know
42s it now we're moving quicker keep it on
46s track and we hit the scene there's no
50s turning
54s back feel the heat a line is in town and
58s we can't be
61s we come
62s night the
64s [Applause]
68s be the S strong you feel it in
73s [Music]
75s the
79s party now see there no me the city on 11
86s is
88s 2,000 something bigest
91s but it's just the
94s beginning just the
98s beginning DJ SP the track boys are ining
103s there's no turning back now you're
107s invested turning up the heat everybody
110s sing together on the One 2 3 we
116s come we all go everybody it's the great
122s LIF time the signal strong Can you feel
125s it in the
127s [Applause]
131s Flor fling higher as the
135s Stars here on the Ed of
139s 1999 our systems in this woman like you
143s never
145s know
148s never Jo us embrace
151s don't never us join us Embrace us don't
155s never us join
161s usra
166s [Music]
167s us in the house the of
173s your we come alive moving up the go
180s the party life the strong can you
185s feeling in
188s [Applause]
191s [Music]
194s the
196s the feel
199s we the be is we can feel it
203s [Music]
206s in of
208s your of your time the body of your
213s life
214s [Music]
224s time please
227s stay don't put out the flame and run
233s away in this heart
236s break I'll be here fighting for you with
240s the without
243s do wide
246s awake with all the things I know that I
249s should
250s [Music]
252s say I thought I could
255s take more than I really can with or
259s without
262s you Bab till you come back with
267s something I know want never let it go
271s oh I'm waiting but you come back with
276s [Music]
278s nothing this obession is s to the great
283s despair I keep thinking I see you and
286s there's nobody there they say love is
290s time but all your love isn't fair so P
293s me out of the great
297s despair every day
301s I'm getting stronger but I still feel
304s the
306s pain time will show the
309s way know in the heart you broken with or
313s without
316s you Bab till you come back with
320s something come back with something I
322s know never let it go no I never let go
327s let you come back with nothing to come
330s back with
332s nothing this obession is to the
337s greatest I keep thinking I see you
340s there's nobody there you say love is
344s time love isn't there so P me out of the
350s great oh we watch the world burn down
354s around us but we're still standing here
361s with the flicker of Hope on the darkness
365s of
366s day like
373s [Music]
379s the this obession is turned into the
383s greatest SP I keep thinking to see
388s you this session it into the
393s greatest now all I see is you you
398s rwh fa still his time and now it's time
402s we declare goodbye to the
408s great the
413s great to the Grave
420s he
432s [Music]
442s [Music]
456s hello hello to all the gamers happy
459s Prime Time all Gamers gamers only gamers
462s in here welcome to Prime Time
464s 422 we got lots of fun gameplay for you
468s tonight as well as some fan art some
470s captura and some housekeeping let's get
472s right into it hi I'm Zach I'm one of
474s your senior community managers for
475s Warframe to my right is Taylor hello I
478s am your community live ops manager Yi to
481s my left is Charlie hello I'm C Charlie
485s is in cold pod and behind the camera the
486s one and
490s only we
492s got but we're going to hop right into
494s housekeeping here well surprise 999 is
497s live and has been live for over a month
499s oh my gosh time freaking flies you know
503s it well it's very fun I love playing it
505s but something that's new is that there
507s are new bonus tracks from 1999 and The
510s Whispers In thewall soundtrack is live
513s on music platforms if you want to
514s quickly go to my screen actually we put
517s up a little News Post here you can see
519s all of the tracks that launched the
521s bonus tracks and where you can listen
524s most likely one of your favorite
525s platforms is on here Spotify Apple music
527s YouTube music and Amazon music and you
529s can buy it on bandb oh my freaking
530s goodness uh including my favorite track
534s the great K you've heard this one if you
536s open the Palm too I don't even know the
538s words anymore I just hum I just know the
540s tune I forgot them all so good uh and
542s the Lotus Eaters so good chef's kiss uh
545s so if you want to listen to the
546s soundtracks hop on your favorite the
548s hardest Banger OD L yes yes that's what
553s I go for I'm going to replace it on like
556s a traditional New Year's Eve and then
558s like the nuke's going to go up what the
560s heck oh no it's
562s horrible if you haven't played the if
564s you don't know what we're talking about
566s don't worry about don't worry about it
567s don't worry about it uh but yeah you can
568s stream those music now uh but something
571s else that's also new is double Dev
574s stream day tomorrow yippe uh we're going
577s to start off strong with the soul frame
579s Dev stream at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow if you
581s want to go fan art oh look at that
582s beautiful asset uh so you can watch the
585s soul frame Dev stream 11:00 a.m. on the
587s soul frame twitch Channel we're going to
588s take a look at Soul frame preludes 8 and
592s what's next so make sure you tune in and
593s there's going to be a live Q&A for your
595s uh questions and answers there and then
597s we're going to move right into the one
598s and only Dev stream this one's going to
601s be a juicy one at 2 p.m. uh the online
604s tour kicks off I love that they're back
606s it was cancelled in December but they're
608s back now uh so we're going to be diving
610s into all things technos site Kota uh and
613s lots of uh other fun things maybe you
615s saw a little teaser on socials today of
617s a certain Prime Warframe that who
621s knows be no knows who it is who's that
623s Pokemon I have no idea I have no idea
627s and of course you can tune in to earn
629s yourself a umra Forma blueprint twitch
631s drop ju tonight tomorrow tomorrow
634s tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow not tonight
636s juicy juicy juicy but something else
637s that's also on the horizon the beautiful
641s Rhino heirloom is approaching uh we
645s talked about this at tenacon last year
646s and it now has a release date February
648s 6th at 11:00 a.m. you can hop in game
650s and grab yourself Rhino heirloom just
652s like Ember heirloom you can purchase it
653s with two different purchasing methods
654s you'll get all the fun things the skin
656s the Signa the color palette the News
658s Post is online if you want to check it
659s out we're talk about it L on the dev
660s stream as well so tune in but you can
662s also log in on February 6th and check
664s out Rhino heirloom for yourself yipp but
666s in the meantime Tay what's happening
667s absolutely I mean also happening on
669s February 6th if you want to come to my
670s screen R we do have Nora's mix Volume 8
674s incoming so you have just under a week
678s yeah just under a week just over a week
680s around that amount of time I don't want
682s to do math but to finish your night wave
683s to get all your credits and to spend
685s them before we move from stalker to1
688s 19.99 which which is incredibly exciting
691s you'll see a lot more about this on the
693s dev stream so you'll see all the goodies
695s that are coming there's a an atomic
697s cycle Livery like some flof a Tamp pet
701s sugatra I wonder what that is all these
703s goodness some augments for the vper 77
707s or Gumi glyph gim we have different
710s priorities but whatever you're
711s interested
713s in you'll learn more tomorrow as well
716s where you can say on my screen speaking
718s of tomorrow we have you know pause hot
720s fixes for the time being if you want
722s access to this you know doc to see a
724s little bit about what is being fixed you
726s can use exclamation point pause champ I
729s laughed at myself I'm the only one who
731s laughed at my joke yeah is it actually
734s pause it is actually pause champ
738s anyway
743s kidding you can tell what kind of day it
745s was I was like yeah let's just do it
747s anyway uh if you want to learn more but
749s when this interim update is coming you
752s can tune in tomorrow uh we do have some
755s fixes coming some of these might have
757s been reopened I will you know make sure
759s that we update you guys whenever this
762s launches uh to make sure that you have a
763s full idea of what's coming but oh my God
766s the patch notes are already huge
769s so there's lots of goodness coming but
772s you know we're talking about what's to
773s come we also have some goodness in the
776s market right now we are celebrating
777s Lunar New Year if you missed it there's
780s so many beautiful skins and all of that
782s um the snake I love the snake he's
786s staring phenomenal Mirage skin but also
789s in this um if you're someone who was
791s looking for the return of some previous
793s items we did bring back the dragon
796s flourish uh emote the rabbit flourish
798s emote um and some of the older bundles
800s if you were missing them this just
801s happened last week so make sure to check
804s that out also the chroma zulong floof
807s he's so cute but a little bit of has
809s changed in this area uh since you know
812s we kind of last directed you here so if
814s you were kind of waiting on some older
816s uh lunar near items that you wanted to
818s add to your Arsenal or check out they're
821s here now thank you to everyone who
822s helped with that heck yeah yeah heck
825s yeah uh also going on right now is the
828s last weekend of our void corruption
830s alerts if you've been playing and maybe
832s noticing some alerts with corrupted mods
834s every week this is our void corruption
835s alerts for giving people the chance to
837s grab these mods without playing the
839s vaults so the last weekend will be live
842s until Monday February 3rd at 11:00 a.m.
844s and you can get yourself the Magnum
846s Force corrupted mod and 30k credits
848s juicy uh and you can head to Pluto and
850s do that heck yeah as something else is
853s happening in game is prime Resurgence
855s the end of the year SL beginning of the
857s year event uh is still live we're in the
860s second rotation that will last until
862s February 6th and you can grab yourself
864s Atlas Prime Vin Prime Equinox Wukong
867s hydroid Mesa gar and tit
870s from varia shop right now in game either
873s with Regal a or normal a to get the
875s Relic as well so if you've missing those
876s Prime frames hop in grab them now heck
879s yeah Mesa gar it's a good rotation it is
882s so good like how do you even pick the
883s three that are going to be there
885s Mesa it's okay it's sorry we can all be
888s wrong sometimes anyways drops drops
892s drops drops indeed speaking of glyphs
894s cuz people are mentioning glyphs and now
896s I'm afraid that uh we mess something up
898s but I'll check that out later for the
899s lar New Year stuff thank you for
901s mentioning that folks um why isn't it
905s loading We are continuing week two of
908s our online twitch drops Fest campaign
910s this is like the last day if you haven't
913s had the chance get yourselves the
915s beautiful infested glyphs uh these were
918s made by uh oh my goodness death maggots
921s death maggots death maggots that's great
923s name as you can tell uh absolutely
926s phenomenal you watch for 30 minutes you
927s should see the progress now if you've
929s already got them you just get to hang
930s out with us and have fun for the evening
933s uh but yeah beautiful beautiful uh any
937s twitch stream in the Warframe directory
939s who has drops enabled will be able to
940s get these yay love it and then finally
944s because it is ending tomorrow we also
946s have our wonderful uh weekend drops
948s returning so tomorrow from 5:00 p.m. to
951s 7:00 p.m. ET you can get the herodes
953s decoration by watching uh emo VJ and
957s then broy is dropping a fish
960s trophy don't know why I kind of want to
963s know the lore behind this uh but you can
966s watch him from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 P p.m.
967s on Sunday February 2nd over on his
969s channel uh the usual like twitch I sorry
972s Warframe ingame news has links to all of
975s their uh accounts if you want them in a
978s more findable spot but yeah how do you
980s say that trophy mix so stoat good job
985s wow I could not have done that is what
986s I'm saying there's a reason why I called
987s it fish trophy cuz I was like I saw I
989s was like and the fish
993s trophy it sounds like a terrible medical
997s disease I'm sorry sir your wife has
1002s mixed that sounds like a fish in
1004s Warframe she's turning into a
1008s fish my wife my goodness anyhow if
1012s you're here watching now and you're not
1014s in our Warframe Discord what the heck
1017s are you doing Charlie's in there right
1019s now now collecting funny comments for
1021s top 10 comments at the end of the stream
1023s and just hanging out in general so if
1025s you want to use exclamation point
1026s Discord to join the chat and hang out
1028s please do so Charlie what's the vibe
1030s right now on the Discord we're talking
1031s about worshiping ivara and sty Nexus
1036s nipples oh just like randomly or yeah I
1040s guess I mean is there anything
1042s random who's the perpetrator I want to
1045s know do brought that
1049s I got to say that that you know there
1051s are certain things that don't come up in
1052s common
1055s conversation casual conversation oh my
1057s goodness all right Taylor what are we
1058s doing today for game play you can come
1061s to my scen route I'm getting kids
1065s there such a lucky
1069s bastard oh my game anyway we won't oh my
1073s king my husband we love him uh we're
1076s going to do some night wave we're going
1077s to you know finish off our tasks for
1080s today I kind of got carried away oh my
1084s goodness
1086s okay um so I figured we'll do the
1089s complete survival Mission by reaching at
1091s least 20 minutes I remember asking if uh
1094s the hell scrub would work for it and the
1096s developers said yes a while ago and I'm
1098s going to just trust that I'm going to
1100s trust it it doesn't 20 minutes down the
1102s dra it's fine it's fine if you guys want
1105s to join what should they message us
1109s why can't I I can only think of STX
1111s right
1112s now other
1114s than a certain body part what is your
1117s favorite part of
1118s SX did you look his elbows PG only
1122s abilities
1124s is
1126s what what did you
1130s [Applause]
1134s say you can whisper de Taylor by the way
1137s yes whisper ingame de tlor
1140s with a be I swear said with a be
1145s after oh my
1149s God turn up
1153s the oh man his personality you guys are
1157s so gooday what we what do we got here
1158s what answers his massive chess
1162s Shield shell skin Bo shell skin ABS
1165s definitely abs
1170s stx's headress is best
1172s Fe I'm here for it let's
1175s go strong arms I'm what is the point of
1180s playing video games if not to violently
1181s objectify
1184s everything I'm just kidding his face is
1186s awesome
1188s hair anger all right
1191s we're I need to kill a th000 scal troops
1195s we got to do some scal house SCB I think
1196s let's do it uh I'm going to be run in
1199s cy9 cuz I'm addicted and Rue I got to
1203s say the Argo and Vell has stayed in the
1205s load
1210s out listen Argo and Bell it's good no
1213s one tell him I just forgot to unequip
1216s it
1218s oh actually it's pretty good
1221s yeah oh no I don't know what that gift
1225s is
1230s cite is broken and I love it yep he's
1233s pretty good he's he's pretty good and he
1235s looks cool motorcycle fixing him even
1237s more it's
1238s summer
1241s yippe enjoy it for like the next few
1243s days yeah this is like a nice break from
1245s the real life winter that we're living
1247s in oh jeez we whoa
1250s hey all right punish some troops want
1254s want me to lead the scra for you then I
1257s can go find the collectibl it's fine me
1260s invisible
1261s mil I am afraid to ask what the comments
1264s are if I'm being honest is this gift
1267s that
1268s we're it's like a comat with glowing
1271s eyes and something's exploding and the
1273s mag is like falling over I didn't
1277s knowen she's overwhelmed so funny
1282s o what did I find here KERO skin I want
1286s a KERO skin let's go
1290s uh oh my gosh that's a lot of their
1291s enemies new walls holy 1 million
1295s crit ATT four million you why are you
1299s even on my screen if he's bragging about
1301s how many things he's got R's missing
1302s Prime freaking time right now all right
1305s hold on he's going to ready for this
1308s miss miss
1311s miss God that feels good this is
1315s therapy
1317s 27,000 oh hell 7,000 don't pay attention
1320s to that pay no
1322s mind are going well see I'm getting
1328s kills uh oh did we open it I didn't find
1331s the key oh did we open it did yeah I
1333s wonder where
1334s the oh it might have uh dropped on me
1337s actually so there's this weird bug where
1339s if you open the safe sometimes it will
1342s drop on the host like the I'm not quite
1345s sure why so what you're saying is you
1346s stole it from everyone else no I earned
1349s it I'm the one hosting this entire
1351s Mission host privilege huh yeah exactly
1355s hey let's at 50% more resources for the
1358s host okay oh my God what I'm just a good
1362s idea yeah I think that any reason to
1364s create more host migrations 100% yeah
1367s let's do more actually
1369s 19,000 half a million Let's Get Serious
1373s here are you're telling me there are
1375s bugs in 1999
1377s nope nope
1379s I think they're called viruses in this
1381s univers talking about um computer
1386s viruses you hit 1 billion no
1390s way with the Mana upload your video to
1393s YouTube yeah
1397s yeah looks like it's time to get back on
1400s I left at mr33 and been stacking up this
1401s 99 low a welcome back you have a juicy
1406s little update in front of you to play
1407s little just small just a small little
1409s cont drop yeah
1411s yeah not not significant at
1414s all all right we're at 60 out of a
1416s thousand let's go 60 out of a th000
1418s you'll get there get good things to
1421s become grind that's
1425s true glorp Skywalker is such an insane
1429s name it's ru's fault I don't know what
1431s to tell you gor how wait why is it ru's
1433s fault cuz he's the one who picked the
1436s name gorp like twitch chat chose his
1437s name really and I don't know why I added
1440s Skywalker to the end I just thought it
1441s was
1445s really oh
1448s man I can hit 200 billion with frost and
1451s Dread so 1 billion is believable s
1452s that's your build yeah can I have it no
1456s reason at all I'm just kidding I'm just
1458s kidding I'm just
1461s kidding that's so
1466s good I did see the news
1469s about games coming to PS5 CH we're in a
1472s new
1475s [Music]
1477s era someone's asking questions about
1479s prime frames you say well just tune in
1482s the dev stream tomorrow and you'll find
1485s us and rebel spoil it before we can
1486s reveal it that's true
1488s probably it does happen quite often I
1491s mean we did that video we may have uh
1495s revealed a little bit it's fine it's
1496s fine who could it be
1501s can't even
1503s what I don't know half of these
1507s comments okay Zach yeah what's up you
1510s left side9 are you a Quincy fan or are
1513s you who were you trying to rise up have
1516s you
1517s decided I might be uh first ever sight
1521s 09 enjoyer Quincy not enyer he I don't
1524s think so I think I've seen quite a few
1526s people who maybe don't Vibe with him he
1528s is is very much
1530s a particular character yeah like he a
1534s man who knows what he likes I think
1535s there's a baseline amount of love for
1537s all the Proto frams but if we're talking
1539s about who I love the most OE then really
1542s okay I'm so used to everyone T sweating
1545s over Eleanor in the best way but you
1548s know AE deserves love too I mean it can
1551s have Eleanor OE is mine except my friend
1555s also started rizing up OE at the same
1557s time as me and I was like is this going
1558s to create a rift in our friendship you
1560s know like this my girl the question is
1561s did they get her before yeah they did
1564s they did she chose some too busy it's
1567s too busy too busy for your girl I was
1569s too busy excuses I don't know why we got
1572s div divorced you
1574s know I don't think I'll ever choose to
1576s forget I'm going to put in the
1579s effort and then it's going to be forever
1582s that's it is like I was like oh I've
1585s dated Arthur now I can date other people
1587s but I'm like I can't wait can't break up
1589s with my man like can I guess yours oh
1592s wait it's hard can I guess your second
1596s sure lety I think so yeah but I also
1601s know that Elanor is really hard to get
1604s her to want to date you understandably
1606s she's a very particular woman so I kind
1607s of like the challenge but I don't think
1610s I'm ever going to break up with other to
1612s be honest no you can't I know when he
1614s like opens up his heart F so cute
1619s he's so Lov I'm a singular woman
1622s okay one and done well chat question
1627s discussion question discussion question
1629s uh de stream tomorrow we're going to be
1631s talking about a lot what are you most
1633s excited about they don't tomorrow well I
1636s know that's the thing you you know we're
1639s talking about tiess
1641s I you know we're going to show off a
1643s certain
1644s someone any guesses as to what else
1647s we're going to show we're going to have
1647s to poke your face here technos site
1650s weapons mhm mhm online tour mhm stto
1655s Prime that doesn't exist when you
1657s talking about it doesn't exist it
1659s doesn't exist but when it does do
1661s exist bald Prime can't
1666s wait where's over there getting my new
1669s lash dude I'm so excited
1673s huh don't worry about it huh don't worry
1677s about it
1680s I'm so confused but I'm not worrying
1683s about it good good job someone CH says
1687s they want the Backstreet boils it's not
1689s their name bro listen I want there to be
1693s competing boy bands their needs to be
1695s and the back Tre boils is so funny to me
1698s I'm here for it I'm going to ask a
1700s potentially revealing question that I'm
1703s too young to remember oh no okay the
1706s back street boys m
1709s and in
1711s sync had members that were a part of
1715s both or no I don't think so I'm the
1718s wrong person to ask because I was not a
1720s cuz I thought there was
1723s like Justin Timberlake was like in
1726s multiple yeah but I don't think he was
1728s ever in backet boys no they're all
1729s they're two
1731s different they're yelling I know I know
1734s I'm revealing too much that I don't
1736s remember God I'm old I'm so sorry
1740s [Laughter]
1742s got read up on your their manager was
1745s the same cuz this was my tin foil hat I
1747s said they
1750s probably were there was some connection
1752s to take over the industry you know of
1755s course there wasn't real competition
1757s conspiracy conspiracy oh boyand
1760s conspiracy is incredible critical 90s
1763s boy band yeah
1770s boys to liches is also a really good
1778s one I want like a Spice Girls though you
1781s know what I mean like we got our boys
1784s but like the girl the girl bands TLC was
1787s that only girls I don't remember there
1789s we go that's just because I'm bad at
1791s music knowledge not because I'm young
1795s yeah that's what I'm going to defer to I
1796s just did know musically mhm M of course
1800s the SP girls oh Chad you're killing it
1802s tonight good you're killing
1805s it I bet you there were definitely
1808s conversations in the writing room about
1810s how close they could get to reality when
1813s name it but online probably prevailed
1817s which I think is also genius it's so fun
1820s same with big bites Pizza makes me
1821s question like there had to have been
1823s something named that back then maybe
1825s they didn't know they were in the
1826s digital era m
1831s do you think like the general populace
1833s would know enough about what a bite is
1835s to make the connection though what a bug
1838s bite oh a bite you're right maybe that
1842s knowledge like my mom doesn't know what
1843s a PDF is and
1847s it's so maybe they wouldn't have got the
1849s the the joke but I appreciate them for
1853s what they did actually I don't know if I
1854s could tell you what PDF stands for
1857s portable
1858s document file document file I was going
1862s to say portable digital digital file
1864s that can work that can work too document
1867s planetary Defense Force yeah that's
1869s pretty detailed file pretty format that
1873s makes so much
1874s sense thank you thank you to the nerds
1877s in chat I appreciate you pretty dope
1880s file hell yeah yeah I'm going to start
1883s writing that in emails attached to this
1885s email is a pretty dope file for you how
1888s many emails do you write oh how many
1891s emails do I write yeah a day in general
1894s that's what I'm saying I would say I
1896s write three to four emails a day really
1900s oh jeez okay right I is that high or low
1903s that's high I don't remember the last
1905s time I've written an email maybe once
1907s it's gone down over the years I used to
1908s write like 20 a day that's
1911s fair I write them
1915s now weird how my numbers went down in
1920s how many him are work rated Zach that's
1921s true he's got his you know his pen palet
1924s he's got I have my newsletter that I WR
1927s Zach facts I'm here for it facts it's
1930s just facts about my day today I ate
1932s Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast you
1934s said you don't eat Cheerios anymore I
1937s don't eat Lucky Charms
1939s anymore Cheerios are my alternative oh I
1942s drink water Coke Zero and Honey Nut
1947s Cheerios and ramen is a new one for
1951s me like instant yeah I'm like reverse
1955s College eating like now that I can
1957s afford food I eat
1961s R pretty good though you've been trying
1963s to Brand yourself as healthy Zach in the
1965s momentom you're like and then I also eat
1966s ramen and you're like isn't that healthy
1968s like some some salon and some fish no
1971s really it's not it's Hardy get like a
1974s workout in and then have some some fish
1977s and some it's like 1,000 Mig of sodium
1981s per packet let's not talk about sodium
1983s and sugar I'm I'm built different for
1987s that I would say also the microplastics
1990s are going to kill us anyway so we might
1992s as well enjoy some McDonald's
1994s fries here we go talking about food
1997s again you're old you like raisin brand I
1999s love raisin brand I love raisin
2002s brand yeah this a winner wow can't eat
2005s it anymore you can't eat it anymore
2008s gluten it GL what the heck no
2012s scope uh if you had to pick one food de
2017s for the rest of your life what would it
2018s be Fred chicken curry for
2021s M like every day every meal every meal
2024s for the rest of my life holy red it has
2028s vegetables it has rice it has chicken
2031s it's so
2032s good I literally whenever I have a bad
2034s day I eat that and my life is infinitely
2036s better food can heal the soul
2039s mhm schwarma also fantastic option like
2043s I would also accept like could you
2045s accept like a type of food cuz like if
2047s you did like schwarm stff like fou have
2052s like what is
2054s fou oh God I feel like I am the wrong
2058s person to describe this but it's like
2061s a a middle eastern like salad where it's
2064s like oh have I seen this before maybe
2066s but it's got like schwarma Chicken in it
2068s so good and like garlic P oh my God I'm
2070s so
2073s hungry yummy yummy all right how many
2077s scald Fields you got can I get a scal
2079s checkin oh who me Sho this
2084s guy I don't know I don't think the
2086s challenge is there 250 250 250 250 is
2089s pretty good is it CH oh it does Zing his
2093s print numbers made me test my build I
2094s had 7.2 million oh man I'm getting out
2098s oh man I'm an honest Builder I don't I
2101s don't know all the secrets potatoes
2103s every day someone says Irish in the chat
2106s let's
2108s go potatoes do work cuz you can have
2110s fries and wedges and mash potatoes
2114s mashed potatoes and potato yeah I like
2117s how yours are just variations of
2120s fries waffle fries sh string fries curly
2125s fries sh string is the best
2132s this is a Warframe stream we're talking
2133s about Warframe
2134s here uh I really hope I finish night
2137s wave I'm halfway I think I can do it if
2139s I grind I really want the death Mark
2140s armor pretty bad it's so good I um have
2144s a whole bunch of creds to spend so I
2146s figured chat I can help me spread them
2148s SP spend them spendy spree yeah you guys
2152s can decide cuz otherwise I'm just going
2153s to spend it on on catalysts and reactors
2157s but that's not
2159s fun uh I have an idea Ru yeah can you
2165s prepare a random number generator
2169s oh where you can like pick the number to
2172s go to and it will pick a random
2175s number so chat I for nightwave I have to
2179s donate to the
2182s Lan uh I have 3.4 million credits and
2188s think I want to put that in a random
2190s number generator and see which number I
2192s have to donate to the museum you said
2194s 3.4 million yeah do you want the exact
2197s number yes
2199s please 13.4 million
2204s okay uh it's 13.48%
2218s I live and die by the coin so the
2221s Gambling Man goodbye 7even mil listen
2224s money is replaceable I can just make
2226s more Li is
2228s timeless needs your donations today
2231s support your local museums oh my gosh
2234s I'm going donate the whole thing the
2236s whole thing $12.99 there we
2239s go what's the most you've ever lost in a
2241s coin toss
2243s y
2245s uh I will say I did not see you at the
2247s top of the list of the uh de Casino
2250s party winners Zach after I gave you so
2253s disappointing my extra coins if you're
2255s HR you're not listening to this I
2257s thought I I won
2259s $220 fake money I won $220 of fake money
2262s and I thought that was going to be at
2263s least third place yeah they were gamling
2266s they were gaming yeah Secret online
2269s poker player Masters
2272s probably the most most I ever lost on a
2275s conas was the coin that's devastating
2277s was it a nice coin
2279s how big was the coin you know could have
2281s been a big coin yeah money is
2284s replaceable with the most Corpus
2286s sentence I've ever heard no people are
2289s replaceable money is not replaceable
2291s that's the most cor that is Corpus money
2294s replaceable no way no
2300s way we got to start start uh deciding
2303s things more with coin tosses cuz like
2305s how are you going to be mad at the coin
2307s very
2309s easily okay it's so true I guess I don't
2313s like deciding things with the coin toss
2314s but I do like the you flip a coin and
2316s you know immediately which one you want
2318s to be the choice for you you know what I
2320s mean that's a good way to make decisions
2321s but
2325s yeah you remember you need to farm
2327s credits if I'm not mistaken actually
2329s chat you can correct me I think void
2332s storms are like a really good credit
2335s Farm but I might be wrong on time spend
2338s versus credits earned I just know that
2340s when you do a mission you get like
2341s millions of credits it's true they're
2344s pretty good I know there are currently
2346s uh speaking of credit Farms people are
2348s crashing when they're playing profit
2349s taker right now due to the Mandel I
2352s think it has like insane damage values
2354s so maybe not that
2356s unless profit taker would be the fastest
2359s I guess also index index you want to you
2362s know I mean Rhino heirloom is around the
2364s corner be the rhino in the index oh
2368s good night Lads wish me luck getting a
2370s job tomorrow good luck good luck heck
2372s yeah tell them that you play
2376s Warframe if we had to translate Warframe
2379s skills into resume speak what do you
2382s think we would have to say good at
2384s handling high pressure environments high
2386s pressure
2388s environments
2389s um manage large inventories of goods
2395s Goods yeah yeah yeah buy and sell
2401s optimize uh maybe not build
2405s optimize something for ideal outcomes I
2408s like that chat
2411s says no we can't say
2414s that good at repetitive Tas you
2418s are resilient to
2421s trauma okay not the drama but you know
2425s willing to persevere Against All Odds
2427s like that
2432s yep has personal arsenal of alien
2435s technology that's true no space Mom good
2438s at staring at screen for hours okay
2440s great you can do an office job now yeah
2444s mhm never going to
2447s leave
2450s loyal capable of empathy and taking away
2454s pain oh my gosh that's so cute I don't
2457s know if jobs hire based on that though
2459s depending on the job that's true maybe
2461s not Stress Management yeah that's true
2464s digitally
2468s extreme in touch with their inner child
2470s that's so funny depending on the player
2472s you are I'm sure some Excel spreadsheet
2475s knowledge will come up oo V yeah data
2478s calculations absolutely yeah Data
2482s Tracking stock market uh analysis the
2485s ribbon market analysis
2492s oh that's true fashion I feel like you
2494s know appearance
2497s management
2499s uh used to fastpac environments with
2502s multiple concurrent objectives that is
2504s that is incredible resume speak going
2507s steal that and put that on LinkedIn like
2509s that's so funny
2512s LinkedIn oh we hit 20 minutes let's see
2514s let's get out of here oh did I get the
2515s night wave challenge complet
2518s we'll see it be extraction I know I
2522s appreciate you I appreciate you I'm
2523s sorry no
2529s problem luno Champion bracket This Is A
2533s Lie what's
2536s that Taylor was stuck in a shopping
2539s cart off off M fine what I do in my
2543s spare time is Nobody's Business
2548s shopping carts are pretty fun man I
2550s remember finding one in the park when I
2552s was like 12 years old and I thought I
2553s was the coolest kid alive I don't think
2555s this must have counted he's tell me you
2559s counted did get lots of hollers which is
2562s good cuz I'm about to lose a buncher at
2563s y all yeah come
2565s on if not I have a bug
2568s report it
2569s worked
2572s Yi less
2574s work Game Works game works as intended
2578s okay I have to donate to the leverian
2580s all right hold on R is this on screen or
2583s is it just for us it's for you I can no
2585s no that's fine I think we'll just call
2586s it out we're honestly telling you okay
2589s to
2590s 13.83 million if you missed it R is
2593s about to roll a number generator between
2595s 1 and 13 M uh you got to increase it you
2599s want the exact number yes 13 million
2603s 862
2606s 083 okay okay and whatever number it
2609s lands on is what I have to donate to the
2611s Lan 12 million 12 million 12 million 12
2615s million please be low please be like
2618s three 5 5 million 300 5.3 million that's
2623s not even half you're fine that's fine he
2625s deserves
2628s it who how do you pick who you go to
2631s like who
2635s deserves that laugh oh my goodness which
2639s do I go
2642s to we're going to go to S
2646s yeah STX I saw Styx as well for
2650s [Music]
2651s those started to be honest nice just for
2656s got him all right 5.8 do you have this
2660s exact number
2665s 5.83 wait 99 you're missing the N
2669s where's the 5837
2672s 94 there you
2679s okay I load that is to say I mean you
2685s really oh damn right damn right gosh
2690s you're welcome he's blushing he's like
2694s oh my God all it took was 5.8 million
2696s credits I wonder how much he gets every
2698s time that nightwave shows up what if uh
2701s instead of being like really grateful he
2703s was like wow thank you oh my God it's
2706s like 10 million like thank you like
2709s donations in twitch chat yeah thanks for
2711s that $5,000 you just got
2714s walled they just don't say
2717s anything he didn't say my
2721s name say my username
2724s please oh no oh man all right all right
2728s at least I got the uh at least I got the
2731s night wave let's go ypp Y what else do
2734s you want to do for Missions we have the
2737s nightmares ooh let's do that nightmare
2741s missions we're just dragging our friends
2743s along with us yeah thank you drummer and
2748s gangrell is prime jealous okay so you
2752s also need sabotage sabotage and uh what
2756s is it Miss Mo Mobile Defense Mobile
2760s there's a Mobile Defense nightmare do it
2762s be hilden I'm
2764s joking uh what if we just the pack oh
2767s you can't it doesn't do anything well
2768s that's my bad
2771s r no Shield yeah we forgot we had two
2776s prizes on here thousand Platinum prize
2777s time thanks R appreciate
2780s it we should get like a drusus Nogle if
2782s you give him like a bajillion credit
2785s drusus piggy bank is so freaking cute
2788s I so I don't have to like remember how
2790s to find him every time hype Walts hype
2793s Walts you've won a thousand Platinum
2796s that's hype manp congratulations please
2798s whis for the Warframe twitchel that
2800s you're watching on right now with your
2801s in-game username and the platform that
2803s you playable for M we're going to send
2804s you a th000 platinum holy moly holy de
2808s that's a lot of dollar how do you enter
2810s the giveaway says 66 lb of shrimp 6 lb
2814s of shrimp sorry 66 6 lb of oh my
2818s goodness but uh you just have to be
2820s logged into your Twitch account and
2821s watching so you're already doing it
2823s you're here heach you should spawn a
2824s stalker uh
2826s Spectre uh yeah
2829s okay sorry he's right
2835s here you are evil Taylor it's fine I'm
2838s leaving now goodbye what nothing what is
2841s it is it just that he's invisible
2846s no what is am I looking
2848s at what is that so would you like to
2851s know what's happening no what is that oh
2854s it's this
2855s squiver hello
2858s bro is bro okay what am I
2864s witnessing goodbye John
2866s Kat no what
2871s why what
2879s I can't believe you did
2881s it this is what I get for not reading
2884s the gnome bugs list man no it's not a
2886s bug no this is a feature forever it's
2889s okay really if you spawn a spectre it is
2892s an enemy in Nightmare missions only yeah
2895s that's why it's a nightmare oh
2902s man the more you not we have learned
2906s that's a good
2908s he's King
2910s me dude that's so funny I don't think
2912s he's supposed to look like this yeah I I
2919s know oh so many people are saying they
2921s didn't know that thank you Vindicated
2924s now if your friend tells you to spawn a
2925s soccer Spectre while you're doing this
2927s not be able to keep a straight face he
2930s bro you should have
2933s SP
2934s stalker for no reason bro
2938s we just want him to hang out you know
2940s yeah he's just so cool let's do it
2944s [Laughter]
2948s man I think the fact that he was
2949s invisible made it so much funnier cuz
2951s you had no idea what was going on initi
2954s what's going on
2956s yeah oh
2959s man someone says they've been playing
2960s Rhino so much they forget what it's like
2962s to die that's a big well man you got a
2965s very exciting week ahead
2969s mhm oh R heirloom is so good and there's
2972s some goodness coming with him that's all
2973s I'll say I wish I could say more but I
2976s we can't but tune in tomorrow tomorrow
2978s tomorrow go R
2982s off
2985s damage everyone that I try and shoot
2987s through the wall is just immediately
2990s obliterated by
2991s you this is like a level 10
2995s yeah I do
2998s yeah yeah yeah I mean someone did die
3000s but we're not going to talk about that
3001s it's
3005s fine just ignore that part oh
3010s man oops no it's so funny
3015s ha
3020s ha taking my clan into a nightmare for
3022s the Spectre comedy oh god there you go
3026s also I found out the other day that the
3029s uh stalker Spectre will attack roller
3030s floes in the uh Dog Days capture scene
3035s which is also hilarious so I was you
3038s know we were looking at something um I
3040s wanted to get a closer look at him and
3042s he kept running away and I was like what
3044s the hell is going on and it turns out he
3046s was just chasing to the end of his life
3048s this roller flu it is his arch nemesis
3052s it's personal for it is personal it's so
3055s funny
3060s what frame is Taylor using Nova Nova
3064s Nova uh as a Nova enjoyer tayor before
3068s the Nova
3071s rework do you like Nova better
3075s yes her two is usable now not that I
3079s have it on
3081s here why Ro is too good how do you how
3084s do you how do you play Nova share your
3086s in part your no
3088s wisdom you hit four nice and then people
3092s explode uh you make sure you always have
3094s your one up cuz she
3095s squishy and then sometimes you teleport
3098s into walls hey
3103s heyo yeah Nova's real good she's real
3106s good real good that's a lot of
3111s nullifiers we love them love an
3115s elepant Rhino is needs to rework I think
3118s you mean no
3119s rework but we lost neutral Nova it's
3122s pretty close if you mod her I think it's
3126s like 40% slow which is not perfect but
3130s it's better but I will say if you are
3134s passionate about it post about it on the
3136s forums or read it um
3139s literally there's a lot of stuff that I
3142s I'm sure it's not only me but you know
3144s we have thoughts and feelings and we're
3146s like people probably want this but
3148s there's no proof no one is saying it so
3151s I can't like go to the team and be like
3153s listen people are complaining about this
3155s so if you you know make
3158s posts it's like that um pointing me of
3162s like all the things it's like form post
3165s post yeah ingame report it's like all
3167s all the things that we need the more
3169s that I have the more ammunition I have
3171s but they might also not agree with you
3173s so I don't know but I
3177s I'm also sure that there are some
3179s neutral Nova fans who are like I've been
3181s doing this forever and I apologize I'm
3183s not trying to speak that you haven't
3185s been doing it but you know now that I
3187s see that comment again maybe look let
3189s see someone asked if we've seen the
3191s 4minute Zar reload video yes we have
3195s from from Oran it's a work of art I'm
3198s surprised honestly we should have showed
3200s it here it's so funny if you have not
3204s seen this video chat you can search for
3206s for more in on Twitter or YouTube is it
3209s blueprint I'm talking about it was
3211s blueprint I think it's blueprint
3212s blueprint I'm sorry I'm sorry BL uh
3215s blueprint made the video and it's
3218s hilarious there's a 151 minute one now
3221s no way 15 is this like the the rush to
3225s see you can get the
3227s slowest Z reload guess it's not quite a
3230s rush even get that
3232s slow I don't know I'm assuming and I'm
3234s assuming there's probably reload mods
3236s and then or an negative reload mods and
3239s then does he know it's the opposite of
3242s race it's
3245s true Orin ice slows oh my gosh stay on
3249s Taylor's screen I got a really bad H
3252s here you don't mind I think it's
3253s happening to both of
3255s us me out of
3257s here get out of
3261s here I saw a tricky question in chat you
3264s almost got
3265s me almost got me there got almost almost
3271s hon skins o you're speaking of the right
3274s person but that would be pretty sweet
3276s she does have her Deluxe I know there
3278s some pretty cool tenen so maybe but in
3282s tenen We Trust in tenno gy do you trust
3285s adding more Gemini skins at Zephyr
3287s Warframe oh my gosh do you guys know of
3289s any issues with launching into duviri
3291s through the navigation screen no no and
3295s if you're having issues we'd like your
3297s report on the forums with as much info
3299s as we can get cuz we'll look into it
3300s especially platform cuz
3302s sometimes like if you're on iOS for
3305s example I know that certain iOS devices
3307s can't even load into du because they
3309s don't have enough memory I don't
3311s know reports were a long way okay we
3313s still have time to keep playing keep
3315s going uh I'm kind of soured on the
3317s nightmare missions for no reason in
3319s particular do you want to do some
3322s Relic uh I think you only have that huh
3326s or you just want to do relics in general
3327s well no you can do like a Mobile Defense
3329s Relic mission is what I'm saying my gosh
3331s thank God there's one smart person in
3334s this okay it's l it's past my
3338s bedtime yeah that sounds great let's do
3340s it let's do some relics what do we got
3342s corporate malum whoa that's
3346s fun yeah difficulty in here some
3350s difficulty that was the most like yeah
3352s sure that's fun let's do that of my life
3356s uh lith do you have a preference there's
3358s a meso there's a sabotage sabotage
3361s sabotage we also have for night wave
3362s that's what I'm saying what do you
3363s prefer sabotage
3366s Sab we
3369s okay uh I'm going to random Relic I got
3372s to be
3373s real nice oh I see a z Prime in there
3377s let's go Dante Gemini skin I'm here for
3379s it this one I want him to have a
3382s beautiful
3384s beard uh that's a great question what is
3388s a great question I can't answer
3389s it I did the thing where I read the
3391s question I can't answer it can you let
3393s us please remove furniture in the back
3394s room you can if you go to escape or like
3397s your pause menu equipment there's back
3400s room right at the bottom of the list and
3401s then you can do backro I think
3403s customization it'll let you change the
3404s colors which I did earlier and then also
3408s you can toggle the furniture on and off
3410s so you get rid of the mannequin who
3411s freaks me
3412s up um and I realized it removed some of
3415s the other Furniture as well uh so now my
3418s noggles are like floating in mid a but
3420s they're magic Noles if you mean like the
3422s couches and stuff I don't
3425s know that is not affected by that toggle
3429s but uh you know yeah fish tank in back
3434s room that would be pretty funny but
3435s there would need to be a matching uh Kim
3438s text conversation in the group chat
3439s being like what these fish not near the
3443s fish tank
3448s sign on the wall cuz I mean like they've
3450s probably never seen like a infested fish
3452s before they' never seen fish or uh no
3455s they've seen normal fish just
3459s but what do if you could get goldfish
3461s though oh Gilly chap put ghilly chap
3465s on camos would try and catch the fish
3469s yeah that's very
3470s [Laughter]
3475s true oh
3477s I love this song
3480s Banger what am I doing I don't know
3482s let's go over here my brain's kind of
3484s empty right now head empty go always
3488s feels weird coming back to normal
3490s Warframe tile sets after being
3493s 1999 what are
3495s credits what's this credit thing what
3498s are these normal resources M yes I got
3500s hero chassis
3503s blueprint
3505s yes but waiting for those Scottish Rhino
3509s Proto frame I could see it the issue is
3512s that I could also see Rhino being like
3514s uh football guy you know and not like
3518s European football just right there
3520s quarterbacks yeah American American
3523s American
3526s football except the bills got kicked out
3529s don't even care anymore what sorry
3533s Sports Talk talking Sports a little off
3536s bill Mafia
3538s fan another Chief Super
3543s Bowl is this am I am I fitting in yet is
3546s this sincere or is this just I care a
3548s little bit okay okay Chiefs get out of
3550s here ban R start
3556s Banning ghost Steelers an honest
3560s man how about hockey have to Great
3563s hockey hockey for sure sports ball in my
3565s Warframe hey we got Laro we do have
3569s Laro and I mean like who is it is it
3571s hard drive what are the one are the
3573s online who look like they also wear a
3574s varsity jacket there's got to be some
3576s sort of sport heart
3583s Drive Zach downloaded some Bro Dog from
3587s Sports yeah I mean now he drinks water
3590s he yeah yeah I ride the pelaton mhm
3593s basically an athlete at this point what
3596s do it's true but it's kind of cheating
3599s cuz I play video games while riding the
3602s cheating at all of course why would you
3604s not what would be the main sport in
3607s Warframe in
3609s 1999 it's like halania is kind of like
3612s Europe inspired so like probably
3615s football football for maybe you think
3619s they could run a lot too to through the
3621s streets and stuff it's it's running town
3625s they produce a lot of good running or
3627s cyclist maybe the tour to alvania I
3630s don't know they get really mad at me
3631s when I give them the scooter cycle so
3633s maybe they don't like it oh you're
3635s right it's critical lore we forgot
3637s critical lore Thomas cycle racing is
3640s like of course of course so true it's
3644s got to happen lacrosse maybe is lacrosse
3647s in European yeah I don't know what's the
3650s lacrosse
3653s lore Canadians try to explain Europe
3657s Europe this is what this dream is right
3660s now do people not know about lacrosse no
3663s they have to I know what Lacross is you
3664s don't know what lacrosse is no it's
3667s the it's the like sticks that have like
3671s the holders for like the whiffle ball
3673s sort of things and you like throw it
3674s it's Polo without the horses isn't it
3677s isn't Polo where you hit it with hamers
3681s oh maybe God I don't know anything I
3683s curling people have to know but curling
3686s loveing I think curling absolutely you
3688s rub the ice really fast you do the ice
3691s really F it's broom oh the broom sing
3694s the ice is what you said yeah yeah yeah
3696s what you mean when you rub the
3700s ice I just remember like my brain just
3703s like like remember like people crouching
3705s on the ice yeah they
3708s go yeah this might be crazy is it too
3712s Canadian to say my high school had a
3714s curling teeth absolutely
3717s like I don't even think my high school
3719s had a CR I did not make it they kicked
3720s me out of the room actually broom skills
3724s broom skills are bad no it was a setup
3726s from the start dude it was just going to
3727s be friends this like friend group only
3729s and I was like okay gu them on the CRI
3731s team jokes on them they didn't win a
3733s single
3734s game they could have had
3737s me could have brought them the
3739s [Laughter]
3741s Championships my sweeping
3744s skills pickle ball no who said it yes
3747s pickle
3749s ball oh my
3752s gosh
3754s PR that's pretty nice I don't have that
3757s and I want to give it away give it away
3761s now ice sweeping King Zack there we
3765s go I'll take it add it to my start the
3768s the de curling team yo uh I've never
3772s curled but I've uh I would start the
3775s pickle ball team of course of course I
3778s can't wait till it gets
3780s warmer I'm so excited whoever mentioned
3782s it this is your
3784s fault like once you get me going I can't
3788s stop zambon
3791s Zach that person knows when you know
3793s when you had to go around a circle in
3795s class and you had to introduce yourself
3797s sure yes okay and you had to like say a
3799s word that was the same letter as your
3802s name
3803s yeah Z was so hard man what supposed to
3806s say zucchini Zach Z Zach but I'm pretty
3810s sure I said Zamboni one time there not a
3813s lot of z
3815s words anyone seen Zach yeah he's up
3817s Pickle
3820s balling okay okay okay someone said
3824s fencing team that is so true I could see
3826s like Arthur and Eleanor doing fencing
3830s were yeah yeah I'm here for it I have
3833s zest Zac zealous Z goat
3838s Zach you did this in yourself um zipper
3843s Zack xand
3845s wood
3847s Sandalwood he's not real words Zebra z
3852s zebra zoo there you
3855s go see CH you can't even come up with
3858s real words zoo and
3860s Z it was like grade
3864s four can't say that is that why you like
3866s Zephyr so much cuz zepher
3869s Zack she's the that's so good you share
3873s similar issues with you okay thanks to
3875s the squad drummer 61190 and Gangrel EU
3880s for joining us in gameplay
3882s today move on to the rest of the
3887s stream
3889s sorry I'm [ __ ] zigarette
3897s yeah z z zman Zack there you go we got
3902s it we know
3904s okay as we transition off gameplay here
3907s and do a nightwave maybe you yourself
3909s have thought wow that armor that death
3912s Mark armor looks real sweet but how do I
3915s fashion it well we got blueberry cat a
3918s Creator who made a video with a
3920s beautiful fashion we're going to show a
3921s little bit of it today to give you an
3923s idea of what you can fashion yourself
3925s roll clip
3941s [Music]
3952s [Music]
3962s gorgeous stunning so good uh thank you
3966s to Blueberry cat for letting us showcase
3967s that video today if you want to see the
3969s rest of the video including a full guide
3970s on how to make it with the colors the
3972s attachments everything you can head on
3973s over to Blueberry cat's YouTube channel
3975s we'll have the link in the YouTube V
3976s description if you're watching the
3977s stream afterward uh but you can just
3979s search blueberry cat as well thanks BL
3981s appreciate you heck yeah all right
3982s before we get into fan AR and captura
3984s you want to run a platinum prize
3986s Platinum prize o Platinum blueberry cat
3989s is goated I agree they're great I love
3992s fashion I love fashion stream crashed I
3995s don't know maybe you hello can you hear
3998s us are we speaking into the void a th000
4000s platinums going to the winner with the
4003s name never going Hollow that's cute it
4006s works never going Hollow you've won a
4007s thousand Platinum that's a lot of
4009s platinum please whisper the Warframe
4010s twitch Channel with your in-game
4011s username and the platform you play
4012s Warframe on and we'll send you 1,000
4014s platinums straight to your account free
4015s to spend all that juicy goodies maybe
4018s Ryo air them o o very good very good
4023s don't you dare Go hul I
4025s mean that's the rules I guess
4028s never reference to what all right fan
4033s art oh I knew it on the draw that was
4037s quick r that might be your fastest one
4039s you know I practice oh yeah do you uh
4042s set up the keyboard in front of you and
4044s just get ready to press it apparently
4047s it's a Dark Souls reference is it a Dark
4049s Souls reference maybe don't you don't
4051s you dare go Hollow a tale of Dark Souls
4053s and it cut off love Dark Souls
4055s especially Dark Souls to all right it's
4058s all you okay starting off with the fan
4060s art today uh starting very strong in
4063s fact this piece by L lur vanj titled man
4067s in the
4068s wall oh man I love it this is pretty
4073s wicked I love like the thought of him
4075s being in actual architecture like you
4077s could you know go to their equivalent of
4080s like a Rome or whatever exact it's
4083s almost like you find like an Aztec
4086s Temple this is like underneath P or
4089s something are those like people huddled
4091s below him s like what's going on said
4094s got to brush those teeth that's true get
4098s in there with a really big
4100s toothbrush do you think like uh
4104s archaeologists use toothbrushes to clean
4108s teeth that they find probably that'd be
4111s pretty funny before they put them in the
4112s museum I guess that's
4114s disingenuous why because you didn't find
4117s it like that yeah but like a lot of
4119s times it's covered in dirt you got to
4121s like make it visible you got to get the
4123s stuff that isn't there they would want
4124s us to brush their
4126s teeth maybe not with a minty fresh
4128s toothpaste but I'm sure they have it's
4131s like a Victorian child tasting Crest
4133s toothpaste winter Green Oh my
4137s gosh oh man very beautiful piece though
4140s love it uh this next one is titled guide
4143s the reflection Into the Light by
4147s Dorian wow it's so cool we got the DUI
4151s doll love the DU Paradox both of them so
4155s pretty good I love this incredible this
4158s is really really really really cool
4160s sweet actually this might be by someone
4163s else nope it's oh it's dorian's their
4165s name but it's vampy vampy rcks Vamp on
4169s Twitter Dorian Vamp rck looks great
4171s sorry oh no for any future archaeologist
4174s please clear my plaque before displaying
4176s me some Crest wedding strips that's a
4179s little too
4181s far you're like dying please someone put
4184s CH whing strips
4188s on if anything could be worse than that
4190s it would be death so what's the point
4191s like might as well right I really do
4193s hate them so they're very not good yeah
4197s just use wall paint on those T that's
4199s the way to do it eggshell mhm love it uh
4204s next up from Irene wolf this one is
4206s titled don't
4209s listen oh my God very spooky I believe
4212s they said it's
4213s nidus and the Pion helmet which is
4217s terrifying oh that's so good I just love
4220s this emotion from Drifter cuz it's it's
4224s like they know they do you could look at
4226s it like it's someone that you're being
4227s held from M but it looks they know it's
4229s really spooky I love it great art style
4232s incredible spooky is it Halloween yet
4235s please I love the fall night is my boy
4239s and I trust him yeah me Doo what is the
4242s most trustworthy Warframe baroo probably
4245s that's a great answer I don't know I
4247s don't know any other Warframe who's the
4250s least trustworthy Warframe Loki go oh
4254s Loki is a good one
4256s Mirage the Clones are devious that's
4259s true but I feel like she you know that
4261s she's tricking you she's like she comes
4262s to you she's like I'm an Illusionist I'm
4265s going to mess you up
4267s Jade what are we getting into here is
4271s just cuz she screams in the quest
4275s Excalibur oh maybe they're thinking the
4277s most trustworthy oh the most that makes
4280s sense We Trust moms TR mama that's real
4284s Bersy would said everything on
4287s fire Dante true Dante grle love it
4293s calaban oh that's true I do love calaban
4295s I think I would trust him with my life
4297s anyway moving on uh we have a Lunar New
4300s Year piece from veras with of course the
4303s one and only year the snake Lavos is so
4307s cute besties would you ever have pet
4309s snakes are you snake guy I really don't
4312s like snakes okay there are very few
4314s things in the world that can like give
4316s me that feeling of just like so you take
4318s the spard off right now no I can survive
4321s this but even seeing like garden snakes
4323s would just it would they don't got legs
4326s there something wrong with them so
4328s that's the worst part about them that's
4329s what I'm saying legs are telegraphed
4331s movement snakes are they can they can
4335s close the distance I'll make sure to
4336s never mess with you with snakes then
4338s that's have you ever touched a snake
4340s they feel so smooth anyway sorry
4344s Zach I didn't to to delve open snakes as
4349s pets and snakes can be
4351s cool okay you never get to handle them
4353s anyway but it doesn't matter let's go on
4355s to the next b art I'm sorry love it love
4357s it uh moving on from ring his [ __ ] this
4361s one titled Arthur has
4368s fallen have you seen those post of being
4371s like Oh I fell down in the
4373s snow it's the same energy
4376s or like everyone is so mean to
4381s me the one that I think you and I are
4384s talking about would be diabolical for a
4387s Warframe fan art but this is so funny
4390s same energy he does have quite the tiny
4392s little butt tiny excuse you he W going
4397s for that it does look like he would like
4400s bounce off the ground if he fell down
4402s saying you should have fallen the other
4403s way you'd be fine it's like it's his own
4406s exercise
4409s ball cake of death bro okay anys I love
4413s this very very
4414s mean oh man 50% of his
4424s [Music]
4429s body man it's like a bouncy castle it's
4433s so beautiful we got to move I'm so sorry
4436s Jeff uh next up from Golden gamer Lego a
4441s very fitting name CU they made a render
4443s of their own Lavos
4445s Lego and it's so cute the clear little
4449s vials they've been uploading like a
4451s Warframe series and it takes you to this
4453s website where it tells you the exact
4454s pieces you need and how to build it so
4457s if someone finds this and they can build
4459s it in real life that's true that would
4460s be super super cool but this is adorable
4462s I like his little so cute I love the
4465s little clear BS they're so clever it's
4467s great I love it uh this next one I also
4470s love and it's titled lety lety love love
4473s lety from
4475s alimer
4476s so oh my queen this style and the way
4480s they did it it's heart it's all Hearts
4483s yeah really cool her hair is so perfect
4487s all of it I want this ttoe on my body
4490s it's so so oh I was going to say it's
4492s very um Valentine's Day card that's what
4495s I'm saying
4496s stealing it so good y mine now uh
4500s beautiful gorgeous uh from the one the
4503s only uh
4505s oh R I don't think it uploaded hold
4511s on all right I can we'll come back to it
4515s or I open it up on my second monitor
4517s roof you want to go my screen sure sorry
4520s about that uh from Rus this beautiful
4523s Haro piece which is just so so so so so
4526s gor love I love it super cool beautiful
4532s stunning love it um next up
4536s from uh LOL toe kto we have a guda prime
4542s art are you joking yeah oh my God so
4548s cool Queen of My Underworld I love her
4553s in every way this is like
4556s something you would see in like balers
4558s Gade or like a crazy you know what I
4561s mean like it makes me think so much of
4563s the U the ball
4565s area the what the ball ball the god of
4570s death is that act
4573s three that's his name ball oh my God
4575s we're going to stop we're going to stop
4578s whatever's going on
4581s here anyways it's a really cool ball
4584s area
4588s sorry
4589s j
4596s sorry like bail maybe V boom sound
4599s [Laughter]
4602s exactly speaking of total uh 180s from
4606s HJ
4609s MDG this is titled uh this was Wall-E
4613s before alri chopped off his finger by
4615s the
4617s way he would love the minions I think he
4621s loves the minions anyway now I think he
4623s might like identify with gr more though
4625s are the minions in the uh for sure that
4629s void ter just brought so much into the
4631s world why do you think they wanted to
4633s steal the moon oh my gosh my mind is
4636s blown he had to close off the void
4639s because the minions almost got
4641s it he's so happy he's so cute so happy I
4645s love
4646s oh uh this next piece is some online
4651s emblems SL pins from Lil Boba
4654s te they're so cute oh my goodness
4658s somehow they made online cuter and the
4661s infested versions cute they're so cute
4665s they're amazing oh my God drill bit all
4668s of
4669s them adorable I love that I love it uh
4673s and last but certainly not least
4676s s facade made a Nova for magic as part
4679s of their secret Santa and it looks so
4682s pretty so pretty I love the bunny ears
4686s the so nice she this for tennon looks so
4690s good and it's really really cool oh
4693s beautiful but that's all the fan art
4695s thanks all heck yeah amazing stuff
4698s capture capture I grabbed you manyy but
4701s it's fine starting off strong we have
4703s nidus our King by Steel fantasm on
4706s Discord I love this background too and
4709s like his face opening up terrifying
4712s iconic um this one's for you Zach this
4717s is by black shark on Blue Sky obviously
4722s this is an edited captura if you okay I
4725s could see the gauntlet now yeah but I
4729s did not I just look how he's
4732s dancing he is dancing move thanas
4738s man oh that's fantastic that's so good
4742s using the Golden Hand decoration which
4744s um is like from The parvos Campaign the
4748s hand
4749s yeah cor corvos
4752s coros perfectly balanced as all should
4755s be iconic he does look like he's dancing
4758s though for sure that's okay I I think
4761s Thanos would dance he would enjoy it
4763s I've seen many uh dance thanos's gifts
4766s to be
4767s fair are they possibly related to
4770s fortnite
4772s yeah anyway one regret is not owning the
4775s Thanos skin in fortnite if I got to be
4777s real all right this is glass doll by bro
4781s on Blue Sky there's also a video that I
4782s couldn't figure out how to download I
4784s didn't have time I'm sure I could have
4786s met made it work but oh my gosh we're
4788s busy this is so beautiful this is using
4791s the uh gar
4793s Prime oh what is it called the ephemera
4795s I don't remember the exact name of it it
4797s is so beautiful it is available as far
4801s as shop right now W this is such a
4802s unique idea I know it reminds me of
4805s Maison
4806s Mara's iconic fashion runway work but we
4809s won't talk about that um we have my oh
4813s my oh Green Eyes by T too tix my sorry
4819s my friend um this is an edited capture
4822s as well she's beautiful I love her
4826s someone said get laminated she did get
4829s laminated the video definitely shows the
4831s glass shattering off her face a little
4833s more but I can totally see her being
4836s stuck plas packaging so funny oh sorry
4841s phenomenal it's still beautiful
4843s regardless speaking of
4846s beautiful looking good my man oh my God
4850s this is by six gotsu um absolutely
4853s stunning I love the lighting this has to
4855s be summer it's so I miss summer it's so
4859s cool very nice and then from frag TP
4863s gaming this is a lunar new year uh post
4865s as well no kidding yes so this is they
4869s have um the post that Charlie will be
4871s linking in the Discord actually goes
4873s through all of the images that they took
4875s to kind of compile this together for the
4877s Fantastic you know final captura version
4880s so if you're interested in learning more
4882s about like edited captura and the
4883s process definitely check that out um but
4885s thank you this is so fun and of course
4888s grle grindle the most important one
4890s right in the center um and then we have
4893s beautiful Harrow this is by Untitled the
4896s unknown hero Prime I'm obsessed with the
4900s DU he's so cool all of it together he's
4903s so cool perfection in every way love it
4907s and
4909s then self-indulgent um I'll be there
4913s fighting for you with or without you by
4915s dredge naves on Tumblr this is something
4917s that was edited in blender I believe um
4921s but it's so
4923s beautiful I ship them so hard which is
4927s also why I don't want to break up with
4928s Arthur cuz they're perfect you don't
4931s want to get in the way huh no way
4933s absolutely not just kiss all already
4935s absolutely agree get on with it she just
4938s said something on her cheek that's all
4941s all it is they were roommates they were
4944s roommates
4945s were really good friends that's all that
4949s matters oh my
4954s goodness oh my goodness uh beautiful
4957s Zephyr piece this is prep by gingi the
4960s kid or gtk gaming yeah I love it um on
4963s Tumblr as
4965s well love it I forgot the captain for
4968s this one whoever designed these uniforms
4971s was either a masochist or a lesbian or
4973s both
4975s which I can appreciate uh she looks so
4977s good though looks freaking cool I have
4980s never seen the skin colored this
4982s way damn girl that is really cool damn
4985s girl this is by um Eve be sleep deprived
4989s on Tumblr or like sleepy Eevee I think
4990s on other platforms
4992s yes so good chat man lety
4999s fumble oh and then we have uh The
5003s Illusionist by cast capture on so this
5006s is the new uh Mirage NOA skin I believe
5009s my
5010s God give me give me so good give me that
5013s your fashion immediately with that Signa
5017s is so cool yeah wow and then we have of
5022s Dante hello it's more important to be a
5025s good learner than to be a genius by Auto
5027s fire on Blue Sky good caption love that
5030s cap I love his little quill fingers just
5033s I'm a sucker for a image breaking the
5036s bounds yeah I love the the background
5043s iconic this is called
5047s hug y lric on Blue
5051s Sky prayers before that poor really
5055s might me a bit of body slams maybe call
5058s it gu refractor the time of my life
5062s good oh Lord he com
5066s oh my gosh that's hilarious so
5068s [Laughter]
5071s good course I have to get my boy are
5073s there hear me out byy banana I hearing
5077s you I'm here for it my
5079s goodness um this say random are you a
5083s Gravity Falls fan I was just talking
5085s about this to my friends I never uh saw
5088s them don't worry about it do you want to
5089s say the reference anyway no it's okay
5092s they did a charity stream where they had
5094s um
5095s JJ Jameson or whatever the guy the voice
5097s actor's name was uh trying to read out
5100s some very inappropriate messages and
5103s someone said hear me out and he was like
5105s I'm hearing you what's going
5107s on I will hear you out every time hear
5111s me out if you're a big Gravity Falls fan
5114s absolutely check out the charity stream
5115s they did it is so funny anyway that's
5117s hilarious it is so good um moving
5122s on oh my goodness I'll burn the world on
5126s my red bottom shoes by Medusa
5128s captures damn girl she does got she does
5131s have red bottom heels wow that's where
5134s I'm looking I'm looking at the heels
5137s look at her shoes everyone at come on
5140s that's the bottom we looking at okay
5144s um oh my gosh this is whoa my uh ricken
5149s Prime on Blue Sky it was just the
5153s Clover um Emoji but it's cy9 and Mesa
5157s and now I have a new ship
5160s they are
5162s kidding I think Quincy absolutely would
5165s mess with Mesa I love it okay it is so
5169s good that's
5170s awesome exactly Charlie okay uh we have
5174s Let's Ride by F demon on Blue Sky oh
5177s come on cool so cool me he me okay
5182s exactly this is a
5185s again more edited Capa but stunning
5187s nonetheless and I love the fact that
5188s they used Fortuna for this that's so
5190s clever do the tires in game say try to
5192s catch up probably no way that's
5197s awesome that's so cool so good okay
5200s we're almost done sorry uh little photo
5202s shoot time with teacakes
5204s 1799 uh because she takes me all the
5206s cool places and my this is by Sumi sah
5208s at on Blue Sky and I'm just here for the
5210s god Rays I'm here for
5212s the the silver Grove capture scene or
5216s whatever this is and of course just a
5219s fairy Whimsical looking wisp I love love
5223s so good okay gorgeous the final one
5225s isn't really a captura but it's like a
5228s it's a post from Reddit where someone
5231s made uh the fables in Frontier like
5234s actual play area which is so clever I
5238s love their use of the noggles as like
5239s the character icons this is by um red
5243s bird 539 Reddit I think it's like at the
5246s top of Reddit right now or it should be
5247s very easy for you to find but it's so
5249s clever it must have taken so much work I
5252s love the giant like eyeball in the
5253s middle like all of it wow it's so good
5256s wow wow wow wow wow oh heck yeah doing
5258s this exactly exactly I love it Ballas is
5262s the table I didn't notice that that's so
5264s funny I didn't realize is it Ballas or
5267s is it inro cuz he also has a portrait
5270s it's I think it might be in because of
5272s his
5273s hair tell me your secrets either way I
5277s think K has a blue background maybe that
5280s might be blue that's his face is cover
5283s never know I love it it is B okay bird
5285s three in the corner where he's little
5287s plusy and then he's got or chilling on
5289s the couch like it's so cute W your
5292s background looks so freaking cozy you do
5294s need cup holders um which is a very old
5297s meme if you guys know what I'm talking
5299s about anyway don't worry about it don't
5303s worry about it um that's say that's all
5305s I got hey amazing caption I love it I
5308s love it I love it okay next in line Dojo
5312s Dojo
5313s Dojo I got the hey there we go you don't
5317s have to you got it okay heck yeah I
5320s thought I grabbed it and I
5323s didn't so we're looking at the Arcane
5326s order of Saturn 6 oh my gosh great
5332s name this is the arcane
5335s Citadel we love some magic oh they're
5338s looking at us a little coffee love some
5341s coffee oh my God look at all the room
5342s for activities this is great oh your a
5346s trophy room that's really cool oh the
5349s table this is a huge table cuz the size
5352s of wow the tube oh I saw the TU the tube
5357s wow off their accolades um ooh what's
5362s this this might be work Sho oh
5368s cool we are these Gundam R yeah yeah oh
5373s big hammer I'm here for it damn
5377s scary I just can't believe people can
5379s make this I know it's incredibly cool oh
5381s my goodness and then this is ancient
5384s estate ancient Estate
5387s o guards is that Umbra or no it's just
5390s the guard you're right oh this is
5392s pretty oh
5395s crazy the bridge yeah all the
5398s surrounding area so that it fits well
5400s this is cool I'd live here oh and
5402s another card very cute it and then
5406s infested Throne
5407s World possibly
5409s where oh my
5412s gosh this is really cool gosh that is so
5417s good
5419s whoa oh my God okay I'll watch the
5422s expanse again it's
5425s this is the gym of John
5429s prman games hell this is a sick G rack
5434s got to stay above you missed the Ember
5437s PR at the start as motivation of course
5440s oh motivation indeed that was a great
5445s incredible thank you so much of the
5447s order Arcane order of Saturn 6 Arcane
5450s order of the Saturn 6 I love it they are
5452s an ascendant Clan sorry on our dojo
5454s right now on our star chart right now so
5456s if you wanted to check them out you can
5457s heck yeah uh all right want to run a
5461s platinum prize let run a PL PR a plum
5464s prize is thinking thinking uh and I
5467s think we're going to play more if you
5468s want to send me an invite T we'll get a
5470s new Squad going but first the winner of
5471s a th000 platinum
5475s is
5478s to SP
5480s bat spb spb atol
5485s SP anyways
5487s spb Platinum please W for us on the
5490s twitch you're watching right now whether
5492s you're in game use the name of the
5493s platform you play Warr on and we're
5494s going to send you a thousand PL maybe
5496s it's spattle SP yeah you're probably
5498s right
5499s actually spab SP spicy peanut butter at
5503s toll as someone said in chat I thought
5505s you were going to say spaghetti this
5507s entire time spaghetti M past I'm a
5509s hungry stop it it I invited you with
5512s garlic bread
5516s please accept my invite sorry I was
5520s think of a garlic bread if I'm being
5521s real okay uh what other night challenges
5526s we're we're doing what you want now um
5529s Let's
5530s do let's
5532s do let's do we're doing doing it doing
5537s it we're doing it uh sabotage missions
5540s relics sabotage relics but or Mobile
5543s Defense I like your Relic idea okay okay
5545s um so if you want to run is that what
5547s you're going to say yeah you you get to
5549s pick what they have to say now because
5550s apparently oh man uh if you want to join
5553s us in game please whisper de Taylor with
5556s the square brackets on De
5559s with
5561s your newest Warframe M oo I like how I
5566s pulled that one out of the Hat very very
5568s good very good like a Mad Libs right
5570s there I was like adverb uh noun
5576s okay we're waiting I have a high a p C9
5579s I mean oh man that's going to be so many
5582s of the answers probably also some of
5585s your fashion just so I can judge how
5587s well you fashion Prime of
5591s course H Prim I we got a hildr prime
5594s [Music]
5595s fashion oh I love it I love that all
5597s right that would go crazy in like laser
5600s quests is that Canadian laser tag laser
5603s tag exist the dark
5604s Arena the issue is that people would see
5606s you so you'd be shot immediately the
5608s real Strat is to go in all black and
5610s then cover yeah all of your sensors did
5612s you ever go to laser quests oh all the
5614s time yeah do you remember like the
5616s Crow's Nest area oh yeah oh yeah yeah
5618s you could camp up there that was a big
5619s camper of course you did you also Target
5622s children by any chance I was a child
5624s myself I didn't go there last week
5627s actually it's been closed down for like
5629s seven years so it's so sad try Harding
5632s laser tag is crazy
5638s EAS it's pretty fun when you're
5640s competitive but yeah what are we doing
5643s oh you got a meso going on today let's
5645s go
5646s okay we're doing a sabotage cuz I think
5650s sa you're one of each did we do two of
5652s each I don't remember we got one of each
5654s okay we'll do Sabo Sabo Sabo Sab Sabo
5657s I'm going to take this why not
5661s hey I recently refashioned my hair hero
5664s in Scrubs color colors I call it the
5666s doctor in incredible awes imagine having
5670s your doctor come in and he looks like
5671s you like he looks like you like Harrow
5674s sorry looks like you like Harrow like
5676s Harrow that's what I meant I don't know
5678s my brain is we're seeing the
5682s deterioration for day start of the timer
5684s we're just getting I mean it's January
5687s it's January we have technically
5689s rested kind maybe maybe maybe no maybe
5694s I'm
5697s interested gaming anyway sounds horrific
5700s the good thing is if your patients die
5701s you can just like pray over their dead
5702s body as Harrow you could do all like the
5705s thoral and stuff right that's
5707s interesting yeah it's possible that's
5709s interesting thank you Zach just I just
5712s find it interesting yeah that's a choice
5716s of a thing to say really yeah it's like
5718s getting a gift that is like maybe not
5721s sand quite right up your alley that's
5723s true
5724s guys all I got to say is multiple family
5727s members gifted me sandalwood candles for
5730s Christmas so thanks Chad I appreciate it
5734s they actually smell really good so
5736s that's a it works out it works out but
5739s yeah maybe you have to pick your new
5742s signature sent oh
5744s [Laughter]
5747s boy
5748s okay there's so many good Fashions it's
5750s okay maybe we can go to a
5752s relay oh that'd be F fashion show
5755s fashion show fashion show fashion show
5758s at lunch you need the
5760s coolant do you ever actually get the
5762s coolant or you just run through the
5764s things and then shoot it I have the
5766s coolant in my hand oh you're coolant guy
5771s okay I'm not here to judge of course
5774s we're the coolant guys of course we're
5776s the coolant guys I did tell I promised
5778s I'd make a Costco guys reference
5784s grineer ship coolant five big booms
5788s sorry I'm
5790s stopping I'm
5793s stopping we're cooling
5799s guys sorry no I'm very much appreciate
5802s it thank
5803s you there are definitely moments in life
5805s where you realize you're on the internet
5806s too much and it feels kind of bad
5809s absolutely not uh well not with us we
5812s can basically say the same reference
5814s true that's very but then you talk to
5815s someone who's just like they have less
5818s time than you on the internet and you go
5819s oh you don't know that video did I ever
5823s mention how I said POG to one of our
5825s developers once and they're like what
5826s does that mean I was like I was like do
5828s you go outside a lot he's like yeah I
5829s love hiking I was like
5831s oh we need like a comparison chart of if
5835s you hike and your knowledge of online
5838s Niche
5840s twitch diagram is two separate circles
5844s it's like the more you hike the less you
5846s know about T
5849s exctly it's like your friends who like
5852s you know have actualized lives and
5854s they're like yeah I saw this really
5855s funny video and they send you something
5858s that you saw 6 months ago and that has
5859s been me to death and that you actually
5861s don't find funny anymore it's already
5864s done it time so good what do you mean
5867s yeah oh okay we're good you're fine I
5870s don't react to I'm not making that
5871s mistake again oh yeah this good no
5876s boyo I am in that V diagram though both
5880s POG knowledge and loved hiking there you
5881s go POG
5886s knowledge I don't think I've ever said
5889s like pogers to someone outside of the
5892s circle of people that would know it
5894s unfortunately um it was one of those
5896s things that I said unironically or sorry
5898s ironically for so long that It just
5901s erupts out you know like POG cool yeah
5904s becomes your vocabul yeah you don't even
5906s realize that you're saying it I think
5908s knock on wood I have managed to bypass
5910s it at this point but I think I finally
5913s cleansed my soul of it
5916s but I needed that I needed that so
5920s you're an angel you have no idea how
5922s many relics I've wasted on this stupid
5923s piece oh my God is that mine sure see
5927s how can you tell it's
5930s not okay
5934s Dev luck no no if you've seen my luck
5937s you know that's not Dev luck luck I have
5940s oh my God
5943s hor Rea I've wasted someone says that's
5946s POG that is POG that is POG that's
5951s pogers Dev look I'm so jealous you can't
5954s have it sorry it's m that feels pretty
5957s good bonus 800
5960s and0 oh wow I do need to replenish my
5964s crit zman Vader thank you or Z man Vader
5968s oh yeah thanks very much okay more
5970s sabath Thor or Mobile Defense you pick
5972s you pick Dealers Choice Dealers Choice
5975s probably so you can finish I'm going in
5979s na uh we are going steel path Mobile
5982s Defense lift I
5984s think sure and we're going to do
5989s that done okay let's go back to my game
5992s I want to see what else he'll say your
5994s back room is bare I know how robust this
5996s furniture is
5999s Arthur oh my goodness what does he mean
6001s like cuz you need to move it around and
6003s stuff yeah yeah he also mentioned
6006s getting a fuzzy rug so that we can
6008s wrestle on it which I understand for
6009s like yeah cuz like you know um feels
6013s good on the feet yeah it's true he
6017s doesn't strike me as a guy who wears
6018s socks so let's not get into the details
6021s here yeah that's fair I don't know what
6023s I'm picking anyway
6025s will kodes have ephemeras see you
6028s tomorrow see you
6030s tomorrow see you then 2m. Eastern think
6033s about the static electricity
6036s you rug Burns yeah maybe yeah
6041s uhoh an hour 40 for the feet
6048s mention
6052s Charlie okay we
6055s lost oh my God that was like a swimming
6059s pool's worth of air that just left your
6062s body 3
6064s seconds man so good I'm ging C up let's
6071s go man yeah guys our brain man we don't
6076s have much
6077s left than
6080s us seems my tea is ready
6086s [Laughter]
6090s Clark has finally passed on the title
6092s A oh
6094s man breathe someone says in
6098s all we can confirm she is breathing so
6103s again I can't read that comment but I
6105s hope you can see it
6106s [Laughter]
6109s Taylor oh my gosh chat
6117s oh man okay I got to make sure I get
6119s enough reaction this time shinger cat
6122s great name for a pet unfortunately I can
6124s see it you
6127s sure yeah I'm pretty
6130s sure man I love the Dex cus in car holy
6134s moly holy
6139s moly die please okay discussion question
6142s four the chat
6144s room I feel like I'm in school okay
6147s continue uh January is typically the
6150s month of resolutions oh no starting new
6154s things chat what is your Warframe New
6157s Year's
6159s resolution mine is I'm going to max out
6162s my focus trees
6165s probably that's what I'm going to try
6167s resolution it is it is it is cuz it's
6168s like saying I'm going to work out more
6170s I'm going to focus on my focus I'm
6172s focusing this year you FOC focing the
6174s year of focus okay my resolution is to
6176s get uh youri Prime okay all right all
6180s right okay kind of dependent on other
6182s fact might have to say that
6186s uh oh my God everyone's
6189s answering you
6192s question to get the Kua new of course of
6195s course okay okay to get S rank up all
6198s the
6200s warframes Mr 30 before the end of the
6203s year I believe in you that would be fun
6205s we removed the cool down when you found
6207s now so you can try as many times as you
6210s want attention all losers you can now
6212s try as many times listen the amount of
6214s times where I practiced and I beat it
6216s and then I went to try and actually like
6220s test it and I failed y anger like I
6224s think I lost 5 years of my life due to
6225s the rage that I felt in that moment
6228s someone says finish the 1 million K
6230s Drive achievement smart okay that's true
6233s true I kind of do want to finish all of
6235s my working achievements I'm like 188 out
6238s of like 199 or something I don't
6241s remember I missing from Taylor huh no R
6245s are you filming no God no that was like
6248s six misses in a row oh no there we go
6251s there we go okay no scope no scope 360
6254s no
6256s scope got him no
6260s [Applause]
6262s way so much cooler when you say yippy at
6264s the end of it yay I did it you did
6271s it oh
6273s Man Kaboom Kaboom
6277s Kaboom so easy my resolution is to have
6280s actually good Warframe builds I'm sure
6281s your builds are good what do you
6284s mean good builds are hard to start and
6289s then easy to continue doing it's mostly
6291s the farming of getting all all of the
6293s endo and all of the credits to get the
6296s mods to where you want if you are
6297s starting from scratch mhm you have a
6300s long to-do list but yes I personally
6303s think arbitrations are really fun and
6307s galvanized mods are really powerful are
6311s get the galvinized mod people bringing
6314s econox Prime to level cap very two very
6317s different
6317s [Laughter]
6319s people I appreciate
6322s that defin like the ACO glyphs or
6325s something I want to aim towards this
6327s year I'm very lazy I okay it's less lazy
6330s it's just like there's a lot to focus on
6332s in this game and
6335s so kind of solo power is something that
6339s I've kind of neglected let just say like
6343s you know I'll jump into any steel path
6345s Mission I'll be fine but like if you ask
6346s me to actually carry myself it's prob
6349s not but that's just cuz there's just so
6351s many there's so much else to do the wh
6353s spers in the
6354s wall boss secret boss oh yeah was like
6358s probably my first exposure to being like
6361s Oh I really am not as powerful as I
6363s thought I was yeah but it did it did
6366s really make me look toward what I could
6368s do mhm and I've benefited and like our
6371s QA team in general like we have people
6373s on the team who are really good at it
6374s and so if I don't know the answer I'll
6376s just be like hey people who are crazy
6379s and Incredibly good at this game tell us
6381s what to do but soone was asking what is
6383s that gun I don't know whose gun you're
6385s talking about I'm using the Str Prime
6387s incarnate Str Prime incarnate for Taylor
6389s if you're talking about the one that
6390s Zooms in it's the uh neutralizer the
6393s neutralizer sorry I was going to mix
6394s them up with the kind ofix uh the
6396s neutralizer exalted sniper on C 9 it do
6401s go big number which I like big number
6404s wait there's a secret bus maybe where
6406s did you hear
6408s that there's plenty of secret balls
6410s where did you hear that ah
6416s sorry I got my steel ass will we ever
6419s get void R railjack
6421s updates uh I think like Reb and Steve
6423s talked about this earlier this week on
6425s dev shorts if you missed it they do like
6427s their 15 minute stream every Tuesday um
6431s and I think they pretty explicitly said
6433s there's nothing currently on the plate
6434s for railjack but you never know what the
6437s future holds you never know as a wow wow
6442s that's fantastic Dev luck thank you um
6446s thank you so much whoever said that you
6448s might be right this time it might be a
6451s little death
6452s lucki we're definitely not helping our
6454s cases W that feels real good real good
6458s indeed real go oh hero chassis
6461s blueprint you made this joke once
6464s already jokes are meant to be
6466s repeated not by you by other people it's
6470s called a recurring joke oh recurring pit
6472s okay okay okay
6474s I got you I got you this is your bit I
6475s got it dab plus streamer like that's
6478s true oh we are double dipping
6482s like someone said my camera is glitching
6484s rout I don't know yeah the camera is
6487s doing yeah it's been every now and then
6489s the it's uh The Tech Rod has finally
6492s come for me yeah unfortunate okay we can
6496s complete a nightwave by doing one more
6499s of one category you pick either you Pi
6501s you okay build be aarius hold it quiet
6505s listen let me check let me check here
6509s that's all you got to say okay what does
6510s he say to me oh okay maybe his eyes are
6514s not quite looking where they're supposed
6515s to be right
6516s now they are by you're so forward
6520s couldn't see what was going in that low
6522s off the camera
6526s um
6528s I'm um do I oh I need the barrel still
6533s man
6534s it's because I'm floating and so his
6536s eyes don't know you know it's fine it's
6541s fine Arthur looking
6544s zooted for Zach now Arthur yeah that's
6547s true he would be amazing Arthur though
6550s amazing Arthur a got it easy that's true
6554s action Arthur Taylor Taylor I got it I
6556s don't need anything else terrible Taylor
6559s oo terrific Taylor terrific is a good
6561s one yeah is there anything you need uh
6567s maybe whatever you bring in honestly the
6570s random has just been all right treating
6572s us
6575s good all righton
6577s torus Taylor I'm Transcendent turbo
6582s tubular Taylor tubular
6586s Taylor tyrannical Taylor tyrannical
6589s Taylor that's phal like that
6592s [Laughter]
6594s drama tough
6597s guy that's true truculence of course how
6601s about
6602s torsion love some good torsion tantula
6605s [Laughter]
6609s anyway Zach I'm
6611s sorry
6613s woohoo at all the cool words I
6617s have oh my gosh
6624s can you see that
6626s comment
6628s you
6632s em oh chat you
6636s cannot if we can't say it out loud you
6638s can't type it
6640s in that's the rule that's the r which
6643s say Dana if you're talking about me it's
6644s the Rapala the
6646s classic classic beautiful Cape it is via
6648s tenen so you can either buy it for
6650s platinum on consoles or you can
6654s real money purchase it on Steam and part
6657s of the proceeds actually goes to a
6658s community artist who made it which is
6660s crazy love tenen we love tenen you know
6664s what I find funny about tenen actually
6665s it's not pretty funny it's pretty cool
6667s tenen is something that I can explain to
6669s my family and they get it when I like
6672s first started here or just like video
6674s games in general you're like here's what
6675s tenen is they're like that's so cool
6677s yeah I understand I
6679s think like I sort of understand I don't
6682s know what a steam is but I do yeah are
6686s and money
6689s yeah ability range huh how far can I go
6694s wait how far can I go they're still
6696s going Turkish ice cream
6699s Tor T J Taylor come on I it was right
6704s there was right
6707s there
6709s corid not reading that comment
6714s oh I'm not where I'm supposed to be
6718s whoopies okay what about Rue
6721s though someone said rad R I'll take that
6725s R rad R rabid rabid
6728s R uh
6731s thion I'm trying to think of other
6735s R have you ever gotten that in your life
6737s room yeah a little bit okay okay okay do
6740s you have it like does have like a
6742s nickname they were called
6743s at school or were younger mine was uh
6747s zaroni that's so cute I was just called
6750s Taylor King because there were so many
6751s other Taylor that we all have to go buy
6753s our at last name o yeah H have you seen
6757s Taylor King she around somewhere full
6759s name full name every day by friends all
6763s the time Shaq because tall
6765s fitting
6770s uh Angel murder on the
6774s what I don't know if these are nicknames
6776s or what's going on here oh my God Ru y
6781s ravishing R ravishing R I like that one
6785s nope don't like that
6788s [Music]
6790s one no my gosh a I'm being jaded help me
6803s Chad we can't we can't say these
6805s comments I know it's okay maybe let's
6807s not get people to relive their terrible
6809s High School
6812s yearsis room there you go ralis that's I
6816s have not seen either them in the same
6818s room
6821s before you know too much I do know too
6824s much hello did I not grab it maybe not I
6827s put it in I think I got it we're good
6829s okay okay okay kaboom rup Paul oh
6834s R how many times for that one a lot
6837s actually really you know what it's a a
6840s good compliment I guess could byy
6841s violence my goodness both bald both
6845s beautiful both beautiful that's true
6848s both iconic both successful MH I'm sure
6852s you would also look really good in a
6853s dress if you wanted to I'd like to see
6855s that you would for we'll make it a
6857s donation
6860s goal I can't see your face are you smart
6863s sming I'm always smiling that's true is
6867s it the smiling that touches your eyes or
6868s The Smiling where you
6871s wish oh that smile that's I'm going to
6875s hear it after the stream of smile we
6878s will not put on a dress it's
6884s fine okay oh
6890s no what oh my goodness 30k viewers huh
6895s okay
6897s okay okay let's get out of here running
6900s and then it's top 10 time top 10 top 10
6903s time say that five times fast top 10
6905s time top 10 time top 10 time top no oh
6910s top top 10 time oh two have fallen say
6914s it top 10 time let's see for
6918s Lucky go let's go
6920s go that's my secret I'm always smiling
6923s oh no oh no top 10 top 10 time top 10
6928s time top 10 time top 10
6931s times someone's asking about acid shells
6934s sorry if you're talking about like the
6936s fact that the line of sight doesn't work
6937s properly it's a code fix um I don't
6940s think it made it in for this sht so and
6943s our
6944s next line update build you'll probably
6947s see it yeah but no promises it's on the
6949s radar though we know F talked Taylor
6951s that's true that's very true oh my
6956s God oy doie thank you to our second
6959s Squad of the day zman Vader and major
6963s demon we appreciate you uh oh my God
6966s they're Kua CarX their L's name is bip
6968s ja bip ja incredible that's a great one
6972s love it uh what time is
6977s it is it top time time it's the top time
6981s where the top 10 comments time time gets
6987s red Bob bip is the best I have to agree
6990s there's there's nothing else all right
6993s all right should I be excited scared I
6997s don't know honly I it's been a trip and
6999s y'all read out all so many good comments
7002s they had I like sorry it's okay sorry
7006s first we start off with I don't know
7007s what they said I just thought it was
7009s funny a Bagless teapot they just yelled
7012s I'm coming for that top
7014s Comet so there you go you got your top
7017s Comet I mean
7019s man I'm here for it there you go we see
7023s you have a loose leaf appreciator as
7025s well loose leaf Bagless I'm assuming
7028s like tea Bagless
7030s teapot I don't know
7032s tea you like tea I like all beverages of
7036s the not all variety just so we're clear
7040s same sa sa all right I literally have
7042s three drinks right now I would love to
7044s have
7045s four what's your third one the hand
7047s saner one for caffeine and one for fun
7050s one for tasty one for caffeine one for
7052s water exactly yeah and then maybe a
7055s fourth just because it looks good not
7058s see your water bottle so there's hand
7061s sanitizing it from the office no thank
7064s you anyhow sorry than go and next up we
7068s have lady po J very beginning of the
7072s Stream
7080s it's it's it's kind of like getting the
7083s uh Discord call Frozen at the
7085s time and behind the camera is
7087s [Laughter]
7091s r and then next up from Renegade
7095s zedk
7096s [Music]
7099s R very nice I can't get in my head now
7104s in next up from Zine I think I'm sorry
7109s if not but here we go oh my go that got
7111s a her CH blueprints so
7114s luy the B happened three times it's the
7117s perfect amount if anyone needs a hero
7119s chassis blueprint I got tons I will
7122s willing to
7123s trade it's called a bit I'm a I'm
7126s bidding it's called jokes it's called
7129s humor Taylor have you heard of it come
7131s on
7134s next up from science oh my gosh that's
7137s your name wow I didn't even
7141s realize how you
7144s get do e hiring Community streamers be
7147s like hell grass if you touch
7150s true it was a question that got asked
7153s how many video games do you play well I
7155s haven't seen outside in seven days
7157s you're hired is that actually what
7159s happened in yeah okay I see it happen
7163s for sure not in a bad way they ask what
7165s games you play that's true e they did
7167s ask me that they asked what if I play
7169s games and what I play games games sleepy
7174s eeve says reading chat without having
7177s stream up is a
7179s trip I could not imagine trying to find
7182s context for that chat ni man thank you
7185s thank you I appreciate it chat we gave
7188s you outside that's why we added henia so
7191s you can see what trees and sky sky and
7193s earth looks like yeah and the seasons
7195s too yeah you can remember what snow is
7197s like you know the sunshine it's great
7201s greener grass than
7202s [Music]
7202s [Laughter]
7205s usual cool infested little guy does
7207s grass change color for Seasons yeah yeah
7210s oh it does yes gradually so you don't
7213s notice it but yeah not like you wake up
7215s and you're like oh my God my green let's
7218s go
7223s God Autumn dropped like a game release
7226s is so freaking funny
7229s yo did you see bro Autumn
7233s dropped yo hop outside bro oh my god did
7237s you see they added 20% more Leaf falling
7240s this update it's crazy 10 they nerfed
7244s the temperatures in the they nerfed the
7248s temperatures and daytime no but they
7250s added new sweater cosmetics
7252s [Applause]
7258s oh my
7259s gosh they added
7261s [Laughter]
7264s Leaf oh man that was very
7270s funny oh my God okay this next one was
7273s when we were talking about what we could
7275s use a Warframe for IR job
7278s resume yes irid says problems with men
7282s and your walls I have just the service
7284s for
7289s you that's like diabolical if that was
7292s on do you think you would be hired ex
7295s excels at extracting men from
7302s walls maybe you're like a firefighter
7305s like I'm trying to think of what context
7307s if I wasat the recruiter I would see it
7311s and be like I want to know what that
7313s means so I'll put you through the first
7316s round but we will see where it goes from
7321s there have an interview just so you can
7323s learn the lore tell me more about this
7326s like six-year period where you
7329s extracted from
7331s walls oh boy really great at talking to
7335s myself oh seeing things uh
7339s seeing twins of yourself manifesting my
7342s tions into harmful experiences so great
7346s so
7348s great so
7350s good and next up from Phill and wizard
7353s this is more like wholesome it's like
7355s imagine a m meeting bird fore that' be
7359s so cute that would be they'd be best
7362s friends I chaos think you could power an
7366s entire city if you let them just hang
7368s out together from the latent energy of
7371s them yapping at each other you could
7373s harness that and have unlimited energy I
7376s think that is what that is what Albert
7378s andot is really looking for oh that's
7381s the
7382s mission yeah this makes so much sense
7385s though oh my God sorry to the narrative
7387s team for completely ruining the next
7388s five years of Warframe
7391s story unlimited power scratching
7394s everything out but the CEO of Yap they
7399s are coo
7403s yeah oh my gosh love it next up from the
7407s final Dorito oh
7409s interesting interesting it made me happy
7412s so I added it add glorus prime glorus
7415s prime gor yep I love glor glorp glorus
7420s Prime what would that be in warfame
7424s what's a glorp just a bigger
7427s dog bigger she a really big
7430s dog yes hello gorp oh I didn't know gorp
7434s is oh my yeah gorp's an emot yes glorp
7436s is a little alien cat it's so cute
7439s that's what why do we have that in do we
7442s have that in slack uh we need
7444s to sorry
7446s everyone anyway thank you final Dorito I
7449s appreciate it man listen someone was
7451s just mentioning that we don't have
7452s enough kavat breeds give me that one oh
7455s my
7459s [Music]
7460s God so cute yes so cute okay okay final
7466s this needs a little bit of context wi
7469s screen
7470s John yeah um creates 3D props for
7475s Warframe they made weapons they made
7477s lots of other stuff one of the things
7479s they made was the Styx tassels nipple
7482s tassels true they did uh they were also
7484s a
7485s Tenon they were what why are you looking
7488s like that I'm afraid I am okay I'm kind
7491s of
7493s wreen J mention
7495s terrified oh no okay and uh yeah okay
7499s look fair warning if rhyo arloom has a
7502s tassel for his C piece you'd better get
7505s ready for what I'm going to wear Teton
7507s this year no God no no you can't do
7513s that
7517s yay honestly I thought that there was
7519s like a picture and I was like
7523s I haven't sh anyone that video if you
7525s don't
7528s worry with
7530s the they don't call me zesty Zack for no
7533s reason anyway why would you look at that
7536s time's up let's run a z
7539s giveway Hunter what the
7541s heck
7544s exactly closing us out with the zaku
7546s prime access is the winner of pixel
7549s onfire 85 hey congratulations youve on
7552s zaku Prime access please for the
7553s Warframe twitch Channel you're watching
7554s right now with your ingame username and
7556s platform you play Warframe on we're
7557s going to send you zaku prime access
7559s straight to your account yipp yipp
7562s speaking of primes tomorrow at 2m. ET on
7565s this channel you will watch Prime Time
7568s Prime Time Dev stream 184
7571s 184 184 thank you sorry um where we'll
7574s be going over the next prime uh the next
7578s Echo update for 1999 you know some news
7582s on you know when our next shirt update
7584s is all that goodness and of course if
7585s you are one of our lovely envoys or you
7588s know you're just interested in Soul
7589s frame we also have our other soulr death
7592s stream at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow on
7594s twitch.tv/ playframe so you can watch
7597s them there R has his work cut out for
7599s him much love to
7604s R but that's it thank you so much Z for
7606s being here thank you for being here
7608s Charlie thank you for being here thank
7610s you for being here
7613s thanks for being here thank you for
7614s being here and thank you all for being
7615s here so much I hope you guys have a
7617s fantastic night we'll see you tomorrow
7619s for another day full we're going to send
7621s the love over to speak of the tassel
7623s devil widescreen John uh we're going to
7626s be sending the raid over to widescreen
7627s John so please say hi for us continue to
7629s love you can get more of the online
7630s drops if you haven't yet it's your last
7632s day so make sure you watch for the
7633s entire time say hi for us we'll see you
7636s tomorrow byee