about 4 years
ago -
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Join @moitoi for the first @xbox stream of the year as she Desecrates her way through lingering Nightwave Acts!
Live now: http://twitch.tv/warframe http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EreDkpfUcAECfMg.jpg
🏆🇨🇦 THE RESULTS ARE IN 🇨🇦🏆 💕Best Ongoing Canadian Game: @PlayWarframe by @DigitalExtremes in London 🗓️Most Anticipated Canadian Game: @ParalivesGame by @_amasse & team in Montréal 🏆Canadian Game of the Year: 'Spiritfarer' by @ThunderLotus in Montréal Thread time!🥳🧵 https://t.co/9x7FLLitov