about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Empyrean: Kuva Lich Changes is now live!

Kuva Lich Fixes:

  • Fixed a script error if you viewed a Kuva Lich or Parazon Modding screen with 3 known Requiems.
  • Fixed the KUVA HIND and KUVA NUKOR names being replaced by KUVA SHILDEG in languages other than English.


  • Fixed a crash when aiming with Quatz (possibly other similar weapons that change fire mode on aim) and switching weapons while Mirage Hall of Mirrors is active.
  • Fixed the Cautious Shot Mod stacking each time you enter/exit Titania’s Razorwing. 
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Balefire charged shots not displaying "Drain per Shot" and "Damage" for charged shots when viewed in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Balefire Surge Augment triggering when hitting allies.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Reactive Storm Augment resetting the Status Chance back to non-Augmented values after a direct punch to someone.
  • Fixed Client unable to see blue bubble FX from Sanctuary and Shelter Mods.
  • Fixed the Lanx Codex diorama appearing very dark.
about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
1 minute ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:



You kinda broke Shade's Ghost ability with the latest hotfix

Can you expand on what the issue is? 🙂 

about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
4 minutes ago, Master_Miraak said:

After the hotfix, when I tried to get the ultimate kill/convert blow, my game soft locked 😞

This is where I should be seeing the prompt for A or D. Holding the buttons only sways the screen, but otherwise does nothing. Others evacuated which got me out of this state.Jnvd7mN.jpg

Would you happen to have your EE.Log from this issue?

If yes, can you please attach it in a Support Ticket here: http://support.warframe.com/

about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
8 minutes ago, Master_Miraak said:

The ticket is open, Id #2033668

Thank you!!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Marcus - Direct link
22 hours ago, SuperSmog said:

Can you please remove the self dmg on the New Kuva Bramma, or at the very least let us use cautious shot on it because we currently can't.
