over 3 years
ago -
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Hey Tenno!
We hope you enjoyed our TennoCon 2021 showcase. We know there were some issues with the in-game TennoCon Relay's, so we made a few forum posts to clear the air. Expect a relay re-run and a script for the missing drops in the future!
Relay re-run: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1272693-tennolive-relay-experience-showrooms-rerun-tbd/?tab=comments#comment-12225517
Relay Drops: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1272695-tennocon-2021-tannukai-armor-and-sword-skin-drops/?tab=comments#comment-12225522
Thanks Tenno!
We hope you enjoyed our TennoCon 2021 showcase. We know there were some issues with the in-game TennoCon Relay's, so we made a few forum posts to clear the air. Expect a relay re-run and a script for the missing drops in the future!
Relay re-run: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1272693-tennolive-relay-experience-showrooms-rerun-tbd/?tab=comments#comment-12225517
Relay Drops: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1272695-tennocon-2021-tannukai-armor-and-sword-skin-drops/?tab=comments#comment-12225522
Thanks Tenno!