over 4 years
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Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.3
In an attempt to keep these notes spoiler free you may notice some less-descriptive language than usual - thank you for your diligent reporting!
Isolation Vault Bounty Changes & Fixes:
Updated the Cambion Drift Isolation Vault Bounty description to hint at clearing multiple Vaults in the same session for better rewards.
- Moved 2 Scintillant spawn points within the Isolation Vaults to be in more trafficked areas.
Reduced the amount of spawned Residue per Wyrm puddle from 5 to 3, and also lowered the amount of Residue needed for the first stage of the Isolation Vault Bounty:
- 6 Residue for 1 or 2 player teams
- 12 Residue for 3 or 4 player teams
- Fixed cases of the Esophage losing its waypoint in the Isolation Vault Bounty.
- Fixed looping Otak/Loid Transmission when picking up 50% of the required Residue for the Isolation Vault Bounty.
- Fixed a script error related to the Isolation Vault.
- Fixed numerous script errors when encountering an enemy Necramech.
- Missed note: Fixed various Matchmaking issues for players.
- The Deimos Bounty Credit Cache rewards have been replaced with an Ayatan Amber Star.
Added descriptive text to the Scintillant to expose its secondary acquisition path:
- Added invulnerability period when Transferring into Necramechs found out in Cambion Drift.
- Reduced Vulpaphyla Revive precepts from 5 ranks to 3 ranks, as the extra 2 served no purpose. Refunded Credits and Endo will follow in a script later this week or next for early adopters.
- Added more sound effects for the Vulpaphyla.
- End of Mission screen music will now properly duck sound FX.
- Performance improvements towards Cambion Drift terrain textures.
Fixed cases of players unable to start Vor’s Prize after completing the tutorial.
- This also unblurs the ‘Vor’s Prize’ Quest entry for those who skipped it way back in the day.
- Fixed missing context actions when investigating Solaris bodies in the Vox Solaris Quest.
- Fixed a crash when a Client player has a Vulpaphyla Pet and it dies.
- Fixed a crash during the Garv Bounty mission.
- Fixed script errors when player quits before/during death in "Confront Umbra" stage of The Sacrifice Quest.
- Fixed Cambion Drift Bounties failing if the Client player loads in too far away from the objective area.
- Fixed inability to pick up Fass Residue on a K-Drive during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
- Fixed not having to collect Infested Samples for Latrox Une when doing multiple Bounties in succession in the same Cambion Drift session.
- Fixed incorrect Eximus enemy title on the Cambion Drift.
- Fixed some missing FX on Deimos enemies when they pop out of their sacs.
- Fixed color grading style color corrections ignoring the Color Correction video setting. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1213034-color-correction-explosions-while-color-correction-is-turned-off/
- Fixed alignment issues with the Paradiso Armor on numerous Warframes.
- Fixed script error that can occur when trying to use the Scanner when returning to a Town.
- Fixed a script error if Garv dies.
- Fixed a script error related to the Profit-Taker.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when using Transference.
- Fixed a script error when using the Necramechs’ Guard Mode ability.
- Fixed a script error when entering an enemy camp in the Orb Vallis.
- Fixed a script error when the Drop Pods in the Cambion Drift drop down enemies.
- Fixed a script error when a Sly Vulpaphyla deactivates a Precept.
- Fixed a script error when a Panzer Vulpaphyla attempted to attack but ran out of targets.
Fixed a script error that occurred when a Necramech died.