4 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

29s it
33s something's
53s happen
59s up
75s [Music]
84s [Music]
89s are
90s you
110s [Music]
119s are
149s Dre
179s Dre
209s you
210s are
236s you we are not done
243s our gour grandle demands a gallant
252s equal lightning to his gastric
256s Thunder the livid
259s [Music]
266s energy meor 's messenger of long
270s forgotten
280s [Applause]
297s Gods between these two the
300s unspeakable and the
303s inescapable there must be no more talk
306s of
314s [Music]
322s defeat the thankless eyes shall be
325s seared blind In the Heat of his passing
332s [Music]
356s [Music]
358s GS
379s a what a
382s trailer hi everybody Welcome to Prime
385s Time episode
387s 376 the time has fun finally come and
391s ghost Prime and that trailer is here so
394s good so good I have been
397s just I've just been biting my tongue and
400s just oh I know right like oh my God it
402s was so good the team has been working
404s really hard on that trailer and we're
406s just so happy that everyone is is
408s enjoying that trailer and just the the
410s kind of rope we went with it yeah um the
413s fact that they you know made it pair
415s with grindle like it was just the team
417s is mwah Chef kiss uh and I hope that you
420s enjoy it we do have some um uh some more
424s fun things that are going to be
425s happening with ghost over the next few
426s days so stay tuned for that uh but
428s welcome anyways to Prime Time episode
430s 376 you are buckled in you're strapped
433s you're ready for the next two hours of
436s Warframe because we're GNA play some GH
439s Prime relics wow surprise who would have
441s thought uh we're GNA get ourselves GH
444s Prime tonight uh and we hope you enjoy
447s and join us we got prizes of course will
450s be giving away finally a gal Prime
452s access as well to a lucky twitch viewer
454s you're lucky it could be you uh and you
457s will win that as well as some Platinum
458s prizes got fan art capture all of the
460s really great stuff so thank you for
462s joining us tonight uh my name is Megan
464s I'm here on this side of the couch nope
466s it's a chair and then over there we got
468s Taylor's back I'm on the other side of
470s the chair sitting on the same chair it's
472s kind of weird one chair is one is is a
475s couch just one chair it's a long chair
477s it's a long chair yeah okay I like it
479s yeah I love how you just immediately
480s went along with exactly what I was doing
483s uh and then on the stream PC tonight is
484s actually Danny I'm on other short couch
488s or is it one long coach are we all on
490s the same coach I am the closest to the
492s couches so that's true you are the
494s closest uh Danny's going to be running
496s the stream tonight so I don't think
497s we'll do a top 10 are you going to try
500s we'll see uh yeah we actually yeah R is
502s actually hanging out help so thanks R
507s online is he in the Discord yeah oh what
509s guy uh szo Ru is not feeling well but he
513s is still online uh from his home
515s presence oh there he is he says online
518s uh so Ru is going to be helping out in
520s the official Warframe Discord uh get
522s Gathering top tens and some juicy
524s comments while Danny is over there
525s pressing buttons making the stream
527s happen we love it but let's get into
529s some housekeeping as we do on these
531s streams uh first and foremost obviously
533s G Prime GH Prime Maxis is here the
535s trailer is here uh he comes with the
537s exceler prime the acarius prime Prime
540s and also we've add a little bit of bonus
541s items to his accessories Danny I'm sorry
543s do you mind go into my gameplay real
545s quick uh wace is not GA Prime cuz
547s obviously I still have to get G Prime
549s and the excelra prime and the acaras
550s prime I got lots to do uh as I mentioned
553s the bonus accessories uh we worked on a
556s little Gess Prime floof like I mentioned
558s it's not typical for us to do Prime
561s access in January at the beginning of
562s the year and we wanted to make him you
563s know a little special and really start
565s the year off strong uh so we gave him a
568s little Flo trying a hug I know he's got
571s a lot of knives so I don't know turning
573s into a voodo doll situation here we got
576s a g Prime Flo we got the G Prime uh
579s Nogle as well oh
582s he don't do it don't do it you can make
585s him big or small this is the biggest you
587s can make him and I obviously made him
588s massive the Nogle and then as well a g
591s Prime alternate helmet uh which I have
594s but I don't have a g par yet so but it's
596s great it looks it makes him look like he
597s has a giant Regal mustache which which
599s you can't go wrong with that at Mock
601s speed um so yeah just some fun bonus
603s items as a part of G Prime access and
605s the accessories and then of course you
607s know relics are in game like we're going
608s to get get be doing that's not a
611s sentence uh and uh as well with the uh
615s update that Gus Prime access came in we
617s did make a change Reb mentioned this on
619s the dev shorts uh the day before it
622s launched uh that we removed Prime parts
624s from Syndicate rank ups and replace
626s those with a so if you've been you know
627s collecting a as you open Maybe packs
630s Andor uh gameplay what may you
635s have uh you can use some of your
637s stockpiled a if you are uh ranking them
639s in syndicates I was saying this earlier
640s to Taylor that I made the fatal error of
644s changing my Syndicate uh I am going for
647s arbit doose of hexus and ditching red
649s Veil sorry um because I wanted a
652s specific augment and then red get traded
654s it to me but it doesn't matter anyways
655s I'm going after Arbiters of hexus so I
657s am broke in uh can't get no relics but
661s anyways I'm going to need that because
663s I'm going to be ranking up with Arbiters
664s of hexus and that's great because I have
665s some a because I bought some Relic packs
668s anyways uh and then on a similar topic
671s um the prime Nogle like I said that is a
674s bonus part of this um it's typically
676s something that we actually provide to
678s people just via inbox at the end of the
680s year if you have uh you know purchased a
683s prime through Prime access you get the
685s respective Nogle at the end of the year
686s in your inbox we do a little script um
689s my bad fell off my plate at the end of
691s the year when I was doing crossplatform
692s safe so that's my bad uh we are getting
695s the 2023 Prime nles situated uh and then
699s a inbox will be sent if that uh relates
702s to you um so just hang tight on those
704s apologies that's my bad uh we'll get
707s your your Prime Noles from last year to
709s you and then speaking of crossplatform
710s save it is live it is open the doors are
713s open for everyone uh it is an exciting
717s time to watch uh people people link or
720s merge whatever they're eligible to do uh
722s and participate in crossplatform save um
724s our support team I don't know if I said
726s this last time but our incredible
728s support team worked over the Christmas
730s break as they always do um trying to
733s obviously answer as many tickets as
734s possible and uh you know there there is
737s a lot there there are a lot of tickets
738s that they're just uh dealing with um so
741s if you do have a ticket open for
743s anything about uh crossplatform save
745s please know that our team is uh
747s diligently trying to get through those
749s and uh if you haven't done crossplatform
751s save yet um you still can like I said
753s the gate is open to everyone uh I just
755s urge that you please read the text
757s carefully when you're picking your
758s primary account and knowing you know
760s what gets brought over if you're merging
762s or or what doesn't get brought over if
764s you're linking all of the information is
766s there we have the FAQ so just please
768s read carefully um but if you do run into
770s issues you can make a support ticket and
772s know that we will get to it uh when our
773s support team can do that um yeah and
777s that's said it's open until we um you
780s know we did have to close it I think
781s yesterday for a little bit U after we
783s launched G Prime we had a little bit of
784s a stability issue um but all is well
788s closed it reopened it and it's open for
790s everyone um and we're still monitoring
793s uh everything is looking really good um
795s and you know we'll we'll make a a more
798s kind of official announcement one once
800s we're like okay she's open forever kind
802s of thing which she she you know she's in
804s that state right now we don't really
805s have plans of closing it unless we see
807s something alarming or you know some
810s really aggressive something broken
812s happens um but right now it's looking
814s really good we just don't want to you
815s know fire off the signal and it uh we
818s got to close it so we're just monitoring
821s right now but everything is looking good
822s you guys are enjoying it uh and I love
824s to see all of the uh all of the
826s excitement over it so thank you for
828s participating in it and it is open for
830s everyone moving right along
832s Taylor speaking of things that happened
835s last year or that started last year and
837s you know have gone into 202 before uh
839s operation Garo garles gargoyles cry how
844s your is
846s facing hello oh no the downward mic
852s hello I didn't even pay attention it's
854s been oh now it's pointing the wrong way
856s she flippy floppy you can do it I
860s shouldn't look in the
862s camera
865s sorry I'm so sorry for interrupting you
867s you just sounded so far away okay
870s now hello
874s yay fixed anyway speaking of stuff that
877s happened last year operation Garo cry
879s started just after Whispers in the wall
881s and it did end this week on January 15th
885s uh so was that literally this week is
888s Monday what the hell time is time is
891s weird uh but you know you you can't get
894s your you know curses anymore all like
897s good stuff are curses good I don't know
899s it depends on if you're a Jiu-Jitsu
901s kaisen Cur wheeler or not you know what
903s I'm saying
904s anyways sorry sorry I specifically
908s avoided picking fan art that seemed like
910s it was jjk related and I because I
914s wasn't sure and I what do you mean
916s wasn't sure I wasn't I don't know anyway
918s we're getting whole person personality
920s right now and it's really annoying to
922s people but I can't I was trying to avoid
924s it because I was like I I don't know and
925s I feel bad anyway and now I still
928s somehow Sor gave her the opportunity to
931s talk to talk about it anyway can't be
933s helped you can no longer get curses you
935s can no longer get the gr grotesque
938s splinters uh but you can still redeem
940s them at Fibonacci store in the dojo so
943s you have until February 15th you can
945s still get your cros Signa if you want to
949s wait uh go to Fan Art real quick it's so
952s beautiful it is beautiful it's so good
954s Grecian goddess Danny
958s Danny
960s Danny Danny press the button yeah oh so
964s good so you have until February 15th to
966s get it if you've already earned enough
968s of the you know the splines you yeah so
973s gross and also a note um if you have
976s maybe accidentally or on purpose deleted
978s your Fibonacci uh statue therefore you
981s can no longer access your store you can
983s go to someone else's Clan and access
985s their store and you can get it that way
986s so as long as it's available yeah as
988s long as it until February 15th of course
990s um but yeah if you if you're a clan that
992s you're like whoops I was cleaning my
993s room and I deleted my statue cuz he was
996s you know being mean about my Dojo
1000s understandable uh you can just go to
1001s someone else's dojo and if they have the
1003s statue up until February 15th you can
1005s get your Creo now or all the other
1007s things if you haven't done that so I I
1009s will say he talks a lot of smack for
1010s someone who lives in a fishbowl that's
1012s all I'm saying like you're not wrong
1014s like dude do you even get out like you
1016s don't even know the world and you're
1017s going to dism couch but you can't even
1020s sit on it bro so like don't go me y have
1023s you ever left that bu
1026s idiot he said it on me so embarrassing I
1029s love him I love him uh and then as well
1032s continually happening in the month of
1034s January on some fun weekend dates uh
1038s sorry Danny can you go back to Fan Art
1039s appreciate you uh we do have void
1041s corruption alerts uh the next one starts
1043s tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern time for
1046s the weekend until January 22nd at 11:00
1049s a.m. eastern time and it's going to be a
1051s 10-minute survival mission on Annie and
1053s you're going to get yourself a
1054s narrow-minded mod and some credits so if
1057s maybe you are missing that mod you're a
1059s new player you want to check out some of
1060s these corrupted mods that people don't
1062s stop talking about uh you can get
1065s yourself the narrow-minded this weekend
1067s so put it in your calendar don't miss it
1069s it's going to happen speaking of don't
1071s miss it we got twitch drops ton we do
1073s you watch for 45 minutes today during
1076s our stream and you will get yourself an
1077s excellent weapon adapter blueprint
1079s cuz I need them so bad for the new tenai
1081s that we've added so good yeah so you
1085s watch it 45 minutes you can get it twice
1087s that's it that's it that's all I guess I
1089s also have an asset for that Danny if you
1090s want to look if you guys forget what the
1092s blueprint looks like wowe thank you Sam
1095s for making this it's beautiful and then
1097s we also have of course our wonderful
1099s weekend drops so this Friday
1103s tomorrow is a wide body or transport I
1107s know I was like that's what my mom used
1109s to call I mean what's going on but you
1111s can watch uh Tibetan Sun from 9:00 a.m.
1114s to 10: a.m. ET
1117s tomorrow or
1120s uh if you want if you speak French you
1122s can watch elor Elio uh from 1 p.m. to 2
1126s p.m. and get a zeran palm plant
1128s incredible two very different things
1129s plants in a widebody who would have
1131s thought uh and then like we mentioned uh
1134s well not really in a cold pot she's
1136s actually in a a hotter seat than these
1138s seats yeah uh Danny running the show but
1139s Ru is also in our official Discord
1142s exclamation word Discord if you would
1143s like not only a link to the Warframe
1145s Discord but also a link to the soulr
1146s Discord I'm not even paid to be
1148s promoting Soul frame but here we are uh
1151s you can join that Discord too Sarah's in
1152s there uh being her greatest self uh and
1155s hanging out in there uh but anyway you
1157s can join our official discords we have
1158s an open comms Prime Time Discord Channel
1161s right now if you want to join hang out
1162s with Ru and uh chat up and put some fun
1165s pictures in there A lot of times you
1167s troll Us in there but I love it uh and
1170s yeah like I mentioned we got giveaways
1171s three 1,000 platinums and a ghost Prime
1174s access near the end of the stream uh but
1176s let run that first thousand Platinum
1178s just to kick things off press the button
1182s give it to me
1182s [Laughter]
1185s Danny I need it press the button I need
1187s it I need it the button give it a minute
1191s it's really taking way too longing hard
1195s stressing
1197s out
1199s this this happens almost every time yeah
1201s would you guys like to listen to some
1203s music I would I would love some music
1205s I'd love some tunes we can talk about
1206s gameplay our gameplay goals of course is
1209s getting some G Prime relics now Taylor
1211s do you have any parts yet no okay um I
1214s might have did a little thing
1216s today without me I asked I was on my it
1220s was a it was a widespread message of who
1222s wants to just do some casual gu
1224s conveniently posted right as I was
1226s leaving to go to the office I'm just
1227s saying it was messing with you m it was
1230s intentional I know I know I'm just
1232s teasing I'm so sorry anyway Dan I know
1234s you're doing things but can you just
1235s swap to gameplay real
1237s quick so might have did a little thing
1240s might have been blessed with RNG today
1243s uh shout out Danny shout out uh persel
1246s uh we got ourselves some ghost Prime
1248s parts today I'm not mad about it but I
1250s still need the systems um and then of
1252s course the systems needs two argon
1255s Crystal classic uh so I'm selfishly
1258s going to be going for that today but I
1260s do have relics uh that we can use for
1262s all the other things cuz I am here for
1264s all the G Prime parts so if You' like to
1267s join us today I'm going to selfishly ask
1271s just just for this first run uh if you
1273s have any lith G9 please whisper myself
1277s in chat I'm going to oops ghost we're
1280s going to make the squad I close all
1283s these tabs again a lift G9 doesn't have
1285s to be radiant you know if you don't got
1287s the traces yet that's cool
1289s uh but we are going to go for some G
1291s Prime Systems first and then we'll roll
1293s into some other relics as we do uh but
1296s first I need to invite Taylor that's
1298s very important invite to
1301s Taylor all right grumpy pants I have the
1304s G9 My Vault feels too slow I need G
1308s let's do it grumpy pants the grumpiest
1310s ofs have you shown off the shorts I'm
1311s assuming the shorts was from the
1313s previous oh yeah it was um when we did
1317s uh when we um launched the dev shorts no
1322s no no when we did the uh the glyphs up
1325s there oh for Whispers in the walls sorry
1328s forgot that
1329s name cuz and I I I outed you I said
1332s Taylor was the one that wanted the Hat
1334s GFF I want the hat so to do this so that
1336s we could have shorts and a glyph I mean
1339s shorts and a hat on tuble here
1342s anyways uh okay we are going to oh we
1344s need one more person actually
1346s conveniently grumpy pants has the shorts
1349s you have the hat and I have the hat and
1352s I I have the the bird three head so we
1355s just need someone who has the legs and
1357s then we're good does anyone have leg
1360s feet is there a feet Cliff do we have a
1362s feet Cliff I don't want to know it's
1364s probably gets the TOs yeah um dracos I
1368s have extra system well I don't want I
1369s don't want for free do you have the
1370s Relic though is the is the
1373s question uh North rail ratted up and
1375s ready to go if that isn't a sentence I
1378s don't know what is boot rat it up and
1381s ready to go oh yeah I guess you could
1383s have like a shoe I don't think there's
1385s any
1386s shoe shoes Cod name
1390s shoes what were they doing we're we're
1392s lacking Footwear GL I know so
1394s embarrassing uh Danny is there music
1397s okay great I just
1398s couldn't blessings I would like to JM
1401s out oh yeah very oh that's perfect okay
1405s here we go we are doing uh I'm on Ste we
1408s don't need to be us right now Christmas
1410s socks you're so smart oh the Christmas
1413s sock you're right stockings how did I
1416s not remember that it's okay uh what did
1419s I say is it lth yeah l g G9 looks like
1423s we got a rescue or an interception what
1425s would you
1427s [Music]
1428s like think real hard about
1431s it uh we can do rescue you want to do
1433s rescue yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
1436s wait oh I can't spell G cuz I'm
1440s there we go Footwear glyphs for the win
1443s need more shoes in 2024 honestly we'll
1445s send this message to Zach and he can
1447s yeah all our commission glyphs moving
1449s forward Footwear only 2024 yeah they
1452s could be thematic Footwear yeah like
1455s what would a listen Lloyd has great
1457s shoes right I've never looked at his
1459s feet I'm sure they're great everything
1461s else about him is great right right
1463s right that's what I mean he he has to
1465s have probably I mean the classic I'm
1468s surprised we don't have like a ballast
1470s golden foot glyph his stupid dangly leg
1473s oh yeah his nasty little leg little
1476s gross boy you need glowing shoes G spce
1479s on there you go so true oh yeah I
1483s remember her actually seeing back in the
1485s day someone made a concept of like what
1487s Warframe like Nikes would look like or
1490s something please don't sue me I love I
1493s love
1494s Nik I think we're both are we Clos yeah
1498s I love him but we're also the opposite
1501s in terms of Aesthetics like mine is like
1503s gloomy boy and you're just like I'm
1506s being cotton candy clue yeah uh well he
1510s had a uh had a hot invigoration today
1513s for clo in the helmet so I was like yeah
1515s okay I'll beo that's fine although y'all
1518s are fast and I am just Trucking
1521s along uh Danny are we having um yeah
1525s yeah
1527s okay
1528s we are we are indeed yes having problems
1531s with the twitch picker we're gonna
1533s figure it out feel yeah we figure shy
1537s guys exactly he doesn't like performing
1538s in front of others it's fun performance
1541s anxiety I mean same 24 shy gu a shy
1549s guy oh dear Megan frame is brighter than
1552s my future wow probably put yourself in
1555s higher value my
1557s friend you're your Future's looking
1559s great I don't know who you are but I
1561s I'll I can tell you that right now
1564s you're going to be just fine you guys
1565s are zooming I'm trying to keep up grumpy
1568s pants ISP going flying wow a door to
1572s another locked door listen damn this is
1574s quite the
1575s game who designed who made this game
1579s creatively who made this game will it be
1581s this
1582s one the only one it's not me oh no I'm
1588s sry we don't need to we were doing Danny
1590s and persel and I were doing uh like I
1593s said some relics and we did a couple
1594s rescues and it was me one time and I was
1598s just like damn this girl's
1600s annoying did you shut up about needing a
1603s weapon Jesus shut
1607s up wait where am I going oh my God I'm
1611s lost oh my God someone said the
1613s shambling fragment like the two the the
1615s fragment that's like just the two feet
1619s there's what feet fragment yeah yeah the
1621s fragment enemy that's just like foot
1624s foot and then like Cube we need that as
1626s a glyph say yeah that be a good one yeah
1629s we do we should oh my God we should we
1632s should like give give each of them
1637s yeah no way she were luck what the
1641s [Music]
1643s heck oh my god did I click it oh my God
1646s I get so nervous I'm like know did I
1648s click it like aggressively click it not
1651s you getting GS in one day damn I wish I
1655s was playing with you
1657s guys that's the last piece I need to oh
1659s my God I got a headache I already did
1661s but it's still there it's not de pack
1663s stop it might be it's just called being
1667s blessed okay that's true born with
1670s it oh that's exciting all right um so we
1674s can continue the uh G uh blessings and
1679s keep going um do you have what what
1683s relics do you have I got them all you
1685s got them all all right which one I think
1687s the meso no NE yeah so we can do some
1692s Neo n ones Neo I'll just let the squad
1695s know Neo and one if you got
1700s it are we're going to get G Prime chle
1702s music by itself you'll have to stay
1704s tuned to find out about that not to this
1707s stream well I mean you can stay tuned to
1709s this stream but increase chances for
1711s having a de tag no listen I still do not
1714s have grindle Prime me either there are
1716s some primes that I have struggled with I
1718s have like one piece left for
1720s Wisp yeah and then also grundle and I
1724s can't I can't do it yeah I i' I've been
1726s through the ringer with some primes so I
1728s I I feel your pain it's the G luck he's
1730s he's blessing us for 2024 so the game
1733s knows it's it says oh Megan stats you
1736s play Nothing But G
1738s here you go you've earned it uh what are
1740s we doing Neo right would you like a
1744s Mobile Defense sure sure
1748s wonderful we'll do just that Neo wait no
1751s oh I'm like my brain was like why aren't
1753s they matching I have steel oh I said N1
1757s sorry Neo W1 oh my God can we get W and
1762s chat
1764s anyways uh I can't get ahead of the game
1766s when my struggle is not getting
1769s neuroptics I don't know oh wait are we
1771s missing oh no we're good oh W's in chat
1775s how are we getting wait what is the
1776s question how are we getting Gus relics
1778s just from
1780s Onslaught lots of places to get G relics
1784s there's lots of there's so many guides
1786s out there already fantastic you ever
1787s heard renit or YouTube classic YouTubers
1791s classic tubes tubs tubs bro W's in
1796s ch
1798s I forget what this one is uh is this
1801s neuroptics no chassis I think chassis
1805s chis I'm so fast oh my god oh I think
1809s it's cuz grumpy P grumpy pants grumpy
1812s pants is a we got beautiful beautiful
1816s uh I feel the
1821s electricity classic Perfect
1825s song what is this okay 50/50 it is a
1829s sethlon fragment or it's an iatan statue
1833s let's hope for iatan I am running so
1838s fast do you have a scanner I don't even
1840s though I have Helios
1841s Prime the amount of times I run out of
1844s scanners just cuz I'm passively Helios
1847s priming that was one of the things when
1849s we were um obviously going through
1851s Whispers in the walls and like with
1853s obviously a new faction heilos just like
1855s oh my
1856s God the greatest day of my life it's so
1859s good and we're like do we do we turn
1861s that off and we're like nah let him be
1863s absolutely not that is the core part of
1865s playing a new Warframe Update with
1868s heilos yeah it's so funny to me
1871s especially like in the quest though when
1872s like there's clearly like important
1874s dialogue going on and he's just like
1876s picture let me get let me SC
1880s soundly
1882s everything
1884s wa that was the loudest prize I've ever
1887s heard oh my God I thought something
1888s exploded 1,000 Platinum goes to Nat I
1892s love you I'm I'm going to assume that's
1894s what that or Nate I'm sorry Nate yeah
1896s Nate Natty I love you congratulations
1900s you've won 1,000 Platinum you deserve it
1902s I hope that didn't blow your ears up uh
1904s no it's totally fine would you rather be
1906s deaf or have Platinum huh you tell me uh
1909s congratulations please whisper the
1910s Warframe twitch Channel you're watching
1912s right now in game meia platform you play
1913s Warframe on and we'll get you your 1,000
1915s Platinum Nate Nat
1918s I you
1920s congratulations congratulations G G's
1924s GG's you did
1926s it rigged no could be no you never know
1931s no Platinum hearing aid with th000
1934s Platinum you could you could buy
1935s yourself some new ear I need okay
1938s everyone's in the same reacting boat
1940s okay we're good we good we
1942s good man I keep getting sick tenai
1946s trigger moments but everyone's
1948s dead if we did steel path that's true
1951s better could have stayed on steel path
1953s yeah it's all right I wanted stress free
1956s you know no of course we're just I just
1958s want to be blessed today with
1960s RNG one infested
1964s Nemesis couldn't tell you I could but I
1970s won't just stick
1973s around find
1976s out please Dy thank you very much oh
1979s that's that's a good amount of reactant
1981s down there uh dear chat how is uh how is
1984s your G Prime Journey going tell me tell
1987s me how it's going for you hopefully fast
1990s hopefully that is that is on brand on
1993s them that's why you've gotten the pieces
1994s so quickly it's just I'm I'm on mock
1997s Rush 247 that's why it takes so long for
2000s whisp and grindle cuz they're slow
2001s living kind of folks you know slow
2003s living not the slow Liv in a good way
2007s you
2008s know they're they're in their soft girl
2010s era exactly they're like wait no what is
2013s that there's the little hard 75 and the
2017s slow 75 you heard of that soft 75 no
2021s anyways people would be interesting
2023s these days you do you uh what's I going
2027s to say can't remember we have the
2029s excelra oh that's what I'm most excited
2031s for yeah I haven't even bothered with
2033s those yet because I'm just I'm so got to
2036s get G Prime first and then I'll get the
2038s webs got it 20 relics down zero Parts
2041s going great yeah
2044s nice I I believe I'll I'll I'll pass my
2048s blessings onto
2050s you does it work that way wow is there
2053s zero gravity in here
2058s what can someone answer me hi what was
2061s your
2062s question got all parts last night now
2065s cooking in The Foundry he's cooking
2068s he's cooking would love to hear it I
2070s just need the smallest Mo I've ever seen
2073s I just need two argon and then we're
2075s really cooking we can we can do some f
2078s set
2078s up we'll hold that to the end yeah yeah
2081s yeah yeah yeah if we got time we got I
2083s do um have 18 pieces of fan art I saw
2088s that I originally had 17 and then there
2091s was one that I just could not say no to
2092s fair so I I said this last week it's
2095s like we we haven't had a prime time in a
2097s while so we have a backlog to go through
2100s I know this is I made sure everything
2101s was since last prime time though people
2103s have been popping off it's great it's
2105s crazy what a week can do in the world of
2107s fan
2108s art y go y' it takes me like six months
2112s to write anything but you guys are like
2114s popping out fan art and captura in like
2118s record speed record hours minutes how
2121s long as a stream we stream for 2 hours
2123s it is currently 6:33 p.m. so we have
2126s about an hour and a half left
2127s of pure adrenaline adrenaline oh we're
2131s sitting down
2132s okay oh never mind oh my god let's
2138s gooc I don't need it but let's go around
2140s and play no you're
2147s fine I'm almost uncomfortable I know I
2149s didn't realize it until I no no no no no
2153s you're fine everything's fine everything
2155s is fine oh we got a gr C
2157s oh give me those void traces I need them
2159s I'm how do you get to drop you just got
2160s to be watching got watching got to make
2161s sure you're linked properly you go to
2163s warframe.com Twitch twitch make sure
2166s you're linked linked good to go good to
2169s go get those
2171s drops are you valky no that's bhee no
2173s that's valkir no that's Banshee no
2175s that's
2176s vure it's Valk I knew it I knew it from
2178s the start
2182s anyways all right now what do you need
2184s say all it okay got the chassis the
2188s systems you need neuroptics and the
2189s blueprint yeah yeah yeah okay let's do
2192s some axie
2193s b7s B um to broke so it's going to be
2197s Flawless that's fine apologies ax axi B7
2202s love my VY I told you I knew it was from
2205s the beginning I shouldn't have de it
2206s myself axie B7 like the
2210s vitamin honestly that's what relics just
2212s sound like they sound like fancy
2214s vitamins they absolutely do you know and
2216s they look like it too too you know
2218s they're giving Flintstones uh children's
2220s a little bit that's for sure that's for
2222s sure all right Axis we got
2225s cooking a
2227s rescue yeah
2229s blessings another rescue another rescue
2233s Flawless indeed still path Maybe not
2237s today maybe
2240s later L now make sure to take your meso
2244s B12 that's what I'm saying like we
2246s literally have B12
2248s it also reminds me of bingo
2250s though even more accurate even more we
2253s should make that could be a fun Quest To
2256s Conquer Cancer Relic Bingo Danny write
2258s that down I know you're busy but write
2260s that down R write it down I'm G to
2263s forget like five minutes Lally forgotten
2265s I was literally watching a video today
2268s and I was like damn this would make a
2270s good qtcc did you yeah I'll tell I'll
2272s tell you about it later I think about
2274s that all the time whenever I like find a
2275s new game yeah or like a like a card game
2278s or like whatever it is I was playing
2279s games over the break and I was just like
2281s that make a good that make a
2284s GU I written it down a she's writing it
2286s down I love
2289s it to be fair I got the ghost running
2292s normal relics in the wild so jealous
2294s damn no that that's being blessed public
2297s matchmaking and getting ghost Prime
2299s you've blessed is unreal wow I got a
2302s Revenant a gold Revenant piece earlier
2305s today um doing that and it was like RNG
2309s gods that smelled on actually that did
2311s happen uh with Danny and prz and I today
2314s when we were cracking relics uh we got a
2316s brw prime Relic and I was just like I'll
2318s take it oh hell yeah there ain't nothing
2320s wrong with that at all but not a hero
2323s chassis blueprint
2324s I no they're great because if you're
2327s like oh I really need credits and then
2329s you remember that you've been
2330s stockpiling them for 5 years and you
2332s have so many you can who needs ammo drum
2335s when you have all do
2338s Cher give me it all they are the candy
2342s of
2343s warfare next heirloom skin
2345s please I'll just have to stay tuned
2348s that's all I'm going to say about
2351s that still trying to get rev Prime
2353s chassis blue is that what you said you
2355s got it was the gold one I forget what it
2358s was unfortunately but I mean if you
2361s whisper me maybe I'll give it to you EXT
2364s but you got to highest bitter send me a
2366s screen sh of your message otherwise I
2368s could be someone
2370s else prove to
2373s me is it me probably
2376s not it's James subject found what' you
2379s call me
2382s James I'll be James that's sick he's on
2384s vacation right now oh hell yeah hell
2386s yeah
2388s brother and we just came back from
2390s vacation the vacation Sounds great but I
2393s would love to go on vacation I just
2396s really want to sit down and play video
2398s games cuz I was busy all throughout wait
2400s what did you play oh you were't play
2401s anything you were too busy on your
2403s vacation to play too busy this is the
2405s biggest first person problem first world
2408s problem first person it was first
2412s person oh I want the so bad but we don't
2416s we don't need it y'all got to stop with
2418s this wild RNG because I am not playing
2422s with you right
2423s now well this just means that wait no
2426s you already have all the other pieces
2428s right I think all I need is the systems
2430s oh yeah you're screwed who oh you D
2434s you're talking about yourself yeah I was
2435s like well if you need the other pieces
2437s maybe M can give you your extras but no
2439s if you need the systems no just give me
2441s your systems
2442s no you don't get it I get
2445s it run stream I all for me now the Rox
2449s part is going to be insanely rare bet
2451s karmic pigeon don't it okay not the
2454s pigeon
2455s B
2459s how is that possible it's called RNG she
2461s she's it's called RNG we're just being
2463s blessed today okay all right it's time
2465s for schar Optics which I believe is the
2470s neon nope meso y we're barely into the
2474s stream and you've pretty much almost
2476s accomplished your entire
2478s goal uh but the issue is I am clean out
2481s of reactant so I I can only make mine
2484s Flawless so this is where it all goes
2486s downhill chat don't worry about it our
2488s demise is is imminent don't you worry
2490s about that uh what was it
2494s again meso
2496s M we have an interception or we have a
2499s sabotage sabotage
2502s sabotage I sure do I'd love nothing more
2505s they a really
2508s loud that's great thank you appreciate
2511s it 1,000 PL I'm going to a lucky twitch
2515s viewer by the name of Ren BB 1977 Ren BB
2521s 1977 congratulations please whisper the
2524s Warframe twitch Channel you're watching
2525s right now in game alas platform play war
2527s fromon will get you your 1,000 Platinum
2529s Ren BB 1977 BB baby
2534s baby what's that um I always just think
2538s of um shit's creek oh yeah herb
2544s herlinger place the wine her her blinger
2547s her blinger her BL
2550s BL did you ever watch uh rest of
2553s development uh I started it never
2555s finished okay cuz there's also another
2557s gag where it's like Bob blah blah and he
2559s has a la blog and there a whole Spiel
2563s but every time I see like a funny name
2565s like that just reminded of the good old
2568s days hi from have not seen or haven't
2572s finished I should how do you claim the
2574s twitch drop uh once you have
2577s reached clim link claiming uh if you
2582s don't see it uh if you miss it as it
2583s pops up in
2584s chat uh the top right of your screen
2587s where you see the icon for your own
2588s Twitch account you click that and go to
2591s oh get wrong one second please if you go
2593s to drops and rewards click that you can
2595s claim it in there we can go to
2596s twitch.tv/ inventory is another way to
2599s get there but wow brings it all the same
2601s place same place
2604s different route
2607s yep that's what it is wait do I have D I
2610s don't have I'm so sorry not me over here
2615s chilling where's the picnic basket give
2618s it I brought the deli
2621s meats what kind uh turkey breast
2625s delicious always turkey breast yeah what
2629s why was there a question it's funny
2632s because I have no skin in this game
2633s because I liter yeah you don't eat meat
2635s I don't eat meat
2637s offended for a second I don't know why
2639s I'm even judging you because I don't
2641s need it what about a little p p that's
2645s more like shuder board yeah yeah yeah
2647s not a picnic item I'm not putting that
2649s on a sandwich unless it's left over from
2651s my sh Bo you know what I'm saying it's
2653s too expensive to like be in its own
2655s sandwich it's too expensive to be put
2658s between slices of white bread 100% was
2661s let some mayo and mustard know
2664s it touching Mye you know absolutely not
2668s God no disgusting what is happening um
2672s we got to go yeah why are we okay cuz we
2675s got to go be passes so fast oh no it's
2679s north ra it's that Valk here in you I
2683s just don't know why I have she's
2684s crouching she's like ready to go all
2686s right all right all right so many
2687s different way points of of Interest here
2691s anyways cross platform is working and so
2693s is cross trade confirmed that's true huz
2696s that is
2697s true
2700s oh okay okay I promise you there are no
2705s hacks I wouldn't even know how to do
2706s that to begin okay Scott you can turn
2708s them off stop I'm just kidding I'm
2712s kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding promise
2713s it's not not sick I am sick to my
2718s stomach to my stomach promise you this
2720s is that was just this is a joke that was
2724s just blessings okay I promise you I'm
2727s not I'm not even being funny it's not
2729s it's it's not it's not it's not it's
2732s grumpy pants grumpy pants grumpy pants
2733s hey why don't you guys run go systems
2736s because you're so you can trade with me
2739s later I think we need two argon first
2741s before do that all right I'm just sorry
2743s D come on let me cook mine and then I'll
2746s get yours
2747s okay give me a
2749s second Jesus uh okay where do you want
2752s to go you want to do Annie you want any
2754s are you okay what blesses you with argon
2756s usually
2757s um I think it was Zach who always says
2758s survival blesses him so I always think
2760s about
2761s that wait what for Argon he he was he's
2766s like I always get argon when I do
2767s survival like yeah lit said zaku and I
2771s was like oh no sorry the Pokemon Wait no
2774s that's ours what am
2777s i z zatu the bird yeah the bird yeah
2781s wasn't that far up that's a cute
2782s nickname for Zach though hello Zach
2784s anyway sorry uh m
2788s I I'm trying to think of how I farm
2790s argon and it's filthy cuz I just do like
2793s limbo solo and it's gross so you can be
2797s gross that's fine it's okay I'm just
2799s trying to think of what's a fun thing to
2800s watch I think like I'm just trying to be
2803s fun over here guys yeah I don't think
2805s everyone wants to watch me meticulously
2807s walk through and break every single
2808s crate cuz that's not not what we do is
2810s so naked look at him oh my God I mean
2813s he's this is not necklace he's bones
2815s bones and nothing else oh look at him
2817s look at his little butt cloth though not
2820s don't look at my
2823s crack not the crack the
2826s crack anyways Mo bus Mo bus yeah
2830s okay whatever you say my friend to M we
2836s go
2838s there wait why not Annie is Annie not
2841s the survival that you enjoy but mod is
2844s harder that's what what oh god some I
2849s just I saw that I saw it I just love how
2851s someone in chat called helmet's big lips
2854s big I mean accurate I mean it's accurate
2857s accurate you're you're spitting
2859s facts you are spitting
2863s facts uh Taylor King I know I'm trying
2866s to decide what I want I'm sorry EXC are
2869s you strangled doen yeah very well Dr
2872s that's fine that's fine oh what a banger
2875s Danny
2877s okay we're good we're good we're
2884s good you laugh at the Don
2888s versachi that's so wait isn't that her
2891s name that's so but they're saying that
2894s help got it got it got it got it got it
2897s me got it got it got
2898s it got it got it got it got
2901s it all right baby it's time to desecrate
2906s oh my God someone said helmet Cosmetics
2908s listen e what are you talking about you
2911s can like a hat you could put lip gloss
2915s give him lip gloss lip gloss I mean he
2918s already eats your animals I want to see
2921s it the man a
2923s Savage whip whip the old no one was in
2927s there wased
2929s that oh I got argon it's right here yeah
2932s I did shut up okay I mean tell me
2941s oh anyways how's your day Chad how you
2944s doing that was disgusting by the way in
2947s case like getting argon within 30
2950s seconds of starting the mission unreal
2954s probably have a message from Reb waiting
2955s for this stream cut it out are
2959s you my God a monacle that would be a
2962s great idea listen I am sold on the idea
2964s of helmet's cosmetics
2967s you're all for it t ready let's go
2969s helmet got let's go you can pay for lip
2974s fillow no let's not the big You' have to
2977s pay with argon cuz it dissolves exactly
2981s and after a month you top it uping
2985s it it's so
2990s stupid so
2995s stupid
3000s so
3002s dumb damn Helm googly eyes yes that's
3006s what I want helmouth is just a big botox
3009s machine yeah oh man someone said AR over
3013s herewhere give it a give it a lip ring
3015s there's so many options lip ring lip
3017s ring would be so good yeah you can give
3019s him a dermal implant too if you want oh
3021s my God not the dermal imp I know they
3023s terrify me feel like I'm in high school
3025s again
3027s oh you you should be ready for some of
3028s the fan art I have it's so good wait was
3030s there argon here yeah somewhere did I go
3033s I don't know where it was I didn't get
3035s it oh where is
3037s it
3041s prise where is I'm at the way point give
3044s me kills a mohawk oh my God or you know
3048s okay have you seen Shrek the Musical of
3051s course you know how they make um Lord
3054s far quad walk around with like little
3056s dangly legs you can give the helmet
3058s little dangly legs legs yeah oh I wasn't
3060s paying attention I'm sorry I got we need
3062s he needs like the ballast golden the leg
3064s that's what I'm saying
3067s list listen 2024 is your helmet
3072s injections
3075s Cosmetics I'm into it I'm sold yeah shre
3079s skin for helmet oh we should color the
3081s helmet yeah listen if we can do it for
3083s some other things that I won't toil
3086s [Music]
3087s make him big and green
3097s baby Dy are you gay you choking on that
3100s Apple over
3102s there
3104s CH someone said give him can't even say
3107s it give him what give him
3110s Timberlands who give helmet Timber
3114s Timberlands yeah
3117s the boots I can't even
3119s see just give him some big old chunking
3123s boots Doc Martin that be pretty
3126s good oh wait I see it now is it always
3129s there no I just added
3131s it very well right CH you right M was
3134s where it was at yeah I should never have
3136s doubted
3137s you damn I got through the wall it's
3140s powerful helmets with a choker would go
3142s hard I totally oh my God you money I
3146s would
3148s spend damn okay so
3152s good that little classic plastic one
3155s with the little yeah you can give him
3156s like a little collar that says like a
3158s collar yeah Taylor that's a different
3160s area listen chat a whole different
3163s cosmetic he's like a pet okay nothing
3165s else that's also a different
3167s cosmetic not like
3170s that I'm not yucking your yum I'm just
3172s he's very sweet and innnocent we haven't
3175s gotten there yet
3177s Warframe me alone someone in chat said
3181s it would say subsume me on it stoping
3185s [Laughter]
3189s me someone going to steal that
3193s idea hel in the romance DLC listen R
3197s didn't mention dating Sim I don't know
3199s into it yeah give me some options
3202s Reb give me some options listen I'm all
3205s for like body diversity in video games
3207s and in romantic characters and I think a
3210s giant floing pair of lips is that kind
3212s of diversity I need right up my street
3215s right on my alley yeah here for it let
3218s me kiss the wall baby that Tong ring ey
3221s you doesn't have aong okay no Tong too
3224s far too no oral Cosmetics no strictly on
3229s the outside
3232s yeah you can get him a little pet it's
3235s like Neopets how like your pet pet has I
3238s was thinking about Neopets the other day
3240s I think about it a lot saw me emailed
3242s today I didn't shut I think they're
3243s coming I think they're coming back shut
3244s up yeah they're like our old art is
3246s coming back what yes I wonder if my
3249s account still exists 100% And your pets
3251s are
3252s dying hunger but not in the real way
3254s yeah yeah they're just like going to be
3256s really sad when they see you it's been
3259s please mother you me 19 years work me
3262s P listen the grip that jelly Blobs of
3266s Doom had on my life as a child why can't
3269s I leave jelly Blobs of Doom what's that
3271s yeah it was a game in in neets oh what
3274s what was the game I don't remember um I
3276s don't know how to explain it it was uh
3278s you were a
3279s jelly uh one of the Neopets I forget
3282s what it's called anyway and you just had
3284s to like eat more jelly and you got
3286s bigger and then you could eat bigger
3287s Bobs of jelly it was great it was a
3288s great time uh I only know how to play
3292s the card game cheat from new that's
3295s literally how I learned to play it CU I
3297s could play five Aron look at
3301s that that was the best game yes dream
3303s girlly were on the same page Taylor
3304s why'd you leave no I didn't everyone
3308s left me we extracted with wait I'm
3311s coming wait I had to get the eyan star
3314s what the hell oh no I'm sorry damn
3318s she I got my six AR
3321s Crystal oh we should got an extra
3324s one can we get to VAR owl as a companion
3327s you know not a bad idea Nota spooky but
3330s not a bad idea G they've been sitting at
3333s extraction waiting for you I got really
3335s distracted thinking about helmet's uh
3337s BOTOX for a minute so Botox he would go
3340s to smooch you and his mouth his mouth
3342s would stay he mou would stay safe the
3346s same the same size I have any corx
3349s pieces baby we're cooking we're cooking
3352s with
3353s gas with G actually
3357s G uh okay what else do you need that's
3360s it oh I did it oh
3364s right well we can keep running relics
3366s for other friends for Danny Danny do you
3369s want to join there Warframe on the
3371s computer uh no but I'll trade you if we
3373s get systems oh I see we're saying I see
3375s we're saying I mean I would love to join
3376s but I also don't want to take a spot
3378s from someone who's watching so are you
3379s literally online right now um I don't
3381s know can you be online I don't know is
3383s there Warframe on this will you be
3384s online online you're you're online at
3387s your desk oh I'm online at my desk yeah
3389s no sorry we'll get you some we'll get
3390s you oh my God or time that's a good
3393s point that's right we still have all the
3394s other ones yeah there you go sorry uh
3396s anyways uh down to join for relics G3
3399s nor okay okay wait Taylor did you get it
3404s oh no I didn't I'll come back I send you
3407s invite thank
3409s you uh all right slacker what you got
3412s you said I beg don't beg no begs
3417s and before streamer luck runs out for
3420s dny yeah thank you uh grumpy pants and
3423s North raw by the way for giving us your
3426s luck that was it was all you it was all
3428s you all right what do we oh I have so
3430s many excelra relics I
3433s am I'm in it I'm in it to win it go I'm
3437s going to get my um cool
3442s back and uh what do you have for excel
3445s nothing I got Zippity doodah but do you
3448s have relics oh yeah probably yeah
3451s totally probably all right what do we
3453s got that is a rare we got a common let's
3457s do lith
3458s [Music]
3460s C1 Li C oh that's a little
3466s 11 what did you almost just dump
3470s something someone um I don't know who
3473s made this image and post it in the desp
3475s but it
3476s is it's wild someone sending you art
3480s Trav Trav of course course all right
3485s we're doing a lith we got a
3489s exterminate let's go them
3493s exter
3498s inate okay okay okay okay fair
3501s well he going to say feed me seeyour
3505s actually chat one year made me uh name
3507s my helmet Seymour currently it's nurgle
3513s Nur I think that's a uh Warhammer
3516s reference couldn't tell you chat can you
3519s correct me couldn't tell you can you
3521s confirm or
3522s gener that that is a Warhammer
3526s reference 40K yeah is that the same
3530s thing yeah you know you're right you're
3531s right it took me a minute to is there a
3532s Warhammer and then a Warhammer 40K are
3534s they the same thing is it all I don't
3536s even know what a nurgle is I I can can I
3538s cannot offer any other Insight unfortun
3541s said that to do that order in real life
3545s no wait who's Piccolo
3548s 9 who the hell is Piccolo 9 I think they
3551s just grab they just
3554s hello oh I don't have SE that's okay
3556s come on in sorry pickle me their a
3560s fashion F earlier so maybe they just oh
3562s that oh that was their steex yeah hot it
3565s was a good STX yeah worth it they they
3569s 40K just means the year 40,000 what
3571s they're living in the future oh yeah and
3573s it's like super super sad and like awful
3576s oh yeah that's
3578s depressing literally be dead yeah I
3581s would be
3584s too do you guys want to do another plot
3586s prize I would love to okay I would love
3589s this one to break my eardrums um I'm not
3592s going to do that in a good or a bad way
3594s though I already CR I cranked it down
3597s I'm scared come on I got bad eyes give
3599s me some bad
3601s ears just blind
3603s me blind me 1,000 Platinum going to the
3607s lucky twitch viewer with the name it's
3610s going to start with an L
3616s J this
3618s explains guys I don't know what's going
3620s on this explains everything
3623s yeah the power happening tonight Megan
3627s are you clear voyant or it's just that
3629s my headache is is actually made me more
3631s powerful it's cuz you're like burning so
3633s like your your brain is processing so
3635s much extra information my brain is
3636s leaking therefore I am R taking in
3639s information uh anyways
3642s LCD CDD LCD CDD congratulations you have
3647s won 1 th000 Platinum please whisper the
3649s Warframe twitch Channel you're watching
3650s right now in game alas platform you play
3652s warl will get you your 1,000 Platinum LC
3655s c d c
3657s DD damn I'm impressed with
3659s [Laughter]
3662s [Music]
3665s myself it's normal uh level for us but
3669s Danny like yeah middle it's the
3672s equivalent of standing right in front of
3673s the uh
3675s speaker the concert just holding on to
3678s the
3680s Blasted which is the best place but die
3685s drop chip
3687s die
3689s okay you stupid idiot I love how it just
3693s takes off like nothing's happening I
3695s know anyways kind of my
3699s throat got a little too aggressive this
3702s like what's the lot of numbers this week
3704s uh 4 90 wait what's the range I think
3707s it's like 85 1 to
3710s 85 I don't know is that true I've only
3713s I've literally bought lot tiet once in
3715s my life and that's all I know I've never
3717s done it I I I wouldn't know how I'm
3720s almost to the I'm always at the point
3721s where I'm old enough that I'm
3723s embarrassed that I haven't bought a
3724s lotto ticket and I refuse to go in there
3726s and be like how
3728s do how do make Lotto so I just thought
3733s that uh okay uh four mhm n oh wait he
3737s said 1 to 85
3739s four uh 17 wait how many numbers do I
3742s guess six you get six six yeah 4 17 okay
3748s 28 okay 49 nice
3754s 11 two that's it that's six okay I did
3758s it wow see our luck had to run out
3760s eventually would anyone like a Braton
3762s Prime
3763s barrel cuz they're for sale R thank you
3767s R you channeled all your luck by calling
3769s those numbers out yeah I'm out of luck
3771s guys I'm all out of luck no that's not
3773s the words rud just pinned the numbers in
3776s chat I Pinn it oh you Pinn it you posted
3778s it but let's pin it so no one miss wait
3781s if everyone does the same numbers that
3783s might be a little sus okay the
3784s government might come after me for
3787s that's true for like gambling or
3789s something I might I might get
3792s arrested I might get
3795s arrested anyways oh seven Gallum don't
3798s mind if I doity booster hell yeah what
3801s oh je told you my my luck is definitely
3804s run out got seven Gallum as a gift is
3807s that the Powerball numbers it's whatever
3808s you want it's whatever you need them to
3810s be yeah exactly numbers what do they
3814s mean but what do they mean all right we
3817s run it
3819s again we run it
3822s again if you get arrested and we win
3824s I'll fill your commissary you would't
3826s even like bail me out you just give me
3830s tampons what do you mean you can buy
3832s Ramen with it though oh that's not bad
3835s yeah I'd rather be out of jail but
3837s that's fine too well this is under the
3839s assumption that you get convicted
3841s because you have literal proof of
3844s you sharing it with your bra brain waves
3847s brine waves my brine waves your brind
3850s waves you're right you're right you're
3853s right you're right you're right I do I
3855s would love some warfame is just jjk but
3857s in space is this true accurate really I
3860s mean think about it I don't know
3862s anything about jjk other than you're
3864s obsessed with it
3865s and there's curses apparently oh there's
3867s curses curses wait is that why they were
3871s curses that's what I'm saying do you
3873s know who our creative director is you
3874s know what I'm saying you I'm saying
3876s inspiration comes from the wildest of
3878s places you know what I
3880s mean and then I mean we have
3884s vessels in the game
3887s [Music]
3889s vessels hi
3891s re she also just said cease at once 's
3895s that
3897s once I think we're getting a seent
3898s assist from Rebeca if I go to jail it's
3901s it's not from the lotto numbers it's
3903s it's from Rebecca
3905s for pinning me for fraud yeah oh if
3909s anyone could like frame you for a crime
3911s it would be rip it would be rip I could
3913s frame her right back but yeah it would
3915s be rip we frame each other usually a
3918s sure destruction yeah we' be in jail
3920s together like well we've done this to
3923s ourselves very well very well although I
3926s don't really know how to do a season
3928s assist but I could learn yeah I would
3930s learn just for you
3932s Reed I did not reveal the numbers of the
3934s fish andachi sequence although I think
3937s 11 isn't one of them is it
3941s anyways anyways oh we got to go all the
3944s way back oh my God Taylor very important
3946s question for up did you name your helmet
3948s scale so you can feed him magical items
3951s did rev ask that yes no his name is V uh
3956s because I have a v Shrine on it from
3958s years ago but it's a new year a new me
3961s you know maybe
3964s rename um is Gail your man oh yeah oh
3968s what's the other guy starts with an H H
3970s that's not your boy he's
3972s nice wow just got friend zoned so fast
3976s he's a nice man uh but yeah I don't know
3979s if you saw but I was recently at rep's
3981s house and she she made me watch her beat
3984s the game
3986s and uh oh she beat it hell yeah she beat
3987s it yeah um interesting ending um as well
3993s uh she showed me the uh the devil's
3997s house oh
3999s yes yes I learned some things I won't
4002s say them out loud but learn it's a
4003s phenomenal game ra Raphael oh my gosh
4007s and the boss fight music if she show me
4010s that appears she told me that I had that
4012s on repeat for weeks I I would just if I
4015s had to do something I was like I'm right
4016s I know it's going to pump me up and it's
4018s this song right here so good I'm just I
4021s I ordered the uh deluxe edition for Xbox
4024s so I'm just like I'm I'm holding out for
4026s that to arrive because oh you ordered
4029s the physical yeah I ordered the physical
4031s with all like all the fun stuff oh right
4033s okay I'm waiting
4035s oh oh
4037s nice Reb we've had such bad luck tonight
4040s it's insane this is such a the first
4042s thing we've ever gotten and it's a com
4044s blessing that we have finally let's
4046s unpin the numbers now because people
4047s don't know what these are for sorry Chad
4049s I was guessing the
4051s lottery guessing the lottery that's all
4053s it's all wrong though don't try it we're
4055s talking about fortnite yes I've heard
4057s you can hit grites and also Gojo in
4060s fortnite go and uh other characters such
4065s as
4066s Levi what a game reab why don't and Goku
4069s most importantly and most importantly
4070s Goku why don't we have when Warframe in
4073s fortnite listen or one fortnite in
4075s Warframe where's the crossover Reb it's
4077s 2024 this is your wheelhouse this is you
4081s I want to slash Dash on some kids bro
4083s are you kidding me or like the Lotus
4085s hitting the gritty what more did you
4088s want R come on come on ask John fortnite
4094s who's John fortnite is that a real
4096s man is that is that the owner of
4099s fortnite think she joh fortnite don't I
4102s don't know man do you know John
4105s fortnite uh okay so we have the
4109s blueprint um do I have void traces I got
4112s a few do you have more excelra relics oh
4115s I got so many yeah that's always oh you
4118s do you do I got so many you're right
4120s you're right um what do you want to do
4122s we can do axi meso or Neo what do you
4124s feel I am three away from being able
4128s to radiant so I will wait oh what we
4131s should do we should go for uh whatever
4134s ever the common acarus one is
4137s acarus the answer to that is the axi D5
4142s D5 does anyone have D5 can I get a
4146s D5 axi D did not spell that right axi
4151s D5 one business meeting please with John
4154s fortnite and Fred Warframe Fred Warframe
4156s huh Fred Fred doesn't seem like a that's
4159s my grandpa's name that's my cousin's
4161s name really yeah I love the name Fred
4163s that's what I wanted to name a dog for
4165s many years but now I can't now I can't
4170s we can yeah godamn yeahh all right axi
4175s we go on axi what do we got Arthur
4177s Warframe that's the or Steve Warframe
4180s but there is an Arthur yeah I'm just
4182s saying Steve Minecraft already exists so
4184s Arthur Warframe makes sense to me Arthur
4186s up next axi
4189s dous kilus says Taylor's cousin is
4192s Megan's Grandpa
4195s we cousin's my grandpa yeah he's real
4198s old damn old are
4200s you Angel oopsies Fred's a great name I
4205s would also a great no offense my grandpa
4207s I love him but also a good dog name
4209s right also Frank as well Frank oh CL
4212s wiener dog Frank oh come on come on
4216s actually um obviously my dog's name is
4218s not this but I do have a weird dream of
4223s having a dog and his name is handsome
4226s that's adorable like handsome my little
4228s handsome boy little handsome boy anyways
4231s that's way better than my dream of
4232s naming a dog
4236s spaghetti what actually you know that's
4238s kind of cute it's especially it has to
4240s be like a curly haired dog you know what
4241s I mean like call Spaghetti oh Eddie
4244s spaghetti Eddie oh you could get another
4246s one like the amount of
4249s nicknames you could do Alfredo you could
4251s do me all of it that's not it's a great
4254s you could have a family of pasta you
4255s could have L fet fet little CH yeah I do
4259s also want to name a cat pistachio and I
4261s have a cat yeah already named cashew so
4264s clearly it's a thing nuts and pasta baby
4267s that's all I want that's my household
4269s yeah I like it nothing but
4272s pasta but
4274s pasta good it's good terrible I like it
4277s no I love it I love it what are we doing
4279s the next standing family will be the
4280s pastor family listen the in or close
4282s enough they're Italian Italian they are
4285s Italian they have some carb loading
4289s features in there they're large hands
4292s allow them to spin the pasta Fork really
4294s easily they're making raviolis all day
4297s oh yeah hand press I guarantee you the
4300s amount of incredible food that
4302s grandmother would make oh absolutely
4305s she's bringing the baked goods oh she's
4307s like handmade pasta oh yeah she's making
4309s her own sauce marinating it for days
4311s 100% yep she's got a whole full like
4315s cold Cell full of pasta sauce andar just
4318s Jarred up jams saces I'm so hungry what
4322s have I done we're good we're good I mean
4324s you do talk about food every time I know
4326s we sorry we talk about it's all right
4328s it's all right um but yeah honestly
4329s andate family probably best family to
4331s invite to like a dinner yeah definitely
4334s you don't want to do cedus because
4336s they're bringing weird fish and weird
4338s wall meat uncooked meat to your dinner
4342s yeah not about it Fortuna I think they
4344s subsist on nuts and bolts oh my God you
4347s know
4348s what
4352s the because they have such raw meats the
4356s cedus are the raw meats people trck
4358s board oh I mean go ahead go ahead sorry
4361s uh no the um the ghouls are just uh
4364s suffering from salmonella oh salmonella
4367s yeah they're the the cell Manila poison
4369s uh honestly SE members too much yeah
4373s theye K cooking you got to cook that
4375s chicken you you cannot have chicken
4378s shashimi okay no matter what people tell
4381s you people do yes it's a thing that they
4385s sell at tourists I think in Japan and
4387s like the Japanese Health Ministry has
4389s come out and being like please do not
4390s eat this please stop eating raw chicken
4393s yeah this is not good for
4397s you I wouldn't put it past uh sir conu
4400s to maybe not fully cook the chicken no
4404s for he's going for that efficiency he
4406s speed yeah he's the kind of person who
4409s like will microwave a potato instead of
4411s like you know yeah he's like yeah you
4414s just stick the steak in the microwave
4416s for 15 minutes and it's good
4418s enough medium rare never hurt nobody
4422s didn't all right we got this it's going
4424s to be perfect this is it we got another
4428s one fresh fresh chicken could be
4431s slightly
4432s undercooked and I and I oop indeed this
4436s is the first RNG blessing we've had all
4439s night it's crazy finally chicken tart oh
4444s Lord all
4446s right I think we're going to take a
4447s little
4448s break we're going to move on to maybe
4450s some other things yes what do you think
4453s perfect okay but before we move on to
4455s Fan Art capture uh the likes of those
4457s fun things we do have a fun Creator
4460s video by the one the only you know him
4464s as the Irish with a very very early
4468s bedtime tactical
4470s potato uh and in the event of being
4474s blessed with G Prime in our presence
4476s this Prime access is live uh they put
4478s together a lovely little video about a
4481s wonderful G Prime build so if you maybe
4484s got your G Prime maybe you've been
4485s blessed and you're looking for a build
4487s for G Prime tactical potato has got you
4490s roll the clip Danny he is the complete
4492s package when it comes to to warframes he
4494s is a fast frame he can strip armor he
4496s has damage reduction he can be built as
4499s a weapons platform to boost your weapon
4501s damage he can be built as a room nuke
4504s and his abilities all synergize really
4506s well with one another you do not need to
4509s subsume another warframe's ability onto
4512s him in order for him to be good although
4514s some players still do that to I guess
4516s amplify some of his abilities you could
4518s add Roar for a better weapons platform
4520s you could add nourish to help with your
4522s energy regen add silence for better
4524s damage as well and add chyen capill like
4526s me for an area of denial since it is
4529s going to be a ranged build again he is
4531s already the complete package now this is
4534s my gaus Prime he focuses on high range
4537s thermal Su and a 100% upkeep of red line
4541s while having a constant energy regen so
4543s let's go over how I've modded him or how
4546s I play him or how to optimize him for
4548s your own play style and where you can
4550s Farm all of his parts and Relics
4554s what a cliffhanger so good just kidding
4558s uh the full video is obviously on
4559s Youtube it'll be linked in the YouTube
4560s description for this stream but of
4562s course you can just go to YouTube search
4564s tactical potato and watch a plethora of
4566s his videos including that one if you'd
4568s like to learn more about how to Nuke
4570s your enemies as GH Prime incredible it's
4572s a good one okay fan art capture are you
4576s ready Taylor yes all
4582s right are you okay oh my godar you could
4587s be you it could be me it could
4590s be anybody all right I'm doing it she's
4593s going first number one we're doing fan
4595s art
4596s oh let's go sorry let me get this page
4599s over so I can see it I was prepared but
4602s clearly was not this is by Pink sugary
4604s doll on uh Tumblr and of course it's the
4608s beautiful frost haa with literally abs
4611s of steel like the most
4614s steel metallic ABS I've ever seen I like
4617s how he has like the the like well hot
4620s air cold air whatever oh yeah like the
4623s steam he's so hot it's beautiful
4626s steaming fantastic posture everything
4629s all trly better posture than I am that's
4631s for sure I know like
4635s shrimp so good uh next up we have the
4639s brutalist and the ballerina I've been
4641s seeing this work in progress on Twitter
4643s and I'm just like waiting cuz I don't
4644s want to like expose their work in
4645s progress to the world so so good this is
4648s from Shu Shu on Twitter absolutely
4652s incredible I didn't know I shipped them
4655s but now I do it makes so much sense it's
4657s so good it's I just love the like the
4658s delicate dancer with a concrete
4661s brutalist yeah but she's not that delic
4663s CU she literally explodes everything
4665s with electricity and I feel like he
4667s would be only one of the warframes that
4670s would survive that that's right he
4672s handle it he's got it he's the only one
4674s alive after she murders everyone
4676s phenomenal
4678s romance next up we have
4681s uh wake up call is Sanderson this is
4684s Rita Sanderson so this is Lloyd and this
4687s is a any cat owner will know the
4689s experience of it's 5:00 a.m. I'm hungry
4693s please feed me time to get up is this
4695s your life no oh your cats do not wake
4699s you up in such a manner they do not wow
4701s I know I know I don't know what happened
4703s I'm not complaining we're not even going
4705s to jinx it yeah put it into into the
4707s universe they're great they're great but
4709s what do you mean why does it look like
4710s Megan what do you mean he has a mustache
4713s come on or the cat do I look like the
4717s cat is that it I was trying to be
4720s Lloyd you be Lloyd I'll
4725s be that terrible okay next up we have um
4731s wo by altered silicone oh I love them
4736s smoochi smoochies I love them love their
4738s love so beautiful so I love how they did
4741s a Albert's facial hair I do do too yeah
4744s look so fuzzy phenomenal and then um
4748s from po bag on Twitter they did Loki
4752s Loki there are so many warframes that
4754s they've just drawn recently uh Loki was
4755s the first one I saw but I just think he
4756s looks so snazzy it's it he's he's giving
4760s snazzy right it's been a minute since
4762s I've seen some lowy fan art like I would
4765s he's like asking you to dance with him
4767s you know what I mean so good you see him
4769s across the ballroom your eyes mean yeah
4772s or your eyes meet his fate he doesn't
4775s have eyes but well no his eyes are all
4776s the way out here that's true he's
4778s looking everywhere that guy like a
4780s hammerhead shark he's really scoping the
4782s dance floor over those eyes you yeah
4785s you're not quite sure if he's the one
4786s you're looking at but that's like are
4788s you pointing at me yeah uh next up we
4791s have from cheru Ax on
4793s Twitter this is complete wh flash this
4797s is uh give on to the void with nef ano I
4800s just it's also been a hot minute since
4803s we've SE seen nefo and I love the art
4806s style this seems like a really cute kids
4807s cartoon yeah or like I mean cartoon yes
4811s but like it reminds me of like something
4813s I'd see at like Teleton after
4815s dark weird weird show the best way
4819s possible big love so good um and then we
4823s have more Loki fan fan art actually this
4826s is the received by Loki by Alix on
4831s Twitter which is just so cool I love The
4834s Gunshot going through the decoy head and
4836s like he's like hacking like just over
4839s his arm like it's so he's just so cool
4842s oh that's so cool he's absolutely decoys
4845s really get get the brunt of situation
4847s but they're not real it's fine this just
4848s like makes it feel so much like it's a
4851s an actual spy mission you know what I
4852s mean like you your decoy against the
4854s world yeah um and then we have I don't
4857s know if this counts as van art but I did
4859s it anyway uh someone made a claw machine
4861s in their Dojo so this is from DV DJ
4865s pavka on Reddit this is just one
4867s screenshot M um but they have like
4870s floofs in there and there's like an
4871s iatan oh so it's like the as the the
4874s claw itself like oh that's so smart I
4876s love the Box are like all of the details
4878s are phenomenal um so it's so good I and
4882s then I bth if we could have one I can we
4885s make this please please let me have a
4887s claw machine I don't know the idea of
4889s doing a claw machine with Warframe flu
4892s is just genius in
4894s general so good that's that's that's so
4897s smart I see L said that in a Dojo oh
4900s you're right this is in their personal
4901s quarters which is almost harder because
4904s they just have to use decorations damn
4906s damn even cooler than we originally
4909s cooler though love it sorry um and then
4912s we have next up from
4916s Carl so unreal it's my nightmare the
4919s hydroid featured dri if Fe terrain
4922s drifter uh versus the Z Lloyd um and I
4925s love like The Drifter in the back like
4927s this looks like something from Star Wars
4930s or you know what I mean like a Sai movie
4933s yeah absolutely so good and hydro
4935s looking buff I know he's to chop his
4938s brain off but yeah get him I love it I I
4940s feel like the Zid is
4943s underrated you know what saying more Zid
4946s moreid perfect um and then speaking of
4950s just beautiful things oh
4953s hard this is from system Rift I grabbed
4956s it on Tumblr but I think they also
4957s posted it on Twitter they did I saw it
4958s on Twitter oh so good our boy just so
4962s good I cannot wait so so much to learn
4965s with this
4966s one and then we have a section of gaus
4968s prime art of course so we have from n
4972s yeast oh he's so fast I love The Little
4975s Speed lines he's just zooming he's ready
4978s to go this is like seconds before
4981s disaster you know you see this and then
4983s all of a sudden he's right in front of
4984s you it's great and then this is uh
4987s rabbit Boy by rui Yaki I remember that I
4993s love snake bites and that's all I can
4995s think of when I see this image BR to I
4997s know that's what I was saying it's was
4999s like Hot Topic what so good no no green
5001s earth green earth that's all the
5004s piercings anyway I just thought he was
5006s so cute and all the little bunny
5008s references cuz he's got little ears it's
5010s like my I don't know I I didn't really
5011s ever see it before even though like even
5014s his Deluxe skin I know it's based off of
5016s like um Hermes Hermes and it is a bit
5020s rabbit but like this is now now that
5023s I've seen this and there's other art out
5024s there as well of like with the rabbit
5026s little things and I'm just like now I
5028s can't unsee it and I love it uh this is
5032s not specifically Prime but I thought it
5034s was so funny so this is lyd what is this
5037s phone thing and why is there a snake in
5039s it um and apparently this is inspired by
5041s an image of Piccolo from Dragon Ball who
5044s has like a cell phone and just holds it
5045s like this and it is I just thought it
5047s was very funny the thought of like
5049s warframes playing with uh the technology
5051s that they find in Lloyd's Workshop
5053s brings me joy so this is by Drax on
5056s Twitter by the way amazing oh sorry this
5058s is by re reron reron on Twitter the next
5063s one is by drawbacks on Twitter and this
5065s is them their oo giving Power Ranger
5069s right total bumblebee they said g Prime
5071s is around the corner I cannot express
5072s the attachment I have for this boy he's
5074s always there for me to brighten up my
5075s days and give me countless hours of funs
5077s so I love my gos myal Spitfire and this
5080s is they actually posted other images on
5082s their Twitter um of their gal and it
5085s looks like one to one it's so good I
5087s love that bumblebee Vibes bumblebee
5089s Vibes indeed and then on our Twitter we
5092s might have mentioned mentioned that
5093s there's some Lunar New Year stuff coming
5094s up so some art because it's related to
5097s it so Year of the
5100s Dragon for some reason we we talked a
5103s lot about this last Prime Time about
5105s Chinese zodiacs we learned a lot it's
5107s actually the year of the wood Dragon
5108s apparently every year also has an
5110s element of like wood
5113s fire I am a metal goat metal goat that
5118s is very fitting considering your shirt
5120s thank you like I said it just it it it
5122s uh it all wait Danny what are you oh
5126s okay okay okay no not the a Metal
5128s Rooster oh I'm a water
5131s rooster I'm if you're here last week
5134s it's deja vu all over again I'm a
5136s swimming chicken is cuz you're 1993
5138s right as well okay so we're both water
5140s roosters water roosters ta let's go for
5143s a little
5144s swim
5146s absolutely um and then I got I lost
5150s track of time uh I lost where I was but
5153s now we have um this incredible piece of
5158s uh 3D printed art yeah yeah they posted
5161s so this is on noisy the silent on
5163s Discord in our fan art section they
5165s posted like multiple images of them
5166s assembling it and all that stuff I love
5169s the lighting like the light work is that
5171s is that lit up is that some LEDs I don't
5173s know either or it looks so good I need a
5176s banana for scale as I can't tell if
5178s anything's big or small but I mean I
5180s feel like that's a table and that's a
5181s chair in the background
5183s it looks pretty true size although this
5184s could be a Barbie table and a Barbie
5186s chair so you know it's hard to tell
5188s that's true anyways either way is known
5190s to make that kind of stuff either way
5192s very cool um and then also from Discord
5196s I saw this and it just I thought it was
5198s so Charming so someone made a Lego Gus
5201s look at his big old hands I know he's
5203s got big hands but I just thought it was
5205s so Charming uh this is by vom on Discord
5207s I love it when people find different
5209s ways to like bring Warframe to life so
5211s chef's kiss and and then the final be
5216s oh God can we insert that clip of reev
5220s saying
5221s kachow kachow is what it says there
5224s kachow where it's really it's really
5228s Fain I never saw that this is by Iris yo
5231s who conveniently is also the person who
5233s drew our pride art last year so thank
5235s you it makes sense it's all making sense
5238s 10 out of 10 yes that's right 10 out of
5241s 10 good
5243s I love the prime um and then why on the
5246s wheels it's all all together it's great
5249s that's all I got a small amount a small
5253s amount just 20 pieces of Van art love it
5256s I love to see it all right we go into
5258s the land of captur something I could
5260s never do but I strive to be as a captura
5263s artist speaking of a capture artist
5265s first and foremost we have from Deuce
5268s Warframe do do I can never say it
5271s properly Anarchy gra ivara so good just
5275s a stunning piece of work and uh there's
5279s a bit of a theme I don't know why but a
5282s lot of GRA capturo out there in the wild
5284s right now I is so good that's why gra is
5286s one of the best tenens around town m
5288s andar one top so good she got that
5292s helmet ain't no one hit she's holding
5293s like the vcar it's cool love it very
5296s military oh yes next up we have from Ron
5300s Prime they did a c green Violet
5304s captura really taking the gems to Heart
5307s here and I love it I love how she has
5310s zero brains just rock of course just gem
5314s that's the way to that's the way to live
5316s TR who need brain when you have gem yep
5318s and a sick Signa it's the same as de
5321s goth no face no problem she where does
5324s her brain go tough to say anyway who's
5327s to say I know someone said does this
5329s make renle a Mater and I'm dying does it
5333s make what um from cars
5337s if light it does does he's made her
5342s that's so perfect that is perfect
5344s someone needs to give grindle's belly a
5346s little snaggle tooth now yeah so cute
5349s please don't sue his Pixar anyways uh
5352s moving on with captura we have from Eve
5354s captura this was titled breaking and
5356s entering damn and there's there's always
5359s something about the ghoul saw that's
5361s just so like violent I mean obviously
5364s it's a it's a chainsaw bike but like can
5368s you imagine someone breaking an enter
5369s into your house with a ghoul saw I would
5371s die I would be dead yeah I'm done be
5374s take take whatever you want yeah we got
5376s Wisp and a velure but I'm dead from
5378s looking at that ghoul saw and that's God
5380s scary although I love three women
5382s breaking an enery okay you just like
5385s five more and you got oceans
5387s 8 I'm
5389s sorry let's move on I've never seen an
5392s ocean mie I'm just guessing I'm like
5395s there's probably eight of them right I
5397s think there's 11 well there's Oceans 11
5398s but that's the guy one is there 11
5401s people I don't know is there 11 oceans
5405s oh uh how many but I thought Oceans 11
5409s was the first one yeah and then oceans 8
5411s I thought was they go backwards anyways
5414s Totally Spies wow that's oh that's a
5417s good point except they uh definitely
5419s don't use chainsaws but no that's could
5422s never this is so this is from enus
5424s Warframe it's titled rapid fire
5426s intimidation which is honestly a good
5429s name for like an augment or something so
5431s putting that one on the old canoodle uh
5433s but it's very I love a black and white
5435s piece it's very very stoic of who uh
5440s Mesa is just love her perfect she comes
5442s with her own face mask absolutely she's
5445s she knew Co was happening she knew she
5448s knew that's a conspiracy right there
5450s let's move on speaking of
5453s tickets bro not broim bro sign this is a
5460s wild G honestly I appreciated the like
5463s lavender purple white just like
5466s delicious pastelis the cumulus candana
5469s is just so good the little Cloud
5471s marshmallow piece on his back it's very
5473s marshmallow so marshmallow I love it I
5475s do appreciate it it's like candy big old
5478s piece of candy 100% And he's using the
5480s Dex armor as well mhm love it
5483s little it next up we have from this is
5486s from gingi the kid and this is their
5488s ghost Prime yeah this guy this guy right
5491s here it's a it's a me I'm the meme of
5495s I'm broken in your lab or something
5497s because I think that's the lab I it's
5500s giving like recreating the Prime trailer
5502s which I thought was really cool the
5503s Corpus in the background there but
5504s booped on the nose uh loved it just love
5507s it cute uh next up we have from it's
5511s your boy Beast with another Gus Prime
5514s although Gus um is that the gra yep yeah
5517s Gus gra helmet there but with the G
5520s Prime skin and a whole bunch of
5522s Cosmetics looking good just underrated
5525s all those all those gra stuff next up we
5528s have from broken
5531s dream I my God love this look it's
5537s giving tranquil but also I will stab you
5539s with this you know it's
5541s very Lucy Lou from like Charlie's Angels
5545s no from Kill Bill is she not in
5547s Charlie's Angels no I know sorry I was
5550s oh sorry yeah yeah yeah you know she
5552s like Lucy L's character in Charlie's
5554s Angels yes when like it's the scene when
5556s she's like sitting in her garden and
5557s there's like the sound of the little
5559s water thing going anyway this is she's
5561s about to kill you it's giving Lucy Lou
5563s yeah I love in a good way
5564s love it's giving
5567s Lucy next up we have from six gatsu
5572s this is the ivara scy skin scy scy
5576s however you'd like to pronounce that uh
5577s they have a little diddy I think it's
5579s just the description of what the skin is
5580s and kind of giving a little bit of a
5582s little background into the skin but one
5584s of my all-time favorite skins is this
5586s it's giving her Huntress it's giving her
5588s lethal Arrow catniss could never
5593s skin and I love it Great Piece it's so
5596s great and last but not least in captura
5600s today we have from skeptic flesh bro go
5604s to a doctor I don't think that's helping
5606s your
5608s beding although it's tattoo so maybe
5610s it's not blood but anyways that is crazy
5613s such a simple piece but very impactful
5617s yeah oh very impactful capture getting
5619s chills stop looking at me like that
5622s anyways that is all the capture and fan
5623s art that we have
5625s today incredible all right we do have a
5628s lovely Dojo video as you would like to
5630s do here feature a little Gojo perhaps on
5633s other platforms such as Xbox so we have
5635s an Xbox ghost clan the demons within and
5639s this is not only their first time
5640s feature but there's only five decorators
5643s in this clan oh my God here we go
5645s Welcome To Death Valley that's a name oh
5649s dear oh my god oh oh Ronnie my goodness
5653s I know oh not the tentacle not the
5656s tentacle all right it's
5658s icy it's where death happens in this
5662s Valley is death got all the blood giving
5665s yeah it's like blood or oil spill either
5666s or not good all right Death Valley I
5669s will not be booking my flight there I
5672s will not be coming on vacation this is
5674s Asgard we got a little bit of Thor we
5677s got a little bit of loky a little bit of
5680s Asgard
5681s oh I love that big boy oh even bigger
5686s boy it's G me you got a portal I love
5690s the portals let me see it but where's
5691s the the bridge down
5694s oh I have motion sickness I know she's a
5698s cinematographer it's true she really is
5700s she's really using that cam
5704s wow oh things for sale a nice little Mar
5707s uh this is attraction of Carnage damn
5709s Carnage Carnival oh I don't think I want
5712s to go on that roller coaster I do it if
5714s it's called Carnage Carnival you're
5716s going on that roller coaster I do it Dam
5720s oh my not the sky tower Sky Towers draw
5723s the line line coaster yes dropping from
5726s Heights no thank you I will not be doing
5729s that this looks like
5732s a this is oh it's like a haunted like a
5734s spooky thing oh what is
5737s twister
5739s Jesus this is not my type of theme uh
5743s and this I think is the Star Wars room
5746s General toobi I see it I see it is that
5748s you down there okay we're making
5752s ships it's the loading Bay oh at8 oh
5757s he's so cute wow he's so cute
5761s wow a TIE fighter yeah I can like hear
5763s oh it's it so good funny uh that was the
5767s Xbox ghost clan the demons within again
5769s they're first time feature so
5770s congratulations thank you so much for
5772s participating in these Dojo contests
5774s that we have to be featured in the dojo
5776s feature star chart and also only five
5779s decorators so crazy kiddos to you my my
5782s friends uh and then we're going to do a
5784s live PC Dojo tour would you like to be
5788s toured along I will I will just watch
5791s all right wow clan people
5794s 660 oh I see I see I see oh my god look
5797s like cat with a hat oh that's so cute la
5802s oh this is the one that Zack did last
5803s week and he didn't realize it was
5805s French oh there we Go's favorite Is This
5809s Love uh anyways we're going to the ghost
5815s clan oh oh wait we are going here I
5818s guess so wait why is it titled people no
5821s people is the first
5822s one oh this might be the
5826s allar conf yeah oh oh yeah that's the
5830s allar I think got it that's the allar
5831s you're right you're right you're right
5832s you're right Taylor you're right first
5834s time in my life
5836s no no all right we're going to the PC
5839s ghost clan people another first time
5841s featured Dojo look at my little hands uh
5844s we're going to hopefully start in the
5846s spawn
5848s room open oh hello Excalibur you looking
5852s green anyways he poisoning here we have
5855s the spawn room open space called Dojo
5857s defense all right we're fighting oh yeah
5860s okay we oh flexing your
5865s trophies look at that gold baby stunning
5868s excuse you
5870s Denny oh oh you going to talk to me I'm
5873s going to buy I'm going to buy yes so
5875s there you go if you need to purchase
5876s stuff I got 27 splinters what should I
5878s buy so many things so many things
5881s actually haven't bought actually
5882s anything I should probably do that you
5883s got time I got lots of time February
5885s 15th listen I thought I had time to buy
5887s the makeship and then I forgot so don't
5890s forget oops don't forget all right we
5892s got a sick bike oh hell yeah oh my those
5896s Wheels my mic fell
5900s off hello oopsies oh we got some some
5905s bolts some trading hello Mr
5907s Goldman we got some love oh
5911s Kaaka and I think that's giving scary
5915s those legs those are what sorry I did
5918s not mean to roll or scream that was very
5921s that was an accident it was a personal
5925s choice sorry it's giving SC sorry sorry
5931s they are frightening it's giving gun him
5933s a little bit okay um back to the
5935s transporter which is also I just love
5937s that on the map it's you can just see
5939s fibonacci's big ass head as is his right
5942s as is his his righteous right all right
5945s we are going to go to I'm good now Danny
5947s I don't know if you turn me back on okay
5949s okay oh there's Battle of the doo okay
5951s we got a
5953s battle almost fell
5956s again we got a a winged wait who are you
5959s battling me yeah it's you get ready me
5964s I'm not ready oh oh we oh this a ship
5967s are we firing fire the thrusters
5970s thrusters more
5972s feet
5973s favorite hey I'm just kid don't yuck my
5977s y I'm not
5980s is I mean they got four pairs of feet I
5982s know there's a lot of feet that was an
5984s unexpected amount yeah that was that was
5986s a bonus it's like a it's back here more
5989s feet more feet wait two six it's like a
5993s fragment you know six pairs of feet are
5996s we sure they're not hands at some point
5998s I mean I think
6001s yeah you tell me they
6005s both
6007s they they all look like feet to me I
6009s don't know I don't know what to tell you
6011s front feet back feet middle feet anyways
6015s a lot of feet I like it uh all right we
6018s are
6019s now how do I
6024s there it is there it is uh we're going
6025s to go to cyberpunk
6028s Fortune uhoh this is where you got all
6031s of your luck poers earlier let's go oh
6035s there's so many bikes that's a lot of
6037s bik it's a city you know there's cars
6039s everywhere oh my God there's there's
6040s parking there's upscale parking vertical
6043s oh a
6047s garage
6049s W I know that's valid but it's so funny
6053s what a dumpster hell yeah dumpster in
6055s the you got to you got to have Garage in
6057s there got to have a place thought of
6059s like you know the actual infrastructure
6062s of the city you know got to have good
6064s your garbage garbage disposal mhm just
6067s giving hot air balloon a little bit wow
6070s what's over here what is this this is a
6072s dojo this is on the PC Dojo ghost CL
6075s these floating bikes let go floating
6077s cars floating things amazing zo oh my
6080s God there're so oh there's a portal oh
6082s my God that looks so much like um Fifth
6084s Element something about it reminds me of
6087s it so much God absolutely absolutely
6092s yeah I can't hear
6095s it those
6098s Tunes oh yeah it's a VI oh God I can go
6101s in here what is this parking garage
6105s structure oh my goodness lelu Dallas
6110s multi
6112s wow very cool a lot of attention to
6115s detail I know what's your sewer system
6118s look
6119s like you got a garbage disposal that's
6121s what I'm saying you you thought about
6123s car storage you thought about you know
6125s waste disposal what's the next
6128s step I'm so it's like a valid question
6131s what are these guys doing they're
6134s welding cuz they're making a new a new
6137s new parking structure for this guy
6139s exactly get house I like it okay okay
6143s okay I've lost where the transporter is
6145s I think it was over here up here down
6147s here down here there it is perfect last
6150s room we're going to go to trans wait
6152s transport station
6155s people okay we're on the job we're on
6158s the clock oh oh that is not the
6162s transport station not what I was
6164s expecting j y
6168s OD it's like a train station was giving
6171s like Spirited Away train station when
6174s she loses her parents it's so good cuz
6177s if you if you go to the side I think
6180s there's actually train tracks over here
6182s yeah on both sides I think like all the
6184s way where I saw it on
6187s the these no no no like on the outside
6191s mayside maybe I thought there was train
6194s tracks am I crazy is like that see so I
6197s don't know how to get there oh look at
6198s the
6200s train
6203s get out of
6204s there stay off the
6207s tracks oh oh there's a second floor
6210s that's how you get up there okay wow I'm
6211s on the
6213s train mono means
6216s rail no wait mono means one and rail
6221s means
6223s rail is this a Simpsons reference it's a
6225s Rebecca
6227s reference next time you see re just say
6229s that okay so laugh oh here's the
6232s arrivals wow oh you can actually go in
6235s take a seat let's go next
6242s station exactly exactly everyone on the
6244s train get your
6246s spot sit
6248s down they're good straping straping make
6251s sure you're wearing your seat belt at
6253s all
6254s times kic pigeon come on yeah we got to
6258s sit guys there's too many people right
6261s oh my God sir please sir can you put
6265s your cigarette out it's too bright in
6268s here who smoking on the tree please no
6269s smoking on the train someone said you're
6272s mans spreading Megan me little bit I
6276s mean when you have 40 knives on you you
6278s kind of got to spread the cheeks a bit
6280s that's how you guarantee you get space
6281s on public transit that's for sure you
6284s got a man spread yeah sir no flash
6288s photography sir please sir oh okay
6291s Excalibur Prime Flex over there see you
6295s you paying for our trip over there sir
6298s all right well damn we're we're going
6299s somewhere ladies and gentlemen we are
6301s are you fighting here you showing me
6303s fist of cuffs love it all right we're
6306s going on a train ride anyways that is
6308s the PC ghost clan people first time
6311s feature we love to see first times again
6314s this could be you you would like to
6315s compete in our Dojo contest that we have
6318s every season seasonal sitting on a train
6322s it's great I would love to sit in your
6323s train please on stream please invite me
6326s to your train I would love to sit in
6329s your train
6331s okay what is this gathering in a barrel
6333s it's a train it's a train it's okay
6336s although someone brought a
6338s plant and is trapped in this
6341s train in their tomb they're dying in
6344s this train okay we have you could Blitz
6347s a couple Relic runs Danny for Danny
6350s we're doing this for Danny these are the
6351s Danny
6353s runs un we have top 10 we do have top 10
6357s I think we we still got time you have
6358s time we got time we got time I could
6360s have added the other 28 fan art I had
6364s you could I'm going to invite Danny and
6366s we're going to get two other people and
6367s so you need the systems Danny yeah
6370s that's it that's it that's all
6372s yeah oh my God I'm so excited oh
6376s baby nope uh we're looking meso H5 nope
6381s that's a Revenant what am I
6382s doing I thought it was the lith the
6385s systems yeah oh it is yeah systems rare
6389s sorry there's a lot going on I'll make
6392s it reading just for you list G9 okay we
6396s need two people to join us with a lith
6399s G9 Relic this is for Danny all the marbl
6402s for Danny yeah we we we betting High
6406s baby all on red for love I'm so
6409s excited this is this is what the
6412s blessings are made for lith G9 a c of
6415s pants I love you we're gonna get someone
6417s else in here give give someone else to
6419s go that is an it ah M Mia we got stuff
6424s what going on right now I'll whisper
6426s them oh okay great me I have G9 you got
6428s it karmic pigeon I got three G9 RADS
6432s okay bestie get in here oh my got a
6435s Christmas glimp love that so cute you R
6439s CLP look okay okay okay G9 baby this is
6443s for Danny I before I actually have an
6445s image to show you um from tow Phantom
6449s when Reb was in chot hold on let me just
6451s pop pop it on the screen right now this
6453s is when she
6455s was she came into chat and was giving us
6458s a Seas to good I Hope's still here I
6462s told R to send it to her because it's so
6464s good anyway carry on very cute all right
6469s baby lith G9 what's the squad saying de
6473s Sheen forget peeling oranges find
6475s someone who will get your missing Prime
6476s points for
6477s [Music]
6478s you that is this relationship Taylor I'm
6482s going I got EXC Taylor
6485s Taylor
6489s yes R we miss you on the streams don't
6491s worry there's a Dev stream next week
6494s January 26 Reb is hosting it because I'm
6499s out of here she's gone she gone she's
6503s coming back I'm coming back with a not a
6507s tan because your girl doesn't tan but I
6510s will try we try but anyway it's a Dev
6513s stream next week Friday January 26 Reb's
6516s going to be there other people will be
6518s there they're going to talk about
6520s Whispers in the walls and Beyond Beyond
6523s maybe talk about the next Warframe we're
6526s cooking over here ladies and gentlemen
6527s we're cooking there's a lot we got lots
6529s to talk about won't be for me cuz I
6531s won't be there but I I know I know up
6535s the
6536s things okay okay okay Danny I'm feeling
6540s good are you feeling good I'm feeling
6542s good I'm feeling real good I feel real
6546s good I feel the systems flowing through
6548s my system
6550s baby okay okay [ __ ] oh I don't
6554s think okay okay I feel too there's a
6557s heavy unit approaching I'm actually
6559s buzzing right now I can't
6561s die this is like the nicest thing
6562s anyone's ever done for
6565s me damn you don't have a lot of nice
6567s friends yeah I'm
6571s joking oh my God look at all these
6573s people hello please die please
6578s die where is everyone not where I am
6581s that's for happy birthday that
6584s Rodrigo birthday Rodrigo Rodrigo Rodrigo
6590s said I'm a Libra oh I don't think you're
6592s born in January I don't think
6595s so but I I don't know all I know is
6599s Virgo because that's me I know it is in
6601s October cuz I am a Libra well you should
6605s have spoken up sooner embarrass myself
6607s no no we're good you should know because
6609s that's rev star sign okay you know I'm
6612s now very embarrassed should she talks
6615s about it all the time so does she no oh
6619s sorry stop I don't know I've ever heard
6622s I know that was that was that was a of
6625s course how would you know how embarrass
6627s you yeah no no
6628s no make sure you get your reactant my
6631s friends react
6633s up react now react
6638s now we got to kill we got to kill we got
6640s to
6642s kill oh I found a don't come this way
6645s there's nothing over here wait there
6647s is wait what oh hi
6651s hello was it me was I the thing that was
6653s over here it was it was you that you are
6657s so sneaky Capricorn okay
6661s cap any viros in chat my dad was here
6665s you could you could be Virgo twins
6666s together is
6670s king oh
6672s yeah wait do you like disco is that a
6674s thing that all vero's like
6677s disco oh
6679s you're that L disco he's a disco guy
6683s whoops I got enemies after I was so
6685s excited when he said that at your
6686s wedding Taylor I was like it's disco
6688s time disco disco I tried to get him to
6691s share like to send me some of his disco
6693s songs so we could play it but he got got
6696s personal songs oh he is a DJ any we
6699s won't get into it we won't get into it I
6701s love it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh
6702s my
6706s God okay Scott now you can turn them off
6709s I'm joking
6711s there are no P I can't make the same
6714s joke again this was
6716s all and vir blessings excited for
6721s Danny and then whoever else wants on I
6724s guess on our team because now we have
6725s two I require 808 Platinum pleas oh my
6729s God what do you think I'm made of I need
6733s Platinum back I spent on
6735s Relic is what I mean I mean it's a fair
6737s trade rigged indeed honestly nah
6741s n now what else can you guys get me
6743s lottery numbers from earlier yeah do you
6745s remember the lottery numbers quick okay
6749s okay I feel like we could run like one
6756s more exal Aquarius oh I'm
6760s 99 traces oh no God that hurts uh okay
6766s it's fine um no wait we already did we
6769s get the common aaras yeah
6773s oh darn uh okay not that one oh my God
6777s there's two rares and a caras so me who
6780s did this so mean oh my
6784s God okay you know
6786s what I'm feeling spicy I'm going to the
6790s rare I'm going to prove to you no de
6792s packs we're going to run the aarius a
6796s naked naked a naked Neo a11 okay
6800s and we will not get we will not get it
6804s think it is the day was
6807s hatched all we're doing Neo Neo Neo Neo
6810s Neo Neo capture oh easy peasy nice and
6812s quick and
6815s squeezy wait is this right yeah no wait
6817s yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is that
6818s what I had no was it a curious no it was
6820s a curious don't be shy open your task
6825s manager that was certainly not no
6829s absolutely not okay we're running the
6832s only got one a11 that's what I'm saying
6835s sorry NE a11 intact baby oh we're all
6838s bring it intax I love it I love it or
6842s don't even bring one at all and really
6844s spice it up no neo A1 karmic pigeon you
6849s don't have to if you want to waste yours
6852s or sorry yeah I don't mean to waste your
6854s Relic yeah I'm just feeling chaotic
6858s that's all that's so I'm running we get
6862s this should we celebrate by giving away
6866s a g prob
6868s yeah exactly cuz that wasn't already on
6871s the menu for no like an extra oh an
6873s extra one we could if we get this aarius
6876s get this luck maybe maybe maybe we'll
6879s give way can't
6882s be we're bribing them now what if I
6887s trade you a chance chance one in
6893s 24,8 181 so many people
6897s chance could be you if you're blessed
6900s could be you first time back first Prime
6903s Time sit that come back welcome back
6905s thanks for being here I hope you are
6908s having a good Thursday wherever you are
6910s in the world maybe it's Friday where you
6913s are that's cool mm what's the weather
6917s like cold extremely cold I shouldn't say
6920s extremely same in Calgary has way more
6924s extremely we yeah that ain't right oh my
6928s God new
6930s Loca ma'am we're on a mission here yeah
6934s I don't have time for you I'm
6939s on I'm
6942s on
6944s I'm cold in six Ines of
6947s snow hope you got a to
6950s some gloves slapping on a med
6955s pack broke over 30 plus relics still
6958s don't even have the full set but have
6960s you been doing them with friends or like
6963s pre-made or has it just been pubs ra
6967s with
6968s pubs with
6970s pubs all right here we go to prove to
6973s you that RNG is a thing look at that
6977s what am I saying
6979s hey
6981s [Applause]
6982s I'll take that Remnant Prime chass as
6983s blueprint not going to lie I will be
6985s taking that oh thanks for the void
6987s traces I do need 10 of them I needed one
6991s okay who's ready for Top 10 com stream
6993s brought to by Ru and Danny yeah uh I'm
6996s going to try and make this Stinger not
6998s so loud let's see if I can do you want
7002s it playing with fire here we go I want
7006s it oh that's not too
7008s bad
7013s Huck a
7015s d Rue thank you Rue for assisting
7019s helping um man you guys were buckwell
7022s tonight um all right starting first with
7025s teni no shirt glyph no shoes glyph no
7029s service glyph
7031s oh that'd be good can't come in this
7033s establishment with those
7035s glyphs you're
7037s naked all warframes are you think well
7041s oh no they're just a meat suit so yeah
7043s yeah true just a suit ragna um thiss
7047s when Megan you were sitting next to the
7049s G
7051s floof um and your coolero was stabbing
7054s it yeah I didn't give him seven knives
7057s okay I didn't tell him to stab anybody
7060s well the man does what he wants to he
7062s did stand in front of the floof so don't
7064s stand in front of the floof if you are
7065s holding seven knives oh this one this is
7067s a very fun one where wolf Davis said
7070s next Christmas you should make those
7071s murmur enemies wear stockings on their
7073s foot seeds imagine them just stomping
7076s around we need to give them stockings
7078s little mitts oh and they can how the
7080s ones with the strings so they can only
7081s go so far you know they're like that's
7084s how they stay together
7086s actually and when they little floaty
7089s Santa hats oh my God yeah they need
7090s floaty Santa hats when they build as the
7092s fragmented they're Santa oh it's like
7095s every component of his suit you're
7096s making Santa oh my goodness kill you
7100s it's great it's
7102s Krampus you there you go I like it
7105s tripping um kylo said you should have
7108s just added the G Parts directly to the
7110s account would have been way less
7111s suspicious no I wanted to earn
7115s it I wanted to earn it properly and you
7119s did and I did no Shenanigans here no um
7123s bioh hybrid said Taylor has more
7125s domestic drones than the Enterprise has
7128s Tribbles I don't want to talk about it
7131s she's got a drone problem people keep
7132s sending them to me and so I have to put
7134s them in to my Orbiter do you know how
7136s many you've placed no I don't want to
7138s know it's a good problem all I know is
7140s that if I turn my game sound on it hurts
7142s my ears so it g it real low wait are you
7146s in your game right now looking at them
7148s yeah yeah yeah okay I'm going to go to
7149s you oh my that's scary Taylor quick
7154s Taylor turn away close the door they're
7156s exit you must keep them you have to keep
7160s I'm sorry you have to keep them
7162s contained I know but oh my God
7166s they your ship is Jack's breaking rail
7170s jackpot broken it's fine oh my goodness
7172s all right you got a clean chip you can
7174s at least say that that's true and then
7175s there's the few that get and they it's
7177s okay what was on the wall oh wait I'm
7180s debie wall I it's Pride wall yeah and
7184s then here if we're this is my Vore
7187s sh anyway we're gon to move on top 10
7190s top 10 top 10 top 10 uh oh God where
7193s were we okay uh snail's face
7196s said God what helmet have eyes up top or
7200s eyes on the side like a fish I also just
7203s think of like horses you know they have
7204s them on the side what would it okay come
7206s back oh my god let's get a visual shall
7210s let's get a Visual and V Al a hat yeah
7213s you does he says yha
7215s anyway yeah it says yha what about
7218s it is normal totally but I think the
7222s argument for like if you how do I like
7225s this area like we that little disgusting
7228s posture isn't it isn't it eyes in front
7230s mean that you're a predator and eyes on
7232s the side mean that you're right yeah cuz
7234s you can like you have better like 360
7237s Vision right you have peripheral proper
7239s peripheral really flat fish that only
7240s have eyes on one
7242s side oh no what if he's a big blob fish
7246s that's cute only time will tell yeah
7249s yeah predator with eyes on the side of
7251s oh no what is this his mouth is freaking
7253s me out
7257s we're all right uh where do we leave off
7260s all right Ben silencing jiujitsu kaisen
7263s curses Megan's fashion it all makes
7265s sense no Ben siling you are coming I did
7269s pick this one okay R well I did pick it
7272s out of the one
7275s g i Ben silencing Out For Blood it's
7278s okay we're both this together we're
7280s going to get a talking to later
7282s interesting interesting choices my
7285s friends interesting
7287s choices what's your name sorry Ben Sil
7290s okay okay interesting G gonna make that
7293s name true soon huh no interesting carot
7298s said Ben silencing see you in
7301s 2035
7303s yeah no well uh this was in regards to
7308s the fan art of um I can't remember which
7310s Warframe was holding the phone GS yeah
7314s it's technically oris's ancestor
7318s Grandpa that's friend great grandpa
7321s great grandpa is that you papa papa papa
7326s oh no wait not that papa no not that
7329s Papa oh my God that's so good oh man
7332s okay now we're getting in the the helmet
7335s conversations were out of control oh no
7338s brought out the feral yeah I Callin said
7340s wigs my helmouth needs an emotional
7343s swoop an emotional e be Emo yeah take
7346s him back to college turn him into um
7350s what's that who name is Helena oh oh
7353s Gerard Way both
7355s yeah My Chemical Romance yeah and then
7358s this
7359s next worry Soup said how many cc's in
7363s those oh no he would need a lot he would
7366s need a lot that's an expensive uh
7369s expensive filler job right there so many
7371s vials he needs he needs some CC's oh man
7374s lot of cc's in that bad boy well there
7376s you go we made it top 10 comments during
7379s the stream thank you Rue thank you Danny
7382s R hope you're feeling better my friend
7384s absolutely okay it is about that time of
7387s the night where we give away a gal Prime
7390s access and you know what we're going to
7392s give away two oh she because there were
7396s not Dev hacks and I just feel like
7398s blessing the people
7400s with two G Prime access this is so the
7402s first G Prime access is going to
7405s alphabetic Black Bear
7410s noetic althetic it's not long day it's
7414s two hours of
7416s streaming apathetic black bear
7420s congratulations you've won a Gess a
7422s prime access please whisper the Warframe
7425s twitch Channel you're watching right now
7426s in game alas platform you play Warframe
7428s on will get you your G Prime access
7432s apathetic black
7434s bear and let's run it again run it back
7437s my friends another G Prime going to a
7440s lucky twitch
7443s viewer maybe y there it is what letters
7447s we going to start with
7449s seven Taylor I don't know that was not
7452s it close uh cros cryos Creos
7456s congratulations you've also won a GS
7458s Prime access please whisper the Warframe
7460s twitch Channel you are watching right
7462s now with your in-game yellas plat for
7463s you play Warframe on and we'll get you
7465s your ghost Prim access cros that starts
7469s with a
7470s seven Megan I just Sor I don't know you
7474s see my feet i' just looked over and all
7476s I see is you kicking your Shrek Crocs
7479s under leg she's kicking her fees kick my
7482s Shrek
7483s CRS oh my God anyways all right it has
7487s been a lovely two hours with you thank
7489s you for blessing us with your presence
7491s we are going to be sending over all of
7493s this wonderful Vibes loves blessings RNG
7496s love to
7498s who can of Craig can of Craig can of
7502s Craig I'll hit the button if no one else
7504s she's hit the button the button chat
7506s thank you so much for being here I
7508s appreciate you as always uh we'll have
7510s prime time next week again and don't
7512s miss the dev stream next week on Friday
7515s Reb's hosting it so it's going to be
7517s chaotic make sure you tell her that mono
7520s means one and rail means rail she will
7523s she will lap her pants off uh Taylor
7526s thanks for being here thank you for
7528s being here anytime Danny thanks for
7531s being here thanks for the system thanks
7533s for being here thanks R feel better R
7535s chat thank you for being here and we
7537s will see you I won't see you next week
7539s but everyone else here will see you next
7541s week uh so stay safe be kind to each
7543s other be kind to yourself and we will
7545s see you next time
7548s bye-bye
7552s we are not
7557s done our G grandle Demands a gallant
7567s equal lightning to his gastric
7571s Thunder the livid
7574s [Music]
7578s energy
7581s meor 's messenger of long forgotten
7608s gods
7612s between these two the
7615s Unspeakable and the
7617s inescapable there must be no more talk
7620s of
7637s defeat for thankless eyes shall be
7639s seared blind In the Heat of his
7648s passing
7668s G