30 days ago - Warframe - Direct link
30 days ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s okay I see in
4s just maybe
7s maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe I'm like
11s refreshing with the little spinnies
13s we're good oh we're good we're good it
16s looks like yes this is us we're in we
18s did try once with the exact same info so
20s I don't know what worked in the few
21s seconds that changed is this mic working
24s sounds I plugged it in real sounds like
26s a typo it was not a typo sounds like AO
29s I swear it hi everyone's here refresh
32s hello Warframe
33s people okay I'm getting an ad right now
35s so life is good hi everyone we're not
38s going to start oh yeah we'll start if
40s you don't know welcome to Dev shorts
42s number 10 we put 15 minutes on the clock
44s and
45s we stop streaming right when it hits 15
48s please don't Nerf
53s Dante okay agenda we put 15 minutes on
56s the clock and at the 15 minute Mark we
58s stop streaming no matter where we are in
60s our uh stream so let's start off with uh
64s Easter just passed we do have seasonal
66s Easter content starting tomorrow
67s including permanent furry bunny ears no
70s not permanent permanent furry bunny ears
72s those do cost plot uh but you keep them
74s forever so all right pay dollar Forever
77s with upgraded fur
79s Technologies you heard it here first y
81s better lighting blah blah blah the
84s better shading yeah the rendering of the
85s fur as well more permanent that's what
87s I'm talking about that's uh so that's
90s coming tomorrow that that'll be turned
92s on and then we also have deep archimedia
94s launching this week this is the Deep um
98s sequential missions that you have to be
100s rank five in the cavia to participate in
102s so if you haven't participated in
104s Whispers in the walls the quest uh do
106s that and then you'll unlock a Syndicate
107s in which once you reach Max wank Max
110s rank you can Max rank is ideal you can
115s not the other one you can you can do it
118s so okay you can go right
122s you can go right ahead and uh get ready
124s for that that's launching this week
127s um yeah it's over it's over it's over
130s this uh this is this Dev short
134s is we never should have brought them
136s back children exclamation point what
138s dead LOL
141s damn okay okay let's get on to our
143s agenda to okay so we actually do have a
146s lot to talk about uh we were gone for
148s two weeks due to GDC and
150s went to GDC actually no it was GDC than
153s Co that was you yeah that was me I had
156s Co um that was not me I'm fine now
159s everything is okay okay it's all good
161s all right that's why we missed two weeks
164s of Dev shorts but we're back in the time
166s that we were gone we went to Pax and we
167s showed you cool stuff and we launched
169s Dante unbowed super cool things uh I
173s actually the agenda is kind of all over
174s the place here so let's just focus on
177s the cool stuff yeah and I just I want to
180s express my gratitude to all of you
182s lovely tenno out there who maybe gave us
186s some of your hard-earned bucks or told
189s someone about the game or uh came back
192s to try out the game after a while or saw
196s cross save and said now is my time to
198s kind of come back cross save when Steve
200s cross save now sooss when uh really uh
204s appreciate everyone's support in the
206s many ways that you can support the game
209s uh this
211s first quarter see uh oh this first
214s quarter has been incredible and for the
216s first time in 11 years Steve has defined
218s the Year by a quarter being CEO has
220s changed you I know yes just take me out
223s behind the shed um but thank you again
226s our quarterly results are so promising
228s and we just we are so confident in our
232s I'm trying to be
233s grateful um anyway thank you tenno as a
237s reward we have a lot of cool stuff uh
239s coming and thank you for supporting the
240s game and we're going to we're going to
242s keep making it awesome for you um but we
246s won't touch Dante that is such a effed
250s up thing to say okay sorry it maybe a
252s little
254s bit maximum
257s rank Dante obviously near and dear to
261s our hearts we're very happy with him and
263s we're even happier that everyone is
264s loving Dante uh he is super powerful and
268s typically we don't tweak things or even
270s use the Nerf word unless one of three uh
274s pillars has been touched which is uh
276s automated play dominant or disrupts
280s others so right now with Dante we know
282s he's super strong and I think in
285s Warframe releases we've we've done over
287s 50 of them uh when the conversation kind
290s of skews in the direction that players
292s are worried or they just want uh like is
295s De going to Nerf him I'm just going to
296s lay it to you straight here's what's
297s happening we are looking at him and we
299s are doing some some areas that we can
302s tweak down so a little bit of a Nerf in
304s order to make him not so dominant that's
307s it at this point in time stats for
310s dominance really aren't the full picture
313s for us it has to be a little bit
315s instinctual in feedbacks based because
317s everyone's playing Dante he's the new
318s hot shiny thing all of his abilities are
320s noticed we are not doing this with a
322s light or um or or like a Cavalier
326s mindset we are going to do a very
327s focused review based on feedback and
329s play styles and that's it Megan posted
331s in the forums today at about 11 o'clock
333s so if you want a paper trail for this or
335s if you are just hearing this now we
337s already posted about this in the forums
338s earlier today and we are reviewing Dante
340s with the intent to just bring him down a
342s little bit uh and I do not share that
344s lightly even though our CEO is making
347s jokes about it I we take this very
349s seriously and we're not trying to make
352s the first 5 days of Dante the best and
355s only good days we're just reviewing
356s please have patience with us in this
358s process please do not um uh come to this
360s conversation with shock and awe because
363s we're he's awesome we want to keep him
365s awesome that's the goal is not to change
368s that it's just adjustments and tweaks
370s that's it yep and it's a conversation
372s and check out that post and obviously
374s we're going to be listening to feedback
376s yes yes yes so yep that is that I I
379s understand I see the all caps knows but
382s until you know a bit more information
384s which at this point all we've given you
385s is he's under review just just tweeks uh
388s we'll provide that information to you as
389s soon as tomorrow I think um even if it's
391s before the H fix just to give you some
393s information so you'll have that warning
395s and it is a discussion yes y yep yep yep
398s he's super good he's amaz people are
400s even talking about it before I even
402s mentioned it so I think they're it's
405s it's in the air it is in the air we we
407s will be doing it very careful yes so
410s please keep that in mind uh and use this
411s information in a constructive manner
413s should you uh share it with the world we
416s talked about bunny ears we talked about
417s Dante um we still want to still it's
420s still a power Fantasy game that that
422s ain't going anywhere just just little
423s things uh all right I see um a question
427s will GI lighting be toggleable in the
430s Orbiter no and I think that's probably
432s coming from a few places that maybe
434s aren't uh a few corners of the Orbiter
437s maybe where decorations were that we
440s probably need to go back and do a like
441s touchup yes yeah the community team is
443s going to be providing some feedback to
445s that to the team so we'll have more on
446s that as well yep so we'll we'll be
448s trying to uh address some some of those
450s issues but it won't be toggleable
451s because it's like a tech replacement
454s thing yeah it's not it's not like a
455s color palette that you can get the older
457s the new this is very much one yes yeah
461s all right we have 11e so at at PAX East
465s which was March 22nd we launched our 11y
469s year anniversary stuff the Dex Nana Oh I
472s could have my sword sword oh okay I'll
475s get it
476s thanks Dex nana I almost got my iph
480s second stream I get to use Dex Nana is
483s live in game I think it's until the end
484s of the year okay maybe quote me on that
487s maybe not uh you can get it for free
488s it's a free weapon a free sword could be
491s yours we also showed you AE which is
494s probably not going to show well in this
496s context but we'll see yep she is Proto
500s frame mag I saw so much cool fan art
503s already and uh that's awesome the team
506s loves loves the seeing that and they
508s share it around and gets lots of love
511s inside the studio yes absolutely it does
513s so more on that at Tenon uh we also and
517s motorcycle a Tommy cycle a Tommy cycle
519s Tommy cycle that's coming as well more
522s on that at Tenon uh we speaking of Tenon
524s tickets sold out record time for us so
526s there are no inperson tickets available
528s don't worry about it there's still
529s digital pack and we are still doing a
531s digital component to the event so and I
533s bought 100 I'm going to sell them at on
534s subhub for like a 10 times markup that's
536s why he's CEO he's making his quarterly
539s results because of scalping 10 tickets
541s I'm not doing you heard it here first
543s would do such you heard it here first de
545s eceo scalps own event tickets for triple
548s The Profit the team is excited and
550s nervous of course and really looking
553s forward to uh meeting those people that
555s did manage to get tickets and if you're
557s online don't worry and of course there's
558s going to be a huge online component so
560s if you're wanting to stay at home and
563s participate whole day is going to be all
565s about the tenno and digital tickets
567s can't and a little envoys here and there
568s but mostly tenno
570s are you going to Nerf Soul
572s frame yes when I getting into we already
574s did let's just go right to agenda we
576s already did Nerf s over him did you yeah
579s yeah we did our prad 1.2 you should Nerf
582s more and we just full of Nerf
584s everything's just covered in foam you
586s just
588s like isn't that the key behind it a Nerf
592s is fo yeah wait really pretty sure all
596s right uh yeah we just did a hot fix
600s uh or I guess like a
602s 1.2 uh and we added 2,000 players uh I
605s think yesterday you should Nerf that you
607s should do like 50 players okay we'll do
608s we'll Nerf it okay and
612s um yeah we're going to do a few other
614s fixes we're going to add the royal game
616s of er to it I'm pretty excited since I
618s helped a little bit with it
620s myself and it's the uh tempests got a
624s new shoulder Cannon is the big update
627s that's my favorite Shakespeare lightning
629s is that your favorite Tempest okay super
631s cool wow a person of culture and taste
635s people are saying I should be nerfed
637s instead so maybe that's maybe that's the
639s key I need to be I need to be covered in
641s a foam suit and rolled down a hill you
643s heard it here first all right uh
646s speaking of year anniversary stuff back
648s a couple minutes ago 11 year anniversary
650s we launched the things if you want your
652s year in review we are doing another
654s batch so by April 8th so today is April
657s 2 you have six days to check that you
660s want to receive emails from us so we
662s can't actually send you your year in
663s review unless we have your permission to
666s which is like a privacy compliance thing
668s go to our website say that you're cool
670s to get emails from us and then we can
671s give you the year in review if you're
673s like me you'll find out that your most
675s used weapon of the year was the cazar
677s and then you'll feel like oh that's who
680s I am but speaking of
683s Nerfs you know I'm kidding I'm kidding
686s you know and oh and you can use hashtag
689s 11 years of Warframe to share all your
691s goodies POG champ POG champ POG champ do
694s you have PS5 on there uh I have two
696s things uh we have IOS fixes and
698s conversations we have some known issues
700s with uh archon hunt navigation bug UI
703s elements jump we have General uh iOS
706s stuff and we also have related yes yes
708s so input related things for if you're
709s playing on the uh mobile iOS platform
712s and we also have the crash for
715s PlayStation five five you don't have it
718s on your list m i rule I thought of
722s something uh yes just uh two and a half
727s hours ago uh the team uh was working
730s really hard what was the source of the
731s bug on Friday on Good Friday it was a
732s holiday and we deployed an emergency fix
736s that's right because to disable fog but
738s the fog wasn't was the fog F was not the
740s problem the fog was kind of the
744s exacerbating the problem what was the
746s problem the problem was that the uh
749s compute sh in
750s PS5 PS5 only not PS4 PS5 not PS4 writes
754s out uh
756s values and it always writes out a
758s minimum of 16 bytes but we were only
760s allocating a little bit of memory and it
763s was writing off the end of that array
764s the G the GPU was overriding CPU memory
767s oh so got memory corruption bug chasing
770s we're chasing it everywhere you think
772s I'm you think I'm no no I remember they
773s were complaining about the way fog was
774s allocated in and out of the star chart
776s is that unrated that's allocation trash
778s but anyway they figured it out it was
781s I'm extremely impressed cuz it was a
782s needle in the hay stack and the team
785s really really hauled ass to figure that
787s out and like any crazy weird memory
789s corruption bug one line fix uh and so uh
793s not sure exactly when that's going to
795s hoping to have it out this week ship but
797s I hope this week we're hoping so if
798s you're on PS5 sorry about that uh but
801s they fixed it and it's coming soon yes
803s so best and for now they are disabling
806s fog andone and they're disabling some
808s things to kind of reduce the cck rate
810s there yeah okay so that is a stability
812s for the PlayStation 5 specifics we have
814s improvements coming for the iOS platform
816s and a future release uh and then yeah oh
820s this is kind of a fun one we have a once
822s in a-lifetime solar eclipse happening at
824s the de Studio we're rate on the total
826s total path for the solar eclipse on
828s April 8th so April 8th there's a solar
831s eclipse in our office in London Ontario
834s is right on the path like I think we're
835s like we get
837s 99.9% totality where like if you're like
839s if you're like 10 kilometers south of us
841s I thought we're just a bit too far north
843s no no no we get we get something we get
844s something I don't know what but we're
846s doing a eclipse alert on April 8th for
848s fun so we're going to bring back some
849s old rewards that you can't really get
850s anymore so the cherry tree glyph from a
852s twitch campaign back at the sacrifice
854s era just cuz Lua sacrifice Moon you know
858s it you Eclipse folk know what's up uh
860s anyway so look forward to a little fun
861s cheeky event and it's not an event
863s cheeky alert on the 8th of April so
865s please uh enjoy that when it comes out
867s on April 8th uh so just to kind of recap
870s uh the Dante conversation is happening
873s expect a post tomorrow with just some
875s tweaks again we love how powerful he is
877s but we are worried about domination and
880s disruption of others play which is the
882s only reason we review review such things
884s please believe that uh we love Dante as
886s much as you but we do need we feel that
888s we do need to tweak him uh we do have
890s deep deep archimedia launching this week
892s we have uh plenty of announcements that
894s we did at the Pax event uh as well as um
898s yeah we had we had a lot lot going on
900s there future updates Dante Unbound is
902s live protea Prime is coming really
904s really Lots Q&A we have time for Q&A uh
907s I think this maybe is related to Orbiter
908s please fix red glow looking pink now
911s that is on a specific asset is okay is I
915s think I remember this actually this is
916s the Proto ephemera some for some reason
919s turning magenta instead of true red and
921s I think I think that was being worked on
923s uh should be fixed any word on fixing
925s the energy color channel was was a few
927s things I saw there yeah fix real void
930s storms we'll have to take a look at that
932s it mean um oh I wanted to give you
934s something I got a candy bin and I got a
937s box of
938s Smarties I saw a comment uh please fix
942s camera bug with wrathful advance