Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Update 27.4.3
We’ve included everything from PC Update 27.3.10 - 27.4.3 (and cherry picked the content for Nightwave: Series 3: Glassmaker, Ash Shroud Collection, and his Leverian). The total download size for this update is ~ 1.51 GB.
Two new TennoGen Bundles are here! They feature a curated list of Round 18 items from our talented creators. Find the Bundles in the in-game Market!
TennoGen Bundle XLV
- Wisp Delusion Skin + Helmet by prosetisen
- Oberon Youkai Skin + Helmet + Arm Armour by Hitsu San
- Baruuk Bedouin Skin + Helmet by Erneix and karu
TennoGen Bundle XLVI
- Polearm Jotunheim Skin by Mz-3
- Heavy Blade Suprema Skin by Hitsu San and Reil
- Two Handed Nikana Arashi Skin by Lubox
Heavy Blade Mizar Skin by Girtan
Console Specific Notes:
Selecting “Defaults” in the ‘Customize Controller’ Options will now give you the option to choose to either default ‘All’ bindings or just those in the current tab.
- Fixed opening the "search" function in several menus while moving the virtual cursor causing it to continue to drift in that direction.
Added a new Omni Tool binding! The default binding is RB + Right Directional-Pad button, to customize go into your Options > Controls > Customize Controller > Ability Menu > Bind ‘Equip Omni’.
- The Omni Tool will only be equipped using this shortcut option if it is in the Gear Wheel!
- Fixed outstanding issue on chat where you’d see loading spinner instead of "your access to chat has been suspended" when banned.
- Fixed controller triggers not working correctly if bound to an analog action (such as camera up/down in Decoration mode).
- Fixed inability to select duplicates of a Mod when using direct text input with a controller.
XB1 Specific Notes:
- Fixed some performance issues if you attempted to use a mouse and keyboard on XB1 without a controller plugged in.
- Fixed UI keys showing up incorrectly when using keyboard and mouse.
- Fixed an issue where resetting keyboard/mouse controls for a specific game mode (i.e. Railjack) would break bindings for other game modes (i.e. Jump would be unbound for your general Warframe controls).
- Fixed the Steel Meridian Rank 4 offering requiring the vaulted Destreza Prime Handle. It should now require the intended Redeemer Prime Blade, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1185412-syndicate-offering-help-destreza-prime-handle/
Nightwave: Series 3: Glassmaker is arriving TODAY at 2 p.m. ET!
After a string of mysterious murders, investigate the latest crime scene to stop a cryptic killer from striking again. Step into Nora's crime-simula to witness the gruesome work of the Glassmaker. Check the shadows, search for clues and follow the trail of “glassed” bodies to crack the case… before it’s too late.
Beyond the interactive narrative, Nightwave: Series 3 also introduces new Daily and Weekly Acts! Don’t have a Railjack of your own? Railjack Acts can be completed by joining any open crew from the Star Chart.
Nightwave Act Additions:
Added the following Nightwave Acts:
- Deep Impact: Suspend 5 or more enemies in the air at once with a Heavy Slam Melee Attack
- Gatherer: Collect 100 Resources
- Friendly Fire: While piloting a hijacked Crewship, destroy 3 enemy Fighters
- Child at Heart: Play a game of Frame Fighter, Happy Zephyr, or Wyrmius
- Patron: Donate to the Leverian
- Doppelganger: Deploy a Specter
- Swordsman: Complete a Mission with only a Melee Weapon equipped
- Hands Full: Complete a Mission with only a Primary Weapon equipped
- Sidearm: Complete a Mission with only a Secondary Weapon equipped
- No Mercy: Mercy Kill an Enemy
- Hush: Kill a Kuva Thrall
- Reclaimed: Clear a personal Kuva Lich Influenced Node
- Just Visiting: Visit a Featured Dojo
- Heavy Ordnance: Kill 500 enemies with an Arch Gun
- Explorer: Complete 3 Railjack Missions
- Forward Thinking: Destroy a Crewship with Forward Artillery
- Flawless: Clear a Railjack Boarding Party without your Warframe taking damage
- Confiscated: Hijack a Crewship from the enemy
- Machine Interface: Complete a Spy mission with 3 manual console hacks and no alarms
- Speedster: Finish a Capture mission in less than 90 seconds
- Grand: Kill The Exploiter Orb
- Choose Wisely: Kill or Convert a Kuva Lich
- Elite Explorer: Complete 8 Railjack Missions
Where once was fire is now cold resolve. A signature look for a prestige killer.
With time and fire the truth of bone is revealed. The signature Syandana of Ash Shroud.
Born of heat and cold as death, this is the signature bow skin for Ash Shroud.
All that remains is blood and dust. Become the shadow with the Ash Shroud Collection, which includes the cold-blooded Ash Shroud Skin, the venerable Causta Bow Skin and the forged-from-fire-and-bone Cremata Syandana.
Leverian Additions & Changes:
- A new Leverian has been added for Ash! Drusus has a new tale to tell about....The Scoria.
Railjack Revisited (Part 1):
Tenno! We are continuing our Warframe Revised update pattern - this time with a focus on Railjack. Earlier this year we released ‘Warframe Revised’ which touched a lot of Warframe, but also included a big batch of bug fixes for Railjack. Now it’s time to dive deeper into key areas: Pacing, Balance, and Tools of the Trade. Not included in this Revist: Intrinsics, Missions, and other areas. These are bigger undertakings for later Parts, but expect more revisions to come (to Malfunctions too)!
In Part 1, we are revising Pacing, Balance, and Tools because these 3 make up the foundation of all Railjack gameplay: what’s the pace of Railjack missions? How hard are you hitting enemies (and vice versa)? What are your tools for the trade? This update provides new answers to all of these questions in a new foundation to the Railjack you’ve known since launch. The key intention behind this Railjack Revisited update is to make Railjack better paced and more fun, while also being more rewarding for your time.
You may notice some items listed below are striked-through! On April 24th, we posted a Dev Workshop of these changes, also ran our first ever Public Test Cluster over that weekend, where Tenno could playtest these Railjack changes before they went live. As we iterated on the feedback gathered, we wanted to show this in our update notes: if we iterated on a change following feedback, we have listed the original planned change with strike-through for the sake of comparison! The notes that follow are the Dev implementation of that feedback, which are now live! Whether you participated in the Public Test Cluster or shared your thoughts on the Dev Workshop, thank you again for providing thoughtful feedback on these Railjack changes prior to release, we look forward to more opportunities to do the same.
General Changes:
Doubled the Railjack’s innate loot-pickup (Vacuum) Range.
- We’ve also improved the way that Vacuums pull items towards the player and the Railjack. The maximum amount of time it takes for the pick-up to reach the player should be a little more consistent now (about 0.75 seconds in most cases).
- The Sentient Anomaly in the Veil Proxima now has no downtime - it rotates every 30 minutes to a different node with no downtime in between.
Changing the pacing and general feel of all Railjack Piloting and movement to be less reliant on the optimal strategy of “Single strafe Boost then Repeat”:
- Doubled the Railjack’s base Speed.
- Lowered Boost Speed by 75%.
- Increased the Boost Speed cost of dodge.
- Increased Boost Drain.
- Made scale a factor in damage reduction and bonuses. This means Archwings and their weapons will do more damage to ships, while also taking less damage from them.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the sensitivities of the emplacement positions (side turrets now match the pilot turret).
- Doubled Revolite crafting yield from 50 to 100.
- Tripled values of Titanium and Asterite resource drops.
- Grineer on-foot enemies now drop Archwing Mods, and Captains drop Operation and Dual Stat Archwing Mods.
- The Omni tool will now slot into the first available slot in the Gear Wheel when given to players instead of being appended to the end.
- Removed unnecessary ability to use the Omni tool outside of Railjack missions.
- When transitioning between Railjack missions, your Warframe/Operator Health/Shields will be restored as well as any Vazarin instant Revives.
- Railjack sessions now lock after 5 minutes or if 50% of the Fighters have died - similar to normal sessions.
Railjack Missions now reward more Credits at End of Mission to tie some of the main currencies into the reward structure more heavily.
- Earth Proxima Missions reward 30,000 - 45,000 Credits depending on the node.
- Saturn Proxima Missions reward 50,000 - 75,000 Credits depending on the node.
- Veil Proxima Missions reward 80,000 - 150,000 Credits depending on the node.
- Removed the whirly spin move of one of the Sentient fighters. He was having just a little bit too much fun and the other Sentients were just not having any of his funny business.
- Updated the look of the Taktis Grineer Fighter ships.
- Made slight visual updates to the search bar in the Avionics screen.
- Made the hit notification sounds clearer when making contact with an enemy fighter.
- Removed the mention of ‘Archwing Catapult maneuvers’ from the Engineering Intrinsics description due to none of its Ranks relating to the Archwing Slingshot. You can find Archwing Slingshot improvements under the Gunnery Intrinsic!
- “Reset Defaults” and “Randomize All” buttons in Railjack cosmetics screen now resets the camera to the overview when viewing the exterior. This makes more sense as these buttons apply changes to the entire ship, and also fixes an issue where if you were focused on the decal or name then the position would be wrong after changing the Railjack skin.
- Removed Stance Forma eligibility on Exalted weapons due to Stance Forma providing no benefit to these weapons. With the exception of Garuda’s Talons due to the Talons using standard Stance Mods instead of an Exalted Stance.
Your Pet Companions will now teleport alongside you when transitioning between different regions in a Railjack mission (ie Omni Recall, Archwing Slingshot, boarding a Crewship via Archwing, etc).
- This addresses feedback that Pet Companions could take many seconds to catch up, or if it's bleeding out, won't catch up at all, thus dying frequently. This also fixes Pet Companions sometimes dying on an exploding Crewship that you’ve already departed from.
- A lingering issue we’re chasing is the Join Warp feature not bringing your Pet Companion with you.
Ship Combat Changes:
- Changed all Health, Shield and Armour to use the new Tenno versions introduced in Warframe Revised.
- Halved the Health and Armour of all Grineer Fighters.
- Randomized the amount of Fighters required to be killed during the Extermination portion of the Skirmish mission so it’s not always the same.
- Decreased the amount of time between landing the killing shot to the enemy explosion on Fighters (0.1 - 1 sec) down from (1-3) seconds. The effect of this will be not only a quicker pace, but also a quicker time to spawn any drops.
Decreased Railjack Shield Recharge delay from 5 to 3 seconds. Shield Recharge delay remains at 5 second based on Public Test results. -
Railjack Weapon heat build up changes:
- Apoc - Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 20 to 12. Zekti from 40 to 20
- Carcinoxx - Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 10 to 8. Zekti from 20 to 12
- Cryophon - Zekti from 400 to 350
- Photor - Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 10 to 8. Zekti from 20 to 12
Railjack Weapon changes:
Milati Multi Missile
- Reload speed increased from 5 secs to 2 secs
- Projectile speed increased from 250 to 400
- Pulsar damage increased.
- MK 0 - 43 to 52
- MK 1 - 78 to 94
- MK 2 - 133 to 160
- MK 3 - 213 to 256
- MK 1 - 117 to 141
- MK 2 - 200 to 240
- MK 3 - 320 to 384
Milati Multi Missile
On-Foot Combat Changes:
- Reduced the Health of all on-foot Grineer Railjack enemies by half.
- Removed scaled damage controllers from all on-foot Grineer Railjack enemies.
Pacing Changes:
- Added Caps for the amount of simultaneous Railjack Hazards (Fire, Electric, and Breaches). Your Railjack can only have 1 of each Hazard active at a time.
Made each RJ Hazard type more harmful to the ship.Made each RJ Hazard type even more, MORE harmful to the Railjack based on Public Test results. - Reduce Railjack Speed and Damage when Railjack is in “Catastrophic Failure” mode.
Increased the amount of Omni Revolite required to remove hazard events, but quadrupled the XP gained:
- Fire Hazard: From 600 to 2400
- Electricity Hazard: From 600 to 2400
- Ice Hazard: From 600 to 2400
- Hull Breach: From 600 to 2400
- Hull Rupture: From 1000 to 4000
- Increased the number of fighters in all alert stages.
- Enemies now spawn much closer to the Railjack vs. 1000+ km away.
- Destroying all engines on a Crewship now disables weapons.
- Destroying all engines on a Crewship kills half the crew on board.
Archwing Changes / Fixes:
Longstanding issues with the usability of Archwing Melee has been fixed.
- Made numerous changes here based on Public Test results, including further Melee weapon rebalancing.
- Increased base Melee magnetism range from 100 to 140m
- Decreased chance of Enemy Fighters performing a maneuver to break away from Melee attacks from 100% to 10%.
- Increased camera offset from Enemy Fighters from 25 to 30m to help show action.
- Archwing Melee Range Mods now affect aim assist lock-on range.
- Archwing Gun stats normalized - space combat now uses ground “Heavy Weapon” stats.
- UI Lead indicator has been added to relevant Archwing Guns.
Systemic Changes:
The Kuva Lich ‘Valence Fusion’ has been added for built Armaments and Components. Introducing RAILJACK VALENCE FUSION - players can now fuse duplicate built or unbuilt stats to their favourite built parts, boosting them. Based on Public Test Cluster feedback, this no longer requires built Armaments and Components to Valence Fuse: Wreckage can be used, with a resource cost (Max 40%!). Built Armaments and Components can also be used and consumed, with a Dirac cost.
- Requires Dirac to perform if VALENCE FUSION occurs for built Armaments and Components.
- Requires Resources and Credits if VALENCE FUSION occurs for Wreckage of Armaments and Components.
- Combining matching tiers gives 10% boost in stats
- Combining lower tiers gives 5% boost in stats.
- Two tiers removed (Mk3 with Mk1) is 2% boost
- You can only VALENCE FUSE the same House and type of Armaments and Components across all MKs - much like Kuva Lich Weapons. Also Sigma equipment (your starting equipment or purchased from the Dojo) cannot be upgraded in this way.
Affinity and Intrinsic Gain Changes:
- Doubled Affinity-to-Intrinsic Point conversion. You will now gain Intrinsics 2x faster.
- Increased the earned Affinity on killing Elite Fighters and Outriders.
Avionics Changes:
- When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management.
- Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic.
- Consolidated Avionics have had their Avionic Capacity Drain altered so that on average the Integrated Avionics now consume 20% less. This ensures players can more comfortably fit the builds they want in the new consolidated system based on Feedback from the Public Test Cluster.
- The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
- The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.
- ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
- ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.
Added ‘Incomplete’ tab/category to the Avionics screen in the ‘Configure Railjack’ panel, Mods Segment screen, and the Codex.
Avionics, Mods, and Arcanes that are not owned are marked as ‘preview’ in this category and those that you own but have not ranked to Max are also in this category.
Avionics, Mods, and Arcanes that are not owned are marked as ‘preview’ in this category and those that you own but have not ranked to Max are also in this category.
- You can now Chat Link Avionics!
Battle Avionic Refresh:
Munitions Vortex
- Reverted to ‘as is’ based on Public Test results, albeit with brand new FX for understanding scale / effect of Avionic.
Vortex is now attached to the front of your Railjack -
Increased Vortex radius from 30 to 60 -
Increased radius from 150 to 200
- Initial use cost of 5 Flux Energy, double cost if used again within 4 secs up to a cap of 40 energy (5/10/20/40)
Blackout Pulse
- Display range stat on all marked targets while projectile is in flight
- Increased radius from 100 to 200
- Increased damage from 250 to 500
Particle Ram
- Requires forward velocity to be active
- Increased speed of projectile when its launched
- Increased length of projectile so targets stay within the damage field as long as they did before with slower projectile
- 50% more Damage during a Vector Maneuver
- 100% more damage when launching the Particle Ram
- Now accepts energy colour.
Shatter Burst
- Display range stat on all marked targets while projectile is in flight
- Range increased from 120 to 200
- Damage increased from 500 to 1000
- Radius increased from 60 to 80
- Fall off decreased from 100% to 50%
Void Hole
- Decreased duration from 25 to 12 secs
- Increased attraction strength
Fiery Phoenix
- Decreased energy drain from 5 to 2.5 per sec
Seeker Volley
- Increased damage from 1000 to 1600
- Increased Critical Chance from 20 to 40%
- Increased speed from 120 to 260
- Seeker Volley now drops from Kosma Taktis.
Tactical Avionic:
Fire Suppression
Changed the Fire Suppression Tactical Avionic to always fix only one Hazard, and upgrading the rank reduces the cooldown.
- Previously the only reason you would have upgraded this Avionic was to handle more Hazards at once, but now your Railjack can only have 1 Hazard at a time. Reducing the cooldown instead still gives you a reason to rank it up.
Find these new Avionics from Earth, Saturn, or Veil Proximia Grineer Fighters to enhance your Railjack (these values are with Max Rank Avionic and Max Grid Rank):
Deep Hold (Lavan)
Increase Forge Capacity by 60%.
Cruising Speed (Zetki)
Increase Speed by 80% when no enemies within 3000m.
Quicklock (Lavan)
Decrease Ordnance Lock-on time by 75%.
Artillery Cheap Shot (Zekti)
Forward Artillery has a 50% chance to not consume Dome Charges.
Ordnance Cheap Shot (Lavan)
Ordnance weapons have a 50% chance to not consume Munitions.
Turret Velocity (Vidar)
Increase Turret Range by 25.3%. Increase Turret Projectile Speed by 55%.
Archwing Melee Stat Refresh (NEW based on Public Test Feedback):
Mastery Rank 0-3
Damage increased from 300 to 360 470
MR increased from 0 to 1
Damage increased from 290 to 320 412
MR increased from 0 to 3
Damage increased from 350 to 436
Status chance increased from 10% to 15%
Mastery Rank 4-6
MR increased from 0 to 4
Damage increased from 325 to 392
Status chance increased from 15% to 20%
Critical chance increased from 10% to 15%
MR increased from 0 to 6
Damage increased from 280 to 340 450
Status chance increased from 7.5% to 12%
Critical chance increased from 15% to 20%
Mastery Rank 7-9
MR increased from 0 to 7
Damage increased from 325 to 340 445
Critical chance increased from 10% to 13%
MR increased from 0 to 8
Damage increased from 280 to 290 376
Prisma Veritux
MR increased from 0 to 8
Damage increased from 300 to 320 394
Critical chance increased from 15% to 30%
Arch-Gun Changes:
- Proximity fuse has been added to Grattler rounds in space so they explode when they are near a target.
- Removed self-damage when in space. The Grattler will apply the self-stagger mechanic now while in space.
- Phaedra accuracy increased.
Imperator Vandal
- Imperator Vandal accuracy increased.
Dual Decurions
- Recoil reduced for Dual Decurions in space.
- Increased accuracy.
- Decreased zoom FoV.
- Reduced the collision size of Larkspur's Alt Fire projectile.
- Increased size of Velocitus projectile in space.
- Quick shot Damage increased from 200 Magnetic to 150 Impact, 150 Puncture, 150 Slash and 150 Magnetic.
- Quick shot Critical Chance increased from 25 to 30%.
- Charged shot Damage increased from 1200 Magnetic to 400 Impact, 400 Puncture, 400 Slash and 400 Magnetic.
- Charged shot Critical Chance increased from 30 to 60%.
- Charged shot Critical Damage increased from 3 to 3.6x.
- Minimum Fall Off Damage increased from 175 to 440.
- Charged Shot Critical Damage increased from 2.6 to 3x.
Kuva Ayanga
- Ammo regen delay decreased from 1 sec to 0.7 secs.
- Ammo regen rate increased from 10 to 66.
- Fall Off min Damage increased from 120 to 137.
Railjack Fixes:
- (Re-posting here in case it was missed in the hotfix notes on April 22nd) Fixed inability to access the Tactical Menu (RB + Right D-Pad button) while Piloting or using side Turrets the Railjack with a controller as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1180095-unable-to-open-tactical-menu-while-piloting-railjack-with-controller-fixed/?do=findComment&comment=11525327
- Fixed an instance of the Railjack turning invisible if you spammed the ‘X’ button while trying to get into the Archwing Slingshot from the exterior.
- Fixed getting shot out of the Archwing Slingshot with a detached camera due to an 'Enter Ship' context action appearing.
- Fixed attempting to exit the Railjack right when the Host selects another mission to warp to resulting in the left-behind player dying and sometimes unable to Revive.
- Fixed lingering Revo Reducer buff after equipping and unequipping the Revo Reducer Avionic until they complete a mission or leave their Dojo.
- Fixed cases where the doors in the Railjack would have collision and prevent players from passing through them.
- Fixed inability to load into the Dojo via Railjack Navigation.
- Fixed Railjack Reactors that have the “50 Shield per unused Avionics Capacity” perk not applying the perk when first loading into a Railjack mission.
- Fixed Clients having a 5 minute Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown if you were outside the Railjack when a Host migration occurred.
- Fixes toward seeing an inescapable black screen if you were inside a Crewship as the Operator when it exploded.
Fixed ‘Reflex Aim’s’ snap aiming not properly targeting the ships from a split Gyrex.
- The target lead indicators will now follow the ships split from the Gyrex, but since radial damage does not hurt them, ‘Target Sync’ will not lock-on to them. This was set this way so that players do not waste their Munitions.
- Fixed Chroma Elemental Ward issue where casting it on yourself through the Railjack Tactical Map, then overriding it with your own cast causing the bonuses from the Tactical Map cast to never expire.
- Fixed base of the Railjack Wing Turret appearing to float in front of the Client player when mounting said Wing Turret.
- Fixed a functionality loss when Recalling back to the Railjack while performing a finisher.
- Fixed a functionality loss when using Transference while transitioning through a loading tunnel (Void tunnel).
- Fixed Clients out in space that experience a Host migration, resulting in an ability to take your Heavy Weapon into the Railjack and POIs as a regular ground weapon (Primary).
- Fixed being placed inside an Artillery and falling through the level to escape if you used Join Warp on a player on said Artillery.
- Fixed your Warframe’s body not moving with camera aim when using the Railjack’s Forward Artillery.
- Fixed using Transference when Piloting or using side Turrets in Railack as Operator causing it to cast the first slotted Battle Avionic.
- Fixed Clients loading into an untextured level when sitting in the Archwing Slingshot during a Host Migration.
- Fixed Focus Convergence Orb markers appearing in Space instead of inside the ship when piloting Railjack.
- Fixed starting a second Railjack mission preventing Melee Finishers from working until respawned.
- Made multiple fixes for jittery and weird cloth physics when hanging out in the Railjack. This also fixes issues of rigid cloth after dismounting from the Pilot seat.
- Fixed Clients loading into Railjack missions from Dry Dock after accepting an invitation from Host getting stuck in infinite loading.
- Fixed issue where Clients would get stuck in the Forward Artillery and above the intended area in the Railjack when entering and exiting the Forward Artillery back to back.
- More fixes towards players finding themselves in all kinds of brokenness when using Archwing Slingshot on a Crewship that had just been destroyed.
- Fixed elements of the Tactical Menu map disappearing in certain aspect ratios.
- Fixed Clients getting left behind when starting a second Railjack mission from the Dry Dock and Hosts getting stuck in infinite load.
- Fixed objective markers sometimes not showing after subsequent Railjack runs as Host.
- Fixed fighter/Crewship objective markers reappearing after migration when they had already been completed.
- Fixed Operator faces getting all messed up when piloting Railjack. Space fighters are thankful they no longer have to witness that horror anymore.
- Fixed meltdown projector showing for players that are still inside the Crewship.
Fixed multiple issues related to Railjack for Clients invited to someone’s Orbiter including:
- Fixed an issue where using "Board Railjack" / "Return to Orbiter" from the top menu while not close to the action itself would fail to execute it.
- Fixed an issue where Clients would spawn in a "random" spot on the Railjack instead of in the bridge like the Host does if they were still in the Orbiter.
- Fixed the waypoints for Commanders in Railjack missions not having distance information.
- Fixed Dragon Key debuff indicator appearing as a red dot in the HUD when Piloting the Railjack.
- Fixed purchasing a Glyph to equip on your Railjack only applying the icon, but not setting the selected item. This resulted in the Glyph slot name not updating and selecting to equip a new Glyph would auto focus the old Glyph you had before the purchase.
- Fixed teammate buttons in the Railjack Tactical Menu overlapping the location text.
- Fixed super long Railjack names overwhelming the Railjack HUD.
- Fixed UI becoming unresponsive after opening the Nightwave screen as the Operator when returning to the Dry Dock from a Railjack mission.
- Fixed Elemental Resistance Avionics not Ranking up properly.
- Fixed accessing the Railjack Arsenal from the Orbiter leading to camera placement issues.
- Another fix towards getting stuck on a black screen when using the Archwing Slingshot into an exploding Crewship and then trying to leave.
- Fixed a script error leading to broken/missing Railjack HUD when Piloting or using Turrets after loading into a Railjack mission as a Client (or following Host migration).
- Fixed UI becoming unresponsive if the ‘view mission progress’ screen was open while transitioning to another Railjack level or Dry Dock.
- Fixed Randomizing Railjack Glyph through the "Randomize All" option not applying the new Glyph until Railjack Configuration menu is exited.
- Fixed Heat Accretion stat comparison appearing backwards.
- Fixed "on hit" Arcanes triggering when using Railjack weapons.
- Another fix towards "Tactical Efficiency" (Tactical Rank 6) not modifying the Flux Energy cost of using some Battle Avionics.
- Fixed a crash associated with Crewships.
- Fixed Garuda not being able to Melee after leaving and re-entering Railjacks.
- Fixed a script error when refreshing the Railjack Armaments screen after Scrapping some Wreckage.
- Fixed a script error when moving at the speed of light through a Void tunnel.
- Fixed a script error when exiting a Crewship and going into Archwing.
- Fixed a script error when firing the Forward Artillery.
- Fixed a script error when a Boarding Party comes knockin.
- Fixed a script error when transitioning through the Void tunnel.
- Fixed a script error when deactivating the Fiery Phoenix Avionic.
- Fixed script errors if Kill Code is received while quitting Murex Raid mission to return to Flotilla.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you were viewing the Railjack Tactical Menu while en route to the Dry Dock.
Defendable Objects: Healing AoE and Damage Reduction Changes:
Our Healing AoE / Damage Reduction changes posted back on April 3rd have arrived! If you’re unfamiliar, ultimately what we want is more ‘Healing’ Abilities to work to allow for more strategies to emerge in various mission types. Healing these objectives can serve well as an alternative or a complement to the commonly used defensive Abilities, such as Frost's Snow Globe, Gara's Mass Vitrify, Limbo's Cataclysm. 100% heals is not what we want to do, so we are instead allowing the effects with some objective-specific adjustments as to not trivialize the game modes.
All the initial information can be found in the Dev Workshop:
Heal Source |
Normal effect |
Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) |
How did this work before this Update? |
Gara - Mending Splinters |
3 HP per sec for each active splinter |
Fine as is. |
As is |
Hildryn - Haven |
500 Max Shields 80% faster Shield recharge |
Fine as is, will inherit the Normal effect behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Trinity - Blessing |
Up to 100% HP and Shield restore |
Previously did nothing. Now, will Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack |
On live does nothing |
Equinox - Mend |
25 Shields for each enemy killed Burst heal based on how much damage was dealt Notes: Since the heal amount is based on player damage, the numbers are astronomical which will lead to imbalances outside our goal here. |
Previously did nothing. Now, Allow the Shields component to work and heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack. |
Does not affect (health nor shield) |
Vazarin - Protective Dash |
5 seconds invulnerability 60% Heal over 5 seconds |
No invulnerability Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack |
Works at full effect |
Khora - Venari |
Heal for 50 hp/sec |
Fine as is. Will return functionality that kicked this whole Workshop off. |
We will be returning the functionality it had before |
Hydroid - Curative Undertow |
Heals 30% hp every 1.5 secs when ally stands on it |
Previously did nothing. Heal for 100 per 1.5 sec |
On live does nothing |
Harrow - Penance |
Heals allies for a % of damage dealt Notes: Similar to Equinox, very hard to balance for this since it’s based on damage dealt. |
Heals are capped up to 50 per second. |
On live does nothing |
Oberon - Renew |
125 burst heal 50 health per sec |
Previously did nothing. Now, Fine as is and will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Garuda - Blood Siphon |
Heals by % of missing health |
Doesn’t apply, for flavor we think this shouldn’t. |
On live does nothing |
Inaros - Scarab Swarm |
Heals for damage dealt by Swarm Projectile divided by allies in range. |
Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Nidus - Ravenous |
Heal allies standing on it for 20 HP per second |
Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Wisp - Vitality Mote |
Increase max hp by 300 and heal for 30 hp per second |
Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Volt - Capacitance |
Grants shields based on 3% of damage dealt |
Capped at 250 shields, no overshields |
On live does nothing |
Titania - Passive |
4 Heal Per Second for 20 Seconds, |
Fine as is |
On live does nothing |
Sancti Magistar |
Heals for damage dealt in an AoE |
Heal for up to 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack with other players. Going from a burst to Heal over Time. |
Going from burst to heal over time |
Ancient Healer |
Heal for 100 HP every 20 seconds |
Fine as is |
As is |
Rejuvenation Aura |
Heal 3 HP per sec |
Fine as is |
As is |
Arcane Pulse |
60% Chance to heal for 150 HP when picking up a globe with a 15 sec cooldown. |
Fine as is |
As is |
Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction Source |
Normal effect |
Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) |
How did this work before this Update? |
Trinity - Blessing |
50% Damage reduction |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
On live does nothing |
Mirage - Total Eclipse |
Grants 75% Damage reduction to allies |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
On live does nothing |
Titania - Thorns |
50% damage redirected to enemies |
Fine as is (no effect) |
On live does nothing |
Gara - Splinter Storm |
70% Damage reduction |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
Works at full effect |
Ember - Immolated Radiance |
50% of Immolates Damage reduction applies to allies |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
On live does nothing |
Baruuk - Desolate Hands |
80% Damage reduction |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
On live does nothing |
Harrow - Warding Thurible |
40% Damage Reduction |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
Works at full effect |
Nezha - Warding Halo |
Absorbs 90% of damage |
Capped at 50% Damage Reduction |
On live does nothing |
Conclave Mods Converted to PVE:
The following Conclave Mods have been converted/balanced to PvE Mods! If you already own these Mods they will automatically be available in your Arsenal. You can still obtain these Mods via Conclave, but will also be added to Nightwave Series 3: Glassmaker Cred Offerings.
Warframe PVP to PVE Mods (listed at max Rank):
- Rumbled (Atlas, Rumblers Augment): Atlas becomes a Rumbler with Rock Armor that can absorb up to 300% of max Health worth of Damage.
- Prism Guard (Mirage, Prism Augment): Prism follows above Mirage. Duration changed to 4s.
- Purifying Flames (Ember, Fire Blast Augment): Allies hit by the expanding ring of fire will be granted 4s of Status immunity.
- Power of Three (Ivara, Quiver Augment): Quiver fires three arrows and consumes 20 more Energy.
- Deceptive Bond (Loki, Decoy Augment): 50% of damage Loki takes is transferred to Decoy, and vice versa.
- Singularity (Nyx, Absorb Augment): Create a ring every 3s that drags in enemies at 15m/s.
- Recharge Barrier (Volt, Electric Shield Augment): Allies that pass through have 35% Shields restored.
- Purging Slash (Excalibur, Slash Dash Augment): Allies in the path of Slash Dash have 4 debuffs removed and 100% Shields restored.
Weapon PVP to PVE Mods (listed at max Rank):
- Ambush Optics (Rubico): -50% Zoom.
- Brain Storm (Grakata): On Headshot: +100% Ammo Efficiency for 1s.
- Directed Convergence (Supra): +100% Accuracy when Aiming.
- Focused Acceleration (Tetra): When Aiming: +80% Projectile Speed.
- Shrapnel Rounds (Marelok): +200% Multishot, -66% Damage.
- Skull Shots (Viper): On Headshots: +100% Ammo Efficiency for 2s.
- Double Tap (Latron): On Hit: 20% Bonus Damage on next Hit for 2s.
Simulor/Synoid Simulor Changes:
- We have made the following changes to the Simulor/Synoid Simulor:
Increased per stack damage for stacked orbs:
- Simulor: 20 to 50
- Synoid Simulor: 20 to 80
Increased damage of exploding vortexes:
- Simulor: 75 to 100
- Synoid Simulor: 75 to 240
Increased the duration of active vortexes to 20 seconds before they explode (unless done so manually).
- Simulor’s vortex lifetime will remain at a 5 second duration in Conclave.
Reduced the lifetime duration of a single Orb before it explodes.
- This allows single projectiles to be used offensively as they now detonate quickly and have had their damage increased significantly.
- Creating vortexes now happens rather quickly. Shoot 4 orbs in quick succession to create a fully powered vortex. With this we also added a max number of active Orbs to 4.
Added a max number of active vortexes at a time to 3 and increased the orb stack count to reach a fully powered vortex from 3 to 4.
- With the significant increase in damage and lifetime of active vortexes, and with the added bonus of individual orbs providing more utility, adding a cap to the number of active vortexes and increasing the orb count for maxed vortexes felt appropriate to strike balance with the changes.
- Once 3 fully maxed vortexes are active, the Simulor will now default to single-shot orbs - with the reduced lifetime of a single orb, there are now more ways to use the Simulor against enemies!
Removed the initial stagger on enemies that would occur on vortex creation.
- We removed this effect so that enemies aren’t pushed out of range of the vortex as much.
- Updated Simulor and Synoid Simulor’s FX!
New Warframe Augments (max rank)!
Titania - Spellbind Augment - Spellbound Harvest
Hitting at least 4 enemies with Spellbind will grant Titania 50 Energy.
Harrow - Condemn Augment - Tribunal
Other players will proc 50% of the effects of Penance and Thurible when attacking chained enemies.
Grendel - Pulverize Augment - Catapult
Use 'RS' to launch Grendel in your aim direction. Costs 10 Energy.
*Image above displays incorrect button call-out 'Middle Mouse' that is intended for PC users - disregard!
Hildryn - Shield Pillage Augment - Blazing Pillage
Enemies affected by Haven will be set ablaze for 200 Heat Damage and restore 50 additional Shields to Hildryn.
Scarlet Spear Changes & Fixes:
As mentioned in the status thread, with the Operation ending on May 14th @ 1:30 PM ET we know that that means there is only a handful of days left to play the event with the following changes and fixes. We know this is not ideal, but the Operation will be re-run this year and with its return the list below will also be active. Best of luck with the final days of the Operation, Tenno!
Increased the Murex Raid Satellite’s Armor.
- This change was brought forth by feedback regarding the Satellites being too squishy against Crewships as you progress into the Murex Raid mission.
The Murex Raid Satellite now must be towed to its correct location before you can deploy the Oplink.
- We found that a number of “no kill codes received” reports were not receiving Codes because their Satellite was not properly in place, thus making the squad ineligible to receive Kill Codes. Most squads followed this flow already so it shouldn’t feel too different - just a precaution for those who don’t park their Satellite in its designated zone!
The Aerolyst canister mechanic now has a 10 second cooldown before the canisters refill after becoming stunned from destroying all of them.
- Our intentions here are to alleviate some frustration over the Aerolyst canister mechanic that we’ve been receiving. If you were quick to dispatch the Aerolyst before you likely won’t notice a difference!
- Fixed the Aerolyst enemy giving less-than-intended Affinity.
- Fixed inability to destroy the Aerolyst’s canisters if you were attacking in Limbo’s Rift.
- Fixed Operator Magus Arcanes not functioning in consecutive Murex Raids.
- Fixed a rare progression stopper where the Condrix remains invulnerable while open after a Host Migration occurs.
- Fixed UI breaking in Murex Raid due to Host vs Client load times.
- Fixed an edge case where Clients who joined a Murex Raid mission in progress wouldn't receive intermittent rewards that appear after each Murex is driven away.
- Fixed an edge case script error that occurred when receiving a Kill Code, which could result in not receiving said Kill Code.
- Fixed Arcane Momentum not activating for Critical shots on the Condrix.
- Fixed mission objective UI icon to “Retrieve the OpLink Satellite” showing as “*” instead of the mission objective marker. With this we also fixed other UI screens not showing the correct icons or key bindings (such as the ability menu while piloting the Railjack with a controller).
- Fixed a script error when a Murex Wave succeeds during a mission.
- Fixed a script error when deploying your Oplink in the Ground Assault mission.
- Fixing script error occurring when the Aerolyst uses its wing attack.
- Fixed a script error when completing a Condrix wave in the Ground Assault mission.
General UI Changes:
The in-game Market has received a refreshed look with the addition of top level filters:
Your chosen UI Theme is now reflected when viewing the in-game Market!
- Now that the Market uses Themes you can now see more details about items on hover and view Weapon stats.
Moved Market filters to be grouped with the search bar.
- Added filter to ‘Hide Mastered’ items.
- Added "NEW" tag for new items.
- Added new starburst FX to the “Thank You for Your Purchase” screen in the in-game Market. Such pizazz!
Your chosen UI Theme is now reflected when viewing the in-game Market!
Added ‘Preview’ button to items in your Inventory that will take you to their page in the in-game Market.
- Also added this feature for Prime items in your Inventory to learn more about them!
- Added a new ‘LANDING CRAFT’ option under Equipment. The previous ‘Select Landing Craft’ and ‘Customize Landing Craft’ that were part of the ‘ORBITER’ option will be housed there now.
Updated the Relic Pack Relic contents screen (when purchased in the in-game Market and from Syndicates) - it will now show each Relic’s contents better categorized by rarity.
Also added ‘Common’, ‘Uncommon’, ‘Rare’ tooltips over rarity icons.
Also added ‘Common’, ‘Uncommon’, ‘Rare’ tooltips over rarity icons.
The Invite screen has a fresh new look and has been polished:
- Added count of online friends and Clan members.
Improved the hover indicator to be clearer when selecting from the list.
Added ‘Daily Standing Cap’ information to the Bounties screens in Cetus and Fortuna.
- The Leaderboard screen has been refreshed to apply your chosen UI Theme and display information/options in a cleaner way.
Added Riven compatible items component to Riven Unveil screen when Unveiling a Riven and when viewing a Riven via Chat Link!
- The Trading screen will now prompt you with a warning when you’re about to Trade an Arcane that is currently equipped.
- You can now search the Mods Codex section via Drop Location by entering the location in the search bar (ie Arbitrations, Nightwave, Earth, etc).
- Banshee, Excalibur Umbra, Frost, Nekros, Nova, Nyx, Oberon, Saryn, Valkyr, and Zephyr Ability videos have been added to their respective Arsenals! We’re all caught up now!
- Reduced spacing between mini-map and objective text when fighting Eidolons.
General Changes:
Replaced the Atlas Prime Helmet Blueprint with the Atlas Prime Systems blueprint in the Lith N4 Relic that was recently indeed to the mix.
- The Atlas Prime Helmet Blueprint was accidentally put into the Uncommon slot, when it is indeed a Rare piece.
- Fast Traveling to Little Duck in Fortuna as your Warframe will no longer initiate the unskippable dialog with her. Instead, you’ll Fast Travel to right beside her but won’t initiate the conversation, giving you time to Transfer to your Operator to talk to her.
- Titania Prime’s Razorwing Energy wings will now be hidden when aiming to avoid blocking your sight.
- Grineer Forest tileset ferns will now dither when the camera is close to them to help visibility when shooting.
- Changed the Alliance MOTD to read "EDIT ALLIANCE MESSAGE" instead of “EDIT CLAN MESSAGE” when attempting to edit said message.
- Added a ‘click’ sound when cycling through zoom options with Sniper Rifles.
- Titania Prime has been given her own unique dodge/roll animations that flow better with her floating movement!
- Instead of having to re-aim at your placed Waypoint to remove it, now you can remove your Waypoint by holding the button!
- Helminth Cysts can now be removed in the Helminth Infirmary after one day as opposed to waiting a whole week.
- You can now sell your duplicate Garuda, Harrow, Octavia, Revenant, and Nidus Blueprints for 2500 Credits from your Inventory.
- You can now sell Syndicate 10x Restores for 2500 Credits.
- Increased the Status Chance of the Twin Grakatas to match their mechanic of firing 2 rounds at once.
- Disabled Exalted Weapon Rivens from generation. Any Exalted Weapons that may have been generated will be re-rolled on login.
- Polished the handless cartwheel and knock back animations from self-interrupt weapons. Also fixed the knock back distance and slide to be more aligned so that the Warframe isn’t just standing still.
- Changed Grendel's Nourish ability description to "Inflict Toxin damage on Feasted enemies in Grendel's gut one by one, adsorbing nourishment to buff allies. Tap to cycle through buffs and hold to cast."
- Updated the grunge on the Corbu Shawzin to make it edgier for all your shredding needs.
- Polished the Grattler Heavy Gun’s fire and reload animations. Also fixed an errant animation that played when equipped.
- Improved camera collision against water so that it doesn’t penetrate and go underwater as much.
- Improved Mirage's Sleight of Hand's detection of light and dark areas to decide which booby trap to spawn. Also fixed a bug where the 'package' could use the wrong type of explosion based on light/dark in certain situations.
- Made some slight changes to Corinth Prime’s sound mix.
- Multiple invites from players will no longer stack the invite received sound FX to save your ears from the increasing volume.
- If a player sends an invite to someone who has “Do Not Disturb” mode on it will now say “(Player Name) is using Do Not Disturb and will not receive invitations”.
- Khora’s Spikes (her default back attachment) are now an Auxiliary attachment to give players more customization options with Syandanas.
Added support to Sword & Board skins to have consistent main-hand holster positions and scaling regardless of base weapon.
- This also fixed Sigma & Octantis shield popping closed and opened again when holstering.
- Increased the text fields on the Mastery Rank Up message to better accommodate other languages.
- Updated the Orokin Tree mesh and materials to be higher quality.
You can now customize your Kavat’s Emissive color, which will affect their tail and eye color.
- This option also fixes not being able to change the color of the fan-like Kavat tails due to it being based on energy color.
- Titania can no longer play the Shawzin while in Razorwing due to it resulting in a very broken flying state.
- Domestik Drones will no longer start semi-hidden in the Decoration placement mode. They will now be fully visible instead of its previously glowy state!
- Updated Infested hit/stagger reactions to give the player more understanding of when player attacks are landing!
- Minor tweaks to Excalibur’s Radial Javelin cast effect and gave it some ground interaction (ice chunks when cast over ice, etc).
- Improved Liset previews (Xiphos, etc) by adding respective Liset animations, FX, etc.
- Reduced Shedu’s projectile brightness FX.
- Reduced the Basmu’s firing sound FX from other players.
- Update FX for Corpus Osprey projectiles.
- Made updates and optimizations to several weapon FX including Kitguns.
- Made minor general explosion FX updates.
- Optimized network connections to Relays, Towns and Dojos for people around the world. Not only will this improve player movement but it should also help accelerate Kill Code transmission for Scarlet Spear Murex Raids that would have previously had a very high-ping to our servers.
- Attempted further improve our script error diagnostics and better expose problems with errors caused by joining Hosts under hostile network conditions.
- Optimized Orbiter performance slightly.
- Made a micro-optimization to the Carabus heat beam effects.
- Optimized load-times and memory footprint for Orbiter, Relays and Towns and Dojos.
- Made optimizations to the Grineer Settlement, Corpus Ice Planet, Orokin Moon, Grineer Galleon, Grineer Shipyard, and Grineer Fortress tilesets.
- Cleaned up FX to improve performance with the Detron/Mara Detron, and tweaked their projectile lifetime to 3-5 seconds.
- Continued performance improvements towards Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones when using a Multishot weapon.
- Improved hitch that would occur when opening the in-game Market. A spinner icon will now appear briefly instead when loading.
- Fixed a large game hitch that could last up to 10 seconds when replacing a Dragon Key in the Gear wheel with a K-Drive Launcher.
- Fixed a long game hitch when equipping the Legacy Theme and opening the Star Chart.
Kuva Lich Fixes:
- Fixed the game unpausing in Solo missions when the Menu is open after viewing Kuva Lich information page.
- Fixed the decoy created by the “Ruse” Kuva Lich ability having a red HUD marker. To avoid confusion of who the real Kuva Lich is, this additional marker will no longer appear.
- Fixed cases where your Kuva Lich Vanquish transmission wouldn’t show the correct Kuva Lich name.
- Fixed ally Kuva Lich name/Health bar overriding enemy Kuva Lich UI.
- Fixed the Kuva Bramma’s projectiles not getting pulled into Mag’s Magnetize and instead bouncing off of the area and yeeting into the sky.
- Fixed getting damaged by ally Kuva Liches who cast Plasma Eruption.
- Fixed Requiem Relic Kuva reward not stating how much Kuva you’re actually getting.
- Fixed a case of Kuva Larvlings not spawning due to having an Amp with a specific name.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a Kuva Lich transmission triggers while quitting the game.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a Kuva Lich escaped or was killed while casting a fire-blast attack.
- Fixed several script errors that could occur during a Kuva Lich's Tactical Inversion (Switch Teleport) ability if the victim died during the cast animation.
- Fixed various script errors related to stabbing a Kuva Lich.
Expand the spoilers below for full list of fixes
Spoiler- Fixed being unable to capture Rell’s Manifestations in the Chains of Harrow Quest because he kept falling out of the map, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1189808-chains-of-harrow-rell-cannot-be-captured/
- Fixed outstanding issue on chat where you’d see loading spinner instead of "your access to chat has been suspended" when banned.
- Fixed Sentient Battalyst laser party ability not respecting physical Shield abilities, such as Frost’s Snowglobe and Atlas’ Tectonics, and instead going through the barriers to injure players.
Fixed a script crash that could occur during Disruption missions after host de-sync, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1183832-clients-in-disruption-issues-after-host-de-sync-investigating/?tab=comments#comment-11531177
- Also related: Fixes towards Client rewards never catching up to Host in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.
Prevented frozen in time (Atlas Petrify, Limbo Stasis etc) enemies from being affected by Titania’s Lantern. The Energy spent to cast will be refunded if the cast fails.
- This fixes casting Titania Lantern on an enemy that is frozen in time, resulting in the ability appearing to cast (costs Energy, performs animation) but the target enemy is not affected.
- Fixed Client Mercy kills not counting towards Riven ‘Finisher kills’ challenges.
- Fixed holding the Corinth Prime incorrectly if the Solstice Skin is equipped on it.
- Fixed the Corinth/Corinth Prime Alt fire grenades shooting out sideways.
- Fixed Tonkor projectiles colliding with themselves when Multishot is used, causing them to instantly stagger players when fired during certain movements
- Fixed Clients not seeing the "Slam Capacitors" buff being given when using the Arca Titron.
- Fixed the Tenno Affinity Icon in the Squad/Player List on the HUD overlapping with the message of Bleeding Out and Reviving.
- Fixed some missing FX on Titania’s Tribute ability.
- Fixed non-Sentient/Amalgam enemies being affected by diminishing returns when affected by Limbo’s Stasis. This specifically applies to enemies in the Index.
- Fixed hit indicators not appearing if the ‘Damage Numbers’ setting was toggled.
- Fixed Moa pets doing silly short hops when moving really slowly, or fast-walk strides when moving really fast.
- Fixed issues when combining Octavia’s Resonator and Mallet causing Mallet to not absorb damage anymore
- Fixed an issue where previewing unpurchased Weapons or Warframes would cause hitches.
- Fixed Specter’s accuracy with Bows being quite poor and their fire rate not reflecting realistic usage.
- Fixed temporarily losing the ability to aim, shoot, swap weapons, or type if the player attempts to Mercy in the middle of a knockback animation.
- Fixed Motus Impact not extending the Melee range of Titania’s Diwata.
- Fixed Terra Attack Drones in the Orb Vallis idling on the ground when not in combat instead of flying around like a good Drone should.
- Fixed being stuck in the Transference Chair in the Orbiter Captura Scene if you Transferred to the Operator.
- Fixed markers not pathing properly in the Infested Salvage mission.
- Fixed a red frame appearing around the themed Stats box briefly in some places (ex: Market).
- Fixed an error that could break the HUD for Clients joining Interception missions.
- Fixed Ambulas falling into pits when hopping around.
- Fixed Step-based Ephemeras not working on Titania Prime.
- Fixed Titania’s Thorns Tribute not reducing damage taken by the player.
- Fixed Titania’s Full Moon buff not applying to her Razorflies.
- Fixed Titania’s Reticle missing when entering Operator Mode from Razorwing.
- Fixed Atlas’ Passive preventing Atlas from having any collision in Jordas Golem fight.
- Fixed the Demolisher Juggernaut in Disruption missions getting very distracted and moving very slowly to its destination.
- Fixed Arcane "Upgraded" counter including equipped Arcanes even if they are not at max rank.
- Fixed Jad Teran not following the Scrambus rules for disabling abilities.
- Fixed Scrambus nullifications being permanent on friendly AI.
- Fixed sleep animations on Kuva Jester’s causing them to stand oddly on the shoulders of Guardians.
- Fixed the UI for Clients breaking when playing a Survival mission.
- Fixed some cases where context actions and other UI elements would show the incorrect binding after you change your bindings/settings.
- Fixed certain cases where the UI button callout like the one to open Chat would not appear correctly (either no icon or the explicit loc-tag).
- Fixed relevant Companion Mods not displaying when filtering by beast/robotic Mod types in the Mod Workbench.
- Fixed ability to set lower than the minimum accepted value for the Decoration Placement option sliders.
- Fixed UI overlapping when viewing Arcanes and then opening a Chat link.
- Fixed slightly overlapping UI trackers when playing a Disruption mission.
- Fixed issues with Coildrive damage volumes not reflecting the actual size of the Coildrive.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using Archwing in Orb Vallis or the Plains.
- Fixes towards Void nodes not being selected for Neo or Axi Void Fissure missions.
- Fixed dynamically generated missions (daily Syndicate mission) on Void nodes preventing it from also being a Void Fissure mission.
- Fixed being punted back to the Relay when attempting to load into the Simulacrum. Also fixed a crash that could accompany this attempt.
- Fixed Companions trying to attack enemies that are in Inaros’ Devour trap, which we don’t want cause we wish to snack on said enemy.
- Fixes towards some Earth tileset boundaries that allowed players to escape outside the level.
- Fixed friendly Specters suffering knockdown when deployed and taking entirely way too long to recover.
- Fixed the “Cut Fish” preview window at Fisher Hai-Luk and the “Dismantle” preview window at The Business cutting the top row of items making it impossible to see the amount of each item.
- Fixed an issue where an Eidolon Wail could hit players in Limbo’s Rift after a Host migration.
- Fixed issues with localization strings appearing in Nightwave.
- Fixed localization issues with capitalization.
- Fixed the Basmu's healing pulse receiving exponential copies of equipped Mods with each pulse when under the effect of some conditional buffs, which led to unintended amounts of damage.
- Fixed Penta/Secura Penta grenades becoming stuck when Napalm Grenades is equipped, thus rendering the Penta unusable. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1174244-penta-grenades-getting-stuck-causing-the-weapon-to-be-completely-useless/
- Fixed Grendel being able to Feast on Vauban’s deployed traps; a snack that contains no nutritional daily value.
- Fixed a noticeable hitch when picking up Bullet Jump Mods.
- Fixed an issue where you'd sometimes not get the ‘NEW!’ tag on a Bullet Jump Mod if you already owned some other Bullet Jump Mod.
- Fixed Grineer Dargyns in Erpo Earth mission flying in odd spirals.
- Fixed Scarlet Spear score not showing in your Profile.
Fixed Exodia Contagion projectiles ignoring Limbo’s Rift status of enemies/the player, letting it hit enemies across the Rift.
- This allowed for Limbo to attack from a position of invulnerability, where normally damage cannot cross the Rift unless it’s a Warframe ability of some kind.
Fixed Lech Kril not being affected by Viral Status Effects.
- The same rule of Status Effects reacting with Bosses or VIPS (added in 27.3.9) applies here.
- Fixed a functionality loss after exiting a self-stagger multiple times.
- Fixed inability to fly up/down in Archwing if the Tranq Rifle or Lure is equipped.
- Fixed a Host migration during a Disruption mission resulting in the UI becoming broken and the next round will not start.
- Fixed Ability Range Mods not affecting Titania’s Lantern ability.
- Fixed inability to equip Flight Speed Mods, such as Terminal Velocity, on the Basmu.
- Fixed enemies getting stuck inside the portal when defending the consoles in Orokin Sabotage.
- Fixed the “waiting for players” button missing in the UI when loading into Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.
- Fixed objective marker never pathing through doors to one of the cells in Caliban, Uranus.
- Fixed Saryn’s Molt doing idle animations when using certain skins.
- Fixed “awaiting revive from teammates” message missing in revive UI until players are out of revives.
- Fixed some animation inconsistencies with the Aerolyst.
- Fixed loss of functionality after swapping Primary and Secondary weapons right at the moment you die.
- Fixed an energy FX clipping through into an unintended area in Augustus, Mars.
- Fixed being unable to use Transference to Operator while Tranq Rifle or Fishing Spear is equipped.
- Fixed the Sniper Ammo Mutation mod not appearing under the Exilus category in the Mod screen.
- Fixed certain boss attacks (Ropalolyst’s laser attack and Profit Taker’s missile for example) not respecting Shield Gating and killing players in one hit.
- Fixed multiple issues with Cetus’ and the Plains of Eidolon skybox related to fog, ambient clouds, and the weather systems.
- Fixed an issue with the Sabotage mission on Thebe, Jupiter where the Client’s defense progress could deviate from the Host.
- Fixed several Syandanas (Altra, Centuria, Kerata, Kuva Braid, Maggor, Sigma Series, and Vaykor) not sitting correctly on Nova’s Atomica skin.
- Fixed an issue with featured Market items cycling while viewing your profile with the in-game Market open.
- Fixed an edge case where emotes could cancel ability animations.
- Made multiple fixes for the Golden Maw becoming invisible during attacks, when underground, or when generally not doing anything.
- Fixed the Zealoid Prelate in the Derelict Emissary Assasinate mission looking like he’s riding an invisible motorcycle and getting stuck that way if he falls off a small ledge.
- Fixed fire rate mods not working on the Prisma Burst Laser.
- Fixed pipes in the Forge room at the back of Railjack not properly lining up with sockets.
- Fixed partial themed background in Syndicate screen when selecting ‘View Offerings’ before the Syndicate transmission is fully shown.
- Fixed Cestra’s clip ejecting in the wrong directions when reloading. Also tweaked the reload animation timing so that you can see the arm rotating instead of looking like it pops.
- Fixed Emblems on Rhino Prime and Wukong Prime equipped with any TennoGen skin (except for Vojnik for Rhino) sitting too far off from the shoulders with Prime details toggled off.
- Fixes toward Warframe still performing custom reload animations with the Stratus Pistol skin equipped (the Quatz for example).
- Fixed the Mergoos being barely visible in their Codex icons.
- Fixes towards Melee weapons equipped with the Kopesh Longsword skin clipping into Warframe.
- Fixed the Codex dioramas for the Gantulyst and Hydrolyst appearing as the Teralyst.
- Fixed the Fluctus Arch-Gun’s stats not indicating that it has ‘Infinite’ punch-through. Go forth and punch-through all of the things, Tenno!
- Fixed Akarius’ projectiles not homing onto enemies for Clients.
- Fixed armor offsets for Saryn to prevent clipping into TennoGen skins. This also fixes the clipping issues with the Pakal Chest Plate and Kuva Leg Plates.
- Fixed selecting chat-linked Zaws overlapping UI screens that are already open with the Zaw inventory select screen.
Fixed the Kavat Starter Pack only giving 1x Kavat Genetic Code instead of the intended 10x. This also fixed purchasing Kavat Genetic Codes from the Kavat Starter Pack only giving 1x, when the UI indicated 10x.
- We removed the ability to purchase them in the bundle to prevent this issue, but they can still be purchased individually in the in-game Market outside of the bundle.
- Fixed the Daikyu with a skin equipped folding in the middle when unequipped and set to ‘Visible When Holstered’.
- Fixed Galvanik Shoulder Plates, Quaro, and Narvarr Prime armor clipping through Equinox’s shoulders on both of her forms.
- Fixes towards clipping issues from upper leg armor pieces on Excalibur.
- Fixed Excalibur’s Ion Helmet appearing as his default in the Conclave Arsenal after being equipped in the co-op Arsenal. This also fixed being unable to equip the Ion helmet while in the Conclave Arsenal.
- Fixed the cloth ribbon on the Karak/Karak Wraith when equipped with the Desert-Camo and Conclave skin appearing distorted and behaving strangely.
- Fixed reload animation issues on the Karak/Karak Wraith when equipped with the Desert-Camo and Conclave skin.
- Fixed the Acolyte Sigil icon in the Inventory and Arsenal menus appearing squashed.
- Fixed several Emblem icons appearing stretched and lower resolution in the Arsenal menu.
- Fixed the Braton Vandal being sellable for only 1 Credit. We increased the sell price to 7500 Credits so that it matches most other Primary Weapons.
- Fixed tilted position of the Telos Boltace when holstered on Mesa’s back.
- Fixed the icons for the Braton Nocturne Skin and Kintsugi Skin missing its clip in the in-game Market and Arsenal.
- Made fixes towards clipping issues with Bow quivers and Khora’s Spikes.
- Fixed icon for the Vahd Pauldrons not reflecting the look of the in-game item.
- Fixed the Vahd Pauldrons doubling up on the right shoulder pad on Operators.
- Fixed icons for the Akjagara Prime and Redeemer Prime showing blue energy instead of the intended orange.
- Fixed Mirage’s Mithra skin icon having different colors than the actual skin.
- Fixed Loki Dojo statues having a different material on its head than on its body.
- Fixed the Hammers Palatine skin changing sizes when equipped on the Arca Triton and Fragor Prime. It will now be the same size across the board.
- Fixed Volt's Shield causing Exodia Contagion's projectile to never explode.
- Fixed the Azima playing double the amount of shots per “fire” sound FX for other players.
- Fixed Zenith’s firing sound FX doubling for other players.
- Fixed certain instances where Sentients would stand still and not do or attack anything.
- Fixed some floating geometry that was outside of bounds in the Gas City tileset.
- Fixed lag issues when playing the Shawzin.
- Fixed missing assets in the Orb Vallis Diorama for Personal Quarters.
- Fixed a couple map holes in Lares, Mercury.
- Fixed floating platforms appearing way in the distance in the Mastery Rank 29 test.
- Fixed camera snapping behind you when standing idle and reloading, just like when you're shooting.
- Fixed stackable projectiles not resetting correctly.
- Fixed inability to clear number values after attempting to type a number in the Options menu.
- Fixed ability to clip through the Helminth Infirmary chair after having your Helminth Cyst removed.
- Fixes to numerous clipping issues with the Solstice Centuria Syandana.
- Fixed the Ocucor Arsenal stat displaying a Multishot value of 2 with no Mods equipped.
- Fixed the Ocucor's energy tendril that can home-in on enemies not being affected by Multishot.
- Fixed the Mod Drop Chance Booster text getting cut off in the Booster UI section.
- Fixed equipping a TennoGen Skin onto a polearm Zaw removing the Sugatra placements at both ends of the polearm.
- Fixed [Pause > Equipment -> Arsenal] teleporting you to the Railjack Arsenal if your Dojo doesn't have an Observatory. Option no longer shows if you don't have a completed Observatory; normally we never teleport to the Railjack one if the Observatory is complete.
- Fixed [Pause > Navigation] in the Dojo not doing anything if you have a Dry Dock/Railjack, but no Observatory room. Option no longer shows if you don't have a completed Observatory.
- Fixed Kuva Jesters growing surprisingly large on the shoulders of Kuva Guardians when affected by Ivara’s Sleep Arrow.
- Fixed Clients only seeing Sentinel Burst Laser weapon only firing 1 bolt instead of 3.
- Fixed a case of Titania’s motion/animations breaking when going in and out of Razorwing.
- Fixed incorrect Melee sounds playing when using a Gilded Polearm Zaw with a Skin.
- Fixed Mod Station Mods list appearing cut off if the Nightwave screen is opened while counting down to enter a Relay or Town and the loading starts with the Nightwave screen remaining open.
- Fixed Arch-Guns becoming invisible when equipped while casting Gauss’ Redline ability.
- Fixed both Charged Damage and Quick Shot Damage of Hildryn’s Balefire Charger Damage displaying the same value in the Arsenal.
- Fixed enemies not being affected by Heat or Impact Status Effects when under the effect of Harrow’s Condemn.
- Fixed a case of Hildryn’s Haven doing zero damage to enemies it links to.
- Fixed Dojo Decoration preview disappearing after selecting another Decoration.
- Fixed Arcane tooltip in your Inventory showing more information than necessary. The tooltip of the selected Arcane should only show the Rank information.
- Fixed incorrect Melee grip on all Heavy Blade skins.
- Fixed enemies switching their target to your Sentinel while you’re attempting a Parazon Finisher.
- Fixed Plinx becoming unusable if a negative Multishot Riven is equipped on it.
- Fixed Zaws remaining in your Warframe’s hands when switching Arsenal views to your Primary/Secondary.
- Fixed your Melee weapon appearing in your hand when Interacting with you Companion in your Orbiter.
- Fixed the Scourge projectile trail FX appearing distorted.
- Fixed Rescue Prisoner Guards spawning inside the ground during the ‘Rescue the Prisoner’ phase of a Rescue Ghoul Defector Bounty in the Plains.
- Fixed some flickering on the Ki'teer Ephemera as it wasn't properly using the Attachment Energy color.
- Fixed the Executioner Harkonar Noggle face being offset.
- Fixed cases of overlapping UI when opening the Pause Menu while viewing other screens.
- Fixed some general AI navigation and collision issues.
- Fixed multiple issues with notification icons in UI popups not appearing solid white, notably the Invasion icon.
- Fixed color issue with Gauss’ Speed Gauge UI.
- Fixed context actions appearing on Drums being used as structural decorations in the Observatory in the Dojo.
- Fixed a case where you could perform a Melee Slam backwards if you happened to be aiming at your Sentinel.
- Fixed dual wielding the Spectra Vandal with a Glaive causing the Spectra Vandal to look like the ordinary Spectra.
- Fixed Planets/ships sometimes popping into view during the fly-in cinematic.
- Fixed not being able to fuse a Mod if you had the exact amount of Credits to afford it.
- Fixed issue where Sword & Board weapon Skins would not preview with the shield opened.
- Fixed some rendering artifacts (black squares) that could appear if you killed an enemy and their ragdoll had severed body parts (notably with Frost's Avalanche).
- Fixed Vauban’s Flechette Orb being destroyed if thrown into a Mutalist Quanta orb.
- Fixed custom holstered locations for Zaw Staves defaulting after exiting the Arsenal.
- Fixed being unable to jump as Client after performing a recovery move from self-stagger.
- Fixed the Rahk Fluctus skin on ground Arch-gun flickering between it and the default skin when being viewed by another player.
- Fixed issues where enemies would not spawn in some Archwing Mobile Defense missions.
- Fixed crazy glass flickering issues in the floor of the Larunda Relay.
- Fixed being all kinds of broken if you enter Sharkwing areas as Titania in her Razorwing mode.
- Fixed being more kinds of broken if you transition from Sharkwing to land while Dual Wielding.
- Fixed inaccurate waypoint markers for Syndicate Medallions when picked up.
- Fixed Rathuum Arena scoreboard opening FX spamming constantly once opened.
- Fixed missing reticle when Transferring to Operator while in Titania’s Razorwing.
- Fixed the Corinth Prime playing an Alt Fire animation that does no damage if only 3 shots are left with no Ammo remaining.
- Fixed Rhino Stomp, Convergence Orbs, and the Ignis shooting FX appearing translucent when Adaptive Exposure is enabled.
- Fixed having Mission Progress open when completing a Mastery Test preventing loading back to the Relay.
- Fixed Executioner Harkonar decoy counting as a kill in the Rathuum Arena.
- Fixed not receiving a warning for going over the Cetus Daily Standing Limit when providing Fish.
- Fixed ending up with no UI if you were killed in an Arbitration mission before a Host migration and did not spawn until the migration was complete.
- Fixed GPU particles sometimes not taking the proper energy colors upon being recycled.
- Fixes towards Vallis/Plains NPCs that sometimes end up in navigation-less areas becoming completely stationary when there is no way for them to get to proper land, instead of at least fighting back.
- Fixed an issue with Jackal / Razorback functionality in terms of boss properly navigating rooms.
- Fixed functionality loss when selecting the category bar in the Mods section of the Codex and attempting to search.
- Fixed Exodia Contagion’s projectiles being invisible when a Skin is equipped.
- Fixed the Jackal getting stuck in various room geometry.
- Fixed Clients inability to see themselves perform any further Emotes after performing an Emote.
- Fixed the Operators having black teeth due to not understanding the importance of flossing.
- Fixed some missing UI Icons in the in-game Market.
- Fixed the squad menu displaying the incorrect equipped Relic name, and always displaying as |ERA|CATEGORY| (Rank).
- Fixed Hold cast/charge abilities becoming nonfunctional if interrupted by a Parazon finisher.
- Fixed Torid Toxin grenades dealing self-damage.
- Fixed inability to approach Orb Vallis Coildrives to initiate a hack due to the Coildrive constantly shocking and knocking you back.
- Fixed Grattler projectiles sometimes immediately exploding when fired which sometimes resulted in a crash.
- Fixed a script error in Rell's Condemn ability.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if you received a transmission from a Converted Kuva Lich while in Fortuna, Cetus, or a Relay.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if Sargus Ruk attempted to swing his flamethrower wide and spray you with fire before actually acquiring you as a target.
- Fixed a script error that could occur for Clients if someone died during the energy-draining phase of the Power Drift puzzle.
- Fixed a couple script errors that could occur while fighting the Cunning Drift Security Eye.
- Fixed a rare crash when the squad Host migrates while loading into a Relay.
- Fixed crash in Conclave due to the “x was killed by x” message.
- Fixed a crash when a player would try to get into an emplacement and then before finishing the emplacement, the player is knocked out of it.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading large levels on low-end hardware caused by the system being unable to handle large IO queues.
- Fixed crash that could occur with projectiles and Wisp’s Motes.
- Fixed crash related to casting Oberon’s abilities.
- Fixed a script crash that could occur if you boarded a K-Drive too soon after entering an open level (Vallis/Plains).
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a Corpus Gas City mission while someone was activating a secret puzzle.
- Fixed a script error when joining-in-progress on a Titania with multiple Tribute buffs active.
- Fixed a script error when casting Titania’s Tribute ability.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if Index points were deposited right as you left the Index mission.
- Fixed a script error when Rushing a Dojo room.
- Fixed a script error when casting Exacalibur’s Radial Javelin.
- Fixed a script error when being downed.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a squad hunting animals in either Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed a script crash when encountering a Capture objective in Orb Vallis.
- Fixed a number of script crashes that could occur if you joined a squad on Merrow right when people were breaking into Kela de Thaym's lair.
- Fixed a script error that could break Defection missions that had already failed because too many Kavor Defectors had been killed - if a Defector evacuated during the countdown to extraction the script would break and not be able to force the mission to fail.
- Fixed a script error in Infested Salvage missions if you joined right as someone was activating a Vaporizer.
- Fixed a script error that could occur in Infested Salvage missions after a Host migration that would prevent the HUD from being updated.
- Fixed a script error that could occur after a Host migration of a mission with in-world transmission screens (Kuva Fortress, Rathuum, etc).
- Fixed a script error that could occur if someone started your Guild's Ascension Ceremony right while you were loading into a mission.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a Host Migration interrupted an Eidolon Hunt while the Shrine was enabled.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if you viewed the Excavator Codex entry.
- Fixed a script error that could occur during Ghoul Purge Bounties.
- Fixed a script error when quitting Warframe while in Cetus.
- Fixed a script error related to Garuda’s Talons.
- Fixed a script error with Excavator missions.
- Fixed a script error occurring when playing a Survival mission.
- Fixed a script crash when spawning a Specter.
- Fixed script error that could occur if you tried to equip your Fishing Spear in a Dojo Dual.
- Fixed a script error that could break waypoints when joining Infested Salvage missions in progress.
- Fixed a script error that could break Infested Salvage missions if you Transferred to the Operator at the wrong time.
- Fixed a script error when using Fireworks.
- Fixed a script error when initiating a K-Drive Race in the Orb Vallis.
- Fixed a script error when initiating the ‘Help Clem’ quest.
- Fixed a script error when using Simaris’s Kinetic Siphon Trap.
- Fixed a script error when killing a Kuva Thrall.
- Fixed a script error that would occur when the game was determining attack logic for Atlas Rumblers.
- Fixed a number of script errors that would occur if you died during an in-world transmission like the ones seen on screen in Rathuum, etc.
- Fixed a number of script errors that would occur if you failed Bounties.
- Fixed errors associated with Scarlet Spear and Survival host migration.
- Fixed script errors that could occur when joining Kuva Fortress missions as a Client if the level contained an assembly hall tileset.
- Fixed a script error when a Host migration occurred when using Magus Lockdown.
- Fixed a script error when damaging Grineer Surveillance Drones.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a security camera spotted you just as you were knocked slightly out of the world.
- Fix ability script errors that could occur in the transition between phases in Mastery Rank 14 test (and possibly others).
- Fixed a number of script errors that could occur if you died during an in-world transmission in Rathuum.
- Fixed a harmless script error that would occur if you aborted a mission at the exact moment your Dethcube's Vaporize Precept fired.
- Fixed script error that could occur when joining Exterminate missions in progress.
- Fixed script error that would occur if someone was dead in spectator mode when the first person reached extraction; this may have broken the trigger and required you to move away from extraction and back again to try again.
- Fixed several script errors that could occur when transitioning to a new area while carrying the Shedu.
- Fixed script error that could occur in the Power Drift Hall of Ascension room.
- Fixed a script error if the Orokin laser trap had one of its caps destroyed before it started extending.
- Fixed a couple script errors if you Rank up after Taxon activates its Molecular Conversion.
- Fixed a script error if your Sentinel died while being nullified.
- Fixed a script error if a Client's Warframe died after applying the last Void Strike bonus damage.
- Fixed a script error that would occur sometimes when applying DNA Stabilizers to your Pet Companion.
- Fixed a script error that could occur in Infested Salvage if you died and were in spectator mode.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you Transferred to your Operator at the right moment in an Invasion mission at the cross-over point between the ships.
- Fixed a script error if a Ghoul Expired jumps at a target who dies by the time they get there.
- Fixed a script error that could break Ghoul Purge Bounties if a player died while bringing the Grokdul processor to the injector.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when reaching the Cetus doors to enter the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed a script error related to the Tusk Mortar Bombard attacking you in the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed a script error related to Eidolon Lures.
- Fixed script error that could occur if a Kuva Fortress mine was destroyed mid-way through it's spawn animation.
- Fixed a script error related to the Ropalolyst doing an ‘angry animation’.
- Fixed a script error when looking at the Archwing category in the Market.
- Fixed a script error related to Clan Pigment Research.
- Fixed a script error related to Shade’s Ghost Precept.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when using the Ludoplex.
- Fixed a script error with Limbo's Rift Torrent Augment that could occur if Rift Surge was cast after a Railjack warp.
- Fixed a script error when casting Volt’s Discharge ability right when another player was joining-in-progress.
- Fixed a script error when casting numerous Warframe abilities.
- Fixed an edge case crash that could occur when suffering a bad connection.
- Fixed a script error that could result in the Kuva Siphon not spawning correctly.
- Fixed a script error in Vor's Prize if you happened to kill an enemy after recovering the Nav Segment; apart from a few cosmetic things this would have broken the extra Affinity you would have earned for optionally destroying the Reactor.
- Fixed a script error that would prevent Sanctuary Onslaught Conduits from appearing.
- Fixed a script error that could occur in Ambulas Assassinate missions if an Ambulas was picked up by a Condor Dropship while a Drone was still tethered to it.
- Fixed multiple other script errors with the Ambulas Assasinate mission.
- Fixed a script error that could be caused by various NPC attacks that temporarily blind the player.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when fighting Eidolons if an energy wave was still propagating as the Eidolon died.
- Fixed a script error related to having a Cyst.
- Fixed a script error that resulted in a UI soft-lock if you open a Look Link with an Archwing in it.
- Fixed a script error when returning to the Liset after a mission.
- Fixed a script error after returning to the Relay from mission.
- Fixed a script error with Baruuk's Lull ability when used with Railjack Ability Kinesis.
- Fixed a script error that could occur in Spy missions as a Client under hostile network conditions.
- Fixed script error you could encounter as a Client playing an Archwing Pursuit mission.
- Fixed script error you could encounter when joining an Archwing Pursuit mission in-progress.
- Fixed a script error that could occur on Gas City missions when joining a mission in progress .
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a Ghoul Rictus' hook-shot grabbed onto something that was destroyed before it could reach.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a Ghoul Rictus' hook-shot grabbed onto something right as you exited the mission.
- Fixed Host migration script errors in Orokin Sabotage missions.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if joining a mission right when a Harrow casts Condemn.
- Fixed a script error that would occur for any Client observing a Gara cast Spectrorage; this would have resulted in missing customization effects for all Clients.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a mission right when a Gara casts Spectrorage.
- Fixed several script errors related to Ammo Dispensers in open-world maps that would occur when joining missions in progress.
- Fixed a script error with Magus Lockdown.
- Fixed a script crash that could occur when killing an enemy while having the Peculiar Growth Mod equipped.
- Fixed a harmless script error that would occur if you aborted a mission while a Teralyst was gathering Vomvalysts to shield it.
- Fixed a script that could occur if you flipped off your K-Drive at the right moment and sent it flying into the hallway between Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you killed a Carabus while it was still blasting you with its heat ray.
- Fixed a script error that could occur with various Sentient and Corpus types.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if the Ropalolyst lost its target.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining Exterminate missions in progress.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when loading between regions wearing certain types of Armor (Etheria Shoulder Plates, Saturn Six Knee Plates, etc.).
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a mission in progress while someone is opening a locker.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if all Tenno were down during an air-strike on Hades (Pluto).
- More fixes towards a Void Fissure script error mistakenly causing the Fissures to spawn on the ground, not slightly above it.
- Fixed a script error that could occur for Clients joining a mission in progress in the Power Drift Hall of Ascension room.
- Fixed script crashes related to Operators using Madurai’s Void Radiance or Unairu’s Void Chrysalis Focus Ways and Clients with slower connections to the Host.
- Fixed a script error that would occur when joining a mission that has alarm buttons under hostile network conditions.
- Fixed a script error that would occur for Clients if you loaded into a Capture mission after the Target-capturing animation had started.
- Fixed a harmless script error that could occur if you aborted a mission while Energy Conversion was active.
- Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when joining a Capture mission in progress right as the Target was downed.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if certain types of objects were pushed into teleport volumes.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you dismounted a K-Drive at the last second and sent it flying into a loading tunnel while another Tenno watched.
- Fixed a script error if you managed to destroy a Kuva Fortress Shrapnel Mine before it could explode.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a squad where someone using the Mecha Mod set kills the marked target right at the same time.
- Fixed a script error in the Shockwave Actuators Precept that could occur if the enemy in the blast area was destroyed while it was being knocked back.
- Fixed a script error occurring when your Sentinel attempts to Revive you.
- Fixed a script error with Nova’s Antimatter Drop with the Atomica Skin equipped.
- Fixed a script error with Smeeta Kavat’s Mischief precept.
- Fixed multiple script errors when casting Warframe abilities.
- Fixed a script error that could affect people playing the New Strange or the Silver Grove Quests when joining other missions or quitting the game.
- Fixed a script error if you log out (i.e. drop connection) while customizing Warframe/Weapon/etc colors.
- Fixed a script error when joining an Eidolon Hunt in progress.
- Fixed a script error that could occur while playing the Saya's Vigil Quest.
- Fixed a script error that would show up in Gas City Spy vaults but only in Sortie missions.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when becoming a Host due to a Host migration.
- Fixed a script error when loading into a mission and casting Baruuks Lull ability.
- Fixed a script error when summoning a friendly Saryn Specter.
- Fixed a script error that could occur while playing a Survival mission.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when opening a Resource Cache in a Sabotage mission.
- Fixed a script error when encountering the Halls of Ascension Endurance Test.
- Fixed a script error when placing Decorations in the Dojo.
- Fixed script error that could occur when entering the Plains of Eidolon at the same time as someone sacrifices a Brilliant Eidolon Shard.
- Fixed multiple script errors related to Host migrations in Arbitration missions.
- Fixed script errors when casting numerous Warframe abilities.
- Fixed a harmless script error that would occur at the end of a Fomorian Assault mission if any core nodes were destroyed right as the shields were going back up.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if you died trying to reach a safe distance from a Fomorian before it exploded.
- Fixed script error that would occur if you crashed during a Fomorian Assault and managed to restart and reconnect to the mission during the escape sequence.
- Fixed a script error caused by a Mirage Sleight Of Hand trap wanting to explode after it has already expired.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if a Saryn Specter considered casting Spore with only 1 enemy within 15 meters.
- Fixed several script errors that could occur during screen-shake events, particularly if you just joined the mission or died abruptly during a shake.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a mission in progress while an Ivara was using Prowl.
- Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a Ropalolyst mission in progress or suffering a complete party-wipe before it uses a special attack.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you were swinging Excalibur’s Exalted Blade at the same time as you activated a context action.
- Fixed a script error that could occur as a result of various flash-bang NPC attacks mis-firing on non-player targets.
- Fixed a script error when logging out while the Saya's Vigil Quest is active.
- Fixed a script error when entering Orb Vallis as a Client while Thermia Fractures are active.
- Fixed a script error related to restoring Health after Host migration
- Fixed a script error that could occur when leaving an open world area with a Chesa Kubrow using the Retrieve Precept.
- Fixed script error related to Helminth Chargers Strain Eruption Maggots exploding.
- Fixed script error that could occur if someone quit the game instead of picking a Void Fissure reward.
- Fixed script error that could occur when jumping down into the darkness in the Apostasy Prologue as Excalibur Umbra.
- Fixed script error related to Mirage’s Sleight of Hand ability.
- Fixed a script error that could break the Excavation HUD.
- Fixed a server script error when changing Arcanes.
- Fixed a script error when casting Atlas’ Petrify ability.
- Fixed a script error when dying in Rathuum or The Index.
- Fixed a script error when selecting a new color in a Color Palette.
- Fixed a script error when Fishing that resulted in inability to use Dye, Fish not moving, etc.