over 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link

Fortuna is in CERT! The long awaited submission day came yesterday, but the wait remains for testing. There is SO much in this upcoming update - not just Fortuna Part 1. Everything from beyond 'Mask of the Revenant' is within - so please bear with us as we await word on pass/fail! In the meantime, this Hotfix launches the next Prime Vault on all platforms, meaning Nintendo Switch is officially in-sync when it comes to Prime Access AND Prime Vaults! All the glitters is gold!

Fortuna Cert Status: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1052679-fortuna-part-1-on-switch-cert-status-thread/


  • Full launch of Ember Prime and Frost Prime Vault!


over 5 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link
On 2019-01-29 at 2:09 PM, (NSW)EpiL0N said:

Will the fortuna update bring the tennogen access up to date with the other consoles? 

It will not - we have to bundle and license separately but we have stuff coming!

over 5 years ago - [DE]Bear - Direct link
On 2019-01-29 at 11:29 AM, (NSW)Nikolalia said:

Nice update thanks. Can you also update the many bugs that are within the game that are spoiling it for everyone playing not just concentrating on the prime vaults and people spending platinum. Would be nice to play the game without getting stuck in scenary multiple times, having colour bugs fixed, Cetus fixed etc etc. Many thanks though on a great but unfinished port.

We hear you, and we see many of you have been encountering bugs and issues with the Switch updates, and we have been pretty open about these issues and the importance of getting these problems fixed. We know it seems that while other new releases are being placed in the game (such as the Prime Vault), we are not spending time on existing issues. This is far away from the actual reality of what we are doing, and we will continue to squash these bugs with fervent determination.

Many of these problems come with growing pains while developing on a new platform with very different requirements. We understand that some of these bugs can be frustrating - something felt by all of us too - but this will not be the norm as we keep pushing through!