Seriously, we post level holes / glitches whenever we find them and he fixes them within a few days or same day. MVP.
External link →Seriously, we post level holes / glitches whenever we find them and he fixes them within a few days or same day. MVP.
External link →D'aww, you guys. <3
I'm a member of the part of the community that enjoys running around outside the map more than actually playing so de_killerkarpfen is actually the ultimate warframe villian.
Once upon a time, i saw a post in the subreddit. With a tag "bug". In which showed some part of a map that led to oblivion and disrupted the Tenno in their holy war against galactic over population.
One post summoned u/DE_Killerkarpfen . Like a batman light-signal, the post linked thy holy name.
Then i thought, Yea right, what a world it would be where heroes come upon our beck and call. Ready to fix a tiny annoyance that could easily be avoided and had tiny disruption in gameplay.
How happy I was to be proven wrong, for DE_Killerkarpfen swooped in and informed that he was informed of it. DE_Killerkarpfen was on it and like inspector Gadget fixed the issue.
You may think you are just a fixer of tiles. But to me, you are the beacon of hope that responsibilities mean something. That excitement and swiftness to response should be an innate instinct for those in this world we live in.
You may think you are just one tiny cog in the machine, but to me, DE_Killerkarpfen inspired me to remain vigilant in the service to humanity and that any little thing may matter to someone, somewhere.
I'll print that out and hang it on my wall here.
Hear Hear!
Let us all take a moment to realize the glory that never was.
I once took a twin pair of twin Grakatas, set them to autofire and haphazardly attached them to a Grineer Roller. It was deemed as 'too much'! :(
- DE_Killerkarpfen
Read that again, because I don't think you got it the first time: a twin pair of twin Grakatas.
This message paid for by the WAAAAAAGH!!!
On that note, there is a grineer galleon tile that desperately need to have its terminals returned.
Screenshot me and I can take a look.
Thanks, got the tile. Strangely enough the panic buttons are all there in editor but nor in your game. I will dig some more and check with our QA on this, something's fishy.
I lack a screenshot but I do have a doodle of the tile I think he was talking about. I recently got locked in it on a Grineer/Infested cross-exterm, it's the three-level one where the north/south (for two definitions of north) entrances are on the middle floor with catwalks to the upper floor that has the side exits, and a lower floor with some computer terminals or machinery or something. Looks kinda like this:
Hopefully someone comes along with a proper screencap for you. By the way, what is the best way to get screenshots to you guys? IIRC there's some specific way of taking them that gives you the tile info in the metadata, but I don't recall what that was.
Just wanted to let you know that doodle was very spot on, kudos!
I don't know if I should be proud or terrified.
i reported one in ticket nr 1971394
probably the same one OP meant
Likely, Ill check that ticket tomorrow to be safe, cheers.