11 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s oh
2s hello I am here for Calavera launch day
5s I I don't actually know if I'm streaming
7s to the right channel though so we'll
8s have to see
11s twitch.tv Warframe oh maybe it's working
14s can you hear me
18s Maybe
19s I don't know
21s uh
24s uh we got we got calervo in the club and
27s I'm happy to be here to talk to you
29s about the seven crimes of it's actually
31s colorbo colorbo
34s is my
36s non-finish
38s loud and clear great oh loud and clear
40s over that's great
43s sound the game sound you won't be able
44s to hear till now
47s uh all right
48s so we are well actually there's actually
52s a uh Nintendo Direct right now so if
54s anything cool happens there don't
56s hesitate to let me know
58s uh will love would love to know more
61s about that
64s um
65s what's up what's going on first time
66s being able to talk on stream that's
68s super cool
69s congratulations on finding your voice
72s it is update day we are launching the
74s seven crimes of coolervo coolervo
77s colervo Helen is gonna
80s hit me with some finish finish grammar
82s books but uh did you you did this during
85s the Nintendo Direct I just am doing the
87s update stream if there's cool things
89s happening in the direct your job is to
91s tell me
91s can I show the new Gauss skin it would
93s be my pleasure
95s it would be my pleasure
97s to show you it uh so this is my current
99s Gauss this is using a tennogen skin I
103s think he looks pretty cool but what if
105s there was the Gauss cresnick skin
109s what then
111s how would we feel then
113s do you see what I'm saying
115s with this
117s look at that
118s look at that
121s look at that
126s yeah
127s unbelievable
131s we got you can do the red line mode of
133s course
135s and it comes with the accelitra skin
138s oh we got a this is the test build by
140s the way probably should clarify you
143s could it could be yours in no time at
146s all of course we don't want skins we
148s want cross safe unfortunately our 3D
150s character artists are not the uh
154s code experts you may think they are but
157s you are right we've talked about cross
159s save for so long that it would be nice
160s to get an update but I don't have any
162s information right now on that uh
164s but we are working on it
168s a gene dobry ah yes there's some some
171s Polish folks in the in the chat
174s greetings from Germany hello
177s yeah it is the the direction for the
180s Gauss Deluxe skin was you know like a
182s Mecca Hermes you know messenger of the
184s Gods speed
186s and I I think uh we worked with Takaya
189s who some of you might know as uh from
191s the art community home like look how
194s good that looks it's ridiculous
196s oh my God
199s yep
201s for me this is the one this is this is
204s it for me
207s all right what else oh yeah there's a
209s trailer why don't we take a quick look
211s at the trailer and uh learn more about
214s the seven crimes of colorvo this is
217s Redline active this is Redline uh
219s non-active so you should be able to get
222s a sense
225s this is this is
226s this is my guess okay why don't we take
228s a look at the update trailer and talk
230s about the seven crimes of killerville
233s see you there
244s [Music]
255s this Kingdom cannot shelter you from
258s your sin
270s thank you
298s foreign
305s deaths and your crimes will still pursue
309s you
310s [Applause]
315s [Music]
330s [Music]
337s all right so that was the trailer you
340s know what I might roll it continuously
342s if I have to deal with something so if I
344s just encourage you to watch that trailer
346s again it's because I have to do
348s something but uh yeah that is the um the
351s big overview of the seven crimes of
353s color row this update has
356s so much in it uh it's uh it's a it's a
360s lot and we can we can kind of go through
363s the meat and potatoes of it of course we
366s have it's not live yet this is sort of
368s like a pre-launch stream to walk you
370s through the update uh for the Gauss
373s enjoyers I'm telling you it's a good day
376s to be a Gauss enjoys and we have a brand
377s new Warframe and a brand new I we were
380s saying mini boss fight in dubiri but
384s it's a boss fight it's complex enough
387s different enough has its own Arena has
390s its own vo like it really is a boss
392s fight but we can call it mini boss you
394s know under promise over deliver maybe I
396s don't know but this is calervo colervo
399s uh he does not have any well he does
402s have knees actually I would I would say
404s I would say
406s the absence of a meniscus does not
409s indicate the absence of a knee joint uh
414s there's there's a knee there uh but yeah
417s so and the router his signature shotgun
420s is incredible so I'll go I'll go shoot
423s some stuff uh what's his subsumability
425s yeah we can talk a little bit about his
426s abilities I don't think players have
427s gotten other than the marketing website
430s you might not have um too much Insight
432s on how this mysterious betrayed Warframe
435s works
436s there is a new shotgun it is awesome uh
439s you actually can't see anything right
441s now because I'm blocking it so I'll just
443s go I'll just go I'll just go play uh but
445s the router this boy has boots would we
447s describe those as boots yeah I guess we
449s would
450s I guess we would uh can I make myself
452s smaller like like squish Oh Oh you mean
456s the the Box yes I can
459s uh
462s fur helmets
465s we have ourselves
467s we can take his first uh which is
470s wrathful Advance you can tap to do oh
473s this is a teleport ability so it is
476s altered
477s um I thought it was altered diminishing
478s range in melee crit chance so this is
480s basically a gap closer slash melee buff
483s so this is the
486s uh helmet ability
488s uh he looks incredible the sound work
490s the design he's really really really uh
493s very special frame
497s uh Hellman's teleport yeah that's
500s actually kind of Bonkers like you can
501s put teleport with reduced range keep in
504s mind it is altered on any Warframe so
507s you could be hildren and you could just
509s be ready to teleport around
512s it's not it's not the worst ability it's
514s actually the best it's it's kind of kind
517s of Bonkers uh okay so what are what are
520s we dealing with here
522s let me just check I actually have to
523s let's see let's see let's see
527s uh let's go what's going on here
533s color him okay yeah we'll do some a
535s little bit of fashion frame on him
540s I Grendel teleporting is terrifying yeah
543s oh my God he's just so cool I kind of
546s got a crush on him I'm not gonna lie
549s all right I kind of love them
552s he's so cool
555s like cooler than cool
558s why is he so cool
561s like [ __ ] that
563s team killed it
567s all right
569s cooler though there we go he's Rising it
572s up without even trying oh can you turn
573s the daggers on that's a great question
575s and the answer is they are an auxiliary
577s layer so if you don't like the daggers
579s you can actually go into his attachments
581s and you can take off the baneful blades
583s so you can you can get him
586s without uh without knives if you want so
589s the baneful blades are a auxiliary layer
591s to uh colorvo so if you don't like them
595s if you want to free him from his torment
597s you can you can just take those right
598s off but me I can fix him so I shall I
602s shall not
603s well uh let's just quickly I'm going to
606s just quickly show you the router in the
608s simula actually no I'm going to show you
609s a couple other things first uh firstly
611s you'll notice that depending on your
613s rank in the opportunity intrinsics
615s you'll be able to preview your gear
617s before you go in the start before you go
619s into dubiri so for instance in this case
620s like oh okay Amber Harrow Equinox and
623s Octavia are awaiting Me Maybe I want to
626s mod them because I know I can go in and
628s play with them so you can mod them ahead
629s of time because you know what's going to
630s be in there
631s and the same goes for weapons uh and
635s then calervo's hold will be live which
637s is an instant way to play against the
639s calerbo boss fight and get some of his
641s resources and it is not solo only you
645s can match make but it is the lone story
646s which means there's no side activities
648s so when you go in there you're going to
650s be playing a lone story duvery run and
653s we do have 15 new Boons so you'll be
656s able to experiment with some new Boons
658s and those will be waiting for you in
662s there
663s it costs five clamps and I can explain
666s how that works and why
668s it's a bit of a floor to make sure that
671s the people you're matchmaking with have
673s at least done one Dewberry run
675s uh you'll always get you'll earn pathos
679s run clamps from this run so for instance
682s when you finish it and finish the oil
683s worm you're gonna get five back the
685s reason it's there is a so you don't burn
688s yourself out by playing the same lone
690s story over and over and over and over
691s again uh and it's really to make sure
694s the people that are entering this at
695s least have some experience with the uh
699s run and you are getting them back uh by
702s not total you'll be spending five and
704s you'll get five back right because
705s you'll get 10 pathos clamps as a reward
708s therefore it's like an offset uh so
712s that's how that works
715s you're not not gonna get them from that
717s run
718s then we have
721s net gain of five per run yeah that's
723s right
724s uh we do have a whole bunch of new stuff
726s I really want to shoot the shotgun
728s before I have to go and I have to just
729s check my slot quickly so maybe I'll uh
731s Play the trailer again in the short term
733s because
735s it's more of a deposit that you can do
737s the aura one yeah that's that was the
739s thinking behind it
740s um
741s I only have 15. it just means it's like
744s a deposit and it just kind of shows that
746s you're gonna match make with people that
747s at least it's like a soft
749s check on on uh on the the matchmaking
754s pool
755s whis Prime is not coming today
757s uh let's see we have new uh coronets for
761s the cave so your cave can now wear a
765s pretty core in it which is beautiful and
767s I love them
769s and I have 8 million Platinum because
772s I'm out there grinding trade chat I'm
775s selling my things I'm just grinding
778s trade chat no this is my debit account
780s so you can put
783s um this is the coronets that you can put
785s on your case there's five of them one
787s for each mood you might recognize this
789s uh from the NPCs that you deal with
793s uh there oh yeah so this is a new tail I
796s have the Gauss kresnick horse collection
799s things which you can check when you're
802s customizing your cave
804s the new Drifter suit is super super sick
808s very origami inspired
812s okay I really want to shoot the shotgun
815s so I'm just gonna run into the
816s simulacrum real quick just to show you
818s guys
819s that the multitude of creatures you have
822s immortalized would cry out in thanks
826s uh did I miss the free frame you
829s probably did you're probably thinking of
830s steinx the veil breaker 50th Warframe
833s that we did
835s uh
837s time for some Target how long are the
838s passion was like 29 Pages the community
840s team rocked it
842s all right
844s patch notes are not out already
847s I just need to check to see if I'm being
849s summoned
853s all right
855s so the router this is the router it is a
859s shotgun it is calervo signature shotgun
861s calavo signature weapon cooler bow sorry
863s Helen boasts melee Synergy every shot
866s that lands increases the wielder's melee
868s combo count so picture this we don't
870s really need to picture it because I'm
871s about to show you so every shot that
873s lands increases the wielder's melee
875s combo count when Calavera wields router
877s it also increases his melee combo
879s duration so basically your
882s peppering fools with shotgun and then
884s your melee counter is actually
886s increasing as a result of the route
889s making contact so let's uh let's do a
892s little Demo First without enemies
896s foreign
903s as always the team has made
908s an exceptional exceptional weapon
917s all right now we'll shoot somebody
920s uh who will we choose we'll just we'll
923s just grab I always choose butchers just
926s I feel bad but not really oh something
929s else we can do now is you can do a steel
931s path toggle which gives enemies the
932s attributes of Steel path enemies uh in
935s the simulacrum which is to say their
937s survivability tweaks you know they have
939s the increased
941s um armor among other things so if I
944s wanted to I could kind of go in with a
947s 190 level steel path modified uh
951s simulacrum experience
953s now keep in mind I actually don't think
956s I mounted the router at all right now so
958s this is UN unmodded router against yeah
961s there's nothing on it against uh steel
964s path butchers but their brains are
966s turned off so it doesn't really matter
967s oh no I didn't turn their brains off oh
969s no okay let's see if we can survive
971s oh I I can't oh
975s don't tell anyone I did that not even
978s don't tell anyone don't tell anyone
981s don't tell anyone pause AI
985s all right there we go
988s you saw nothing
991s okay we'll do one enemy then okay so
993s first we'll use calervo's one so here
995s you can see that I'm gonna teleport
996s wherever this goes
999s so I'm holding one
1002s I'm holding my first ability
1004s and then I appear
1009s and I can also actually just Target the
1011s enemy with it
1013s and I do a heavy attack with that Target
1016s so I did a heavy attack on uh release of
1020s the ability so I tapped it on an enemy
1024s and that's his first ability so colorvo
1027s is uh let's let's uh
1030s let's get a few more butchers
1039s so tap one
1043s instant heavy attack on the spot uh the
1046s second ability
1048s so those that does AOE daggers so it's
1051s going to Target enemies but for anyone
1053s that doesn't hit an enemy
1054s um it'll deal damage to colervo
1057s so let's just keep in mind that we
1059s actually are also doing something pretty
1060s radical with this update which is
1062s Overgaard on Warframe so you can see at
1064s the top right color color vote calervo
1067s calervo now has over God Overgaard over
1070s God I guess because he's god tier uh so
1073s in this case uh culervo has no Shield
1075s stats but
1077s as you can see there's one dagger left
1079s and it turned in on me so it's uh it's
1082s gonna deal some damage to me so you have
1083s to use that tactically
1085s uh and now I'm out of energy
1087s maybe I'll keep the last two a secret
1095s our third ability is going to link
1096s enemies it's a angle so what I did was
1100s on a 65 degree angle there I blasted out
1103s and all those enemies are now linked
1105s with Collective curves so their damage
1108s is shared so as you can see here
1113s the damage is shared between those
1115s Collective cursed enemies
1121s finally a domino ability yeah and then
1124s the ultimate of course brings forth the
1128s reign of daggers with the storm of uko
1132s which is an AOE
1134s that Reigns daggers from the sky
1136s and you'll need to be very careful not
1139s to fall to any of these abilities when
1140s you fight calervo in the DeBerry Paradox
1144s experience so this is some
1147s melee based fast-paced the most
1151s dangerous game dive on
1153s excellent
1156s all right what's what what's going on
1158s here
1162s all right
1167s looks like my free time is gone it's not
1169s it's it's a free to play game it's still
1172s free time
1173s is that the new frame yes skullervo is
1175s here the teleport is going to be super
1177s fun it is super fun
1179s uh when is the update coming out very
1180s very very very very very very very soon
1183s very soon today Within
1186s maybe within 25 minutes 30 minutes
1190s OKO is The Finnish God of weather yes
1195s uh West Prime is not in this update
1198s uh what other questions do we have so
1200s for quality of life stuff we actually
1201s have a ton there's 15 new decrees that
1204s are in the uh
1206s in the devere experience we have the
1209s signature Island boss fight with colervo
1212s does the overguard have something oh
1215s that question went too fast
1216s uh when Santa Con August 26th tickets
1219s are sold out but you can still get
1220s digital pack
1222s uh
1223s what other questions
1225s anything new with Planet extractors not
1228s in this update more in karnan's not in
1231s this update
1233s uh
1235s what is the fire rate for the new
1237s shotgun
1238s specifically the default fire rate of
1241s the router
1243s is that's the well that was the right
1246s thing fire rate is 0.8
1250s he holds on to a blade with his Idol he
1252s does
1254s oh my gosh there's there's so many
1257s questions
1258s uh is Overgaard capped I believe the
1262s patch notes will explain exactly what
1263s we've done with Overgaard and how it
1265s affects not only colorvo but other
1266s warframes
1269s um what else is there uh new companions
1271s not in this update this update has a ton
1274s though so we have colorvo we have Gauss
1276s kresnick we have the new color bow uh
1279s boss fight side portals in daviri have
1281s opened up horse racing is back corrupted
1284s decreaser here so Dominus has some
1286s decrees that you can choose that have a
1287s trade-off similar to corrupted mods uh
1290s we have the Sprout system which just
1292s gives you some bonus resources once per
1294s day every time you play duviri we got
1297s tennogen launching we've oh here's a
1300s good one so 10 New 10o Gen is launching
1303s and it is gorgeous and we've also got oh
1305s gosh what a item we've also gone in and
1308s uh made the adult ver we've adult sized
1314s I guess uh some popular uh Cosmetics so
1318s the Harrier transfer and suit is now
1320s adult size as is one of the Prime ones
1323s so if you like the hairier suit and you
1326s want your Drifter to look as cool as
1329s mine
1331s you can do just that
1334s see what I'm saying
1336s is he okay what do you mean is he okay
1337s he's better than okay he's so cool
1343s I think y'all are just jealous that you
1345s don't have
1346s my cool
1348s look
1351s I have the um the the
1354s if you finish a focus school you can get
1356s Oregon
1358s color
1359s um complexion
1362s and it seems to me that everyone doesn't
1364s appreciate
1367s how cool my Drifter looks
1369s the refashia kit could be yours if you
1371s finish a focus School
1373s I think he looks awesome what is going
1375s on
1378s why why are you all being haters
1381s what did I do to deserve it he looks so
1383s cool
1389s he does not have vas or indeed
1391s deficiency
1396s he looks incredible you're all wrong and
1399s jealous
1400s that's the problem you're all bombastin
1403s you're all envious of my cool cool
1405s looking guy I'm not trolling I think he
1407s looks awesome
1410s oh my God all of you should be ashamed
1414s of yourself
1422s yeah he looks like a vampire exactly
1426s all right I'm gonna do a quick check in
1428s with the team and then you know we'll
1431s hang out okay so big picture uh why do
1434s we play the trailer again while I check
1435s in let's take a look see you on the
1437s other side
1447s [Music]
1458s this Kingdom cannot shelter you from
1462s your sin
1499s foreign
1509s deaths and your crimes will still pursue
1512s you
1513s [Applause]
1519s [Music]
1522s know
1533s [Music]
1535s welcome back I hope you enjoyed that the
1537s update is going to come within the next
1539s 20 minutes or so so why don't instead of
1541s you watching the update and seeing
1544s oh I actually have to go so we're going
1546s to send this over to uh no sympathy AKA
1549s Clark with the raid so Clark will take
1551s you through the update hype machine
1553s and you know maybe give you some insight
1557s based on the website that we released
1558s with all of all of the things uh let's
1561s uh colero is coming today probably like
1562s 20 minutes or less uh so why don't y'all
1565s we're waiting for raiding Clark no
1566s sympathy see you over there uh please
1569s enjoy the update we'll be standing by
1572s for next steps so thanks for watching
1574s and uh send some hype over to Clark get
1578s ready for calervo to come out and all of
1580s the things in the seven crimes of
1582s clairvo update thank you very much for
1584s watching and
1586s see you later
1587s bye-bye
1589s I will just play the trailer again
1591s because I have nothing else to say
1594s thanks to the de team for making the
1595s update
1597s thank you very much
1609s [Music]
1619s this Kingdom cannot shelter you from
1623s your sin
1645s thank you